Monday, April 2, 2007



Past air's hoist & snug spin,
through icicles thirteen or song,
and hoists away to deer-parks,
inside the line's line, air &
color, posted through marching
along the long way out: rest.

his long eases, innocence to the
day's lasting roses, which they are:

light to posts away, the mood of
spinning the air's name out.


Red orange island husked formalities,
or linger along the line, round & covered
totally or otherwise somebody's, &
on the line along the way, no rest but
rest the way along, or, here, to the
sunlight's ease & spot, the subtle geo
metries are specific & spun, it is
song (this!) & love (thus!) which
are the heart (below the arms), blood
spun, her time is so & blue.

Red-orange islands are specific, but
words, a temperament of acts,
but allude always out, to become
things of the world's own time.


The dormitory's elegant tiling
but spent to new noise, reckoned,
a state or time, wherein propriety, or
something owned, revolver to tune, out,
shifts of standards, too, are single-
sent and out-shifted to their
held blue space to leave,
hard along the edge, word, her
beauty driving up to jump at pleasing
to jump in & hold

word's color, red, to be.
Any chrome detail belonging
But source & act at-thrown
linger but act & no rest no
the hard sound maintains up.


At shift & act
Below the round spot adrift. but.
Hedges and shouting but curl out
work to work, a touch along, &
stalling but the real angle of touch
is specific, has its root & time,
and her name is specific, one,
as blue & chrome are, the doing and
cars, to fill, free-fall, the sound of
it, one, as resonant or spacial, on tone
& "music" as listed, the ear, oft, rap
rap to line & jingle as time as
dividend & mark, as participle & pun.

or corn & dogs, lazy. become life
hedge corner, point & point.



Forever, and green again, or single,
along a long green way, rigged & sent,
these posters of music and composition,
but alert, too, to come along, in between

to start along the line, at point & center,
where objects are beside the time alert.

or any simple term, table & time, his
acts & sensations magnified, betimes

where they went astray, stumbling out
clumsily out, starry uplift, no air yet

accretion and design, any whooping sense
delineates the shore, or said, heavily, by
others, they are so much along the line


Who's gone through pitchers of it, is
but atimes they stir & lift, there.

Hero to sandwich, clerk away, sofa, tool,
the screen & lift, white to point, red,
the old wheel, and lift, but there, and
old shoes old pants, alight, the thrust,
totally anew, because of lights, the
old man, inside the light, to drift or
curve around, the cause as center & one,
points of seen moment, un remembrd clause
of acts, seeing it through, the one
place & time of anything, at the zoo, the
colors of lights, but trees, too, & go up, the
doing of it, chair, light, place, act, one,
through, through, this air this and out to in,
there & there, to follow the time of sensation,
along color's designations & hold, hold.


portion & song: align the points, one in
one, & touching at the edges. spot,
or mark. But any revolution is return.
past blue noises to the air's own song. Stones,
and the rushes of distance & removal, it
is any juncture of light in light. but
a course is made, then set, but whose
act covers that distance, one in one?
Any course acts, color & line, word & space,
they have it renewed & sent, but the
time climbs, out to distance, the clamor
of hedges & climbing, the simple
persistence of anything through through
and then on, or a car's gamble with
itself, go on, & follow, there is nothing
at all, the ridges or leaves, wet &
sandy, a slow hum or twine, along the
long thin line, turnip & song


armed through, & eyes teeth out,
but beyond, anyway, from units
to their cause, as speech is, one,
thrust to song from the demeanor
of acts, that they are,

only on, but beside, this only, to
focus out, through the tunnel

align, sense-like, the mood is some
fluttering of acts, percepted-to.

none & on, the feeding time, is,
and the song's moves are precise.

Stop & stop. alert. only on.


Text-out, from time's distillation of
names & habit, through the permanence
of exercise: there are no moons alert, but
the air of precedence, what is simple &
distinct, in-seen, but thorough, Highway &
Sign, alarum & bird, the thing won through
its designates, any thoughts aspiring.

Node & claim, an arrow up to the tree, alert.

Shift to thought, raisins in the box, names
But sound's resonant demeanor up

The lion & bowl & dried wood. Fruit's expanse,
wherein the sail, wave, wind, forms of action
But solid, the act & wing spread through

Temper & sign, alert, to come through, tight


Of the other, metallic, mined, the fore
concept of alert designates, muted & single
the orange-red islands of the mountain
stretched and mentioned, a formal tract
But this is its light, mode of and straight
straight to the center, collapse of forms,
the negative act fulfills, but not literal
the hills greened forth, light to light
internal, a registry & clamor, but told,
the ladder through the air heaved up,
closure & frame, discourse or red dots,
a flesh of air, figure or act, seen,
love's answer or claim, either, to be one,
alert & red-orange, come across, a line
a native and his converse, universe,
were we are not hedged (at, through)
the verse is good, resonant, red-orange,
a disk thrown, hot, enamel, new.


At-juncture, unbidden, thorough, the color
red and passing, in-tense or after, but
through, too, in any manner or passion, &
culminates within as point & line of the
space formed (formal) to the thrust of
sense in its "here" & "this" where some
diamonds & cubes sphere out to their
angularity, exposed or sudden, to reach
through, to the popularity of time ("there")
("thus"), or unsimplified directives to
the time of the line, in art, then, to
pass or join & move move along the
long way out, of the familiar and its
overt gestures, held to in any time of
acts or passions, uncontrolled or after,
the thrust & gain to orange where some
expansion yields another subtle refraction
of the horizon from its point (there) to
an alteration of the name of the thing done.


Past tomorrow's arch, too, inside red arches
or other preliminaries, as such, gone toward

But besides, upside down, the side of it flat out
extent & domain of what is there the space

of it. Through the middle, grey, onward, the
signal, through the hills, muddy, a grey wall.

Or fishing along the way along the red disk, or
finishing, to stop, reverse, rewind to pleasure's act.

Her name, thus, beheld, aloft, along, the red disk.
The way along, the line, point, center, angle, viscous.

But penetration, at-root, precise, they are both
both leaning slightly, only seen from aside.

But aside & through, the helmet crashes up, &
eyes poke out, her utter simple name of
eyes, bespoke, to tell & let, song, off, one.


interned, perhaps in a gesture or thrown
paced out through throwing in terms
of the mode or tone, in term or often, to
clasp or make the time, feel & touch, it

or pass the spot or mark, out to seem to
tell the earth-verb borrowed like saying is
the realm & money of the air's bent & scratch
to heave up & over or through, a thing

a thing is ease or done, but houses resemble

the resembling and going aloft and sudden
to speech & fast the gone or clause of
: cabinet, list, fathom tiger tiger & gone

this new spelling of words and their properties,
away and then stopt, as of ("as if") to
any descent or sharing the roll of
cloth to fold to sides and act, act. on.


Category out,
there are the ovens
between red circles

The doorway of any widening
out out, across the red line of something
Geography and commingle to the air
doubt superimposes its act

Three more fall Fall away & lie
the rising of a ball to fall up, to meet

some flickering resembles the rest,
some air hangs close & webbed, a toe,
to see it plainly, or colored, rising through

The moon's organ & song, flesh-tipped, arose,
there a claw or sign, word out, wood-out,
bereft, a clown, a man, too, erect, single.


once & passing, through an arch, toward
once to the limit, arrows and fruit mingle

the moon, to heave upward suddenly off a
straight line of the clothes or seen things.

tightly rolled, away, the logs are piled up
into knots & modules of space, tempo.

Life of duty borne out & shaded, a red
turn & turn, further a limb or plant.

But beside pocketed shapes to the tunes
or outrageous laughter away, away to

the ridge & line of air, wherein proper,
& limed, aside to shatter & point, in.


on a singularity and distance, trial & song,
layered through the angles where there
are no simplicities rendered past new
areas and the doom of vegetation & cities,
there are some berries hidden in the
language, where no others persist, where
the eyes open outward, where consistency
relapses toward its center & act, no
moon collapses to its locus & design in
the mountain, in its song, in the pastures
and through their acts, yielded and
whole, colorful & friendly, new and
attached, where nostalgic & sensible
animals resist to the tone of their outer
and moons resound to the angle of
space, piled out, rounded out, mode
of song & touch, made forth to it.


Some meandering through the sense & realm
some red scatter of leaves throughout, & sense

The whole space, ours, natural enough, shared &
marked, from the head out, spent, even, the
rifles manufactured, elaborated by some hands

But love's time is close & resembles nothing, but
resembles what what it is, like sound's invasion
clear to the edge & stripped, & new voices
resound from the edge out, your voice

I am heard in your eyes, & made close by
such clamor as the persistent plates & forks,
only some rough clown's preamble of doubt
effaces out & out from color to its time.
We are along the log, whistling up & down.

Three rooms, & more, the corners, neither
one side nor the other, but
seen, a space, a line, yr eyes.


A line along, white wrapped, up. to.
As breath, to spool & shine, along a way.
hearth & side, their eases split, off or to.
A l;ark, shutter or limb, gross, toes & share.
The leap of crusts & shape. A line, a tongue.
Love's cruises or tongue, a wet, a thrust.
But union's storage, and romances of light.
The lines are strong, to listen to listen to this.
and most friends unsurpassed, even to wait.
heads, eating, the line, up, or turns & leaves. in.
The crazes are, are the ones, are not the same.
But hedges, to listen & back, black, an ear.
Hose & chain, aloof, the grates & shine. ease.
Return, the claim, earth, one, to ease.
Split or spent, the egg, the egg, line.


alert along a line away answering eases to
their shift and pulse in some shade or
spine quivered out from grandeur, even, to
some geography, but seen, there, as hill, side,
and gate a grate and no repose response,
knuckled or under, on a wet or slight
garande, frozen suddenly to throw the place
alight to spin off & work or cool, the peace
from all or nothing, wiped off to tenses, is,
but slippery along, the whore & tine, leaf
& crust, they are also their own properties,
first, or one, as leaped or spit, coming at
the act or uttering, slipp't, whipped, a
sight, new, roses, roses, roasted, whipple or
steam, the foolish errand, attend the space
and time of seeing, what else?, or the gross
woods aswarm & limed, to their other
relations communed, or thrust, a pulse
away away oh, and helps.


his eggs, or housed. not unfamiliar reports,
established. overheard or the head, split, away
or beside, alongside & running, in inverse or
the even ratio, pun & pull, that, elide, or,
but heard like some metaphoric meat, the
flesh's words alike, there are some hesitancies,
but never alone, though he might recall,
that even in memory there is some lag
along the line or favor. Perfect and round,
but filled away, from image to energy,
a shift of seeing and not twice, at
last a swarm, at rest, or at stop, to
become rested and strong, that is, that's
what, & more among the lines & hungry
voices some somewhere else & not the
restful seaside, un-resorted, at last, &
waiting, Hamburger Hamburger, there,
to wait for that, to hear, &
simply, or simple a thrust, a
vase, a wash, a woe, my love.


Favor resumed throughout some idealizations,
elongated and thrust, curled and flattened,
the post & resins made firm & solid,
fluxed to their densities, love's answer &
call, the externals of recognition where they
are along their manners, spent through
some attending to the resolutions (outward),
they are like this & this, but modeled,
foreswarmed, linked, resolute, prevalent.

The moon, car, tree, corn, barrel, polk, ease,
line, code of and reminder to, a star, a light.
But up & up, and then sworn, like liking,
made from chocolate, slighted, innocence, the
drawer, its mode, or a shift, alert, alert,
around, around to hold to & hold in.


Alert toward passages new & profound, but
rising out, root-pushed, up thrust, toward
flower & function, where system & chain
resist, toward forms or words, again, new,
in their simplicities and buildings, the words of.

New to touch & time of small noises, but
contained through the rotation of events in
their own magnitudes, passion & claim,
mountain & moon, the colors of things are
not properties, but out spent categories.

This lapse from doubt, love's air & claim,
that words have their densities from
love regained, fore gained in their time,
the shifts of elocution like some remembering,
but clustered toward act, one, light, time.

The resounding clattering drums of blood
and air & tome, commingled below the arms.


Relief outlay passage toward some
onward station over sails & battles,
usage permits laughter: segment & scorn,
carol & rough tale, this ease signifies
some collapses, throughout the world made
by words, there are no sentences, only fragments,
but out of that dismay, some light persists,
encompasses and alarms, from junctures cast,
the state's state, established from literal
connectives, tissue & gleam, & in that in,
a blow & song from the underside, by
the modes of taste made out through the
arms & claws of placement, where the catalyst
clamors forward easily, importantly, fitfully
outworn by naming, shot past intrusion or
classified, it is in error where we lag on
hang through the clouds to blue water
murmured, entire & close, the airs of time
remember to no end & thrown out
along the flesh & sense of acts in
their dominion of taste & pattern.


Assail & portion, unlinked, out, told, a
noose, a verb, a list, to sneak in &
resist, no rest but in that in, to
make or know out the relief of passage.

& single, the node or flash, to tempos res-
ponding out, the cloud or bank mending
the play, the play of forces, stem-node
& piece, the weld or clatter furiously,
a purple, a mother, the ices made so.

Flash & mark, to times spent, a flash of
recall through event into measure or
time, the flux of image & association this in
this, a slight warp, to feel the edges
wasted forward, mark & measure of the
line's gesture in its passing & clamor.

Touch to pears, light, red islands mending.


Live to pass, through the sensible artifacts
in some new nomenclature of song, wherein
throughout, the romance beckons onto the
flat platforms of chance, often foreclosed
by some artificial distinctions, red, a
color, a scheme of details, the module
revolves from left to right & in no
time heaves toward the light, the cool
thrust of light distinguished by its resonant
and awesome persistence. Flat cars.
the push of some touch from her hand,
the cool rush of detail up & up, it is here
that connection reoccurs in some harmony
& love. Thirst rewards time, by being
blue & orange all at once, & without hesitation
clamors onward, like verbs to their space,
visual & magnificent, streaming feathers of
exactness toward gesture & claim, all
at once a spot, a mark, love's own
eagerness & completion.


As giving, thrust, a stone's windy gasps,
&thrown, from the tree's roots, across,
some familiarity, or overgrown, the rest.

Rest among trees, but the sign is there, is.

and along the long way along, rest among
the times & acts of what is there, there is.

Along the colors of time, what follows
from the crucial yield, alert to these thrusts
of repetition to the hedgerows of relief.
Dynasty & song, alert to some begetting, to
the simplicities of a name among rocks.

Rest & hold, the firm allows itself in
feeling, there & there, at bay to yield.

A winter, among, a long.

"the white room"
Ah-lee / May 1973