Day becalmed to morning's night: through the
door would open into light among yr Lines
foretold the heart's enmeshed occurrences to
hear the time of love's release is also
busy into seeming what it is to hold along
yr trails to send away the others are not
sudden but revolved to hold ahold the day
is also spoke in acts relieved to see the
way is also made throughout the same way
set to tell, hold, speak. Shore & throng,
they press outer and told, they are and met.
sheer to drops as up or in to spear the
line to twigs are set in rows & fired off.
Smoke, small buttons into dusk, or red
lights from love's ground of airs recalled.
doubt lessens terms to tell as ease or
claim reviewed in porches spoke at dimmer
switches, and called recalled to pools or
lesser duties eased off in life's work and
speeches. Coughed. But elevated toward
resistance, as into become another name
recalls us outward into light withdrawn
to full and strong: As, pressed and follow
he holds alofted & seen, the rescues of
they loam to deal aloft again this feather
settles into love & terms anew, begun.
As holds to sign along some distances, through
the time as set to tell, hold, spin & song to
let as hold these terms along and spoke, you are
in tense & thrust to hear as loop recall &
move along the line & set, as held among these
rooms are skipped along to yield & spell correct
you might begin inside as smoked & cool to
outer lapses sent the line permits to lessen &
pool in what is brief or line, curl of spokes at
rustle's gain the loft aloft remove & send
but grace remits to sentenced lines in meetings
made secure as love's own terms permit:
light this earth without the curves belong
as seen from scores recall as moves away &
walked along the streams are also set at
air and air, so clarity removes the mind
as lets to send and spin along yr blue
beginnings from the rest rests: you are.
time, then, among its tight scores remind
at house and pool the same way sent as
out from set and climb yr heart is
also eye & light recalled in acts to
speak the same is moved throughout in
manners of becalmed sentences are to
light the day along love's particular dues
to send us out and hear this song.
As said, between among yr lines these
eyes are told at scene & throng, one
sending-out along the scores have settled
down at last, even and even among
set and center poled-out they hear along
from day's other lights to heaved up
act & term, or spaced to detail & form
is also graced, but belief to hold away
these easy doubts sung to air resounds
from forward lapses in outer dignity
the line & kiln particular they swarm
into love's destinations at heart the
loom is wove to depth, or swum interior
the day away at other depths, a grey
animal sleeps these flowers rooted soil
& long along the way at ears bereft to
see these lights are fired out the
wind is yellow & color into taut lines
the same as all ways marked on moons
collapsed, son & son at their pools
on edges sent to hear their names
a feather pulled along some distances
made from details meant or spun to
love's particular organizations, heavy
light spills upward, heart & eye & name.
lengthened outer upward, the year, love's
Light to term, aloft and sudden, eagle
swoops to line among these others, into
seeming swept alert among their other ways
are all the same and left to sell their names
too easily between their days are kept to
tell them how to wait or be the same
as what they were in language caught but
lit behind, showing through the times
to set along these terms would spell
love's own time begun as told to
spend among these airs are kept to
send these dragons down in light
alights to speak these ways permit
lesion and song as passes through
the body into light again at center
and long along these rooms permit
us all these ropes are sent to shell
and dream: you are, among the air to
tell, into become at last to hold and
send these friends are met or angled
into plans are yet these isolations of the
rest rests to hear these days are
yet the same light leads to love's own
grace into power creates this move &
stills the rest untiring along the day
as holds to loop among yr airs.
Behind is run alert into these rooms of
light is spread the day is also light the same
is set to air in pools of sense the rest becomes
as outer others decline to wait alone & meet.
but wait arise to hear yr name is eye &
man aloft its cold spaces cleaned out to spell
along is rest & then between to make it right
in loops recalled the lines are slippt or
cool to straight beyond the top or upper as
light in love's own claps at hands to say:
as rift & chain the lessons come within
some boundaries, meant to tell again the loose
heights rolled & brushed at word again he
eats the ladder leaps aloft these repeat
into airs released to pool & grey gray along
continues outer the rooms are cleaned again
to hear yr lapsed continues roof the still
parts are left along again to rocks the
walls permit the ladders upwards the clock
around yr walls are going alert to say
we have these roofs among yr special tones
remiss & charge to song the clever ropes
but share a greater space without as others
come between in light recalled to heave
us into love's partitions in words belong at
hours told to spell & tong, you are, again.
And turns to hold, here there are these lines,
wrapped between their excursions, cool.
Where some simpler words are drawn, it
is ease which leaves its mark throughout,
but said, then, and left to be the same :
mere decoration is less than light
openings, close to hear this song, resound
from lesser densities, closed by acts.
The mind’s refusal or the body’s dance;
and in this weaving of particulars,
another visible distance enfolds color
into shape & song. But rest arrest
to mountains flown or nests along the
ridge to slip within some marks
without distinction, a simpler life is
made, mark & term to hold along
the line we are inside a place & met
to be these days we are and spoke
there are complaints : but love’s way
declines us outer & other into being
where we are, the mood is fitful or
declaimed to hold throughout the line
and carry out these schemes inside, a
room and pleasure into light the
center of the day at work and song
we’ll move into some particular grace.
Term’s resolve as outer lines permit to cross
as loom & charge without, in spells toss
to move along in time withheld toward outer
darkness lights within the words are crept
inside your eye designs at scent & change.
But rule throughout as spends the same way
set to tell in lines withdrawn as world
or utter plains resolve from red & yellow
in the air as moves specific & hears the
rest is typical in cases spur to leaped
acts in some particular from hoses wept
or after lapses come between her terms
from morning after even into become as yet.
Become beyond one’s own amused to
settle down at rest these charges laid to
tell the same is looped outer & strung to
call recall the names we have together into
some resounding anchors, heart and song
along among you are, the rest rests as
told specific where friends recall their
lessons from the airs resolved particular
would ease us out in mountains flung
to rocks or wood, the man is set to
pleasures strain between her eyes as
rests to letters into day the same resembles
replicate duties in the self shaded true.
Term’s resolve as outer lines permit to cross
as loom & charge without in spells toss
to move along in time withheld toward outer
darkness lights within the words are crept
inside your eye designs at scent & change.
But rule throughout as spends the same way
set to tell in lines withdrawn as world
or utter plains resolve from red & yellow
in the air as moves specific & hears the
rest is typical in cases spur to leaped
acts in some particular from hoses wept
or after lapses come between her terms
from morning after even into become as yet.
Become beyond one’s own amused to
settle down at rest these charges laid to
tell the same is looped outer & strung to
call recall the names we have together into
some resounding anchors, heart and song
along among you are, the rest rests as
told specific where friends recall their
lessons from the airs resolved particular
would ease us out in mountains flung
to rocks or wood the man is set to
pleasures strain between her eyes as
rests to letters into day the same resembles
replicate duties in the self shaded true.
Or drives along, to hold halt away is here
this room is practiced into seeming told, a
time would be this evening into light the
way is come to hear another day begin
from settled airs removed and turned outer
other and sung toward resemblance cast
or spoke at long gestures thrust cleared
throughout a lesser mood alert toward
window or wall another plant becomes
name and shore through eases spun
at movement shorn from diagram or
moon in syllable the shine reflects to
doorways lighted love’s gestures taut
settles down at roads are dirt to
bound a place within these careful
lights distinguished from love’s claims
made again by sign or firm & simple
as you are again this way permits
from closed patterns missed perhaps
a cautious lesson would seem seeing
but rove to doubt & listened care-
fully said again these walls are
set by time and dreamed a rush of
day to term & line we cross the day
and hold along the trail at sign &
moon she sweeps the rooms away.
Turned, alert recall to hold along the way
is seen the same setting is begun not for
duty sent to hear these lines repeat but into
morning sent to stare the sun is bright at
seeing love’s name rewind into sensation
kept alert beyond another pool of light.
You are, then, this morning’s calculation.
The birds are cooled along to send us
down among these airs persist and follow
day to moon the same is also words
are moved alert along aloft among to
hold : move to song the cool lapse
is rift anew to show the lime & fig.
Below light’s center recall love is at.
And air to shape this line is waved
he holds to what is true : the same
setting-forth in others go below to hold
a course for this begins to shore & pool
the rest rests and goes beyond to be
the same way setting forth within a
sphere of other lines you might recall
these days are also new the same be
-comes to shape the world’s lights from
love’s own time is moved a day away
and hears princes & ministers in their
duties beckon outward into day away.
As term to lead these lines are swift
into these cool parts released between
to settle into heat compressed reduced
the manner of the act is perfect also
any other seems the same we are at
lesson any other is this teaching in
a world we are without instruction
holy to art the cow is care & light
as bull recedes to meat we are some
place restricts the sign at love’s own
call the same we are to spill into
between as lets to tell and be
alone along the same way sets to hold: :
I speak to hear some angles of
reflection gathered out along the time
and have these loops rewind and
song in yellow parts as swept to
term & throng we’ll settle out between
the same way set to hold throughout the
lines are also set to be yr eyes to
make this song : not the mind alone, it
is the heart which follows through in
words are tossed around to let these
tissues fold enfold the day begins to
charge alert begun in forms of power
do we care this line alert to hold asway.
As turns the light, fixed into seeing : as up.
Cornered into somewhat lesson pooled about
some allowances forward and the fine tuning
becomes this density melodious & particle
as seaward spent or shored birds nested
have some joy as lighted spaces carry
off into seeming what they are again, and
rests at work he listened as she passed
these signs of seed & song are information
from other men relaxed they hold to what
is true : eye-heart among these shapes of
replication, from one to one, her voice
on edges of intention, but same to same
the air is cool and moved at house &
sensation marked at rest as rooms
are made alike the line permits
orange terms to shift their weight in
single marks the day to loom in
some repetition as leaves the rest
without content and fired up the head
is parted into sense & song you wd
close the line & time as hears an
opening calm & center off again is
moved the day & rise along the
day to edge & long along the way
we meet in some resemblances.
As turns away the way is set at terms
relieved and set to tell along you are : see.
And in this forest of lights we are these days
to loops recall in song at term & set, a
day along yr heart to tell these lines remiss
and claim wd hold to be on fire this
lake within the same is pooled out you are :
and tells to hold asway this line is set in
some beginnings made-out in loops are made
to set this light from love’s names are moved
along yr heart is friend & time to hear the day
remove at sum & charge, atunes she is as
a name reminds to some relaxed affirmed
a way to shore these lines in hearts
are swept along yr eyes to hold enfold
the terms to hold the day in some en
-lighted space is names to hold me long
along the term & song to shore a day is
moved at set & stand the water has
another time to call recall this space is large
to smooth and single arts the lessons are to
see the time among these loops regained :
another term resists and cools this lake to
light to love I hear some days anew.
As turns, this lake becomes a noise to
fold enfold some lesser triumphs adapt
into become, as poled-out through the air
in seeming spent to pools wrapt astir
these ledgers are also said complete through
and lined a skip alert to hold the way
is set to hold along yr eyes are also
new as moved atunes would cool to
skips the time is met away to shore at
fruit or beckoned out along the road.
And holds to light the day has come
between these rests are made to heal
some inner sores without this angle of
distaste recalled to ship the rocks are
leased in names to hold yr open tones
in voice or mood repelled by centers of
recall : as would or seems, there, along
some particular receipt is spelled
an upright solid into membranes cast
the song is love’s own way of movement
from air to movies cast throughout a
lesser day would hear subscribed in
speech spoke you would lie along a
surface cool or leans removed at
walls or open closets cast rough to
love or long along the way, we are.
As line the day to term affirm and hold
to small success, at work within to
light’s retreat and climb to love and say
there are these turns within as rides
the horse alert to light’s poles at star
and song yr heart to fold the line
as pools throughout these looms of air &
sense to set or cool the rooms are
limes throughout in some beginnings of
air to start the day in love’s own
clarity : poled from act to slim begin
these yellow pools not clever but held
the words are new renew the way from
room to room outpaced & followed
might hold along the way as taut or
single, parts of time’s allowance to
yield or shallow hurry would be a
lesser pillow, but see the trade is
easier and mysteries worked out
along the road to food & shelter
are these lines distinct a heart is sd
to friendly terms along yr own
time & time to follow down these
days are ripe permits & leaves the
airs resembled out to hold away the
days repeat recall in term & term along.
As moved below and thrown alert, along
this pool is strewn between some lines
are set in terms renew and flown to pole
some airs remiss and strong to hedge
or lay as back to back and thrive as
let or flown in nests are met to help
appointed into scenes are new or shorn
between her eyes, a spot : and long
along these days below in senses
at some pools of light are grown
in life’s sentences to see the way is
newer here than not, to loop away
from terms of some distinctness over
lesser dues to pool these warps
have settled-out the movies into
morning thrust away yr newer
times to pool alert beyond another
time has folded back another
lines are set to heavier dues into
seeming set to lines among the
distant music after daily motives
cast at stars or other minds are
lessened beyond these days permit
and throng alert these moons are
here throughout the day of love’s gifts
within the lessons of the time, along.
As holds, pool to term in senses left or
rose, these airs permit in light some
distinction into seeming set throughout in
quarters told beyond allowable pressures
as rooms are also energy in trips released
to have these airs throughout at least these
days will and move to rest as rest the cool
terms permit some lessons in upon in the
houses failed or spattered would be some
hands inside the places cast to say
again the sands are wept or outer into
causes set to hold again and causal.
Or would, where set or pooled throughout
in marked to move & rest at
seeing set or settled would care to leave
or stay behind the mountains are the same
in love’s simplicity to cool airs lapsed to
sending out and out again the people are
not seen the roses stiffed to leap away &
fall short would be another careless try.
but says again some energies caught between
these lessons into daylight caught to rest
as roams between her eyes, a spot, at lesson
or time to say again the same thing :
air to pool and lesser duties in the
air a meeting room & call, the day.
As said, these lights enfold throughout at
hold and center : of the world’s thought.
But slipped aside, web and shock, to
pole apart the sense of time begun
at yr openings, sun’s magnificence at
the verge outlayered alone some airs renew.
his days become : pool to sharp lines and
sleep review the rest rests along some
airs remiss to share escapes permit
and settle down away yr eyes as
rotate beside the river peruse to clips
in yellow or orange marks at terms
they hold asway the same city is also
moved to names to & from some
work retires into painting : you are,
a slip of morning as retreats the
year has catches, in spires shown alert
to send them up the line as says,
stay, the day would claim yr eyes
as into seems the rest is time
but sends the days away to move
the terms are set or climbing, as
out to out, her marks review to lay
this sentence out would climb along
and send love to the center into long
away and light the rest is moved.
As turns, without, or bright turns along
some distances become whereas and term,
the light disturbed perhaps into scene and
throng, as seen, where they fall apart :
and line to light, love’s simple due, you’d
hold her back to back, and settle in
to yield the day into some begetting, &
shore these pulls to slip away soft to
sharp, the parts of line and song are
also eased the day arrived in progress
spun as bright the way in sets away
throughout as holds and sends uprised
a pull of shore & time, immediate
transparent the same, his lines are
valid, but arrives, at man to song, a
long time bent-out, a woman comes
to stay the same time, too, and shapes
an easy day in beds of bulbs, a city
sleeps with death away as let &tune
the terms remit too often these anchor
stars to lean the day is said as said,
where listened, ear, to hold and on
the marks deny but move the way to
hill & sun the time submits as spare
and love the cold nights moved in
light removes as adds the term along.
As light, love’s way unwound through
-out in term & line as spool to doubt.
And holds, into seeming set or settled
like these pools remiss &shift to
charge changes into life, as hold & set :
tight trails loop & roll, doubled in
away as held affirmed and let along
the term of letters forward into this,
and roomed another lesson into day
the same as sign and line the oven
is this rule throughout as lesion or
some patter of the rest, rests, on.
Yr eyes in letters open into leaves
the caution of these random oars
to yellow book in this reflection lies
to ears and others the sound of
these reminders, pole & star, her
sores are cast away but poisoned
through the heart as cleans the life
at stake; overt monuments permit
yr hazy days their shift & charge, to
loom the terms their proper spells, a
careful score is rest and term, but
holds the swift scores to leave her out
the name of love’s own time, as here
and this, to roam among the acts.
As turns at edge and pool, the eye is
left aloft, leaved at fall & sense, a
simpler air is spread throughout the line
as lets to tell the term and mark is
set to go again and hold to what is there :
along a day is met in time to tell as
holds in air and light these acts are
new, perhaps, by love rewound in
tense to press among yr eyes a day
is word or score to ship these packs
and sentences astir profound as work &
song to peal afar or hear the
slips of time are warped woolen at
yellow beaded strings his smoke
is not so sudden into seeming at airs
resolved to pool or star these terms
are newer into lines throughout these
parts in terms made air to air :
your letters sun to leaf the time is
mark to move another shore is
gained by water crossed three in
three to send among your days
at slip and song these tongues remind.
Day away to hear some harps are
word to light the way and heave the
ropes aside, flight flown outer, on.
As lets to tell, delivered out to light,
and has some density to believe.
At tables flung, and outer out some
terms revolve as holds the lines along
the shore and slit this eye or easy grease.
but pull yr way away, and hold to
lines are split, to turn and move the
shore to mountain rest or made
the day is also set to tell yr eye
is also new renew and pole among
the airs resolve as in they are at art
and schooled by light the lines are
love’s own shape, as lets to tell,
and spun a movie mounting out to
less are slips the tongue her slot.
Ah! And later phone calls are arrived
the darkness slips between the days
and nights remove recall to doubt
and throng, we’ll shore perhaps this
parcel into song as hears another
line permit to tell as holds another
mark is slipped infirm & wedge
some tightened circles lax relax in
letter blue or other lays, she’ll be
some quick spot relaxed reclined with
god between or someone’s tongue.
In term as lets : behold & spin some
measures are released, like seen or air,
the rest between yr sox or pooled around
a lighter air betimes as foolish ways.
But shatter lamp or leaf, yr eye between,
and heart at edges cast your life
the same : as air, so let. And rest the
rest rests, as has yr name is light,
beyond or measured, in food or cloth
-ing wept another night decides; slip
and hearing mute transformed as hard
would hand uprise and say the bed.
Alone, it is to speak your own assoc
-iation, but energy lifted up the spine,
or left below & spattered out. No blame.
He hears woolen or causes outer sails.
And lessened into between, as taught,
the marks portend astir your thing
bestrid, and lesser pools relief to
flatten sense as moves throughout
a disposition of the rest, and hollows
on along younger days, as love’s
terms renew and roll us down the
leaves to light and time another
line bespoke as held or let you’d
live to see these prints becalmed.
As holds, lets to see between & set to
rise as terms are told before the day.
And live the tunes are moved alert along
to wit throughout in dreams to meet
at plan & throng the others rest-aside
in motives spent to hold affirmed yr
day belongs where move to hold yr eye;
and would, to be the day and song,
to move in some begun, as, “no blame,” &
then to seem inside some thin surprise
is let to fall before the day in newer
terms to secret gardens moved alert.
Or holds affirmed as sprayed above the
sky in lights at hand, she spread them
back and laughed aloud. A simpler day
is set to shore these pools along &
heard, to pool some shape at tables
left aloud and spins and changes
tales as born their terms again the lines
become wherever time reclines and
plunges in and holds this meeting at
a glance, from roasting angles set
inside singular irons, as sharper tunes
elude focus, wrinkled outer & done :
love’s lights are empty, shine through
-out singular lines, handily, anew, rose.
As day, and waiting over coffee at her
soft sizebelow behind, and smoothed
upwards, dark eyes deep within, at
yesterday’s calls, and sinks within
the well at rest and nourishment awaits
the move as terms unite to press to
have her there baside at play & song :
easy dreams permit such chatter, &
self develops unawares, or pressure into
morning sent like light’s events in
love’s sending out to out : to hear
and settle into morning after all
and after that without some touch
the fleshy spirit comes again in
term & gong the way to hold along
love’s airs resemble doubt perhaps
and helped along to sea & sign
at no more roads begun with-
out respite or sanctuary and into
morning set or settled with these
beckonings of the time in the body set
to hear another line is moved in air
to line as held affirmed by hand or
mouth the same pole ridged in love’s
furrows snagged upright a flag would
hold throughout the same airs held.
As has : so let. This dream is turn
and term, throughout the same, & power.
Hold, affirm at sway & bridge across
from man to man in self to scene
or toss the line is met or moved to hold
her down at pleasure’s oranges, peeled aloft.
Yr eye, in single sentences, wrapt or aft,
Loose to tell the days are new & swift.
Light in love’s names is cooled to
leaves & branches, pictured close at
rooms permit white lessons spread
out around the day is pooled alert
yr day is also clear the same way
set or settled into moves the night
is part and climb into evening marks
at term & song the night wd clear
out from easier distances in marks
across the line, permits lesion & throng
the cool days lapsed outer & sung : over
to tell, heals and spread yr wing is
covered, snow to snow the same time
lingers out another moon relapsed to
slow or newer pools, and light this
light is also love’s, direct & simple,
another language clears the way to
smooth and cooler acts. The one.
Into closer ties, the motive rests in
what is taught by lines remiss.
At charge and calm, another waits
but pooled alert, along her trails
I’ll split them down the time for
pleasure’s life within, as love is made
in easy gasps, some constancy pertains
to hold aloft along her flags are
waving to & to, their eyes uncrossed,
and works the day at edge and
line. At sense the realm remits to
heavier names : singular acts are
let, and spells to see correct this
light across the scene, her breath
is full, dark eyes are moved, as all
the same way sets me down to
food and plenty, night to night
in heavy dues, paltry airs a
bitter time review to pool or clasp.
But what is seen beside these
days, work to work, and piled
up along the time is met and
swift to close the day away in
love’s quick gasps, light & spread
your wings, along the way her
legs are leaped and plunged again.
As has, so let : lettered out to
say beyond the mountain, fire
as the wind, and words to hold
alert along the way, as moved to
tell, aswim between these opposites
spun to sail and stay the same
way opened into scene & song the line.
Or move yr line to eye along the
road is never static, rhythm & pool,
the light is hedged at love’s names
and soars aloft beheld the term is
let to shelf or ridge & stopped at
reef the visit : heel or ship these
outer days inhabit into sense the
day is loop or shaft the moon is
nearly full or fuller still and
made the time to yowl in about
her visits, at roof review the lesson
sends through simpler dues relief &
shoal the ships are sending out
some food prepared, & let her legs
between her eye a spot, to line
this pole inner & sung, to seed
and song among some dreams
are left alert and store, slips
in yellow eye the sun is crept aloft.
As let, so has : terms unite enfold to
seal as pooled thus to tension permits,
thorough between, as along and spent
to peer the lime and sense center, at
inner lines the rest rests toward another
sentinel the moon is full and termed
along yr eyes uncrossed and no gates are
crashed another word is shattered, but
holds between approach and justice,
to share some easier time is shore
and song, and finds relief where needed.
But shore this song is easier in
morning movement to blue & yellow
beads they are not vain permission
in the heart a mode of calling in
from self to scene the same way
set or sentenced as one, pertain
out to out the same transparency.
At love’s lines lighted, these simple
people with immediacy between
the eye & heart no mind but
lesser duties shoal. Pursue to
hold at nothing waiting year by
year a short term is held
affirmed yr elbow hurts and lets
them into morning’s songs, thus & so.
As turns, between among; and leaves
yr lines before the rush is set astir
the rest resumes at pole & star as set
the lay her mouth reversed, salamander.
And dreams release as settles down to see
her touch, eye and song below the day,
in friends they hear some senses call to
say together as the same way sets.
Oar this sheep, you are and sent, remove.
Sent or settled, out and outer, rest
resume to hold them open, buttoned up
the place to touch as cleaves to juice.
And horn her up and in, as fire, light
this scene is seen, or pictured back
in some relief at dream & throng yr child
would becalm an easier day remits to
press some ages cast away, the locust’s
styles, at tongue & clasp, a lighter loss
to love’s positions; as shelf, lease to
hear or postures after tension, a
fence between eye’s apples, on the
ground, and eaten out, he gave them
over without grace, I’ll take you
down and in between yr ps
to rap them up and suck you dry,
these letters : love’s simple sending.
As turns, to line along line, this thrust
and pool relieved the air decides to rest.
In term, the long way sets to ease and
marked along the moon begun at shore
and bird the easier dues released from
air to song her eases down to hold
the house away at dawn becomes another
rumbling day recalled from other
offers down the time along and set
between her eyes a spot belongs
to air the loom responds within the
time this light between her legs is
slow the spot declines at love’s request
is also light becalmed throughout
as set or settled into seeming here
these lines are also new to roam
within the heart is simpler energy
and marked as has, so let : yr eye
is term & song to hold enfold the
looser calms in single file the wheel
is broke or shown the rooster flopped
these pooled resumptions : scored below
as hears bestow through yellow day
to tune becalmed to whales are beached.
Love’s due is cause for song, and hears
the light from senses cast, at senses sung.
As turn, become the loop becalmed in
waters crossed the day away to
hear to some recall refer the line
is air to air these colors blue
and yellow heal the same is also
set or sentenced into scenes at
hard & song along the way as tells
to send us down the line in
easier days we hear these words
to stay the same we lay our
head to head as waits the line
and hears these dusty lines at
pool the ruses cool and simple
and in this day to sentence
doubt is easy out hears us out
and outer into seeming sent
the day is also new to chains
or spools we are these lines
become the day away in questions
asked and artful said to see
the newer turns have folded out
some airs are new or scene at
rooms this loop resists and holds
to what is here and lets the
rest rest : love’s airs renew and
light alights to terms review.
As term, to hold : aswim below
yr eyes are turned to sense this
loop recall and song along the day is
set at term to loop this mood is
also long along the rest within alert.
She waits between the rooms are
left the same way set or settled to
the west with draws a dream she
lets it down and goes on in herself
to seethe smooth and lesser gestures.
Sun’s sums recall, yr eyes the name
of love’s cool rooms and pleasures,
at senses hung without an easier
term is also mood &s ong again.
The day away is long to tell, a raft
would settle down to hear us call
this loop is settled down the day is
term and set or something new
from eases wrapt in other days
to tell the same way into seems
this day recall and song the moon
to hear or move so calm is in
the way some easier terms withdraw
at claim and song the day is
also lighted through to love’s own
claims begin again to hear yr words.
Yr open, as flown, along beside to
same or met at long among this
follows in to in, and sets between
her eyes a spot, as pooled light
and set to tell release relief would
seem to see this touch yr shell
is also eye the hair is red the same
as into sets some days permit to
heal or pin a raft as waits to
come along like this work : relief
or charge, at broken time is slots
to groove between as fans about
to yellow airs increased to wheels
to blue noons you come again,
as into sets below to see yr name
as eye and song in long along
some lines permit : remiss and charge
the rest rests alert between the
day is looped along among some
roof permits the night away in
terms to shift from pool to charm
at least to sing some singular time
for pleasure’s eye as fingers into
slip the ring and watch it fall
away in love’s light recalled from
horn to long arrive yr depths among.
As turns, to hold along recall & term
this line permits to hold sway & time.
Atune beyond, slip & let, the raft is
term & turn the day away to see
these signs are left around the air
to air as fired in to see the day
has love’s time between her eyes
a spot is sign & time to hold at
layers of the scene in pattern call at
view review the moon is singled out
among yr lines the light intense to
songs the voice of acts to heal the
air’s own meaning in these waves
enfold to long between the time
of this beginning of the shore in
terms the voice repeats the same
way set or singled out to have
time at other offers simple into air
the body’s limits profound beyond the
other lines hold to what is the same.
And light to tell the day ivory and
profound , moved in sentences of the
time is in these lights the same at
love’s beginnings, heart to time &
slid along the flesh is door & raft
and kept alert to work day & tune.
Your name recalls a day we were
alone together within surroundings of a city :
and met I touched your breasts they
firm affirmed yr pleasure some eyes
were hot between your legs a spot
I touched. So much passes away
at early glance the mind reminds
a fresh touch along the day is also
met astir my heart alone responds
as eagle signs his life into this
beginning to be the same. These works
of life are also mine, a sone a line
and working hard to be a man
and share that time with someone
dreamed asleep to touch between
these moons are wrapt in secrets
settled out like some with drawing
from the world in purposes we
all recall as love’s lights sent to
hold you down and live between
your eyes a spot and touch to tell
some good wold come of it would
come again perhaps as seed and song
the same they live to make the day
in some recall of doubt as moves as
holds as starts to live these lines
Yr lines to spin atunes like hearing into sets
the line and song to fold it back, tongue.
A road would spell, and leap to pools remiss
and charge, I’ll bring you into this specific.
Lay her down and loom these warps aloft and
sudden, but heave the goat away, his knees
and signs are wooden, planned by shifts are
lost to moons and mountains, lighted out to
have yr name in mine, eye to eye & sail.
A leaf along a loop regained, to charm and
book, a life submits, becalms and comes
again to touch its songs are made to
pool or shift. Wait, another term reminds
we area long our sentences, at her days
to bring about these pools and saucers to
a lesser day of work and work in organs
planned to win : an easy song is cooled to
leap throughout a life along these days
at mark and song yr eyes are opened
into games the body’s offers made of
light the same way sets or settles in and
waits awaits this love is made of time &
hard the scenes and hard the lines, at
roses flung or outer partners marked
to send them down the line you are and
to me sent I’ll be the same way set.
A nice pair. Folded round around the
lay of hands these straps are wool.
Into between; as has, so let, the rest
is also new beside the time and
stable, over into saying the terms are
new review to say the terms are name
and song you might before the day is
song to open leg and fly to seal the
term with love in some slight touch
of pleasure’s grace the same time move
to light the sky as holds to terms in
heat to spell the day of love’s own
bargains in life’s slight pressures, yr
breasts at touch affirmed to see
a slope of head and tongue within
yr reach a slot and gong attend :
she waits and hears the moon become
whoever tells the rest rests at
lines between her eyes, a spot enlarge
to fill with blood uprised within
the day as met we did your eyes
across yr yard is limb and song to
hear another name along the day as
rests between yr names attend
and sing a pool of light we all
inhabit as day becomes again we are.
Term of light a day away would hold to
life another time is caught within enfold
as love is also spent to time as blue and
yellow in the heart to pool as climb attend
atune the day is also long along the way or
cool to thought the heavy anchor gives at
scheme and term the body’s lines are wrapt
without at color sent the moon or single
air and kept the same is made to hold the
way and moving mouth to mouth the head
emerged the warmth of evening melting ice
the leaves are orange and yellow as
skies the meeting within the frame is also
kept to smooth some line would move
our times emerged the heavy clasps are
eased to wait await some airs revolved
you might remind of other offers cast with
-out the name of friends for cheer or shame
the isolation from which we creep as light is
spent in darkness shown th cap the tone
of simpler airs recall some casts of stone
you’d hear the same response with shape to
learn the song of life’s success as winds until a
clasp with easier lines within and
feed the body’s powers to live survived
and care the days are moved the same.
As day, the lines are strong again, the same
day held between my hands and hard on
her knees are folded back around the
light between the mountains pouring in
and dreamed immediate transparent the
same : less to tell, and acted out to out.
You might believe again, we are throughout
these neighbors into senses cast to ease
her back and down at morning’s moves
to let the rest go down into what
is there, the horn is raised and entered,
spool and chime, a newer shoal to
score the light from love’s bending at
the room and folded heart to
heart the time is made to hear the
air is open. And into pleasure thrust;,
you are this new recall life to time
the way is cleared to hold along the
time and spent, as energy, out to out,
these fruits become yellow and fall,
their food is made, and love between
yr legs is eye and song, to hold
and shoot, mouth to mouth & clean.
But move and let them out, these
charges laid around the edge and
simple, mark & tone, the day is made.
And lets to tell, alert and pulled early,
eye is term to see and hold along &
spent, day’s opening is also new, as told :
a way is met and marked for new
ties looser than held affirmed beyond
another time and lets away to mark the
lines are folded back as touched her eye
to lease or spin in rolls to tatter off.
Shell, the moon’s remiss charm is pool
to sky the graces married back at
heels the shelter comes alive to hear
into seeming set & settled, onto
line alive the well is sharp at yellow
beaded time to center long between
a day is also moved throughout these
open times yr legs are thrust alert
aloft the knees are pulled along to
pleasure’s sharp atunes & back at
mouths. These airs are cool to feel
the day is here and met, you are.
You are these lights away, peripheral.
Love’s tunnels shoal & dust the
air to newer press & shield at
centers wrought raft and song the
verbs are active, into seeming set
and centered on yr eye aloft today.
The same and turned along without to see
and density to terms anew are spooled along.
You are, along and set, set to tell as hold
between them along throughout the song among
pools, at light the thought is empty, or
love is marked the eye to spin pool &
charm as becomes the air & set to tell alert
become the rest rests as mountains, at
rooms stilled to hold between day and
day again you might become the same
way set or settled into thrusts the heart
between the body’s airs the light between
yr eyes a spot is sentenced in below the
arms the rest is seen to leave these
parts beyond, or move removed at hearts
to spool the single motives into calm or
the arms roughed out to tell, heard alert
these pools of light we all inhabit, love’s
names enfold, call and pawn, but rushed
outer at looms becalmed to hold at
show the rest is spun from air at light
the open terms recall from where
we came the same way set at lines to
seem the call is leafed to seasons
changed the roof the day the body’s own
becoming in this quickness, into evening sung.
As marked, moved to poles astir with
some density relaxed the moon in
-tense to hold among disturbances the
same as told to hear some terms are
set or new to song atune her eyes are
also set between the lines and held
to love’s terms into seeming set these
rooms remind, air to air the colors
folded back along yr lines submit to
single terms among the days as empty
to hold beyond some airs recall another
life perhaps as simpler set within
the heart some light revolves, center &
tone of eases wrapt without you
are : a catch is turned anew, and
holds a heart away as words are
kept or sown to lips as eases seen
a name is caught and honed part
-icular inside inside, you are also
some season sent the day is made
to hold anew some senses fled with
-out the light but true to courses
set as firmed endured the color of day
to blue & yellow beads are scattered
and rhythms broken open to call
recall the name of love in time begun.
As light to line at term’s beginning love is.
And sent the line away is set to tell also
thorough and sent the time away to tell
alert as edge to hear these sentences;
to terms aloft alert the moon is made to
settle out among yr eyes a spot is total
into seeming set or pooled to raft between,
along, among yr kinds & energies settling.
To & to, or set as told, along the air &
set to hold the mark is moved, aside to
shift & shore the lines between these airs
are wrapt affirmed or lesser dues from forms
as into between, & shift to moons along :
yr arrows let to tell, or stirs the air as ice.
Or let to tell as arrow bird the folding eye
and eagle into senses set, as treads along
or waits awaits through lesser terms
these lines arrive, for thorough ears to shell
and into over set throughout the same,
no letters. And whom these marks pretend
they are also moved between her eyes,
a spot. And might become the same time
love’s lens arise, for eye or heart the
spaces wrapt as offers total time or
sent the day’s messages int lines are
cast aloft, among and pooled to terms.
As into, pool alarm, terminals, thrust along..
To terms and scored, the rest becomes the
Restr as into set, the power or rushed his
Eyes to burning dots again, it is the day.
Or settles thorough value shore sentinel
is at the roof poled out as outer is a
loom along some shifts to lesser dues in
scores the life of simpler trees from
green to yellow into seeming set is there
some specific resumes to beef the curl :
spots. And into this and this or after is
lighted to edges of the day is marks :
love’s short claims the day is moved also
at these heavier notes a word to sleep.
Up the hills to score the terms at sea and
sent or spelled his instruments are short
to loops relief of eye the head rests, rests.
Forested compression and sentenced out
along the wall of morning moved alert to
claims the world’s roof and spilled, but
hot to spin her eyes at rest between
the air is moved in shelter after into set a
loop maintained yr crossings after color names
love again or rests in lighted centers
of your cool claims to inattention, shaft, the
pool, clasp remove, loop to cell and shot aloft.
As holds, to let. As in between, wanders
into seeming set, as love is, and told,
to light alight the darker mass is also here
and in the center, rest ahold of air along
the way, description and thing and on along
the shorebirds, blue and yellow beads respond.
As holds at western limits, another song is
bright to totals glued in this room of pairs
the openings are particular or new, and told.
Sharp to new edges, we hold as sentences are,
unwound begun and air to air beneath, astir.
Resound again begins to clear or snaps a
lesser term, reply, the boat is heeling in &
crossed, another day is newer still, or still
to answers crept the same way settled out :
aloft and blue the senses call the name is
air or love, and wounded yet to call alive
in darkness thrives the woods are gold &
yellow at afternoons the same is also called to
charge these days as into seeming set or
settled, day and night revolve at planets
magnified to daylight’s postures the limit
called atune to silly charms, spool & rhyme
to thrust thrown thing in simple rest &
shale : a cooler time is also winter’s due
to love alight these modest claims are set..
Line astern, or shipped over to tell, as here.
The road is strewn with seeming set to
tell alert along among, the rest rests in
and sets the rooms are spool &chime at
tenses caught between the day alert from
moons alive to turn throughout aligns at
sense another song reminds the day to
clear these energies slippt from time
or hoses sentenced into shoal or tune
the shore out-leaped assurances rough
to term or settled forward fast & clippt
to air these anchors upward the light
as foal, charged without possible airs
love is, onto clearing pools the night
astir from any carriage, or simple dues
the settlers from any plane or senses
forward the simplicity after ovens clear
to buckets the day also serves to
move into these clearings heart and
shore of another time the rhythm
of scrambled eggs, come from a south
or flown mounted seedlings assort
to love recall or pasture green &
snow to shore to, or fled, the rest
within astir flatters shown the line
at danger flown followed here.
To turns made, as moves, approached,
the light of something holds throughout.
Or, are, you are, as term & song the same,
set or pooled along the day is also
met to seem the line along as holds
at sentenced arrows and into seeming
settled out to hold the lines are into
this and holds the hand to cool and
slim airs respond, the power comes to
rise arise and clippt; the air in air.
Or are you are the term of scenes released,
to pool the time of senses set the line
of love’s remembering, and pleasure caught
hand in hand the ropes are also
new to heave airs out along the way
as near or told the light is also
heavier than this bell responds to
newer time and carries snow with
-out, but peace ascends to grace the
same day often outer thrust to tell,
and leaped at leaves to hold the line
among these senses lept or caught,
the roof is pooled anew or rift along
the crawl to seams the motives cast
the same way out along the roof as made
the moon is sending out to out & near.
Between the days, some air lets to hold to
these beginnings, as arrived we are in light
become to seem to be along the way this time
we have is still to be the love we are at
storm the sky is also here our eyes are met
astir at oranges or these hours rift & chain
below this earth & stream as folds the
heart is told to say the same is air
to song in work we are along & held
affirm to task these days of ropes or
mark to pool the frontal necessaries are
the same to thrive at terms the day of
another line before & after, crossing a
holy task is the fool’s instruction, as
self & one the light arrives again in
what we are the same and not at
times remanded to former states in this
scene we make from colors acted in
to tell, response to term a life alights
among our selves we pool our song
in water snagged aloft to some recall
of love’s names arrived the same
way sets astir in youth some folly
corresponds, and holds us into what
is true, but throws us on to who we
are become this air of leaves becalmed.
To time aligns the moves are slow and
firm atune from flow to tone, along & set.
But slow the air is settled out to tell alert
between her eyes a spot these lines of light.
From air to air the time is also moved below
these arms of time, and seems to hold away
the light is set to love’s recall to calm or
other angles pooled alert along the way :
as holds there and set the day away to
terms the pool is flown or healed, spot
and clime, to cool-out these ropes are sent
and sentence, as comes before the light
is not so dark but strewn before the act
in from or continent these forces caught
to sea or passion and into seeming set
the day is light & time the same way
clasp remove and hears these airs release
to dream or utter offers cling the heart
in singular doubts the day and life of these
demands the other names we shift these
hands around and slip away from term
to line in easier rooms the laughter comes
to heavier dues, these feelings pooled as set :
become these lines as rhythms set in
calm or pasture, and in this season
caught from eye to eye the same relief.
Into, and come, the way is set to see at
posts perhaps to lines along as held along :
to term alight along among, they are they,
or folded out to seem to be these horns
as set to scene & throng, the wall. Spoke,
perhaps, or settled out astir throughout,
but paddled on and sentenced out to
out, air in air the same or mettle, afar.
Said, then, the rooms are white & yellow
but pooled out, strung out, formation
of resonances at love’s times reviewed
withdraw as mountains line to light a
dragon pauses, heels & stirs the line
at dodge pursued his armor claims
to seem sent or known the body’s air
is caught thorough promotes a clear
term is settling to and to the days
are meeting on these scores reversed
to shoal the light is spent in seeing
center & tone the day is opening to
some declaration of favor, family of
light spun to love as marked a
line of poles reversed reviewed he reads :
at love’s peal to score as oceans and
their names to claim & song, arrive
at these roadways crossed, the day.
Becomes, then, a rest at airs received
at night to grow along the room to
hear these lives alight thorough into sets
stir and foam her eyes are also new
these lines are hard against the time of
light into love’s hands arrived thorough
lessens uprise to single term her legs
apart perhaps to ride this horse to
tell some moons allow the day arrive
at senses air to air as also settles
out to out these feelings stirred from
center outward as holds to terms
again and clears the day alerat to senses
calmed or scattered sell or run the time
to heal these moods alert and moved at
rooms they clear and set to move arrive
again in clearances wrapt or offer into
sets are light alert to pool escape in
work permits lesson & calm at her
names remiss & throng you might re
-ply recall is also set to mime or hand
you are. These days are simpler than we
thought is love becalmed in easy ties
to leap aloft as settles in to hear her
eyes are less than lighted up to hear
my moves are clear and sharp to go.
At loops recalled a name is light to
time as met the day is also set at
terms reviewed they last alas in posts
the claims are also met the day is love
to come across these waves of time’s close
arrive the door is move to claim in
meetings marked display affirmed through
these slips of dreams become marks
as into seeming set or settled hears her
eyes to songs they are aloft & sudden
as holds the flesh of terms along the
room and post alert to songs of light
before these lines are crossed throughout
another time of morning’s cool lapses
where sleep reminds at posture &throng
the openings are still profound enough
to dream again her legs are opened out
to touch these flowers time by air is
laid by rests to hold some single pool
and skips to houses sung a name
arrives in long lines reviewed intense
to come to these beginnings heart &
song again they are some days review &
claim of marks distinct or pure to love’s
celebrations within the claim of light as
mark or time to heal these body’s clasps.
In terms turned outer out in tense
as held affirmed throughout there are
boundaries impulsed toward heavier
ties thorough relief total eases hear
there are also notation & song you
are these lines permit to some life
alighted spins you are her eyes the same
might not be up to it. Simpler men
might pretend they are; as has, to let,
so begins at ending where lessons would
pre-occupy romances have their airs
the body’s lesson also schemed futile
into seeming set or turned attend to
what is there in heavier dues relapsed
as no-one hears these mountains
empty out alone along among yr traces
skip the movement as men are
gathered into what they are between
falling and the open heart below
some affirmation spins the day aloft
to totals glued between her legs
I hear my names arrive to scoops
the rest rests after other offers to
love begun in light sentenced sea to
season in between the days of air.
To terms renew her eyes across the line
is met to tell as holds and sway these
openings the heart to lines we wove this
dance is also term & song for newer days
as into seeming set the orange clouds at
morning moving thorough or unprofound in
lighted graces have their peace without
another room submits again as easier
tenses line the walls in anchor claims
the day along and time or heaves at
senses termed review and pole to seas
are wept and more these colors are
also white on white to answer claims in
centers mark the pole to strive in acts
we meet at night her eyes are also
new but wet at the fools gate is
also mine among these lessons and hears
a single voice crystal sphere of light
as love’s own movement senses out &
out along the streets where snow
recalls some vivid airs in seeming
set to thirsty airs remove and
helped each other at love’s doors to
centers toward a day of lights away :
you are, and single set the day is
worldly song and movement
As turns to song these lines arrive at
term and throng among their distances
looped to tell as has, so let. You are
these moons awry between her eyes, a
spot. Or lessen to totals among along
to throw them down along the line
in special colors wrapt these pools anew
in senses marked throughout they are
the same way settled into between to
hold together as gathers the unforeseen
is yet another term forgetting they are
arrived his brother bothers and answers
light to love the same begins or moves
these days away along the time to
settle out along the day into some
lines are marked to hold them on
as into set or settles they are also
new and seeming what we see is
less than new but calls recall and
song the world arrives into newer
posts revealed, and into sets or says
you are, and holds flesh to air
this life is marked with blue & yellow
as reads the rest rests and settles
here and this to move the day among
its airs we are the same way sent.
As has, so let : blue & yellow unite approach
to tell between along among these senses
have the grace to peel away whatever is
set apart the heart falls to seeming as
holds in what is there alone and holds her
to these airs remiss and song as rope
to move away there and set to say alert
you are and marked, hold, turn and
go these days are also air and set to say
there are no others and in some percept
another day is also now we are among
our motives west to tell this pool &
throng at colors set and sentenced out
the airs revive at post & rail to
heave alert along as seems to say we
spool, to charms at motive gained on
thrust & charge another image dreams
at morning cool and grown along the
days away in seeming sentenced on
the road we are along our days as
love is also light among the seasons
of our body’s life in claims we are
to hold our children down as move
and houses charmed the day is house
and garden lighted, spun, charged to
hold among these seeds, horse & rider.