Monday, April 2, 2007

Thomas Lowe Taylor -- forced entry


indication part-snap

refluge non denominator, within ankle
what’s not spoke or sadder inches two
eye’d held nor spat my childhood in flames
the house of pontoon strokes heard
alight no southern but holes tunes at

flighter pharnolde loots

epoxy skin from heaven’s date shown
arrival nor skied-out refulgent dooms
copied scopes remain intact now suns
remix some outer but scrims to doubt
yours tryly hopes the mark will hold

do not sharp said cutter

ark of center poles recalls yr filly
hando poontang afforded larks not
fuxus pealer the lude door attack
no bong at satyr crypts inherited
your doper fun relaxed at sleeps

no special clauses unattached

rezbola evolui inner spunk reflect
midnight calls with hands inside
a scar returned from heated mosques
foam interior belittle knocks to sound
arc of funny wilderness ahead to seem

redo clusterfuck at shames

marks quicker detail afforded pool
slight resemblance recalls others
sum is foolish some knot, betide
nox hester, butt-snot plides seas too
a pox some held relax atided parks

forced caverns loot still

your parks have sent within soaks
light holes restitute the holder squim
you fold nor harks from butter squash
at linear forks some southern twangs
like loose pork nor fried wasps below

bark nostrum the other

from afar or sharp forks hither sun
lighted plumes the skies blue noons
orphan song his other jeans were here
frontal penetration the television scene
nor parted sighs across the dunes again

like slight wisps before

dark bust and fool maneuver links
atmosphere blacks upward jonny pin
ridicule pattern evolves rescendent to
a part of you dins to lucky dogs pat
closer inclinations are not evanescent

narks applaud to skin

the sighing doom is heaved up
a parted shin walks now dunes
portly scarp fallen tingling fumes
exclude foam highlights knock in
allude to forest parks on blue ekes

(thrives (marker (applauded

plod sound wave denial to sheds
nor tuner hopes the links are part
shining ponts half sun’s eagerness
folded flood fumaroles fantastic
goes beyond everything thought

hot so seen wast

the skipper indicatore passion set
linker’s luck forks details and more
the scope of rassled cattle mowing in
you’d mistake then hustle down links
forked pineal were totals made again

in this empty shine

you’re hears the boom-rack funky
city hours not claim star punts into
game plans the future’s eastern sut
plinker granite shelf your past wrecks
what’d been ignored like essays put

nor remember not

humps deline miniature dusks like
ending times the skies fallin’ in now
your eases are not welcome in tunes
negative shit runs along the floor soon
blue moves are hidden from all view

a plod denies quicks

oar wood ewe float them doon
quester sucks not attitude even in
poor guys seek the day against them
loot-lucks are parted skins too wet
eventual recalls foam at hand’s slide
and parks the oven into rooms alide

ship to pour

doctor’s stick was into your parts
restitute in measured hours knocker
flight of spangles mythic and folds
the the when noted at the foot sped
your own ankles half bent and floored

last lines are

no fool unattended in wire carts
whole beets under plastic acts within
or parts are bent elastic facts relimn
what’s pleasure’s pressure to append
from marked decks at hand and spin

quick sketch boot(

between signs no border holds back
backward seeking muskers beating in
toward lineation portals below tinker
syllables the openings at her skirts
to peaceful warfare developed recently

contrary lactates offend

rich houses burnt to nothing not sad
shockers terrorist burning the cities soon
threatens the secure doors from near doom
now shoot now kill the mocking bird’s light
to feel the rush of righteous deliriums din

sat bitten nothing

interference claims have wooden tongues
your wagging deal against a modernity
forces parts together with sodden intense
bark your dog’s plight to newspaper sin
lucking-out to surfer’s lingo too easy now

shovel rune belittle

slower withdrawal sleeps again finally
you link to scenes at night are strange
familiar lines recur and astound hearts
the day grows shorter with the rain clouds
and pinks your spasms familiar shorts regain

forced entities do heal

anterior remedies clear asided hesitancies
from herded parks and forests inside you
but hold back from leaning forward now
and bask in sincere fathoms you deal into
for forward growth and ascendent claims

like sharper pins

scrape shot park line begin sink clear
pool skies reflect nor apart skirts light
fins poke for surface parts the benign
polk open names rescind hunters art
the link from foamers hinting akimbo

nuns scrip single

hummer deal pinkie dune appeals
your harken ships floating of course
aisle pop anchor shin her woken
simple plunge the rocks are close
but hinge to spins and soon escape

scripted pines alert

your shingle your heat your flinging
batters griddle hung wooden flames
their fire spot unattended causes acts
spinning controls then turns to now
a foaming entry forced by sudden tin

this movement hears

orchestra resume thinking to facial
hampers nothing forging iron clinking
back floats movies slo-mo hunkering
spank motor flaming retard backward
to begin at points hidden pork tangle

plunge starter flume

the lingo polls name and date herein
to flamers under wares to sold focus
deal marks notation puck-shot fools
renewal makes the sign you hold to
ease the din of plenty and score total

angling partitions retreat

the hand derided shapes whet nostrum
afloat masters uncertain pokes to pin
ascriptor noodle bent farmers parking
total dues havens detail newer mouth
fungo parter batten plough and muffin

half-eaten thongs puta

toughen them particle songs remitted
baseball fun some money earache into
verbal a salt foams libido actor redundo
likens to doubt answering our own tune
a poem links alternate sides at pleroma

bent asided homers

the door’s day denial dunes doper dong
foxed pinto saddles rider into dialogues
likes finished things at any cost reminding
affirmed windows are not southern at all
the loomer folks danced all gone now, to