Open templates find sensation
When the line, or peals off,
into distances reminds sport-cuff
I’d held a liner’s musk temporary
and polarized beyond reflected
arcs delineate your own flesh.
Eye-sock, the ear de-diminish
or hold to noise the day ahead
is roasted, poised inside time
where are you whining seen
there are doorways opened here
but the final absolution is reflected
is but a yawn on the flood of fur.
Still the hours glisten from signs
decried as if (as if) and when would.
Floodgate, adjudication of doubt:
refluxigate permitandre as soul
interferes the known particles have
their own remiss. You’ld benign
and into interior ministries, men
in dark cars at night. A post.
These hours climb apart, and
hold you by the short-hairs on
your torso-spin whe -splome
is not so sure of after all’s gain
Alert beyond sign, she peals
me down to dusk, ahead in terms
we never aimed to shore, at fault
and sign the doorway gleams.
03/31/95 4:57:38 PM