Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Thomas Lowe Taylor -- OPEN


open (1)

nor food extent, external
sails. the deep your own temporality

a stent, stunt, uh, maybe stet.

intered: inter-red, entered

lobo plus, he's stiff with light
no more notting, knotting-ham, haste
eagle eated. Your mother's cunt

he pealed out, stuff, squirm or eastern
stet's peal, er, nostril dame-us.

Nostro the Bold. [after] nosotros
beadle-pin. h'east splint -er, keel

love's anchor in the midst of plenty
hosers loose their remains doubt at

nor food, nor plent, nor eastern spar
h'est thems -id'd plud schemer scintil
im at anchor too pealed awaits fim film
s are you putting me up?

thist arc near triomph'd in-tent, Intent
he'd shored for more detail skip de de delime
s pu shed .. aims uh to have, possess, declare

the door.

There are different. says you gotta. ssays `thin'

"fate, far, fast, fall, final, care, at; met, prey, her, met; pine, marine, bird, pin; note, move, for, atom, not; moon, book; use, bull, brute, turn up; cry, myth; cat, machine, ace, church chord; gem, afiger, (Fr.) bon, as; this, thin; azure"

lates--delines. what's thot within seeking the
easter dude, seeking un-lined substances
which accurate, actuate, ac cure-ate (8)=lates
his s his-tory norms ahd shet th d'or

-det; debt uh debt, or combinates to, within
older history booked out might not even
what are we to say in answer so simple q'a
the mart of it! or trade in answers too, finst

open (2)

vacate left without a day the pooser's must born
leach yr punted chime, as he'd speded up to frown
sporn fuff star piner due forced acumen dus bloats
flood marts dont i dunno flakes astirs las b'jitna
befor arcs sty my hardns foster plumes die offals
joafs denial spumes, borf hers toad'd askad biff


snare picks upper moons thuntds afir, a fir tree: dunces hopskip
jump toward leases dune spoo - (spooge); cliff at crossroads now
Poetry's last refuge, last stand, come and Get me. de-ludes.

thus complete they're all different scum-dessert/deserrt
normal denies flood parse similarsd flamer husk/hucks
defies normss linger forward pucks open air/heir/hairs

at narck-ing (-Ng) sir mane thence dunces danced marching orders
the overt day delimed (left intent) from wat featured doors opes
bludgeon, uh, blud -ger beleagured figures n'eye gar: "Gar" hears

disgust at heaves his inner light diminished the torpor firms
the holding ants then decided not to, uh, run--hesitates soon

foam the delimiter splints no nor knows (hose) he's hosenose. duh
"A" hose-nose, to you, you too (tot- splint spenders stuck

when they'd ported the weighs s ways. d'attack at spore finster
when architecture sports doubt in debts they'd fury again now.

toe plud. The evenness of doubt across all margins, the display
itself an offense to regard even, among simpler mains natives hid
at spore internal, the massage two handjob(s emptied out
butt hoarded hid hided. not message but crisis despair gap run
s skit pit. the shake, naturalistic rain beats to windows
s skin pats. not bake, infirm presences aren't welcome now
the gap tokens not my own seeming but the higher eye denies
not sees set gains not against but Through.

Eyed not ants her. butt did (died) a colder spume, splashing
into life's disasters the very Nature of it.
spids torm liking insent insensitive but oh so profound. song
better tell your brother" goes at song longing profunct not
not hours but dressed the eagle/error and associative choices
pole against the dart; limner of offal tu-tomes narc details.
no say can youc. eternal harps of dusk welcome you within her
I've hard. not scut, butt inter-nal, the love juice wither's
knock know, hoots the air buying details the light on on on

hasten, heart, to doubts bastions deleted not sent, nor skin

open (3)

skins alert. my own destiny closer at hand nor waitng
insert blows, instead destine to destin, i'd not wait
wham, nor bleat nor sky the details warm and simple.

yurs est duh mofar mopak--delight a temple in hand
floats the opening door what's a revelation from now?
what's the deal, not dealing, but forced to grow,

a foster in her mats )-mates. out oar arc summation
lean. three. three of them. three 'opens' darking suck
open the darkling suck. a line is born. tounger (me)

th gobbler. darsk eye'm the continent, and firing squads
there acts punish but envigor claimant spawn a finality
grinding harps i'm not noticed but envigor my own times.

a plenitude deports me my sky skin sucks the dry hardbone.
forger scopes (throughd oors) knot! thus delux a minor barf
fokes they'd harded not but spon sp spawned a life anew

Though I'm time, its self recons not an anchor butt held
and firm to settle to simple dawns the heating borne
not scrawn them a dusk forming arcs the day the day the

Scrams. Thought occluded by intense regret, the knower and
them knocks, hard at the day. I'd obtunt bay, then ankle
a flood begets knock me hand away. deal. ducks benign make

If you Know, then not. Them at envy's lair not obtain
aye, ca ale ayles isles. jacks douf him (name only
unnecessary doubt relies upon your loyalty as a manacle

beyond "not puny" an envious combat ensuing details reform
ugliest history in history the balloon affirmed beyond
the more I'm not storming at a further skein bound winter

A slighter continuity begins the song and rises again with
chatter among the natives they are held here at noone's gain
the plenty marked for spreading/closer eyes see all too much

soap stones no meter evading the hours' judgment check door
as astir i'm knocking doubt its haunches off nor launch it
begins now, calling zero, radio falling, anew, another.