Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thomas Lowe Taylor -- HOMAGES Book VIII



The end of these beginnings turns
the year out to light the new.

way & claim the same as air to
see scene & term begun at ends.

crossed: slowly the fox's eyes arm
made the moon away side to side.

Or slope yr terms are my own
ending in the turn of the old way

we have made some dreams to
place and term: here & this.

along-among, eagle's seed to
heave the day from air to air:

you are, the road begins arrived,
astir, sway & claim also away,

or hears the moon's children
sweep the land from house to

home, or gardened, drilled out on
love, light's completion before

the day and noticed words to
some honor at song and held

to seem, butterfly, the air, woods
the tree to seem at bay, center.

343 (6.26.75 loop)

The year was new untried we pulsed
to word and move meant to shore

this world in tinge to seem worthy
Of a name begun as change to mold

a history self & song uprised to see
this mark the term of life the same

control to light the air in some array
particular to love's distinction, red

tables outlay along the distances
among our selves as relation or

sisters at the edge & brothers of
the way made singular in sen

-sations of pleasure or poem defined
from thrust to claim the way is

made new as we have died the
old deaths in blood frenzy some

madness chose the day & left us
marked alone but gathered back

in following we found a depth &
plunged at the core of life's energies,

and left our seeds within the sun
sloped smoked arrived and new.


Light's term the day was made
set and set, throughout the same

and different within some pools are
termed anew to spin the circles

are some distinctions cast one to one
as mood and light become the way.

And hold the day to and to: we are
to some positions cast at trust

and song as forged ten and let:
the dream of glowing people set

at some canyon rim, but meet
these same and causal secrets

astir at some beginning, the way
and claim, to find yr own &

met along among the time and
distance of the rest the year

decides but work today this
crossing of eyes and pairs to be

the same way sending out to play
the heart's own nouns are left

to love as name & day & work this
clearing of the air & setting forth.


Moving out the rain and being strong
to events as words these days become

the way to see the time we are among
some terms, brothers, as poets, some are

men, too, and stand alert along along
as time, too, to seem the day among

our senses spun aloft to see the same
way sending in between : is the sea

our temper of images? And sugar
into visions of acid deprived the

brain's eye biological this vision
extreme in breathing out word &

song to be some food the heart is
also exploded from the mind's

pressures deep within the dream
indicates the germ of flowering

and decline, too, and even his
winter's cleverness into the one

is hardly critical but taught by
the ear to listen or are words

things as seen become a one of
light begun below your love.


These lines : day determined light
as fire centered at the right & left,

and left, too, as stir and song at
another term from the people to

the center of the heart, pool & clime
their loops regain to hear eye

and move yr light songs are
also true to see these ropes

resolve to pressure within the
year as watch and home are

also words unwound to time this
line becomes the way yr voice

subsides connective and room
the rest rests the same

color red the match of scales
within the sleep of love's blood

and charge the head hears some
secrets in the friend we met

at work and moving out away
some loop resolves thought and

line at love's own beginning as
full and flown we have stepped along.


Here's the day. Wooden temples house
of log the boat is made of wood and

comes it says approached the place
to be the center of myself within these

lines and terms as first one is the body
in its death to life as made of dream

and act profound as made too the
spirit's hold to life is perfect as

one is himself to love the light is
always there already begun to be

one's self to terms alert as spoke
the same way sending board to

board we made the day to be the
light of life's behaviors as spoke

the same day now yr heart is mine
we are like worms in bed to join

ourselves the same : song : alert, we
designed our dream and took

these butterfly steps together & traded
off and often some attributes of plea-

sure in our time & rise arise the
wooden boat is floating, here, this.


Seen aloft along we spun the rain at
bed the trail to shape these lives

and sentences the same ascent to
shoot the hawk his high wall

sending out alert the heart is also
new to pool these days along the

way as also sent by that which is
sometimes understood by men but

seen to seem as part & term the
claim of love's new airs to be

the same eye as loom & chime the
songs of days within the line of

love's bright words they are to seem
& scene to loop around the rest

rests within the day as moon & pool
yr eyes might take the road of

new beginnings as they have left
the air unoccupied in hasty ropes

the oranges split & licked like roses
in erect to proud fathoms slippt

but sold & parted, a poem a day
and in our time the same begun.


As fits this day of flown shapes to heed
the place and air of term to light

and hold the low and simple time
is love's hard line to edge at ease

and pool the flood to slip & turn at
wings are nest and claim your way

at last lasts simply in hearing the
term and sign to read emotion at

its lingering attribute of song & love :
we are this singular form of light

between our days cast to hold at
what is low we say these words

in the heart's simplicities honor and
mood the same we have become a

day by day partition of the time we
also see what has posited out the

scale of sentences cast word by act
by the bird's own skill to settle into

what holds him to his way at love's
parts the forms are shown in the

singular terms aloft along among
the light : the light : we settle down.


Light this day begins to move apart
this world becomes a way apart and

in this in there is no other between
my heart and eye we are the same as

butterfly and air between our lines permit
to loop along and seat to ballast made

equal our lives as one & song this honor
permits to see the road to house &

garden at the bed and met we are
as head to tail we lie among our

legs to walk away this work is gone
and made complete we'll move again

to leap & cling the mount as seen
the name of horse and rider on

the bench we spoke these layers of
converse speech where rise the

imageries of life along the line & met
to speak & see at scene & set

the light from love's rein & shore
the lap of tales they hold alert

along the way & sung the term:
pool the line to shore the heart.


And mounted stair step star her line
as sent the open air as drawn

to light the day at food or drink in
passage to slow meanings as list

and term his life would air along the
simple pleasures tucked inside her eye:

morning brings me up again into your
open love is made between our lines

as fed the body's drawings even as they
lean to hungry avenues of pressure within

a memory of evening carried by the days before
our penetration : road to home : along

among our sendings at van or packed
to ship our selves into some sudden

suns are looped aloft by red & blue
primary at the heart's independence

we might read another history of
Acts between our legs are sweet

to hold us into energy made as one
love is that light arising in the

body's marking penned or swift to
bring us part & moon your day begins.



As moved throughout and told the day
of light mounted as thundered to

present in gift or given in the same
marks to right a way away into

become the same in step by line
as heart short and hand a laugh

is heard perhaps and even shorn to
leap fully along a dog a day was

flowered and seen emptily thrown
attend to tense & shift short to

spell her lines at term & gong is
left among rotation slippt not fell

but goes smooth into its place sent at
drive and song is made through eye

to heart's horns lined eye at shore the
boat would the lift is tangled out

at center dazed by white and yellow
in some traveling through the pass to

home & house at the verge of days &
lives to meet at turn return these

pools converge light to love and told
as here & this we have arrived.


At the pool : circle arch and bow, the
mystery stands visible and seen

canyon's curve reminds round around
in memory's structure and now to

cut it off and line this presence into
song as begun we have some lines

undisturbed. The sun comes around or
moves on down the tree and that is it.

Halfway and two on two and then a cloud.
these pictures are described and in

this morning's fire is last night's dream.
we are between, surely, and come to

rest: we are alone inside this landscape
where poetry revives the mind and builds

our home from daily stores of light; &
slow to turn we are coming in to rest

at house and garden in white rooms of
white light in some simple songs

revived at labor's stones recalled I am.
I am and thrust among time's demands

willing at love's occupation of life's
building out of tone & long along the way.


As let then and spun alert into become
this whole round around and followed

from line to day as held in some plane
of space as spaced to be within some

air to search he said but then I am as
term with loop recall throughout & sent

but spoke alert to leap with pool & chime
the friend too as old he waits depressed

and mobile the rough edge declares to
presence even & even I write to

say aloud these peals of tone in round
and round the land is hilled to green

and yellow mounted as bird & tale
the slight stick snapped or bitten through

with clear light at love's own life to
shore these rifts they home to shape

in some seldom moves said like open
tools these lands are bright & trailed

out like roof and loam the dream
she had at dawn or any rough

sending leads the day away I'll lean
at door the way is held to term, as.


And sees a term away among these lines
and friends the loop returns of sign

and song his life with these others of
the way as called the book & light

of recall form and day of life's seeds at
heart on some beginning as honor the

day their own retrieval one to one to
These light airs into become as here:

this singular particle and dome
in blue to orange arise of picks to

hold at juncture of word to act the
rest as often holds arrived the way

in some declares to move like smooth
rocks the stream and child they

call out loud as house and garden
permit the lines along motive recall

into loops of light for love's own
ripe and full middle of shifts

at outer day the inside too, is
sent the mast of hearing names

they see and hold the same way
sent to age & song arrived to stay.


Into become as firmed the flesh within
some seeing where we come at rest

and rest alert to seem all ways so &
so to loop along the rest rests, here.

a name would be that: hold at blue
terms as line to air into lesson & air

the day and light the pole & star at
verge of life's term of children into

love to hold some light at earth &
doubt beheld asway from center to

line her day to string the song along
the way is met or held there & turned

out along to seem at bay or rooms are
white at scene the loop recall &

push at some term again in life's
beginnings from the rest at sky & song

you are and met in this cloud of light
specific in art and live I am. On

the floor of sand the motor hums
to flow without but into sensations

thrown among these acts at color
flung in space and then again, among.


Noon, box trial of light's way to
pool a loop as met in term begun

as change and role admit to charge
the fool lapses toward the room &

sways as wooden beams collapse at
the mind bent or any heart submits

to lessons within the time in reduced
airs like melting the rooms, too, as

even colors swim away without words
the body's heat is marked, spread

out and outer but hopes to see a
scene like dream song in number

where I met Henry's exclusions at
another post to charge away in

meaning to connect another life to
heart and home and read signs

like charts along the road to food
and daylight the body leaves a

room away in charge to make
along the roof the colors hear

repeat repeat as love's moon
the others are these designates.


A ship which sails along, between
skies and throng to pool the day

of tree and term: how to fall into
light where rooms are also full

at sense and claim some night becomes
becalmed or rises through these names

again among disturbances cast to feel
alert at road & sign, the beach.

at song and friend within the air
in love's time arrived, sentence.

but seen also in composed pairs
the line astir toward rift & claw

the red fool toward rushing moons
or word of light simplicities along

the day to hold and hold again
throughout these rooms into become

asway the heart's eye he roams
to life begun strong the mark

atune, swept singly they are told
some score left beside the sea

the scene roped or spent: lope to
roof the line becomes the fox.


And across, sent at the edge
within a hollowed space of wood

to seem as seen to hold restive
and to some power at green and

blue the music as its name to send
these pools of light we all inhabit

to the place and name of honor, at
the center poled and strung in

flags and banners in this day of
affirmation these fallow terms

made certain in white paint at
life's cool poverty made single

at last the light from love's
solitudes streams further out

"on earth below" his truth is
spent outer at love's doubts

removed and named again in
image and song throughout these

lines are made terminal and cone
to leap fully seen the wind's

invisibility mounted the water
in love's perfect grace allowed.


At simpler lines between clouds & days
some definition at your own manners

from what is opened by the heart's work
there are some avenues retreating to

these mountains, keepers at the gate, and
one is met among towns by figures of

grace & destiny, nested-out along the time
in some disturbances made proper to hold

along a choice : away, then, and moved
start to term the fire and the moun

-tain made within these ears are
also looped between recall & doubt.

Love's blue noises numbered back & forth
at yielding and the seen. Open outer

at singular distance formular profound
a visible entity made whole the luminous

plates floating darkly upward noises are
this particle and song sent like letters

but where no secrets prevail there are
no assumptions declarative in rhythms

specific to tone and pallor, death's wheat
is also love's irony among these sentences.


Light some rift-shard shown new
to term love's name formed along

these loops, turned outer in the seen.
Asleep to rest and then begin

again we leap at full & fortunate
scales of move to shore the bird

these rooms begin with slow measures
to hold the clear and burning air

of breath begun at single tasks to
sway forth sudden as particular

grace begins & turns along & seat
yr eyes declare this song is

grown to seal these loops as term
and light again & long along

to hold between and say the
Same is also seen as what we

are in love's grace belongs to
scale these shapes as here & this:

pressed aside these cares unite
& go along before the heart

to loop recall as needs are met
at life's rough edge, the song.


Some silence yields light as new airs
resume from what is held affirmed

as death's life begins aswim to term
like light at love's name outer &

met to rooms are made the same
and doubled through as moon &

claim to hold affirmed the mark
to tell & shore along the time

as ease permits review of air &
song: along & sent you are these

overt passages along rocks of
term & term to hold & shore

the foot as even & blue the way
declares to part & throng alert

among rough airs spent at
simple distances the heart's

face to love's eye and man
declared assert & pool the staff

alert among these natives as made
the same to hear the song of

some beginning paired throughout
to send them in among the day.


Rest and hold. The time is met & made
of alternations from light to light, told

like any service outward at tables flown
from rough edge and term of mark

throughout the heart's seeing from trunk
to pine to spool along & set to hold

among these airs removed along the way
from edge to edge this space is

sent to tell love's grace is also acts
within the sphere of these beginnings

in some distance shift & set to peel
along between her moods or polled

like any liking : call to shore the line
before the way is closed but sent

to face the time of those singular
calls within the art of some destiny

or pulls out these acts & works to
move mounted the same and cooler

day by day the mountains rest on
either side, he passes simply

where they part and in the middle
rests to see what they behold.


And turned around empty the year
has its graces to observe this way

of simple lines beheld by light along
love's time and calculation within

the score of days are held affirmed
by wind the same visible distance

without these loops recall & song,
endured dispersed the water crossed

at house the wood to sail the boat
gracefully where we set about at

scores reversed but held among
some lines beyond the day along

to hear this one dominion of space
to light alight and run the

rooms before some sail set at
stir & pool to share some position

on the floor at blue and green
some circles have withdrawn a

son a son a son and there a
girl these foods from life's body

thrust alert alive to sing yr name
like life like love like this & this.


These gradations and in the mouth, a
pool a speech a spear permits

within some penetration the heart's eye
is storm & song you are another line

to heel & spin the way is also set to
term & line again to hear at pool &

spin the roof is sloped and earth to
hear like water's water with some

clear and single air to air where we
rest again to work all day and

rest again beyond the day to close &
cast alert the child of light is made

to cool leaps the day is sent to
rove or claim along and met at

clear nights the open door is also
open then and spent to hear yr

day and drive, then, magic and the
bed the house is sent and landed

but hold us on along to hear a garden
digging in and cool to sleep and

grow some dying out to out, to send
love's claim upper into sense & realm.


Reserved perhaps in what is right as
seen to be these lines permit to

caution from some progress within these
acts and poems lain along edge to

sign with flowering at the core of this
beginning from danger made adapted

by the loom & term again and set
eye by eye at lines begun from air

and long along the way an area grows
from space and caution where I

might begin to live without permission
but worked out between reminders

that what fits into these particular
lessons is also love's due and taught

where life begins to gather in some
light to see the airs revolve with

ease by what is also learned slowly
in playing instruments or leaving no

unknown lessons behind the day
is simply said that what is also

told is evened out by love's charge
the light has filled the air again.


Or light this year of love's name is
spent at turn and song the teacher

has his mark and in within he visits
me into some beginning here to honor

her in this discovery of life's edge &
throng, room of neat sense to clear

some completion from ends & lines a
way is set and followed throughout

center and time the earth receives
begins the same at closed terms to

thrive revive another doubled set to
seem willing and thrust out arms

and chimes : wooden or woolen. Clasp.
Your heart revolves at eye's edge

to home will or spine upward & no
outer place but revolves at eye's edge

to home will or spine upward & no
outer place but reveal unfold to

shade the space or formed among
simpler modesty aloft the rest

and cool quietly at work and friends
the same guiding without a horse

afield and more, mare, a light alights
with now the time is mine, again.


Slow these loops to line align term
the day is set again cool to light

her eye as spent or touched between
days are met between the top & over

and over to send along the names are
also set the same way met to hold

them in their cool lapses astir the loop
is wring the color yellow into airs

wrapt aloft or lined out to double
sets astir revolved as they are little

but strong the heart and set back some
to ride between the days on coasters

roughed some ways in love's turning
from will to angle in light's curves

you are and set along Eagle's way
to hold among lines as welcome to

spend alert along the trail to pool
and tree her nests the day as eye

to love's claims the room apace to
sing at color's time the red gives

yellow back as arrived and welcome
some friends would be the same.


Your lines admit as song and wood to
form these fires are blown to light

aloft and spent to term along to day
and moved at roses blown alert the

house and family are set to spell them
outer and other but worked all day

and made a king to hold the time
at saying thus and so the law is

love's grace at fullness thrown to see
and looped the room is also known

as heart or shaped by thought the
spine erect to shore these worlds

are sent by acts the will remains
perfect in its isolation but said

no secret unfolds to hear between
our lines as moon & song revolve

throughout the same at love's own
pealing heart to eye the same as

mark and spend the line is set
and thrown aside, pushed alert

and held, yellow the name is
also spoke and more, they come.


Holds close to part apart their
names are sent perhaps alive and

well among light the mountains sing
blue names no loss to life's light has

love the day away among airs sent
to tell this : at interrupted space

to hear at pressure's cause align
the room is lighted by some air

they grow to lines made close astir
to firm winds the rise of calls are

looped long away the rest is calm at
heart and song yr eye recalls the

day is heart and song again in quiet
salvage the part is skill and there

another man begins to work his roof'd
airs becalm to set final calculations

mark these light blue terms at spare
closets all affirmed to love's rollers

in the way of the heart to peal some
rose away sensations of air and

long along the day forgets at center
the final moves come round to stay.


Your eye permits lesson & song to
hold this time in richness as pause

and charge the work is made steady
and complete to some organ & pole

the rest is blue and yellow at these
crossings left to right the mark of

some begetting of the heart's terms in
life these lights of the air resemble

to specific distances held & told asway
the room belongs to everyone and

stays the same at mark & term : love's
own sailing, in the boat as made to

swim these ropes along the dream
is just that : and turns from day

to day in some light passage through
love's energies within the body to

its leavings, hold to line these
lights from head to head the

messages are delivered, continental

push to wait, and in some danger
rest, rescue, fold to stay the

way of life is near, spent, even.


The line pertains, holds, lake and
border from the light astir be

-tween yr eyes a spot permits
lesson & song as gland and tone

of voice these rooms belong along
from objects gathered or spent to

hold the day along to some be
-ginning to be below the sky is

where we start at earth & labor
for the queen's own body is not flesh

but in the heart a way of seeing
the perpetual act of seed and egg.

Compulsion rules the nest. Male
energy pro-reactive in some terms

made plain to be these acts of
play and role the asking of time

to forget the path is always there
the same and met below yr feet

is how we come to be together &
in no absolute revived to live again

but chose as food to light love in
life's body where we live to be alive.


Pool to chain resonant the light begun
at work and line to charge left to

right perhaps inside what stays the
same to hold along these rooms are

claim & turn the long way along love's
singular acts are sent to strong heats

at loop and charge on easier terms than
what preceded in any doubt removed at

what becomes the way of open time &
yellow from act to ear the particle

of love's saying song to room the
light plates are strung out between

these poles of air the rest rests on
what is there is to see in contemplation

center and line in re:call & charge
the same time removed among friends

are made to meet slowly between lines
of dust they hold to what is sure

this screen of words they show that
what is there is also there as light

to love this is not all mine or mind,
either, the net the web the sieve exists.


Charged the light from where it is
to term & line the rest becomes a

tone or turn from heart and time
the way between fires and elocution

but truth this open door to see among
some lakes resolve this flood & flame

the day begun at ease & song wd rise
arise the rest of love's own being in

the pool of fire along the small voice
raised as in my way I am the same

all ways in some sentencing of words
as spoke believed my own is set to

edge on edge the room resolves to
hold along the way is also set and

edged on day by act the small is
all one has to see his steps and

hold between rush & spoke the words
will have their light begun in

love's tunnels up to reap or sew
the curtain in along the long way

in and out particular seasons won to
ease of work, as all, and in between, air.


Beyond these lines, terminal & gong
of some arousal from within currents

of air along between edges cast to
tell song and time the way is also

set from day and tone of some air
the friend molds these forms from

pieces cast at press & spell to make
it in these easy pressures word

of spoke thing the wheel of Eagle
is this rotation same of ear

the yellow book my life around
these centers attend the room

is cornered in aside your parts
this day has some roundings at

love's particular sign the flesh
is storied, then, and even in its

evenings of light bowled out from
lives are made exampled in this

specific air of space and hero and
man the day is left to peal

alert begun to stretch out to
out to outer lines his eyes are ends.


Alert along between settlings at
these edges set to blow a wind

along the day of water edge of
some beginning to be the same as

if we held to what is new the word
is set to line & term the day to

leap to life's particular ease
and light from the heart begun

and sent to life like love is also
new and met to term her eye is

fleshed to heave aside some son
of light is turned at ear and

loop this mood as set to stir astir
aside her particular rooms are

white and clear but here we
seem to be between the child

and the song and poem of light
to hear the loom begin again

in movement sent you are these
things in time and time but

holds these lines like blue gear
and love to set this word to hear.


Day, term, Line : change at crossed
eyes enfold specific "to teach

a fool is a holy task" belongs
to sentences enwrapt between her

eyes a spot by marks made to
sense & long along another dream.

beside the day affairs are made
to sing : and returned from death

the butterfly settles down resumed
by house and garden as might

declare yr face is yet yr own
as scene & song the wraps are

set eye to eye the way is also
made less automatic as scene

outlaid along a day to slip aside
and marked out, a face to

tell the slope among yr sliding
ropes the houses laid out debt

to debt as thrown aside another
clearing lets us see if we are

something vain or simply bright &
dull to love's light made personal.


My son, then, singled pattern into
light this dream of brothers

where we are along the road
and traveling into life and

seeing who we are together, and
in this quest after love's name

do we meet each other into acts
become some single sentence

into life become before the way,
and set at these dreams

to see the rest enfold from
art to scene, and taught

as disk and song the airplane
flies mysterious : or half a

name beyond, my friend, and
here we are inside the day

at work and work again
to be between airs and set

to terms in love's own light
between your father and

my self as act and then yr
own declining tongue, to see.


Eye yr line to heart or fire
as water limns to term asway

between the mountain & the earth
some clarity remits to poem &

string as out to see some form
among yellow is the name and

taut as firm a name to fold
along-among and met like this

and then his long times permit
to please repeat yr eye again

her airs or them as sons and
wives and house to build as

rock and log the work is here
and cold at time to meal & loop

this light at love to swim away
at peace or loom the strand

from art to life the simpler mode
persists through field and bird

they roam to small disturbances
and in matters of shape to hold

at small victories, and serious, a
day is clouded in to work again.


And marks, term & set at some
specific distance turned to time

and movement among yr eyes met
to hold the light from mood to

act this way of pool and space across
the day from eye and road the

middle of these acts from the inside
out to tell from the rest rests

along beside the river and the lawn
around a round disk spinning in

the air is love's own mark folded
in to be begun at last along the

open field and rolled a roller up
and down the walls to be between

day and light at love's particular
graces are spent outer and told

to hear yr name again. Spin & tell
the rough day decides light to

term along the way and met, here
and this is ease to make these

moves precise, spent at outer cells
you are and sent, Eagle, along.


Line & song day remits to lesion &
thrust toward moons along her eye

to loop as term and gong the day
as told aloft and foreign the parts

are met to friends at lake and
mountain mounted toward eases

swept and moved, cleared to term
& turn or leaped outer & outer

the name of dust to tell her name
again at rest and name again:

cool to lapses turn and hold you are.
yell to air the overt gesture in to

in these marks are made again
at house and garden in the air

another pairing one to one as
tells the open door is also open

in some blue and yellow of the
rooms they are to walk around

and sense or sent the way of
same of norm or pool the lights

wherein to love as sought a craft
of wood and heart permits to call.


Listen : this bird which carries us.
at choice to pause before some

pass of height, the fire's wind of
word and song uprised alone

to be among. And heart yr eye
permits to lease to hold along

the way followed sincere yr hope
is set to see this real and yellow

of the sun permit again to be clear:
hold, there, and let them come,

in yr way is said, you are, and
met this pole & stare, energy

to day of marks the term is
here and this what follows

is the rest, rests. And in the
morning, of some single sentences

the day begins a life alive
is no more known and choice

to be between the rest, mountains
crash together he runs among

and straight to rest the day
is made of families, told, this.


Moved to tell the way is clear.
proof means time, the body's life

at ends in ending into light, lake
yields thunder, not everything but

skips the heart-eye, loops on in to
hold the day my neck and I did

not sleep in no hole is the dream
but dark as time permits a shower

mix of peals and love's own
time: to run the field as circumspect

the game is tight, one would not show
his head it would be shot

or angle in to remiss & charge a
specific angle held but air to

eye I'll work and live this life
I found and know the rest rests

here among this foreign country there
are no others into seeming where

the blue benign remains to yellow
into these specific signs recalled

from day to air the light is cast
we'll follow down the line at last.


Loop at charge the day's resolves.
moved toward distances dispersed a

color or the body's shapes within
another mark to heed these spots

from word to term the eye belongs
from line to moon yr name is also

held alert to tell the time away or
wait in what is gentle, cloud and

mime from easier dues collected
and skipped alert along between

yr home is made or set alert to
spool these rough details at edge

and mark, along there are some
simpler airs to shoal these parts

along alert past sending into in &
met between yr eyes a spot

permits connection has some rooms
therein to spool or hot these real ties

they ship alert the orange and green
and purple globes are gathered

round around love's light is bending
how we are along the way and met.


And made to term aloft & slow
to word the space is also air

and made adrift & shallow in
direct and spent to tell as hold

to pool & staff these woods alert
as told the place is yellow into

dust or sameness underived outer
and sudden the burning places

made to earth these lines are
also spoke specific into meetings

in the way there was no hesita-
tion from the start a straight

line out to out the inside pealed
to terms aloft and moved to

hear yr simple names again,
love the single bending of the

will to light these lives with
easy grace there are no acts

made into other terms but one
to love's own harmony within

the life of those who speak the
only distance from here to here.


And crossed across the fool might
lap along beside apace to reel

to slight pools of light screen &
song they visit into morning set

air to arc the room is cleaned
and filled with love's own means

from pool to clime in ancient
words out sent and set like straw

the wolf is blown aside the door
and fire to light the day to leap

as full and held the ropes are
bent to ship these days to spill

their light again in easier laps
to send around an easier flow

of rising into books or words, an
energy from moon to pool in

skips of shore & rock the land
is named as here and this

to send a message down the
line in rhythms open outer

laid from ear to hold at one
in one as two in one and rests.


Arrived: along the day outlasts to
send the light between these signs

as bowl and window and gathered
in to send a son among the rest

rests, as out to tell as held to word
these lines along these places they

are made to tell at last the real
ties slip to noose or net the same

is caught at the head and let out
to rise arise the way is up to

tell and hold among red lessons at
the rest and made alert these eyes

as fire and head the loop arrived
to spoke the rest holds. Slipped

at edge and song they are sent out
the world away is also simply

wind & window into morning off
and spark the leaf is made at

line & term love's own sentences
unwind at the heart's own loops

to see these acts in some simple pool
as climb these rays the way is set.


Looped around behind ahead is back
to tell the light from there is

also here between these terms as
love's airs decide and spin to see

between the days or mountains are
sent along to stay ahead to tell

there and sent to see along the
way at love's airs to tell and

seen to be there as meant along
the way as said to hear and

move along the light is also
laid between her eyes a spot

they move the light outer & told
as tense decides the mood &

stays the same as move remove
the fault is hidden ahead to

look ahead and leave these days
the say-way sent outer & told

they are these pools of light we
all inhabit into morning love's

song the day is also air this
circle opened outer and out to hold.


Moved to loop at center and strung out
from these waves tossed away

in time the proper move is slight
a hedged angle is slightly eased

to pools of easy terms remembered
outer & held the day's light alight

in simpler terms we set before
behind my tactics are invisible

as music is and so I play events
without motives but gained to

saying watch this easy dust
and leave the rest rests to

what it is in among this low
and quiet stratum of the planes;

heart to eye the same but much
less cryptic, and on occasion

even, given to plain & simple words
and then less private than

sentenced out to speech in open
words are made the day is

also set to love's light begun
here the heart and here the day.


In tense the sentence loops, unwinds.
there thrown this pause to send to

seem between these mountains thrown
the fox's tail gets wet but throws

on to this below belongs as words are
spoke: hard upon the edge at yield

& throng love's airs include from
light to act as date & pool to

outer opened into circled round as
leap to dust the body's longing out

to act and sing the same between
yellow and blue to move beyond

point & line the same resists but
holds its own center in others

lost but made around the light
is also there among disturbances

cast aloft the bird listens & sees.
you are, then, along the way of this

particle and song the air of ropes
and light to be these senses

of beginning and grow apace the
slow rooms of moon & man.


Looped & song the same as airs repeat
toward one the line is swept

align the screen toward center the pole
is rift & claw as eased among

some rooms are left to doors awry in
white perhaps the earth, too, as

sent along blue corridors wrapt in
leaves to shore out in single signs

the way of scores and yellow oxhide
into this day as mode, alarum,

recall and boom, the follower and
road throughout love's energy is

raised toward light and pool at
real spool toward her lines

at term & song around again in
nothing new to say as seen

to leap full and hold, spoke in
word a day is slippt in air

remove to hear again the light
the light the moon & mind the

body sways outer and out, as
walked among the pools, through.


Some grace admits to injury, looped
throughout some sudden sun pressed

toward eaves met will to charge as
turn to leap full at fall the rest

subsides in inner lesson : charm to
pool the light is full in them as

meets another day they roam in air
and holds along a course & center

press & claim as gathered in the
whole and charged again throughout

yellow and green arrived and not
alone, but sent among persons

unmasked not bitter as days
remiss or young they cling or

fall either way to build these
walls are rock & wood not

stopped but personal in love's
own bright claim as light to

pool & emanation in the center
where they rest they claim they

have no antecedents : room to
white yr body pressed among.


As tells, her face touched aside to
glow at night beams to radiate.

then sits butterfly chair as coiled
crumpled the moon is half way

home. Across ecstasy mated despair
held away from seeing but the

body works as one and pools the
rest rests inside. The rest is

unit: loop to term anew is rest
& moved or thunder within

the mountain, as wind unwinds
these days are also pulse &

gong they rise arised between
her legs a spot is also shed

like light like love in some
begetting the seed the egg

are also sent around the time
arrives at ceremony in the air

to list listen as his clothes are
met inside these moons alert

they hold along the way and
met: we are these lines away.


As called, then, along a day is turned
to hold, through red corridors outer

pool t doubt release yr hand in &
slippt the roof is bent but follow

the good along yr heart; love's own
penetration as hears yr lines below

thus & set at pool & charge to lay
it down in easier words, no

death. But grow this life along the
light to pool the staff and song

as outer or other bends collapsed.
hold. These blue airs resemble

color, and thrust through yr heart
a day away is also met misunder

-stood the loop regains inside the
heavier airs are also lighted

between love's claims and marks
the lines will soon grow longer

and daily entry is newer still to
still these simple arts within

some closer lights, as out & pushed
these denser rooms admit, point.


As told : charged, a line uprised
throughout the same increased to

send along among these tight rows
relief and claim to terms alert &

spent to ease along some proper distance
of relatives between the lime & kiln.

but spill to easier days some seeds
no waste and in these progressions

the wild goose has set & steer, to
words utter & plain the fences

fixed & ceilings rolled flat &
white but shorn indistinct or

simply single as responsible with
out or outer these names cooled

to distanced pools of light in
love's airs pronounced or backed

away yr hand & eye the same to
light alight love's simplicities un

-pronounced the way these dreams
of death pass through sleep to

cleans the body's mind at red
and yellow chairs relieved, yr eye.


And term astir, what clears to see
is not also sign but perhaps song.

love's own clamor is perfect, white
to yellow these green walls are

looped by some distinction, followed
toward grace within acts yr eye

is also new to some begun as loop
recall day and line held to

meet another room within yr legs
as told in small or large to loop

away one & two the hard line or
cool to sudden gasps grasps

aloof aloft along among : spread
it around wherever sign repose.

or claspt to home & horn remove
astir below room & gong gone

below: between and set beside
as hears to lead or stem the

rest rests and held astir to
fold belong between you have
these words as met again & hear:

perfect absence love's light becomes
your heart and opened at the eye.


Begins as rain to cleanse these
also streets are moved among the

airs to hold the term & throng among
some pleasant signs are looped

remove as held some distance into
seeming toward the light emanates

the room as glowed to posture & line
along another day is left to hold

song and time the ropes are bent
awry into left along some skips

to leap-leaf the interior of the
bridges swayed outer & long

a day away is not so very much
or lopes beside the trail in

sweat or marked throughout a
line is marked away & set

or sent to pool & skip into yr
eye love's benign humors are

yellow or orange to tree the cat
into cellars lighted plants the

simpler gestures piled up & skips
long the term to hear yr name.


Term & song: listen as set &
bird spell to hold along the day.

Love's ironies enfold throughout to
some beginnings within the heart

align & turn, to hear these ways
have cooled to head and tongue

I'd have you down along and
set to be asleep & met at the

rear to say again and stop. Along.
but left the world within its

pressures to begin a life of these
remote passions, image & song:

the day would spin anew within
some clear meditations from the

terms, house and garden move
remove the mountains are our

home to say we are aloft and
moved by eagle and sun the

forms remiss but poled to head
the eye's body is not imperfect.

Love's light touched slight the
feather of nest to rock a ledge.


And in this in, redoubt to strung out
penetration into depths the heart

is eye & song at orange treasures
the sea to hear wind on water is

some fragile distance dissolved through
air to air the same long turns are

flown at song and term the day
is looped recall & strong along

yr lines submit within acts are said
see and see: the words are met to

hold as mood & term revolve the
colors blue & orange and rised

arised aloft a loop regains the
rest rests through hard lines

his rooms are cleaned or said
again to hear these harps or

sudden. Love's names remiss & charge
to light the wind the same they

fly to air these days are new
along the way to nest these rows

of lights the tree the wind & water
flown the same, you are, you are.