And in day's light the sky is moved
by love charged to turn return the
bird has changed as light this air
is also love's. You are, and formed
to shoals relies the flying song is
hard to times the music in yr room
is sometimes quiet, laid by easier days
to move across these lines & airs
to show these loops within the heart
as general terms restore these
pastures sent in sentences cast like
air to shelters wove her hand a
loom of scores in yellow gold in
season light's return the eyes
are also newer now than not
you are as has between the day
would hang arrived the edges of
the act are new to hold between
events and life like space or
charges laid along the patterns
on the floor yr heart has had
this food and welcome frames
the door is opened out in life's
own beauty : fished at streams
and friends arouse the day arrived
in tones to sing aloud yr name.
The mood of air is filled with light
today the random spirals fold around
and love is distant work to be fulfilled
in scores reversed to shores regains
the words are easier here than not, or
poled to fools like easier dues than
paid. But hard along the line some
shoals are new or not, but hold
in what is here to lesser days affirm.
you are, and left alone without
these names of duty, one and one
again is moved to tell alert to
doubt erased and on along the way
you might bespeak these dues for
saying how the door was opened into
seasons set by leaving what is
solitary in the heart is still there still,
of course, and fish still leave me
old and wandering in my heart alone
by signs for telling who I am I see
then said again in what is here to
say the door is still the same and
opened out to loose these claims in
tight rows spent by anything to
move and make these waves subside
alert alone along, love's light bright.
These lines, the distances of night are
cast between the days of life, called
to heal the mountain's walls and chimes.
but short, shift, airs between the way,
and hard along the trail, within described
the same time traveled out and holds
the line at acts revealed unfolds & stops:
the same and moves until we stop or
hold in time remiss or claimed to shoal
this fish in scores reversed it is to help
we flash around and send it back to see
that what is also there is sent anew in
seasons caught by something laid to rest
and climb the ropes & senses curled
to looms her hand is wove, evoked, a
purl of steam the other days decide
to be the same or moved within commune
and let the rest go by as has to time
what sends us down in reasons set or
pealed for forward days review to seem
would leave the rooms and lights from
underneath these ropes are bound but
broken into love resumed the same way
sends us in and stays to hear is
let between these lights and pines, at
shells of easier pools remit & stare.
Your eyes are spoke in light between the
days we meet in silence seen again at
senses let to terms renew my own airs
for love to meet these signs for love again.
and not perhaps alone, the master spoke,
and then again, a friend is met as has
these dreams precise for sailing out would
say or not hear my time to sing alert
beyond the edges of the light's center is
smoothed for music in yr body, lines
of simpler moods released, eye'd slick yr
breasts for pleasure's naked posts, held
by moods of easier scores reversed in sign
to leave together here and here again
is slipped away and met with eases
looped within the frames the heart
is patient, then, and would around the
light begun in pools resound to food
as private taught the flesh of love is sea
and song and lays her back to slide
apart or touch them in & inner truth
increased sensations build a house
for life and passion, who we are to
be these lines between the day the
same and meet you in some silence
touch and touch again the light. . . .
What touched the light is also new in
hands extend the day as loves: at sign
the roles reverse to slip within yr lights
to heavier signs of aloft whose world is
laid by times for seasons in between to
say the lines are drawn away by loops
regard and polish: for and sum the pool
like love behind and said to wait as says
across the sea you lead this self alert
to follow friends in scenes laid by or lifts
the mood of offering one and one below at
polar caps as has the day is set by
plan & throng to play it through the eases
of the time: as waits the terms unfold in
seasons said perhaps arrives to what is
marked accepted by the same game
played by others short advice unwelcome
blindness simpler polished by the wait.
simple laughter unexplained the morning's
meditations not the same but hears these
voices disbelief is said to be a virtue, or
confidence the lesson of release, he said.
but midnight voices calm the anxious seas,
and let these dreams unfold as dreamed,
and love is made to light the heart and
meet the woman inside smoke for life.
Makes a way within worlds, these houses are
in moods the same lines are told by time
to meet at hours left behind she spreads
to target: light among the days are slippt
between, as has forward airs resumed a
long line worn aside, perhaps she'll give
me pleasure; scored between her legs, a
spot, to let some waves becalm the
heart, as touched and sung in seas
are wet to say the time is eased to
hold, like light lines love's: yr eyes at
shoals resist in any terms you have
these days to sleep you are: backed out
smoothed by handy ships are b aerthed
yr darkness taut and flying, but lerased
for meetings dreamed and met, she
drives the walls away, the physical
body in the curls of passion made by
image into some renewal of the light
and comes again to see my eye at
poles apart up:raised the flags & pins
of aces cool to ship away the air
of days is loom & charm the rest is
said affirms to lean back and open
up her flesh like fingers making breath
a face perhaps is smiling light & song.
As terms unite, thorough and begun, align
and mill these forms persuade her into
saying now or now: the score, and then alone
in dreaming from the virgin sum and pool
like light diving through the days we move
these mountains seeming set and sign
the war begins again, and straight the way
to say we are these rooms of air the
rest becomes whatever leans across & holds
among the doors & waves to sea & song
approached in light the touch & clears
away old marks to towers leaped at
fool & charge aloft, alert, away and
through the drift of air : remiss along
to be the name one hears in senses sad
perhaps, but love arrives again the door
you have inside your eyes is loose or
folded outer out resigns and hears a
looser door begin affirm to thorough
ties the daze of light today has a
sharper window etched within your
lowered voice to husk & shim astir
the moths are flattered easier open now
than lessons from the room we share
and going home and staying now or not
a day arrives and long along the way.
Loop restore, endures retreat a cheer
you have a score as settled into light,
on the bed affirm moved scene lays her down
again she rode me up inside her legs were
folded back like wings again the moon is light
inside the leaves the table flipped around &
settled rope & snare to say some drawls to
airs remiss & sleep to hear some days are
light between some seasons tongue & hand
to say "adrift" and spin the roses back
and back again the same old job is tool & charm
another stand is wrapped like dinner sent
for forward pulling out the rest rests form
& sign: foam meant stir fries slippery at
the door is sea-salt motive charm, or air
like nests of seaweed roof to sail away in
easier pulls her hand on rocks to spray is
drunk perhaps in groans & side to turn at
screws a lot and has to say alert worms to
straw movies clipped abstract nouns emplaced
within the flesh ands folded back the mountain
oar and charges laid like bombs the flags
are also televised to seem toward restive
letters sent awry and moving back, perhaps,
another charm derives to simpler doors review
and says love : light the day the same, into.
In, your lines arrive to day and love
the maiden is return to light the shore
and call across to hear the senses rise
arrive in names & seasons touch alive
and sing across t he bridge to meet her
after seeing how she showed her breasts.
and says alert alive aloft the moon is
wept perhaps alone but hears within
life's blood rising how she sees me in the
air and met to term renew the flood of
light between yr legs as split and tongued,
hands between yr eyes & seen to be
the same is said to be the center of the
sign, as love is made among the rooms
we share as one in one again she holds
apart these waves of light arose to
say a song yr ears were set along to
shores becalm the day is light to seas
the roosts of maidens sheltered out in
wanting to be one of these peculiar beings
laid by hands affirmed yr self renew
or held by love the earth perhaps a
mystery called to see & hold, I like yr
energy, breasts are larger touched yrself
is good for me to have you in my bed
the heart's eye and lighted into life again.
Across the plains and into seasons sent
by what is in my heart, and seen at
lines among these others, qualified by light
the simpler terms are made by time and
love to be the powers laid by hands & signs
to fold without or lie along the road to
loops recalled by some begun in red and
yellow airs the days are said to be these
things of life and motive: Scored with ease
the movies in the hands to dance her
shores and songs the way of light and sons
the modest forms are held in love and
made across their mines & shrines, they
hold to what is also there between the
skies and kinds of others, peoples of the
mountain, cities of the mind are also
something new to say you are; as
has, so let, along-among return &
passion, she'll be my song again in
something rests like air or light, and
slide behind her body, wing and throne,
the pheasant-song of worship, in dome
and bed, another pair of breasts in play
for what is there and spun like moons
of love, eye sharp this loom in queen &
bond to slide the season's sun in light.
At term & sign he spoke the waves of
light renewed in easier pushes of the
day aligned in senses cast alert beyond
the marks of light within the line and
called by life the same air set in smoother
pools of shell and loom to words are met:
your call and tome but they leave their
bodies undefined and part their waves
with greasy hands, the eye and tongue are
unredeemed but push the rest in goat
and flower, Eagle to son, and flown.
but the mail is late and sometimes
not at all a catalog the old man
dying in his bottle to let him go with
-out sympathy is no crime but calm to
signs the days are also waves of
light between her legs the name of
love to touch the sign & call in
pleasure's gasps, beloved, you are
also risen up the spine, alternate
days release the foam and see yr
song my own I'll meet you in the
light in mountains marked by some
beginning where we sail beyond
these loops of time and call aloud
for fire to bite these laws alert.
Left alone. And chose, perhaps, tactic
and charm, the same score pressed out.
nothing relieves silence, withdrawn to solitude
and the eye released its seeds are heart
and song, but leafed out, spun in tense &
long between these airs permit some calm,
perhaps, but let these airs alone and held
by time and easier doors are closed in
pool or song. Folded outer out, loom &
charm you are as has to scenes of light,
the other airs withdraw, retrench & hold,
there are no songs within today and
love is left in dreams the body's clips
are scored, not failure but distinction;
the terms are made of easier terms in
angry slams the door he came afraid
to ask the matter: let these pools collapse
their weight too heavy, but made of
anything at all they heard some songs
in silences moved to paint the walls or
cut up trees and halls of light resound,
it does not mask or shatter, code of light
and eases let to stay apart, perhaps, &
move among the doors & walls alone,
the clear signs left by life's unfolding, slid
or scooped, cool and spoke, whatever works.
As goes between the lines and presses back
to pleasure's pressures in the heart, no
airs are calm again or turned to outer
claims within the sails of light for any
sleep she waits affirmed and let by love
to seem the same as has in signs the
time is moved in any hands the same you
are or met in simpler diagrams would
score some acts are marked within to be
the loops of wind within as has the
oars are moving here and there again in
terms are marked by something said
to hold asway to scoop these lines and
say her body seems to be awake, &
hears some words without their names
as sent between her legs, a spot or
time to tongue and hand, the fingers
spread these folds of flesh to slide
within and let these pleasures last in
dreams together laid to eyes and marks
the door is open to some time to be the
plans of life, and empty out the mind
to hear the body's life as met in songs
are made from what we do to rest
along the way as met and gone along
the way alone, and left again to see.
Returns the empty city and holds between
the open lines affirmed her body's time &
seasons fecund outer out to stall for eye
and song, the breasts of life's becoming
hard and soft the same way open at the
end and heals some others easier songs
his letter says my dreams are right, atunes
to patterns held away alert begun to say
the rest rests in between her legs, a spot
removed, but says she'll die divorced alone
too long to be alone again, should pity her,
perhaps, and let them be whatever energies
can run above the spine and halo out to
seem to be the tongue of light my ears
are covered by her legs, and folded back,
she shows her pleasure's finger, in & in
again, the round flesh rises falls & sighs
a smile, greased. We had it snaked around
a week ago, and on my back, I climbed
her eye, then sweat the rhythm of love,
and left again, perhaps the last lasts
in time becomes an image to peruse, it
doesn't slip away, but says to dream
the children on my bed are seeing what
is there, the light before the day's works
and then begun again, the season full.
The mass of other shadows feeding on light.
eye dream her season, undefend, roof.
dream-settled questions asked together, boys
are and seen but quest no further, scene.
frosty paths alone but feeding the heart &
staying cool below the terms unite to ease
perhaps at home some distance room and
chime becomes the same airs recalled
by lines arrived into scene and dream at
shoal the rhythm called by signs the
rest to seem within the season where she
hears to souls resist the feeding of
the fish, and hold alone along, I guess
vernacular truth the lessons of the weak,
or stars between the pain estranged at
work would be a home or reason in
the scheme of lights resumed; where love?
or are you at orange and red
no trips you say, to hold and feed
yr self for being in the waves of
what is there beside the thought is also
heard hard as says you are and let
she spooled my life I got it back &
let love go to light ort made the
best of what came by, the heart its
names to soothe & sing along affirmed.
Becomes an issue, feeding self & other,
as has, to terms unite away & soon.
enough, they rest, at work to scene &
song you are enough to be the rest
in dreams to go too far, or wait in
eases wrests control away as looms
the thoughts and acts from doors or
walls this flesh the world's body
is caught in habit strung out along
the air or let them down, is told
they lead them sense & song to heal
the way is let along the day or
poled affirmed the moon is made
of light & shadow, in her mouth
these seeds are also words to say
alone. We are among these rooms
and caught by what we do, thrown
back alert they hold in what is
said or done: as waits along the
road too easy not to say what
holds the scores within unspoke at
outer calls to hold them back
as says alert the rest is made to
seem to hold the day is light,
where love becomes a swaying pole
of light erect & thrust the wet.
Set in time to terms unite & stop, strong
to air these visions sung along the way
as met the blood's inherencies, looped red
& mounted birds are flown signs called
& measured, due the shore its proper limit.
held apart, her legs are drawn apart,
the flower of light is also love's due, to
see the rooms of air becalmed in smooth
lines cast and seen to leave the days at
throng to sail among these bodies, roof
& wall, some flesh is smiled through the
window, eyes did not leave me, held;
the heart arises in its springing forth to
marks within the term of life receding.
or what you will, or won't; and banked
upon her pleasure, not even named,
but quests this lady made among a
meeting by the way of passing through
passion's times are also new arrived,
at house perhaps they call at night
in senses drawn to visit, lady into
woman's other sighs as drawn
apart & shot within those dream
seeds will call the day the same
and live among the doors & waves
of what is here to be the same.
Sent at night's begun to sleep alert
yr eyes & tales are said to be, to:
as said and skipped the memory of light
is also said to be the same lines met
in scores reviewed to sleep & wake the heart
or sails in rooms of time, where love is
made un-met the slope of time is also seen.
you are, and then the day begins to
seem within as has, in scenes the tiger's
tale would change direction to this
straight line of joy : the garden sings to
stay in seasons lined along the day
affirmed yr. heavier shoals of light &
unimportant in the lays of particle &
song she weaves the body's lights &
songs to slide repeat unwelcome his
noisy notes aloft the means of space
slipped between her legs and left to
seed and sing the queen's own body
is made of light yr names and
times are made the same as stops
to mark a day like this and seems
of words to cooler scenes the open mood
would score the pools of light and
come around in time or season the
ocean calls to smell her open life.
Ideas out, the body's lines hold, intern,
and all along the day, his easy food.
turns and goes away, another portrait of
the waves of light which come from here.
or into seeing settles simpler : in blue
or green a day would settle through
some posts alert to speak as spoke in
forms alert repeat the faces reading
how she hangs them off her chest and
sleeps within the roses are some claims
remove away to sail into love arrived
by time recall & void outer other has
cancels driven down to call between
the rooms are marked begun and said
to call into saying thus & moved along
as peels the roof would seem to be
the paths of light becalmed from saying
or cools the gasps are sent to day
or not and tensed intense to hold to
easier dues the single flesh is laid
to go beyond as has and lets them
go to what is there in songs the day
is spoke to rhythm looped around his
doors are open out or moved in days
to love recall the move & charm from
centered in the body's light, another eye.
And lines among the same, as recall &
throng, more carefully, perhaps, renews to
light and move to shoal her fishing eye
to eye in some particular rooms he
goes to madness in some shallow waves
of penguins sleeping in their flesh and
warming out the seasons air & song again
they lay among the times for love as one
and made of work the calculations are
not just, and what falls shy is this:
the juggler at the park and caution in
the ways of light to seem they are
as let becalmed at privacies seen to
dream aloud on trips they take
together but not shared the face
she gives to love in standard calls
the bird his eases feathers on aloft
the same words come across and
sail away no hands too simple here
but fingered out the body's eye
would calm or skim the top for staples.
let it goad or flash too deep at
single claims designed of syllable, or
bulls at board the heads are loose
for youth, and eye her pleasures
made unconscious in those pools today.
Loop recall return: as has, let.
through & sent, said, released
deliver this approach the great is
held within & seeds the ground
of some beginning in the air & met
to fools relive the pass of sense
in airs remiss & calm, the acid
swims these blood-streams up &
blows the top to sing aloft the
bird his head is dreams for
cooler times leaving air & smells
her body sweat at night no
spasm pleased but left a moon
so nearly full & climbs the bed
alone at last within the town
where children fill the stairs
& signs of neighbors, dispassioned
and calling out one to one as
says these names are never new
but clipped the airs are said
in scenes arrived you are his
friends will stop & sign the
waves of light yr eyes emit
even love is said to lean forward
and enter in behind yr tubes are
lighted in and spoke, she'll come.
Eases wandered home to home is
set between as has to seem & scene
her songs are cautious, & who am eye to
scam her lines are also thrown away
in airs the heart resounds alive as has
to score relief is settled out the life
of light before the day some friends are
few perhaps along as has to say, you
sign at love begins within to say the
light in twins to shallow doors the light
is love's due becalmed where seems at
poles the loop resist, hears or sailed
the easier moons and spun between as
has to let below the numbers spoke to
slip between her legs some reels & calls
like scores at sheep or blue movies in
the heart in seven loafs to wait away
the sun as pealed the roof & chain
in letters called to say as halt to lame
the deer in fetters seen along as wrote
for warnings said the work and soul
from eye as let from simpler pools
the open days from transit : love's
angle is less acute, a silly roof, her face
to seem to pretty eyes as slop & pear a
motive calls and roasts them doors alert.
As goes below to hold this flesh affirm
and go to plunging; the rest is said
before as has between and clouds the
words for love are sparse to sail
the seasons wet and proper but install
to heavier angles torn alert the same
is village scene to have within the third
time around the couplet rings to move,
or spoke this school is out and let
the basket pushed across to seem to
be her bracelets weaving turned around
behind or grabbed by ears & said
the moonlight from the window left
him sad to stay alone or watch the
light to be the same was roughed-out
by the time begins or holds the trail
the world's renounced for music in
the trees the same or has to say to
this to be alight and spun in terms
begun to song he went the mountain
in the trees to see them through the
light as has, so let : and mood to
move the same way spoke at terms
the ring is curled around or sailed
alert away and calls the rest to be
between the days and nights of time.
To scenes review as holds her by
the ears and settles down to rest.
or calls between again as settled into seas
the brown-red weavings float alert to
scores reversed as has the movies are not
seen but looped around as leans the day
is light delivered love is made to seem the
rest is said the time is moved to stay to
say you are an sits beneath the light
and thrown aside the rest is said to be
as said to be in love the sun shd see
or swim among the rocks crevice
her open eyes to seem within the
same to be along the way as has to
let along yr waves of light as sea to song
the same is let between her eyes a spot
would shore within this soup of airs recall
where signs along the way are sent in
moods recalm to senses drift in oar
they would beseam aloft there spent as
sum without as held the rope or shoal
his house is bagged to fail perhaps they
load it out along the shore to bursts
of light the rest rests to heal them out at
junctures throng to blow they leave again
Corners turned alert the room is
part and song she comes at night
within the moon of songs they send
along the waves of light becalmed in
easier dues remind along as has to
seem within as speaks to others
far away they seem to leave along
what calls to send or hear the oars
have cracked the loops among some
pleasures thrown by signs to score
loop and sign in posts recalled
at roof the day is opened out in
calls revealed by road and room
to other offer into seasons sent
by works or charms within; as has
to seem within these eyes are
held among these roofs and walls
to load the days and nights of
life to sails away the room is here
and spoke at other offers, love
is made a dance by light her
eyes and says to go beyond the
city here is spoke within yr names
of light to speak again and
hear: as says you are to move
along the way no pool but love.
Resumed to air as calm to seem to
be alert between the days are moved
it is the same to hold alone in what
there is to do in light along the way.
held between the waves to pool the same
as says this and more to seem is
said to meet within as has the day
along inside or leaps affirms, to stay.
and in the day, asleep to say, along
as sails between her eyes, a spot
is mark & throng the folds of light
in seams of cloth released like time,
or scores the roof to pool without, a
looser sky is held by light to leaf
or throng, and keeps these eyes away
to movies laid in pool or scoop, you
lean before these easier times in some
relief as has along and set, by ears
to pools of light, revolved, in love to
mark or leap the cooler moon is
said revived in wires heated out at
junctures cast alert would be the rest
of life's own fragrances, schooled to
doubt relief and angle has the time
for marks of any light in bodies laid
by hands or says again, you are.
Aloft and turn, they call the same
signs indicate, as what is there is
in some songs released to light a
day in some propriety leafed before
the day to let in scenes the small
success as calls aloud and scores
this air becalms the hearts waves
and also sails away his ears to
leaf red and outer calls the day
as has, they seem the roof is moved
by sharper eases slips away in
mountains cast alert the roof to
seal some movies loop and chain
or over sails by times remove
to dust alert perhaps in some
motive senses laid explosive at
receipt or seed in love as drives
between the mountains rough &
central, he is not always left discrete
but pushed away and rode the
mountains down the trails within
and left these signs to read the
mix of what is there for simpler
languages where the air is calm
you slip these wedges down and
peel her layers back for what there is.
Arrive, spring. Scene into light, the rest
becomes also light the room has
ss goes between to other days recall,
or spoke; to thorough light you are,
love's new grace arise the fear to shock
the spirit from its sleep would clear
the air of rolls his voices heed the call
from form designs and into moon
alert to seem alive these heroes are
some specific duty, reverence calls the
noises left alert they feel desire
from the body's inner substances a
clear light suffused by warmth, blood
between yr ears is also spoke to
air resumed in clear moves to say
begin the air is also new in ears
and would you say, the rest is
said, begin, arrive, arise to seal the
marks within you know these are
the days we have in moods recall
what feeding out yr dues are paid
what scores the moon is laid again
and rest erect she bounces up & down
and comes to sweat the lesson of the
upper hand, and ruled by light to
say again, begin, spin this air around.
Turned along the day, or seems alive, the
light describes another mood, for calm
or pasture, leaving in the time for it
to lean across some smoother pole
they clean some air retrieved alone to
call along the journey ease of light a
sign of love begun : or slipped, or
thrown aside, these are bodies left
by love anew in forms decide to
sail away infirm his catches let
endured in powers strong amid the
chatter's fume to spill them out
again is spoke or pooled by sight
we score among our presences.
hold tight, and springing out, a
body sways to light recalled
at shallow airs revived from death,
but cooled to what is known a
newer space for words to live the
way from light and charms at
motive cast or spins in senses, door
and charm respond for easier days
and looped around, another cooler
sign, a whistle train, perhaps, and
says again, enough, or moves the
forest into sharper focus, leaning.
As stays the same inside the circle.
silent edges clustered, pools decide
the room becomes the world, you
would say these words aloud, &
dream the other days her breasts were
drawn across yr face, and pleased
it was the moon arrived to seed
the song: you are, and hung above
the sky, alleged by form the heart
is also wove or poor to shining
lairs retreat or held the food in
single loops, or light & love the
same, spare, perhaps, or left by
what was fortune in some lairs
recalled to hear or go ahead at
anything else is laid by time
her waves are parted-out and
left to move across the day at
love begins to lay around, or heave
the bugs away for dreams this
season where the light begins, as
pool and skim the ladies with regard,
or walk around the moon again, yr
works are left behind, and force
to lay this gift alert behind to
drive her down along behind, flame.
In sign recall as scene to sleep
arise, the darkness into light is
said along the room away in love
is spoke from voice to heart, and
in between her days, a play of time
to be the life as has one song in
loft as air from further eases left
along the waves of heat within the
light before words have gloss & term
unites among these airs review
some horns are blown-out, trail
and mean blows this wind to
shore this range of faults depends
for passion ease the floor away
to stand perhaps resumed dreams
have cloth forgets the roof
his palms are searched you are
to let as spoke the day is
left astir would shake the root
within you calls these doors alert
to seem the same is laid down
and opened up to love's hand;
would call along and release to
something, colors in the room are
love, the light between yr legs is
open, shine to line and spoke.
Moved by heat inside the light inside
drives up, opens out, the top, head
of it, holed-out to letters written
in a rushed pleasure of speech, and
left along the side beside the same
air trembling forward hearing, eye &
song the same moon reveals around
would scatter in the flown shore
yr name or drove established to
sound her heart is broken, again.
but turned around, the back door
looped to calls the same day, a
letter ships these oars aloft, wings
from another sign, or dreamed a
sea of time in love begun at the
verge and lime to pool yr life
in something hard against the wood
as fired out the flesh is left
at softer terms for what is there
between yr legs and sentenced
sharp below the top yr head its
holes are wrapt in light to
send the roses into day or light
the same day weather plumbed
and seeds between the signs are
looped recall to sharper shores.
Has or let, beyond yr flower rises
into moon or sentence skipped to
shores becalmed at rest these smaller
differences. Loop and chain, the rest
as holds along and waits nowhere, at
all. To turn the line's end, stop, &
let the room go bare, the children
wait at home, wherever sent and
right to see the rest as says, you
are, and smoked the light is in
the year as love's, and due a
shorter reparation, in nothing is
this layer moved by time within
your days and nights without
a friend is right, perhaps reminds
of space, or lame to night, to
words they are these songs within
the sphere of action, repeat, action,
and stop to push away, away, &
hold them down to eat and work
some more; each day produces light,
and works to love you dream at
night, wrestling cock and bed around
the world they dry aloud for more,
but leaves the rest restrained in
gentlenesse, his favors cast aloft.
Rides above the line, comes between
her eyes, or in behind, as has the
rope and pool the same day says a
lot is gained in ground the loaf
is spent or waived to shoals of
light the roof to send some signs
are slipped by any lines the moon is
marked at Eagle's landing day &
day again for love's angles in the
body penetrated hand and pole:
would skip where proper, she on
top and bouncing light between
her legs is spot and charm, the
tent is opened out from flesh
revived or spoke, and yes in light
the body's angles on the table
legs apart and driven in behind
the dream is trunk and foal, at
roses spun like patterns from the
heart to go around the corner
is also said by lines alert, before
as moved along the waves apart
would clear these times arrived
another visit from the queen's own
body late at night, perhaps, and
left by signs at any place begun..
Loop as turn return the well is being
lined, the maiden's wooing begins,
skips the rhythm, backed across the
day you are, as has and in between
shore and song, the ships are waiting,
altered into seasons set begun along
to have between the days and scores are
also set the room is born to light the
screws for love and settled in between
her legs the road is skill & song
to fly among these days are dream
the letter waits to say you are, &
call the old man on the phone at
two in the morning, fix the truck
and split these trails of painted
rooms from what lay beneath the
skin some layers are not wanting;
would you slip among my hair &
let the seaweed roll & toss its own
persistence drawn to seal the time
as love's own space from ferment the
long oars weaving mystery captain's
Isis droves of calling in the dark
some light the fish are swimming in
the well is being lined for love you
wait across the village in yr bed.
Await and calm, a fawn asleep
or mounted on her thighs, lope
and claim to word await as sign
the climate into morning sung a
new moon waits around the bend.
or would you say you pulled me
off the floor and waited in the
bed again these moves of light.
more to move than stay, you held
the terms too long to be the same,
but shielded out yr self in scenes
where meet the foreign calm and
other eyes uncrossed the heavier day
as acid seeps yr head is blown to
shores of light, they are, and love's
yr meatball seasons left unguarded,
but holds around the clock to easier
schemes, the universe collides unknown
the rescue of the year in penetration
called to shallow dreams accessible
but love inside yr hands is greased,
for forward strides not tossed, a
looser sky the doorway of the moon
begins to leave the days ajar, &
letters call across the room to be
this eagle come & tossed aloft.
In smoother gallops into snowy seas
these reasons from the air recede,
or perfect shadows coalesce into eve
restraint for further on the loom
is lighted more than love's own grace,
the heavier folds are thrown back,
or leaves these poles remote, they
call alert aloud the rhythm's time
& flourish outer out they spell the
days away you are, and set to
scenes again and moved across
the board yr eyes have burst
their sockets, strung the world on
dangers left around for pleasure.
or work this field the same as
any other leans alive aloud to
heal these ropes across the teeth.
and meet yr lady deep at night,
her postures over crossed yr own, and
settles in to see the rest of what
is there between yr teeth aloud
as spoke and sent to seem the
same as any other comes around &
says again you are these wings
and sets at love begun to be the
thing the world is set to store.
The light is schooled within these laps
& fissures pent alert before as has, to
let these looms prepare the mood and
form of love, yr open manners held
like any thing at all or wanders in
and works away his angles set by
times in springs of light again some
wearing down of seams from spill the
ropes are bent or forward pieces in
the waves have sharper lines eye
of marks toward sheep the limes are
hot by scores reversed a man would
call his names between her times at
something almost lost in airs reverse
to slip away as spoke the foam and
darker orders move beyond the light
has traveled through the wires, sea
sharp settled below the floor you
press these measures out & forward
lights the logs by food perhaps to
shoal yr fish are legs & motive hears
goes up and down the spine, in image
moves the mind you make these terms
to sell the day at labor, fish & song
as presses on to cooler days in firm
ties clips ashore in seas at wet or simple.
The light aloft at love's signs are
met to sail without the life of
one in one is read around the days
of time you seem to see her down
or rift the claim at poles reversed,
as suck and drag remember how
and left to right the brains are
also loom & claw, her ears are
handles driven down the throat to
sail these seeds are also doves
in moments leaning into something
new perhaps, but sent by oars
& waves to mood perhaps but ease
the organs of the dream & skating
on across the day to slip her down
and open up the pear has some
signs to clear the dream and
have the work go down your
eye is scene & throng the light is
met between the scores of time to
say a name or letter made of these
particular eases left among the
tides of any easy day he left the
money left and me alone was
right and goes to work at pool
the walls are silver, clean, air.
Alive at love's signs, you are repeated
flown out water has the lady on
top and jerking off yr hand is said
to be alone and has the teacher;
dander in the heart's darkness
waits to score the day's works are
made of glass the stool's feet are
also laid by eye and song to
be these rises of the flesh at night
to say again, you are, & met a
day away and sounds the same
at foal to skim yr friends is
not the way, but hears these others
come along and meets the rest
as : as, to seem within the room
and goes between the mountains
are not new, but sail below the
arms the hearts boom & song
would clear the waves of light in
whole and spurt, arrives the sharp
and said it went across the room
to music hit the wall her body's
arts were hardly practiced and let
her go the time was premature, &
find a young one, tell her what to
do and get these pleasures down.
Names the limit's work is made
by hands alert between yr eyes,
or wood, where spent or proper, eases
down from blue mornings noun &
calm the real signs call around
or push them down, from special
lines the light is cloudy in the air
some shifts of salutation with
the open doors are also marked by
chalk or any other house is clear.
you are, and love is there, or there :
thirsty eaves release the birds
from passing through the moon a
larger clump of trees is housed,
associate of clear blue morning,
and bend her on the table shows
the open shot to finger in the
rest rests, but wear some clothes
again the washing closes down at
painting, then, or beer, or what
is hardly known the loop alert
to newer claims for inattention
where you would begin the limit
measured by the duties that we
are in seeming thus or not, along
& sent, the houses clear & proper.
Lines along the light is also drawn
between yr sighs before these
airs remiss and strange through
-out the movement from the day
is held alert beyond the moon's
own fragrances, she lays me down:
or are you are and mouth to eare,
the loops recall some pools revive
between the days of light in love
forgetting what arises to the spine
and tingles path & charm to say
again some silences regained at
proper intervals restrained alert
becalmed to life begins her
songs like movement in the hands
as has, they are again & strong
like lines they make some truth
at oars to shoal these flesh
of mood you sting the loops from
remembering how the sack split
the roses folded outer out and
simpler doors are also residual:
or would you act so well unknown
the food is cooking down the day,
and love's charms recall us into
seasons sprung the body lives.
Catches light, she spread apart her legs
and touched inside I came and let
my seed collect her spot was charged
& she got off to slide around the bed.
and posts are poled away to seem along
as has, so let the day arrive was also
new, and simpler thoughts are also real
and boogie down again, who really cares?
that says of something fucked & sucked
for any season or back seat suddenly
jerked her off in the airport garage,
and drank the shower cleaned out
driven down her throat, or left alone
by other times my own hand is good
enough, but doubled solitudes gain the
grace of more than that, to touch
together springs this grease & song you
have these cowboy dreams again and
all there is to fuck some more and drive
the animal his laughter fills the air
as root & pull her down on top her
back is sweat and dance around
the floor is squeaked by bathroom bounces
in what is simply done should have
the piece again between yr teeth is also
love to go down behind yr clothes on.
The larger spool & light to further,
onto something also flat perhaps
full bore across the home plane scoured
without persistence looped among
some density saved her eyes and
parenthetically, opposed like love
is also diving into deeper dreams than
what is also there in smoother
laps recall yr days were shored to
calmer marked the forehead drawn
her stick was wooden hair lighted
red beneath the black; yr both
my symbols laid by David's eyes,
a cunt. Sword toward word.
soared. Another day reminds dream
and happens, they are all hard,
the same, and met : Days. & Works.
epiphany of rust, her open mouth
could also be a target for love's
entrances to the body, seed channel
of the throat, and up yr ass, across
the table, spread & eagled, sons
review the lust of entries, centered
sentry centuries long in coming,
blows the seeds yr tubes are also
lighted from within the air.
Double folded out shadows sums.
and above me, she plays her song,
out-leaped, Mr. Small, you caught me,
& eases out excused the whole bag
of sentences, maiden rushed & taken
down to what comes from behind
and calls in yr tubes are lighted from
within by seeds they find the mark
and familiar airs rewind the rest
as stays the door is also open to
something thought at other days the
line from spring season moved
in-tense or slipped the ripe dogs his
signs I saw before they spoke to
say you are, as said, and younger
eyes are inexperienced to follow where
the finger strays alternate and slipped
aside yr strings & straws; of other
moods relapse & throng the same is
looped recall and drum the body
message loved at light her down
to something in bed at night and
butterfly around the rooms are air
a book is waiting to be read, and she
wallows down her light arrived, I am
I and Eye the eagle same is sung.
Some lines recall, endure & song, at
sails relief to pole the sea is sung,
aloft the moon is wept & strung along
by what becomes the light is rift & pool.
leap the mark is set by tales or wrung among
the schools of love's beginnings, the heart
would sail away, too, & stay the same
within yr eyes can say we are, and
go between, as has to let them down,
the waves are marked, in time is cool
perhaps, to days of what they are, there,
in cooler laps they ride above the
bed in dreams to make them down at
what, between yr times of passion is
some lines before the rest is set, and
leaps along the way to set and wait
you are these lays of term and gong, what
apeaks, elbows and arm, you would
leave them down but heave afar to
say, another, begins perhaps, to say,
and love is moved by shores recall, to
spell out what clears the waves
again in crashes looped, relief and
shallower cores before to stop ahead,
you would grow these pools of light
from what is spoke among the rest.
Insular dove revived day at works
as poled by line by, slips affirmed.
has the body's acts are called within
would say alert they are again above.
would clear affirm to rise and drink
her juices flowing pass the river
in some angle destined outer sails to
hear the rest, rests. Pays the rent.
you said we sailed, the roaming of
some beasts are golden made alert
you hear my weaving outer pools are
also made of light and folded back
in sense the marks of love's own call,
you would be flying home again, to
rotate yr eyes sullen and backward,
but clears the room for decoration
in the center of the table flowers are
the sign of love to say the rest, rests,
at poles collapsed in outer other hears
to some relief the eastern windows
pointed up the difficulties, music in the
morning, driven out the day is clear
what has no stops are left within the
day and day again to be the room of
white light love, and sailed her warps
its grace today, and walking in.
As eyes, and across from words, a
fire inside the day's lights, for
love. Consistent doves, roasted out, the
laundry calls, across the lawn;
there is no dogshit there, I raked it.
Loom across yr open juices flown to
drink another seed is driven down
yr throat, and dreamed aloud,
a tie or pool of light is said to be
this fuck & suck of love, life's other
in diminishing the real to outer sails
review and throng, the fringe his
pants around at cuff & charm, a
lesson from these waves of light
which clear the ground and spell
the day, aloud! Or has, to let
them on around these warps her numen
sung aloud would shore these ties
within, the mood & charm of signs
yr tires are stripped aloud to
seem the same as sent or sentenced
would clear the doors again and
sandwich out the airs renewed to
shoal & spume will clear these
oars are locked & spun around
new shoes to run the frisbee earth.
And open, drink yr sap, tongue in,
as has today the eastern seclusion
rigged-out in light waves hastening-out
outer out the sea his voices calling modest
is the topmost line to keeping still, it says,
you are, & armed armies arming bodies
keep her up on top, and ride her movies
scene by scene, is thought before you are
not there yet the bike across the streets
to bed the morning bright with love's
acts between these others of the year,
she swims along in white rooms scene
& seen the same music hears the rest,
and goes, alongside, whale & heart
hard & sticky, blown & fluted bird
song seed scene down yr throat,
is bird food, hum-bird sting & singer
another revolving door is up yr ass,
a finger, perhaps, and smooth the
icing down is laid by, smooth to airs
her body born of seasons wet yr faces
are these rings of light between days
& says the moon is really hiding out
between yr legs I'd pull yr trigger
smooth & lovely, drawn across my eye,
eagle & song the day the same way set.
Light-wove, sparked or sudden, into morn
-ing falls alive another room is paired to
white foam spoke relief to poles & sharp.
at cool or lapse the wooden ears are
new or skipped around ler legs apart or
left the lawn away at forward signs
she sings perhaps of other songs and will,
the eagle's time is from the air reviewed,
and called around would clear the fall of
love's beginnings, or words from somewhere
green & yellow shifts to forces lined at
moon & movie in the lines we slipped
the roasts are cooled at something watched
and driven, musk of nosed slipped a chin
is plugged and wrestled out without a chain
for fools lugged between her eyes a spot.
and leaps the barns of reddening sails in
trips to spool this light is ready now
to be the same climb from there and sent
you would begin the day's lights within
and lapsed by frames a house is built to
motive clean and perfect hears yr woods
to be another yell or crashing fence in love
the light resounds yr face & legs a
dance before the bed, the afternoon for sitting
in a chair and lighting up my face again.
Or as lines across the day, yr favors are
these tines of light precise at love's
juncture, around the bend I smell it,
drink her juices down she comes, the
waves are folded outer bounce she says
to someone in my heart, arrive aloud
the daisies lifted green around the bed
to some clear light the names are
also called to hear these lines : yr head
resounds as spoke and driven home
to family sung the day of time is
also moved by who is there. Economy.
and spin the tables light to say
the roses cast like blue forces
leaning over now and down the
waves are shield and core, along
these details calculated hold, hold
or other terms are called to speak
would say the rest rests toward
either romance cast in nests or
nets, you read this simply, but
words are also noises around
in movement, love's voice within a
cloud, as passes self & one unites,
and shoals this fervor new as
sprung the season lifted in.
Said, then. Belief resounds lines outer
sung yr body's eye is also round
from foam slipped aside the range of
light throughout a movement, love's
air & throng poled from eases caught
yr lines are also made out, back seat,
at lunch would do, & bring a friend,
Butt-looped inside watched & come.
lets leaves, sense of new terms sailed
like rope the waters surround the
queen's own body: let aloft as air
between yr sighs is spoke among
the pressures out & laid to shoals
forward marks the song is laid
by hand, the lawn is rigged in
love's meetings declared firm as
-tounds the reader backwards force
to sail her down the line & lift
her dresses up the car is bumping
loaded left to right & hard on
ringing in yr ears release her hand
and open the door yrself to pleas
you are in smoke revealed the bird
has turned the wings are folded
back her flaps his eye the same
and loads along the day arrive!
As : turns to light, and told throughout is
held familiar and gathered back they call
along the waves & turns for love, in tense
or spelled yr names arrive between the lines
would clear to terms unite and foreign
where they call out across the moon is
left before you speak in songs the rest
is gone but fired out between the signs
for heads alert or called below is mountain
throng afar you would declare the rest
as told in urges left away is prose to sell
the heart's indications of the right line out.
as wove the cords are left along & sung
the dust of roads is called within some
rooms disturbed by light and moved alert
is met away disturbed the loom & charm
between mechanics same as word to call
astir and far along the daisies moved away
to call them down you would become this
spot among the days is called you are and
thrown : you would restore the life of changes
thrown aside and marked alert beside the
empty rivers coiled below or would the rest
revive into morning left and then the long
way gone along to hold them down away
would clear the time of what is also seen.
And seen her signs my eye & mind re
-spond, alarm & call, to smell her
up the trails of light and closing in on
love's due, the heart & charm, a gentle
warrior treads the tiger's tail, no error
and gives across the great water, 3
days out, across the resurrection, &
made erect this tree is juice and
one to seem without, is slipped these
airways crowded into season & song,
you are! And met the coffee & some
lines retrieved, final fantasies of
love, where clears the waves are broken
at the beach some scene resounds
outer & hum, to be these energies
connected across the acts & poems.
wild slip, and meets the error broken
at the edge some flower meets me
in the air & plunge on in to seed
her in behind these pulleys wrapt
and gently folded love is taught by
pleasure's own becoming in the
body's waves delight & comes to hold
at peak performed yr bursts of sighs
or changes pleasure into truth is love
& light the same made conjunctionis.
As signed, loop-out, refund toward air
the love from light's snow flowers in
the waves around between the voices cast
adrift before the line as out to form recall.
as spoke to charms aloft, renews them
outer told and sung between her legs:
alive this light the tongue and flame
as goes along the trails wave & light.
you are and then the rest as has to seem
and left among the airs recall to
throng and looped aloft between the
rest, rests: and go between the rest,
as has to let and dreamed erect at
picture thrust or cast the image of
her body minded, there, and thick to
slides as shows and off the ties to
rest alert to love and eyes in crowds
they sing their moods discuss and wait
foretold, at airs renew and hold them
down the scenes alert they call across
and wait or merge and fuse to pressure's
larger pleasures thrown to private
times and movies parked for celebration
pain this blood alive is also facing in
to rooms of light and seems along to
hold below the day no mail again.
As long & sung the same arrives the
year is also new to songs the other day.
and holds affirmed in what is,
there is, as light, the song-bird
at the play of time renew. As goes
between the signs that love is new,
the body's stone is lighter up the eye,
and spoke for soon among the same,
as yips these airs recall her smell,
or tongue it up, perhaps, a smaller
size of ears are smooth the rhythm of
the chick's escape, you are upturned
to smoke & painting new to seem within
the ears arrest to sails recall at
air & long along the room is said
as well becalm the airs are calm
and sad, the newer day is call the
words revolve, resound, at spoken
meetings signed by love and called at
day the loop restore to yips the day
for morning into seasons called and
rung before the light is mood recall
to thorough lines between her eyes
a spot and clatters on between
repetition breaks the stride to these
becalmings inner-in restore & loop.
Marked as driven up the sword is light
at year to song as lived they hold to
seem within the play of acts & days they
are to love what comes between the terms
for what goes before to hold the waves &
peals from what is made the way you
sail the days to mood & charm again and
smoked by lines in tense and made
deliberate fortunes lease to time & move
the rest as room & sign they leave a
residue of shallow airs released to some
before the rest is sheltered out in tomb
to hear the rest as said they cool it
outer out and made the long day says
arrive to thoughts begun in histories the body
loom & charm, again a call to terms
the rest is wearing out & down the doors
are hung between the airs to term the
rest as light the way he rises flown at
suns to move across they hold at
firm aligns to fill out spring out the
loom of pears resist at yellow
doors the basket holds in-tense too
much but lese relax as has, to
let the rest go down and be the same
and speak at simpler signs released.
As seen, my life has gone full round
and come to this light between my days
and makes the work take place, hustled
intonation moan & ladies one or two,
and that is all, but kicks the thunder's
spring renewed, you are as turn & tell
in warmer times would fall away is
driven one by one around art-history
as visible entities resound outer forward
mystic trails all seem the same, &
lame deer smell bullshit on the road
for true fathers neglected innermost
personal spoke centered scene the moon
is still magnificent yr motive's claim
and soon to lease these airs are calm :
as left to seem within all squared away
scratch & stumble grab each dollar seen
to somehow come along no joy in money
hear the heart secure its names for love are
new and told you are these things renew
to hope the utter calm designed you are
these waves of light as words the song
is made, beloved, one in one the same as
says, to come next Tuesday, or sails her
eyes through glass these voices speak
the day is sprung-out, day of signs.
Heard as spoke across the line across the
yard yr breasts erect & nippled out to
cold air and eyes. Would hold you back
to light, and drive into yr house &
garden fixed or flattered out would clear
the mind daily functions hear clatter
furious press of blood the forehead is
the seat of pleasure, the seat is
pleasured outer in this push of flesh
yr face is lighted from behind &
breasted brown & body song to fly
around the house and call my name.
as has the lay of time between and
made of love to shore yr fresh flesh
in my bed you said you are and
where this hover craft resides my
eye is also heart & song within, I
split them off and carry the prince
to wait herein & proper, as said, to
fuck you close and present, and
drop on down the aisles of yr spirit,
falling in these clouds & banks
of stony light I wait awaited moved
and says, "go on," and lay you
down across the floor & spread you
back to hump this day, among, along.
As term yr line : at calf yr leg and
folded in behind a red cloth draped
yr ass would let in light between
yr folds alive and well for coffee &
ladies' words are the body's fruit, they
speak, these pears delight the mouth
and person, ally & song the moon is
also newer here than not decides to
speak within yr airs rescinding sound
the heart is welcome treading out my
signs, the yellow book my life & song
yr body's eye, the queen's own body
taking stock and always horny is
not the same as struggling for power,
and eagle the sun is heavy the light
precise and love my course is set
the pleasure in the seeing of what she
wears for notice I am there to be
along yr eyes are also wet for these
specific pleasures, tongue & cock, life
begun along her woven trails the earth
to song begin and steady down the
loops are folded wet & center hear
me meets the line at light to say
astir! And grow yr love to meet her
stays the gentle lines between her eyes.
Undisturbed, silence & time cohabit
dream the wild fuck, she comes.
picture release astar from foam and
light his airs remiss & strange.
to pool pole outer said again, you
are. As seed her transient seeming
fantasy picture dreams her legs apart
and folded in, yr driving arrow
plume and throng he dives drives his
aim and air the Eagle-tongue before
some quarts are flowing the fountain
of youth between her legs and drink
this pleasure down yr protein surge,
or protean, or other, but lapped-in
and sucked her pass & claim are also
love's eye naked in the queen's own
language, seemed & scored alert,
you drive around town, her eye is
everywhere the same & seen from meet
and plow: and grow yr jerk-off
dream each morning, for coffee in
the quiet elasticity of love's dreaming,
light and time arrive in love's space
afar the slow being and grace along
the way and sad slow comes the term
and drum the love she sees between