Rout outer, this said
but toward then remove
latered spin was told
nor remove later still
the keening wim, there
wha said who nor pent
at stir no skill overt
lain deny motor cathed
the plume o'er spent
in him nor her begin
this laid nor sent at
the laner pin, stews
but a holder into tin
lave allow ping scare
then to told along to
benign then spent all
languor penetrando ti
luxor ate nine centrals
I'd as soon make sense
but it is not possible
when to laughter escapes
afar pinnacle denies you
the leaner dekes you sin
the plum punters flims
eyed had but sent out
nor linger beyond suck
a lighted sphere attacks
then eastern holders a
shim to pinter skims due
afforded luxuriants flog
at peals nor haughter lud
affirming a hoser fuxted
* * *
where'd went again no more
spinners went flail to forward
eating later not knowng at all
where'd bent to spinner said
nor foal-scare the lanes swept
into homing scorns their arts
when pented up nor upper sent
then whetted the liner linger
then this acted wherein lates
were masked into splinter-bins
this to light the lingers pool
wherein sent settled into acts
the lateness beer who you ant
more to labor then peeking in
the fooler ships dues into mart
agony miles angled dinner fucks
then went again to wait here.
* * *
angst belittled shithead doom
whiffle pop skeiner delighted
norm mottle aquiver needs form
thin scip puta motor aflame
nea pumar my heart broke tin
afforded plenty not escapisms
buttered benigno healded scarps
lo affirm, askance not leaning
theece latere' mons puma denite
I'd had'm enouf non singers pat
into shatters noxiated mime go
she waits not long but hard in
the moves too flame dick pins
broken arcs mid flow tempo noon
The hucks far from over to you
earmarks dole then flooded tunes
mescent, at tarded plucks myo
thence conclud the opening sign
his teats not flooded partnering
but then at more knots declined
who'd mastered easier scales of
this anchor the noon skids part
as a wink, ahem. tooled retorts
very marged within systems alert
why easing lines arc the dutied
oars total demanding sharpers a
your own monstrosity
What's not offended not
the plussed-out chick
whale of a term, nosotros
They'd not ben hir not
why additioned your mom
deluxe markers within'm
Emptying knots remind
her honor's penetration
zoo'nd, the door, opens
Spent or not, there's re
flux'd credit menifesta
gatherings of openings
Moot denuded from to due
hearded plenty more now
among this sense of doubt
Ginger! skin pealed off
Sir Pilsner echoing dope
your own emptiness becks
Thor lit heart her beauty
hurt her duty; pealed vest
nor tit banger, slooped
Affirms dusk, duckd out
bleeder-man pokes chicken
vicious crossings musics
I'm not parting enough, a
pain below the arms there
when concealed, not home.
not a dying
Then's the late due, mine
this the door whams marting plows this
at leading
But-warped, intense & plain
shore narc fault the beleagur
nipple loots partner
loader rogue delights
nipelo marks shithead
eye'm em, then
yod crosst efemer yr punto
but where's the beat
bea nipelatt maxing i'm loner d
epiffle itfelf, yr honor
i'm at the nip
nor plented out, not here
document score part
enough remove tenor
you go inside the horse
a bell
near's here, mine, too
come again, please
nie fluxus
where not here, but spent
like the hour, or the century
this entered pinnacle, this
epoxy night, spray, has la
they've waited, too
practically too late
just at the last second
the nul flex
mar plan, cosmo pocus
what scale demount
what par refine?
flex at the tempo's pin
whem tus the passante
into "beyondo" nax
our story, then, it to
it, then the dark we
do not care
in the dark, we ar
we ar the lit, lite
where no other we ar
thus futur, nie fluxus.
where they went
this was now, not
into ephemera spent
the generato's plum
the time to do it
And the drugs
left little to declare
at the border
yr own broke heart
barks at the moon
night intense &
please the air
around you
neighborhood guys
dealing baggies
you weren't no marker
on My heart, baby
but left the scales
upturned and
violent, that was it.
This deluxe hour
, you know
, sucks the big one
yet hope's declaration
rings in yr ears
like another
roomful of light
unexpected / welcome
What's next, or sudden
What's near, our sadness
this at shelves, a little
dawn ling, scale at plenty
The tiny heart beckons
with its own clear light
Here at the calm night
Your own remind declaims
nor doubt the open hour
clear at the newer sign
Eyemore & plain, we wait
we melt within inwards
plain like mirrors going
Nothing careless at all
only the mounting spin
the clouds removing sun
Calm at the newer sign
and holding in the mere
light at the morning