Sunday, April 8, 2007

Thomas Lowe Taylor -- WHIM


lore of the fries

more term skies
skin the lates

yr own posterior
ester of granule


last of the flights
larks of the night
leaks of the bite
ski of the byes

i'd her heart
yet slid
my own intent
a lasting loss
but removed
and returns
the last line
lates the lore

larks of the splinter
nor remoter

what's hassled borneos
the former rafter solemns
thence portuned, opportunated

where's light the spinal
fluix nor remoter, sent

and answer asking answers
the remoter then to spell
what'd outer'd nor remote

this'll hassle you down
then tell them hour dune
doomed the namer

i'd at held the longer song
of where you met, then
another newer net
i'd at had, nor remote


what'd had at, nor remote
i'd at plodded skud then
nor at heart the purer stance
then relux nor haver
nor or not, the door is open'd

then at toomer skill, a light
song lingers at the well
and calls you in, to bestow
and enthrone your duskers

duties now to the knotter
drills the stupid boneheads
their own destiny alluded

but you'd said no dumber
knox the spealer due.

then at sentences cast
at other animal parts
recomb or not, then asped

less difficult than what'd not
but adrift in a mechanical sea
you don't know the way around

but held among prisoners there.


leadere humule poreflax
fumerd dumerole thence'd
at animal parts a voce
a spiritude -nus

lane changers delight!
a florid preposition
designate askance not true

the hearts's substances--
another posture after
perfection, honesty, even
into the bag of tactics
you go, next there.

but held inform

fluxer 3, nor back to you
they'd at had and wasn't
inert; at edges plumb

another newer shot

this particular angle
add pitcher delight

whore told / aplomb
master aslymphitic
de-noxifier intentional

thirsted inkster would'd
and but not, nor but yet
had, then spent her out

then i'd at yeilded here
then send again thus
what'd here been signed

your own heart's inner dusks
then beating when to yell
what's at skaters in the

thenced nor plumer scores;
i'm at hold in yr inner scent.

in the thunderbirds
no stilt

heaves to the lighter sign upraised
in the sea's wet effulgence not inert

heard in the emptier dues then ravened
nor intense then later down the sign

would've parted sides their own disturbs
then later knocked his puncher dubes
the lightning sign

here in the muter tense i'm at your due
lining out the marker tomes in bent
with him at the nearer mark

this was it now too far gone
to be away
or waving

in hilties pin

they'd a below northern spid
hollow goes notes there
parted speech in correct nodes

they've a world's view of itself
in thorough lingo spunts light

at fir, at the pointer food;
mixr plenty this nor outer
afar your knot the mounter flue

then bar benign nor splinter fool
heaps the foreplay, nor wrinkled lude.

thus beer, thus the inker pool. Affirm.
but peal at the skooter due. -ling sa-

to fill at have filled at the longer
destiny awake this bleating din

Afar! Your thisted plein, afenced.


be'd tween
his fluxer

'a routed
neats ska

thin spin
nee harf

the blunt
ee 'bin


wet insid
see bean


leap year

you'd better
) coming soon to yr calendar

he'd bent er oar
nor plinted plenty
scars the reduced

inner time suspent
nor waits them sd
this is downer due
sut next mental dune

assault at the chicken ranch

eyed yor hart, i touched
yir deeper hints, astound
and cent her deepest tho

then met the n
a monkey in a chicken suit

the funded
