Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thomas Lowe Taylor -- HOMAGES Book II



Light's line, out, termed through
the air and twice, to term and,

then, rusted-out, from love's tenor
strung out, or other, along the way,

older, or old, voiced, or not, "form
is form," it seems to say, but clear,

and starving along rhythm, strung
& painted, then, rough or strewn,

wrapped, but borne out, or said
to whomever is there, and to

some relinquishing, banked away,
missed, but trusted, thorough

and profound. Light is light, then,
or empty, as a style goes, or

a cadence, and quartered, into
our special considerations lived

through to be distinct, square, too,
and turned out, silvered, heard

like the voice is, and damp, at
home, or driven, outward, forth

like something found underway,
and struck, out, & fortunate.


Forged, along, a mark
turns through
and marks, again, to become these
willingly, and hold to
cloud or smoke, point & term.

penetrated, and lighted, but luminos.

through, light to color, a success.
termed, along, and moving.

Then thrust : push & make, the whole.
but made, a way, & said.

Any thoroughness, the tabletop, & even,
that is, covered & smooth, seen.
To yield out, but acts, swimming

the term, of favor to shape.
Relaxed, the eye. Going to nouns.
Seascape has this needled eye.

Plenty of and more than.
The hope of farms, lassitude.

But holds to & terms, to say.
then, often, marked, to.

Her name, & love's eye, too, shorn
to skip & loop among, eases
and let, to sharp, & sky.


Term, along the side, and kept, hollow
and turned through, as if to keep.

Mark, and thus alert, sky-sudden,
or sheep, shed, reflect, total.

Alarm, song's posture, foreign, to
these ears loose, or terminal,

limitation from outside places, to
keep along tightly then opens,

rain's ears, too, seated chairs
or rocks, and tied together,

like dreaming along between the
time's time, he might visit, is

welcome, of course, & specific
trades told to watch, closely,

maybe a block away, but here,
noted alongside, to share, him,

her eyes, the same and seen, a
lapse of error, words sent around.

Leap to sled
& hold, here among
alarum, as said, not too closely
and mid-scam, mind, too
and held, there


Affirm & tong, refract, spoke
to leased hedgerows, almost

sincere & certainly "meant," along
sympathetic chatter of homilies, to

become ( between) purple, a mantle
and ordered out, prompt, at mask

& drum, his term
to lease & swell

spoke among here
to blue ease kept

never to slide often away quick,
as red code-shelf keeps astir,

some linear, dusk, but keeps on,
and holds light to light, as.

Loaf-noodle, a spire, seen, at least,
but firm, retraced, this ground,

of stance & swing, pool, toward
the day of, mark of, often's ease.

Speak, to ease, not crept unwound,
but seen, a mark, & satisfied.

Rehearse to loop, skip to air,
in love's eye warmed, through.


Leaps to hold, & spin, around, root
topped, dog-run-by, and then again.

Loops to spin, this air, and are the
same, to hold along the edge & ride.

hold to leap, then leaped, where
& then spun-out, dried out, food.

And hears to sing, answer & claim
from some airs resembled, again.

Spin to claim, and named, again
furrow & song, her name, here,

& said, spoke, around, along, among,
but hurried, or through, his enemies,

of self, and made out, removed
by act & dream, arrived at, here,

where the smell, even, is tangibly
empty, detail of the sun's scale,

where some colors are natural enough,
but made, through, song's pleasure.

and held, too, from seeing, first, to
shallow and plaintive whispering,

in the rightness of attitude which permits
the levy & holds, holds to this singing.


And lines among this, to hold the name
of, claim's time told, & spun, small red

goes by, & leaves a trail strike strike &
turn, to sing the song, light goes out

from each splash, & rain even, traces,
& this line out, holds time away, too,

& touches down, from time sent, away
to turn on down, her name along this

place & name, & sees, to use, furrow
& seed, to ride on, there, spent to

line out, number out, restricted, like:
money, air-dust, red term, alongside.

merge to hold, along red sending, term
of another line, spun in, told, from

something won even by his return to
simpler distances, and won by that,

ear-designate and color-power to
some easier time, termed in &
said thorough & distinct, a pole.

but slipped, too, and controlled along
side, floated, around, even smaller.

thorough, noise of, distinct, blue, on.


Light's holding-in, and firm, through
time and color, across to this specification.

Doubt relinquishes, no term but sending,
and spins away, in life's details made,

but firm to say, and this mark to the
shore of green houses, made throughout

the same, to have the mark made,
and color made to some wood,

as the line's making submits to
these airs, total and name as

they are meant to be, among the
term & sign, from some signaling

cast, aloft, moving among revolutions,
along the rhythm of the eye's

leaving leaf among leaf, to have doubt
out & told, then, ear to some

telling, after this sending in of
time's own sign, & grown into

these areas and shapes made
firm, throughout and marked

this way of having, to make mark
& term of the world's eases, in.


Sent throughout, to say, and mark,
along the line, made among here, as.

Walked, the fire line, and water, there,
as space, & danced, between ways.

Whistling, wired together, again, then, &
made into, or even, the same, here.

likened, among listening-after, the view.
Sharp, line, mark to air and spoke.

The day, holds. And view to permit,
along and strained, between, and a

cold time to it, but said, too, and made
firm, term & line, around, shaded, to.

The line, marked, through, air's shape,
and inside, rests, to situation,

there, spoke, to, along, seen, and
left astir, to speak, also, to

time cast, from time's line made,
and then around, again, to hold.

But spoke, term, claim, seen, to
hear & send, then, into the fire.

Leave and hold, creeping forward,
signal, time and air, sent into.


Dream raises thought : line terms right,
& sings throughout the same energy.

Line spends & leaves & hurries on, the
same thing, then, as spoke would be.

And light's leaving; attribute of plenty,
and turns to, to hold & sing along.

Speak to heal, then, & works, trans-
parent, or yielded into shape, here.

To move line among, along & moving
as : tense & air mark to leap, this.

And the leading-in of time's own
choosing, firm and whole, left

along the highway, shorn & stung
or named as one among densities.

loop to sell, and hold, you are.
Line among time, as this sending

out holds over the mark & term.
node or fold, all the same, filled,

a space, thrown to hear, as
listen, among, and gone, into.

Part & claim, neither folds outer,
and one term grows fitfully, love.


And continues, t he same, at distance
to mark, stop, & flame, looped out.

And then hold, cool, on : these flourished
edges, and made certain, too, to thought.

Kept, clear, and marked, away, to
some generalities flowing on, held,

summary & gong, doubled out, this
shadow I am, to myself sent, raged:

there are no others, & love's answer
is plain, in similitude there is some

borrowing, & hesitation, spent away,
to close on the crucial line & hold,

there, as this sending echoes off
to resemblance, shaped by ceremony

to its outer character, & made
simply, too, within the name

of noise, even, & slight gone
through by the numbers, then,

and gone, and heard what he
wanted, and listened, to tell,

and suspend all along, among
these arrows of morning, sent.


And marks, the sun, here, twice
and then, moving, along, among.

Compressed. This reading, or what
you are dong this morning, and

some intelligence remains from
sleep regained, what do you mean,

signals? But fantasy empties
memory, & declares dreams begin

-ning, not the reverse, & claims
attention as more than nouns.

she leaps, I hold, that's the
way, and a man jumps, too,

but out, & where they meet
is permanent, said, spoke, done.

Leans, looped, to hold, the picture's
gestures, how pleasure turns,

these days, and makes our
time together what it is, &

simply, spent, water & stone, air
and sun, tree and hill, this

place : beginning, then, as some
willingness comes into play, & holds.


Skims along, firm, tread, these loops
filled throughout, parts in solitude,

and ceremonially gathered, acts, on
the line & met, to sail around, speak

onto the mat, willing & scarce, words
bent and welded, where they meet,

not as part but conjoin to edge &
surface : orange-wood, and plum meat,

how the line of feeling follows close
into some air of meeting, orthodox &

simple, they say, critic & song and
vocabulary, she dreamed me, too, and

loops to know, strung along among
where gold or color mean & swing

to their densities, fed or wept or
known along these ditches, water

and tree collapse to cities, diminished
in transition but yielded nonetheless.

mood & song and name : you are,
and met, arrow to noon, bent.

And sings, too, lunch & time, where
the moving is certain, direct & made.


Slips to turn, & shallows in, scrapes
& holds, then lines along the way.

Hears & says, this, and made through
time to become being & then out.

Over to tell, & tells, then goes in
the long color terms to tell & says.

Line along the way to come into this
telling, from color, scraped, seen.

And mood-move, along among a
turn, termed out and color & line.

Then marked, spot, scraped & slippt
out, in to hold and mark to tell.

And termed in to hold & light the
line & color's time turned high

and hold to sense, scraped in
and said then, heart to sell &

held to tell, easy, then, and made
firm, relaxed, off, and then made.

Color's line forgets, sees and marks
tolls & limes, scrapes to hold, here.

Limbs, leaves, holds-to, sent along,
among mark & term, stop to sail.


And marks, held, spoke, on, the
rung, made thorough, & hung.

Continued, and blue marks made
to turn into these wordings-at.

And heard, to say, then, elongated
to some sending, casks thrown

to the woods, up along the rock
capped and sung, and left,

at numbers, a note, made into
time by the body's heat, forest,

and named, to say, then, that
the ship arrived, along among

thirsty doves, to make time's
sending, run into, and told, at.

the colors protrude, and delimit
the whole with seeing, and

some often term made certain
to climb out, the trail and

mark, termed along, to creep,
his light repeated, to call.,

and face, to time, his ears
are clean, and furnished.


Doors. Love's bright claim revolves
toward the human, uncomplex

and new, where tension speaks
to morning, finished, a way, looped.

but made, these wings, and soar,
and read the transformations out

to their propriety and noise, where
meaning, too revolves point to point

in a drawing-forth of love's
exactness & tone, mask & drum.

"Effect rehearses back to cause,"*
and sleeps in acts, induced by

seeing the fit of claims & words,
where we lie awake & see these

revolutions of word & slide, slid, a
mood and moved along among

term to mark, vocable presence
a list of states established,

in their elongations, emptied out to
space, kept, crept, along, among.

sense dissolves from acts, & sees,
too, the celebration in time's gloss.

*Chris Boyd


Node. Particle. Examples of effects,
rehearsals of doubt, to leap off,

and hold, mark. Term. Gong and
plane, astir and swum. Going ahead.

and stops, to slow the line. Along here.
Then, rescued or met, the name of.

her eye, as one, named. Then met.
but yield, to hold a small gain.

interior. But plain and exampled, the
way holds, too, even & simple, risked,

to obtrude, pleasantly, the name, sung,
and folded, around, met, willingly.

some term internal, and yelled out,
voice & echo, his cry, tonight, last.

Unwound asleep. And then on, to the
top, about nothing, this is, and spoke.

The terms are made simply, & set to
play out or outer. Then jumped, held.

But rhythm is no trance, & spun in, to
hold, among pleasure's double term,

gained, again, & seen, there, to be
here, sparks, or flown, opened, out.


Mark. The three, hold, to term
a line in & held, there is

the distinctness of motive, gained
by seeing where the places grind.

An inner naming of time's own
song, high & thin, the clouds

are. And see these times as
one becoming, firm, the line

is made & held, where loss is
no particular density, but

color. Thought beheld in time.
along : the terms yield their life.

among : skipped between marks
the way is held & moved, here.

And where we are these characters
of choice, one was made, along.

and seen, this love, and being so
to time's own song, one time, this.

and told, spoke, elongation and
musk, nosed in, and heard, too,

where the particles claim some
density, and in, here, to be.


Mark & line. Thus. And held along,
term & song, air's own naming, is.

And seen, beheld, or spoke. Fire.
Ice at the edges known, as time.

You are. And mood-moved, through.
The air holds to lean among leaves.

And yielded, a sentence, or hewn,
then, and known, then, as familiar.

But dust claims the air, and travels
outward, as figures do, to claim

attention, and wing through, as, told,
incoming and doubt, held, along.

And wait to spin these centers
willingly the same way, and known.

Then skipped. Aside, outer, other,
spun, term, the air, fancy, out.

fling. The heavy idea. You are
that. And then the colors, as.

Become or gone, and be, also.
The same. And a way, then.

Of course, also, into, the same
compression holds, one line less.


Rain & song, attribute of love's name,
where night breaks along, among here:

these fires. Morning's leaving for clouds,
and spun among terms, this day decides.

The rest. And moved between spots, this,
made, out, but held and termed, a

line is termed "hold" and does, a course,
of time, and swept away, to ease.

But clipped aside, stir. To rest inside.
Then scan away, seen thing resides.

To blow or color, the time's holding
through to leave & hold, astir.

But kept, a mark is termed away,
Then long or moved, to come along.

Then sleeps, tonight. Or clouds are
these bubbles in the soup, clean.

To fasten, attend, sun's climate of
an-other or term for : leased, at.

And then, or shape, held. Swimming.
And out, to shift, bold, clipped.

Of, often, other. These are the names.
And blue yielding, named, as, in.


And passes out, this line holds, to
move through the air, told, and knows

the rest rests, from these names made
into some sharing-forth of time, here.

Rain-cloud, wind, streams, out, the
water, pooled, from some terms

made along, among them made, then,
to these uses of our motive. Gleam.

Then pass, then, and yield, the wind
is met, and terms away, to shed.

But you are : and met willingly.
where it leaps out, drives out, there.

And color, then, yielded away, blue.
but desert and claim, term & gong.

Then met, to usages gained throughout
the same way clear of all vestiges

or attributes is a word song, how
the sun breaks, in, & then fades, to.

And you are, then, them, as it is
some beginning, even, to have begun

out of blue noises wrapt or spent.
And then we hold & hold, line's in.


Line to shape, score, time, sharp, is, at.
moved, then. The light persists, through.

Heavy terms, contained, three lines, up,
there are some rows yielded to clasp.

You are, there and went, hold, it
shows up, looks up, begins to turn.

And answers to them, as if, to
see the rest coming away to a light

stop to hold. But grows aside
to term away the line as ease,

and feeling the horn & blown in
you sleep again as distinct as

some mellow charges grow out
and tell the mood along, term

among density to score events so
and so, you do not wait to see,

they are, that, and seen, too,
as some even clarity, even.

Forgot, and said : sense or a
sentence as motive to speech,

closed, and then tired, to sheep
away, and privately, hold.


Light's line rising, through the air, to
settle into her eye, & hold, here,

and make a name, twice, no error.
And begin again in time, to hold on,

or go below, and suck among here, as.
Then told, as spoke, there, and no other,

but made among these sentences, a
way, set against its pressures, a

century by example, made out to a
shape and center, intelligence away,

not to lose, but make long gestures,
stride, stride, the road sings in,

as some density parts, and wet
pressures make these plants among

seed to time, and exhaust the
way willingly, to touch down at

the edges & hold, one along one, as
the mark, made to term, known as,

then & time : ahead to push, not a
mark, but held to pass, there,

a note, skipped, through here,
and then bent, through, at, in.


But slips aside, seen the stairway
holds along, among these densities as

some un-winding of fortunate pressures, &
made along the way, to hold aside

these airs : mark, a term occludes but
rushes, attribute and song, and made

away, robed, thorough, then, but masked,
to remember here and sung, a part

possessed : slight to firm lines & said,
that some ease holds over and comes

between, and overlapped, and sung.
post and mark, along, and one as

some color green to part slipped and
then ground down or parted, waved.

But slung, around, past or farm.
the mood-moved as absolute, and

soft, away, as alert or made away,
and pushed too far, mark, spot.

Hear to tell, and made away,
easy posts or blue noises, there,

and slipped, gained, the moon
and moved, through, as, in.


Children : as : before
the fires

moved, to tell, as spoke & sung, words
are sent along, among these densities,

and worlds made, too, of them, then,
and sent away to ease on down,

here & this : departure and mode, after
some wood or fire, or the messages,

they are, and sent, hear, we are the
same, and one among them, returns.

But holds and easy, too, to be a
simple pattern, where they wait, to

see, as some density sinks outward
and heard, then, around the time

of it, and sung, easily, to thread
the way along, and sent, into a

recall, or posture, wherein, the three cans
upraised, to see here and tell the

song out, as relates to, and spoke,
they are made so to their enemies,

but turned out, blue, attribute
a song, turned, re-turned, in.


Made certain by these fires, and
pressed so, and so, by the ears bent

through some registration co-mingled,
thorough and distinct, animal : world.

But seen. There and sung. Spot to
call and line's out-sway of peals,

to thirst along, a round face, &
eyed in to tell, magnificent, spun,

the last tenses swung aside, looped.
and spell. The moon's postulates,

and firm. To hear in between, as.
blue noises firm, also. And peals.

but looped along, among gray
loops pealed, thorough, inturning, to.

And skip, there, a space after
"in," to make turning a turn, as.

Lip to say, & spin, air's loom into
the rough edge,
alas, to creep.
Your hand, to moon
away & chop.
There : list : scoop : spoon.

Loom into, mood to moon skip, to tell
and hold away, meant, term, as.


Scale to dust
red : the mean,
around blue around : below middle.

After completion : named,
rosed to tell, and made all ways.
And termed thorough, or finished, to.

Loop to skim : hold : love's eye.
Your name, my own, and moved among.

Hold : here. And spend between eyes
away, held and thing, scaled.

And known
around the moon along : held.

Then turn
loop to hold, aside, silent, a pile.
Known to air,
and held true, in.



Finish, same term, held, as & term,
the particular flying, and into, held,

then, or spoke, they are light's
love, as eye, or held to blue noises.

You are : along, among. Gray to tell,
but ascribed outer, and bent awry,

or tell around, pool as known, & belongs,
finish from air, mistake, and kept,

at the air's own meaning, love, you
are, my heart's peeling, meant.

to come around, hold, onto the
flat gray plain of memory, this.

to fool or peal, one among many
and scale to finish, claim, clipped.

Along among, and swept away, or
held and spoke, to cleanse & purr.

Then specific, going to line, ease,
this is tense, as a lop or edge

and then gone the mice become
a minute and claim, to spin

and spoke, heard, the line, out,
and coming clearing, there, as.


Light, as term, the mountain's face, or
eagle calling to mate, lesser squawks,

too, occasion and rejoinder, the gray
one, there, & then down around the

whole cap, to check it out, today,
slip around tree-branch, turn aside, even,

& rhythmic touch for rock face, pole
down, spruce bush, birch wood & stream

whips away the wind, easily, too, & yields
more light throughout the air & fill fills

the moving, along-among, and here,
to see again, foot, trail, pole, orange.

Too many nouns, more acts, thus! And so!
More easily flourishes, but here we are.

Some seldom rivers, & no retreat, only
hesitating at-point, mark and turn, aloft.

Then sinking in, close, yielded through
to turn around, clasp, remove, words, they.

Will he come along? & no less, the color
of the walls, white, of course, yr favorite, eye.

Beheld as sinking, the thirsty straps, mean
and tell, thorough, aside, term, shed, also.


As-has. Stock to relief, turn & hold,
hold, the spun line lights to lose,

as some recurring tale, whipped toward
associates : means, to term a mark : so.

And name this waiting what-it-is, in
the heart, belongs to simpler saying, yes.

New, other. Water's close inflections, spun
from sun's complexities, but honed out, as.

To end with : pause & sharp, neither gain
relinquishes the door, way to blue, & hold.

Hold time's beginning close, relief at
release rushed home, and clamor, after,

her grape face, body line, the line as
this airing, among-along, one out, to.

To. Lips a leaf to slight crushing, pushed
on to the moved surface yielded out.

And tight away to fill in, detail of : in
some adventuring runs around the corner.

And examples suffice : this : this : often.
to compress : blue noises, & favorite, can.

You are : these utter other person light,
skim up, light to touch, held, held.


Thirsts, seen, moved throughout the same.
holds, along. We are and going,

along among, & separately, as once,
become, without pain or sleep, but

flying to, and held, person & song,
as some becoming-being, has to see.

These airs & plumes : spun-sung, as
out & told, some color yields to the

time of it, and says, then, to go
and stay, then, we are also true.

We grow by such beginnings. One to
say, here, this is some way, as.

But goes, then, through the time of it,
and sentences. Made, or things, to

leave the door open, as the leaves do,
blown away, from language sent

to the air's new beginning, and hung
about, set about, going up and moved.

You are. And sent all along, the way.
the same to say, this is, but hold,

too slow or gone along too far,
you went down & stayed, asleep.


Magic, and saying. Going on into it, or
no implied acts, known before marks.

Term. The way, blue sky blue, is, or not.
but behave, you are : to be so, told, spoke.

is it not, then, the manner of entry, of the
spoke, not wheel, but turns, along-among.

Or heard. Song to tell : hear, this, is, it.
the one. Two is knowing, so don't. Yes.

Of course he is there, when you speak.
and divided, not, up the middle, yes,

two halves is, then, four, & seen, song.
But stop. But. And go ahead, think.

The brain hears the brain's : style : seen.
You are. Among, along, blue noises, are.

In "no interruption" has cause, to fold away.
And scatters these messages too crumple.

Donkey. And remember which it is, too.
Sudden recall. To leave. Roses. Instead.

But means, drum-drum, accelerated, too.
Bump the rampant leaning of total, too.

And heart, the door's leaves & followers
nectared out, mountain of absolute scenes.


Twice, to turn. Hears, as has and says.
then line to mark, hold, sway to.

Terminal and turn, the specific lapse
overturns, and sweeps away, as.

Then : but here is and time's air
to lease and hold, to leap & hear.

Means. And variations in temperature,
from the middle of outer layers.

Ease of signifying, a language met,
through some staggering of intent

to these motives, loosened, termed also
to their repetitions, lag, on, eased.

But watched closely, jumped through
the ring and along, among the firs.

Some tall, seen, these shadows of
of the light, then, they are, as.

But schematic, the same quickness, tight
to leaf, and new, begun, spoke.

And continuing, too, the same, but dense,
and looped around from some telling.

And heard, as spoke, love's eye
and term, marked throughout, here.


Known common thirst from glue often
becomes another inside fastened there.

Blows out, then, child from walls of
lining the air's becoming firm, world.

And light's fine line extended, throughout
the same, onto the memory of, climbed,

anterior, these claims, to act, makes
firm the line, to the making drawn.

Color, the name of motive, life with, or
out the door, name of, motive of.

live to claim, mark the time of, being.
But claim term as home, then, become.

There to say, here, final coming through,
eats the way, objection, the way.

But read slowly, either tense, has,
the slow crumpling of noise within,

and meets, rescue, doubt, overthrown.
You are, and met, to say "doubt."

His name, and love's, the same knowing,
and remove to sight, some claiming.

Then, remove, become, along-among, as
has light to tell, fused, words are.


Passage, mark, term; thrust & hold.
Days' light, and, even thorough, as.

Line to line, the same, and powering
out to hold, eye & gone, looped, to.

Become, and, then eagle, eased onto
some distinction, friend from forces.

Time turns to skip, its character;
you are : and although, ears as, time.

And around, perhaps, pier at ocean's
edge-smell, and all of it proper.

These words these are these going
along among, and "next to each other."

But sees, picture, why not that
or image, not there, yr camera

has the edge, or square, glued, as
the moving yields some rhythms.

in upon in, and held through
gray noises, coming back, the same

as this, yielded to light and a
motive, gone-at, pushed-to, thus.

But holds, around the eyes, at
his name, eye, love's here.


Air's light lines life. Between, a mark,
termed along among here is a spot.

and moved-mood, as-has, automatic,
but bent around, held, yielded, acted

on. The door, and leaf-leave to hold a
line is marked, then met, or swept.

Thorough, of regard, the quick airs in,
and light left to & held, along the

air & moving to & to, held sway from a
part or chatter, lined up to sculpture a

post, then up or blue, but not bent
held, to sway outer the line is met

again or held from some distinction of
the way & made into acts one & one

so some naming of parts inside and
Wrapt up like moving like smiling out

thorough unprofound along to reduce
what is too great but become yr name

is mine the same flying to elaborate
the air is cleansed out from their habit

and looped away the substant of the
line light's air like some coming in.


Mark and claim : you are, and, too,
here, to me sent, as one, mix eye.

What stays & says is this becoming.
Air's own meaning told throughout

the same, and won, asleep, to tell
his name even, to ease on down,

and rest, to tell her yes, you are,
and seen, some tells, to keep, one

name spoke out and outer, some
claims are told, along among, we

have these marks made willingly
in some timing, even, and light, too,

to tell, there are names met, and
and marking, too, from the air

let to tell, spoke from some beginning,
then, as we move, mood, next, as.

And hold, become, astir and said, here,
to some beginning, at last, the question

asked, and nouns, specific, rush,
to love, then, and come through.


The swing, not moved through this, as
some distance homes in, & sticks, here.

You are : and to me sent, but one, song,
love's knowing rooted to some words,

and drawn with care, yr face, and seen
touched, as we draw away, & hold:

there is no recollection, this, buy the felt
dream, and though to draw away

we are not afraid, but young, and
full of ignorance. To some doubt,

then, and full of some amazement,
made color & thing by seeing

what we know, and only knowing
the rest as some forgetting, the

first hot flash of registration, and
then on into it, thrust like some

new message, love's eye and song,
where we have come across, here:

and held, too, then, as we are these
things we are all ways so, thus,

and love's name emits us, strong,
particular, fused to light, new.


And holds number & time, the same,
and moves, then, to what is there,

and makes this air resemble, in the
light, seen, to be sure and completed.

but no yielding inactive, yet turned to,
and there we are, play & tune, you

open to me & make your touch, ease,
to see the time go by, and make

some willingness subside to pleasure, as
we are, made, marked, sent between

ourselves, and termed so and so, as a
line, met then dropped, but held,

to ease on in & quickly set to stir
your own, and mine to mark,

a spot, and sight, practiced to the
night's own moving, and set, a

fine time to practice, here, but
overwhelmed by it, laid by, set

astir, and fortunate, the loom, blue
you are, frosted, painted opened,

and the rest rests, subsided, to
these trees along among, this-here.


Line to light, time turns & terms, hold.
aside, she holds, perhaps, and all

that is there is no refusal but time's slow
turning, of being, in phase or not, but

here along among, in this throng, ripe &
centered, which it is, and going on, yes,

and where it is complete, the work, there
is a sending out, where one is, then,

unto the world, and sent by love, and
heard, the heart's sinking and not

absent, either, buy new, and told,
where we are gathered by what

we are, and held to turning by this
living we speak out, spoke, uttered,

out among out, and here, and told
there are no others, but sung, too,

love's name made permanent, you
are : and to me sent, aswim, along,

and one among, un-numbered, in-
cluded by what you are, and here, too.

Line among light, and often, wired, spooled
drilled-out on loco weed, and going.


And on the line, present throughout, is
here and met, open, the eye, to see.

And held, firm, in between, who we
are, along among the rim, & set out,

from willingness regained, thoughtfully, as
some relationship becomes plain, & marked,

a term, light's open line, through the
air, just now underway, or ordinary

first appearance of thought rush to
include, clean, set in, to pleasure,

and set again, in smoke, even, to rise
out & hold, there, calmed, then, as

we glide harmlessly, really, into these
corridors of act, and frame up some

noises, aftersounds, glimmered in and
set, the same, even, to remind

you that you are : and set out here
willingly, to touch again, your con-

fidence, included in the mood, along
among, uprised, wooden, cornering

around to see the end, at last, of
solitude, love's way made & set.


Line to air, holds t he way, and
thorough, too, aligned & centered, here,

all ways, so, to be the thing of life's
own moving, to & to, in your open eye.

and hold, we are cleared throughout
to mark these ways willingly, and made

thorough and new, what choices we are,
at the heart made actual, outer,

and in love's ease, a way to hold here,
as some bending claims us to this

specification and song, how you open
to your self, then, & sing to me, here,

and moved, along, among, to nothing
oblique, but these pleasures, food,

joy, air to be the eye's own name,
and claimed, mine, held to & song,

the error of the way is parting, and
this combine and act rings out new,

we are : and thrust along alone to
gain the craft & mark, hard along

the edges, but light, there, and
driving, driving, driving, come, here.


Marks to term, hold, a time is made,
to turn, & then moved throughout,

line & song, to make these airs
willfully, of color or shaded along

among. Returns, marries, the way, to
see the time between our solitudes

and not as slept, between, her
eyes, a spot, and there, to be

these days to feed foolish times
among our nouns & saying : you are.

and to me sent along among, and
here, to shed these lines & songs,

then, relief at some edges, to lease
to tell, and then willing, marked

along, and heart, to stop to tell,
a word is, and left alone, but

made two to two, and stopped,
then waded out, or left among,

signed, the eagle, the seed, spot,
leaped, the way, and going

to term, to skip, to leaf through,
what is left is there to see.

79 Placid Lake

And held, time and its pressures, along
among, and known, thorough, new

to some driving-out of the eye's pressure.
new to say, here, and wait, there are

no others, and spoke, to tell, here, as,
and met, these lines align the ear,

met, love's name & song, and made to
hold, some way told along the edge &

center, where you are: and then pulsed
through, ease to the eye's mark & claim,

where some holding-out declares the way,
to be specific and held, throughout

the same, then, august declares wire &
mood to word touch long the heart.

thus. And met. To go through & stay,
but then met, asway, or spun, there.

and here. To become these airs
between & such declarations as

meet the time, close to say, this, and
then stopped, but going up, a line,

or what finally proves true, to say,
love, you are, and turned out, here.


Mark and line, time turns out, we
are these elongations of the air,

sought throughout the pair & term.
Hold, no moon signals to cloud

from light's being and name, fired
toward the turn, like life's beginning.

No line ends. Sent away, to hold here,
where we gather and spell, how to

hold along the term, spell & time, a
leap again, the line again, small or

spilled, but tight, away, loosened out
from the bags & parts, loomed into

the air and sounded throughout, after,
left away & child, her plenty, in.

Look. The car's weaving sees the past,
bang & bang, upright, or told, this,

and example me to send, held
tight & bumped through, words as:

you are, and from some time along
among these bears & booms, tosst.

flipped up, a bird, signal to talk,
your whale, stuffed, original.


But slip away, the nose, in as.
The light behaves its ways from

some forms released, his easy talk
limits risk, but descends to easily,

then we clamber clamber, to shut
often away to spoke a wheeled tell:

you are, and the package, heaviness,
worn, or hung around its particular

from some loops regained, rescue, or
dump, which lesson, or obtrude, gray.

Bottle, then stir a lump leaped, as,
and easy tricks repeat, repeat,

the turning has example, the jump
is none, but won or slipped, the pace

tells, where you moved. Along. Among.
and this hearing peals to speak.

Form to follow a form is heard,
and halfway, through, to skip.

but time, turns, out, the name. As.
And no colors from some name,

a squirrel. Knots his tree, & up.
You are: the rest subsides easily.



Arrives, day's. There or left, between,
and sum to tell, here, weigh in.

From the little house, and the floor
opened, there, to retrieve, fog as

water's clinging ear laps-in, to
hold squeaks, thus, as if continue,

and do from the time sent, ear from
moving turns, summer's life, cool,

forms the way, after some pauses
shore along piles looped between

the shore from among pills slept
these loaves feel also parts stop

there lying framed away pole so
comes down & frames long tiles

to sleep awake and force loose
tiles also away into creamed air

the mood's form sees love's game
and pleasure, joined at law, then.

But sounding fine isn't all and goes
to sum the whole into magic, says.

You are, as if to hold but alarmed
to me the me of seeing inside.


Or flames up frames in the sign
your taste to hear, or loops

to sign the chair chair, holds.
Follow along, among this, is.

The best line might fall away,
but leaves me cold, not hungry,

if to use the best removes some
time among the heart's terms,

none : and holds stars yours, away
to time recall'd also alert, his

name of misters cling shiny to grow
the root footed climb shine a law,

his belt & boot, or green shirt, open,
and eyes went to follow, name?

or, yes to send, the color climbs a
mood or master, verb, used, this.

and signed eagle, and children,
the space remains, or yours, too,

the same following, but has separate
to tell love is yours, too, & yours,

to send sell sink but slip surprise,
leaning, a side, or a noun, leaves.


Monday, the planet. The : feels, to,
a slip folds, complete, or heard.

but once made, a way, to hear,
or time's earnest measures, a

vocabulary, only, revolved with
knowing, but skims aside too

easily; on you? Thirsty but calm,
then time's cool chairs told.

Object of love : space to hear, a
planet's Monday along among

plugged in anywhere, or cool, tonite
the rest rests, or did, and

sees the trail a little wet this
morning, and without practice,

speaks. But claim a line inside
the way is yours to live away,

or mine is also time where no
others. Then mess it up, to fool

the color blue is love's same name.
you cleared my hair, from some

living, of blood, kept solid framed
to sing air between time's lights.
