Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thomas Lowe Taylor -- WHA'D I SAY


See the girl with the red dress on
She can do the Birdland all night long

Wing's healing
Flown of torrent
Yet skipper's in the tune
Nor realm'd no hipper

There'd been a string
Set term to tune, a slower
Rhyme than knot too soon

You'd yielded into time
And met the sooner shapes
Set in healded plinty
Nay sheen in the looser scrapes

And they'd been a door astir not rung
Nor herded there between the light,
A fool's errand in the liners sprung

This'll carry us out beyond
Or into closer lines affirmed
And at the heart's new loom
The final's term begun

For what's the nearest marker
Folded into light as the heart's
Own partner opens out tonight

Then stay, then sing, then
March the newer fern
The seed's among as
The longest tune's resung

April 23. 98