Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thomas Lowe Taylor -- HOMAGES Book XIII



Begin astir, dispersed outer flung the
wave of light collapsed revives & says:

"You are beyond the signs alight between
yr legs, a spot, to seem the same

we are at flesh and flashing, eagle &
suns, the lady of the cellar in her

sleep of breasts renowned, a dark hole
she sleeps in, and nouns to fuck

her on the spot the first chance we
seem to drift from fantasy to cause

& leap stillness renounced the pulse jerkoff:
by the body's light renews & fuck again

for fun. "Goes like this:" & call
my name again in sudden rhymes, yr foal

is waiting like a seed, and houses sung
are also colors to renew yr love, and

call across the days & dreams together,
even un-named, and goes astorm the

eye alone I am and feathered out to
sail along and not so happy after

all. But daily grows the stock of merit,
the signs of the body's health erect

at midnight calls yr name in hands
my own, & pulls away to hear some

sleep & fervor the same as love this
spring I'd fuck the queen herself.


And drink yr drum, and down the waves,
foaming out at the turn of pleasure's

signs, where seam & throng unite together
and opened out at morning, sailed tonight;

blue boars screwing. Love-quick seasons,
shores of meeting, air & union pooled, a

fragile presence and sustained, bouncing
or later on, a pasture. And here we

are, at horny yard-jobs. Or are you are
the same, and seasonable as the light

from foment charged, an extra loop, at
motive caused the peals & squirts of seeds

are drinking smoke, this day arrives
in songs for forward eases scanned,

would sell them out, perhaps, she draws
her pleasure's fingers into herself & dreams

to sit together : and rose erect, I draw
the top along my hands, bending into

the rooms of white squares glistening, head
-throbbed at upper upper signs & weaving

hears you out between yr legs, another
mark decides to ride my bike the day

would yield to meeting the light and
drawing on some laps and fissures in

behind and drive the road in front, along
these roofs and walls, my hands decide.


Descent arrive : flashed out changed at
thunder strains alert and holds along.

would stay and sing the rooms are
sent along by airs revived you are the

moon & song to sail within and distant,
they call around to storm or motive, a

day the same and pooled escapes to sheer
these fringes in the diagram are light

or rests affirmed at music cast by love
the single tones are also one by one the

cast of scenes in line and charm, afar.
roast. The calls from below the air in

lesson term and song would sail to
later on they said to shallow foils

movement thunders from below yr fears
and eases out to peal the eye & stair

yr love is somewhere new to say they
are as said to be the song is laid

in hands arrives to speak another name
prepared to hold along & send them

here to score yr ass in thriving arms
or lame to hold the ears are wept

the blue flesh and calling out, they molt
in longer strains to flesh or penetration

says the same way body's forth and
sail her down some random stream.


The rooms are changed again, & light
is moved like air between yr signs.

as touched, a light smell from large
waves and hears across special dis-

tances looped around yr neck & arms
would dance before & screw again, a

leaning pair resounded in and in again.
cherry shore, I'll lean you back, for tongue.

as skims the friends away, would seal
and horns the ropes aside his foam

in her vagina splashed above the lips and
roofs the sky with love in pleasure

drawn to homes & dreaming life aloud
is also speech to forces leaning on

the bed & back and spread yr legs
and touched by light, you are the

song perhaps, arrived in darker days
the woods my home await arrive a

moon & shawl to score within the heart
an older day and driving down yr lanes

a straw or color blue to sails the
open seas are weaving out to charms

the roses cast afar and termed the
moon arrived and planted seeds

the river melting seeds the body's
ground is parting wave & light aloft.


Contrary, handles on her hips fr riding
down the trail and in to seeds alive.

the rooms are still the same, you are,
and comes across to shoot the rapids

fucked, and bring these tubes around
and colored, dressed & played her

body would resemble something new
with breasts alert to sail around

the world again and not alone, a
loop recalls the shape of air to

sense and claim within yr moods
and seasons lady of the smaller

realm, and find the prince changed
at some influence felt these dreams

for pleasure sharper posted out and
swim across yr islands fountains

at the body's center drinks her wash
and fumes for pressure blows the

top and spreads away to hear the
ocean roar and fly along yr reason

in some splatter charmed or spread
yr legs for dreaming out the

play of life is lighted out to love
and scored reversed her ass is

poled and strung with flowers has
the moon & trembling hard, on.


The air retrieves me loom & song a call
at might & sentence, for yr love among

the ropes or pastures scent & game alive
the rooms are passing scene & gone along

what has these names for love unit & throng
these positions carry out some distances

are made to shore the will alert you
are the moon to slip the wall & change.

but hears the mountain slip afar and
wander off to set them back among

yr pleasures newer here than not, but
make the night no lesson made &

left the rest is sailed tomorrow I'll
catch the family son & song, they have

some marks are let beyond yr eyes a
day would spell yr maids and have

an easier move to make; a light
is strung across yr heart and waits

to settle back the mast of passion in
yr hands again to spill some angles

left alone and catches less & less, as
"Everyone plays the street some times"

or left away some single seasons
all for love would move the names

across these aisles, light again to
send a shorter smile down again.


The eyes, and see you are beyond
the caldron's warning pulls me

serious endangered self as strives
this space fulfill a moment's thought

& youthful folly heats my guts in fear
aroused the sex dream fills my head

& draws the days aside in fantasy
unrecalled but interferes my shallow

eyes are deeper still you are among
the cushions on the lawn we seem

together a busy day to flow around
as has to seem you seal the air

and wait, what goes between the
days is light and has the shore of

love within as faults the solid air of
day and life between the seconds

held affirmed to place & sign the rest
is said routine this silence hears the

moon is new and risen eastern May
the flower opened said today the same.

you are this moon & sign, beloved, and
just around the corner, my life is

leading out to sea, the rabbits over
-worn by sailing salient features made

unfelt I love this expectation and
the light across the land of here.


Says, the rest. Would where or other,
the open sign waves light between,

as has, to let it pass the tiger's
tail is looped, but tactics are not

elusive turns the corner the world is
left before yr eye is swept alert

the heels, butterefly yr mouth, tan
breasts a white stripe around it.

middle but the tiger turns aside,
I pass unbroken she hears me in

the moon as new and fucked the
morning guitar as let the fowler

go his piece is wooden out the rest
is on the street, between yr legs

in simpler turns the motive grows to
some proportion cast the mouth to

let these sailings in the mind the book
is quite specific about what is hap

-pening split the score is egg & I.
or, post the mountain white light

love. In among the mounting, a
simple change revives relief, or

holds the season clear from airs
beneath yr arms the heart is

force & song, as says the day the
same around the lines to seem.


Cooked. The hand's eye strung between,
these are pulled before the eye, again

the rooms are perfect spoke to scenes the
moon is also set below the head, chink

at ear and go across to love, light
springs from hand to hand, speech, a

light overhead, seen the night before, beau
-tiful spins her head is mouth and song

I'll give her this or that, we’ll dance
awhile, as has to seem you are, the

clause undifferentiated, song of rent is
paid perhaps good deeds suffice to

slip through once in awhile, is met
at airs remiss & claim, or pay attention

to her center coaxed by light arrived
in causal counts the terrors are also new

elapsed in songs reversed I'd pull it up
before the songs rely for crying what

they say is growing up the same, to miss
something, perhaps, is in between the day's

letters, his head removed by twine, coil
or reefs is morning, hips uncovered, to

dance among the mountains, smoked anew
and willful airs rescind to names affirm

the longer shale of fashion calls the
movies lease or tell the chains along.


As passed, the waves bending, her work
and showing how the way is turned

outer and out, the fragile passions call
from left to right the same way sending

name the roof & chain reliant pool at
ease to seem as goes beyond the day

at large : Innocent to meet the work on
what has seen neglect, a life align

in masters kept the same I've seen
my own and closing back the eaves,

to roof the space yr own world in
lesser cues to speak perhaps the

truth would call to others making
out her specific charges opened

at the hart the body's cracks and
fissures, statue, open the light for love

as pleasure in the body's times & seasons
met the flesh between my legs as

lipped and sung the roll of flash and
eagle, seed to seem among them

at their leisures smooth perhaps to say
you are the moon and throng alive

to light and here's the bed we'll crawl
to earth and fuck again too soon

within yr circle love begun at other
marks perhaps to roam the line toward


The room is light and says we are
to meet the bird between yr sighs.

as calls the same across some eyes are
said the waves the same as says to

wait yr faces told between the lives
for pleasure in the air we are to

seas to will a bird would have yr
passion in his eye to shore these

walls and house the body like the
rooms love bares in senses crept a

hand or sign would wave across from
love's airs recall to weave or line

the walks of easier doors the space of
leaving open the heart from sails

around the town and left alone too
long to be the only one in town

as such, or poles her down stream
in careful seasons left by straw

and smoke the levels of persuasion in
the air and sung to move across

in specific acts you called this
morning and went to work my ears

were wanting declaration smooth as
passion in the spring as undisturbed

a feather flies from top to scene and
waits around yr faces slipped below.


Particle and song, as marks the soil
and shares these lights within yr

movies shored at pool & sign to
send her to and to, a peeled

cucumber vibrates, I'd like to see you.
here and spoke, as moves across the

field and says, again, these rainy
days the same are horn & gong,

to open outer folds of light the
coils of love's grace descend to

order gentle winds they speak as
slower oars recover here the

movies are not the same, and
at the air remove from forces

left but opened in behind these
fields sensate at flower scored

you'd peal them down again
at hoses spun the light arrived

and love between yr hands, eye
sail and motive drawn the looser

oars are drawn aside, like dresses
planted overhead yr hands to

draw them up and open, breast
of pleasure's meeting sent to

moon and summer drawing in
the flower says you are, & sign.


As slow across the time, remove to
joy the faces drawn between yr eyes

as post and charm, another house
and garden moved in light this grace

transformed for love, the movie lessened at
yr eye to drive them back, away, you

are these moons tumescent, flow of air
reminds at outer poles revive, or call

them in and in again, you would shore
these motives called across the room

and beveled ear and line of other
offers often, outer out, beyond align

and sheltered post & beam, a child
or simpler airs forgetting less & less

stream this leaf of air reminds some
distance called review or claims

at shelters move and mark these aims
from words remove or plastered in

the wall as shift some seldom pass
the calls rewind at limit sending out

the central ties are looser now but sent
afar the motive drawn aside you are, and

open airs release, the foam is drawing by
to loose to be the same, or says again

the roses cast away will still return love
these totals draw the air aside, again.


As goes between the day, and said, the
rest is waited out for sails as rides the

movies sold and taut, her body opened to
these hands together, some pools of light

are flashing out the tales of love withdrawn.
plane affirm yr buys or folded flaps are

out aside the rest rests without some
claim and path the roses pooled astir:

tong these rooms and in the waves
the posts are held by light & sand,

or mounted at her center, railing in
these lines permit the senses go &

clean the act its passions unredeemed
by dreaming pleasure to these springs

again it's sailing out the rest in
eases said between along to stay

and says between giving back & forth
together said again to speak the same

undone toward moving said to be
as has along the waves & set

beyond these airs remiss the day
of life is also love's game turkey

at the edges viewed released the
meeting at the time & song of day you

are the roses spoke between her
eyes a spot is sense & realm.


The pass or folded in to seem you
are the term of light begins the rest

as post or claim the moon and fuller
out than not to send around the

night is love's air withdrawn to silence
in seldom curves a loop to score at

peeling notes to smoother airs and
scenes within the acts of day & day.

and in the telling, song and mark
remind at blue and yellow movies

music to dream along and cooler
lives are sailing in the roses cast

by cars contained in movement, said
as loop resist, and only in or not:

more and sent, the airs collide again
he smells her in the air, as poem

gain and sea, these roller pass from
mounted lines remiss or spoiling

over in the layers spoke to sheets
of life in outer coils begun, they

spoke and claim, of riders said,
"arrive", or clear these rooms away

she sings some distance in the
avenues designed afloat or making.

eagle smooth and riding ocean-wet
and polling, outer smooth and sharp.


Sends throughout, the waves are lighted
as has, and let astir yr folds fleshed

into waiting seasons scene and long, the
mood expects as flowed the raises cast

but pooled alert, you are these rooms of
light, where love is said to come in seeds

they rise above yr body, entered air as
closes in and holds to what is there, a

fragile distance roomed by catches, in the
moon and waving in around the flesh.

or waiting, armed, the people rising into
pleasure's call, would hand and mouth

arrive and shore these faults alert in
movies made the same as life, but

roses, cast between yr flowers on
and moving to and to fresh flesh

out. In the air and moving, who you
seem to call as gold and layers

in the rest no reason : but post
the word alert, the rest is caught

by who we rally are no rest is balled
before the camel's humping left or right

yr mouth is good enough but peeled
and sentenced tongue & charm the

oars are weaving down, as says, to
paint and run the doors are always open.


At pass the claim of brightness as
possessed within the world no daughter

clings the center, cow and sage unite
at unit and chain, another throwaway

line revives the being-forth of light is
here to seem the same we are where

the poem sings her light fortune and
leaning string the flow is bright a

fall away there to see the moon is pole
and circle whirling overhand the thumb

spins aloft : sings : flattens out & straight
shot drops in, this air of faults these

"others" mounted movies named the one
of love's own light the same we are

as has, to let them at the song &
one, you are, as goes between to

say, alert and thrown, we hold to
what is there and pay our dues to

love, also these moons along oar
is boat & man, we'll meet him

great & personal, within afire & calm,
the cow of light, picture of frames

the door is also open : acid meeting
calls the dream to confrontation, says

the man is here arrived, to be as
says the rest is made between :


As seen: the forest lands ahead, a
lady throwing back the plastic disk

is also good, and made enough, to
love light in yr eyes are hard again

and coiled round yr hair, another loop
I see and seem this hand is crept,

alert along, as swept afar, aside, &
probably not there at all, I hear

other lines sometimes unwrote down, she
sends a daily thread the parts of the

body organized into clans, for work &
music meeting examples in the city :

or would, where foxed, a pleasant bulge,
& slip it in & rock her back and forth,

each other too, the same way, mounted
back & forth to say, Ahh!, again.

each day's song the same & new, at
fantasy drawn her legs apart to

touch the sky & music, laid by rest
as meets the partner in the heart,

would have that solitude unbroken,
readiness & silence called away

the doors have opened once enough
again, I stepped on through her

eyes and stayed. You smooth across
my life and say "you are," as said.


And turns, yr oars are weaving down
the aisles between yr legs, a spot

foregone arrives, a smile & meets at
sails outworn but leaning across

I'll hold yr hand and sentence, a
day is made to send these lines

at post and rail these houses flung
by times to meet awry and favor

how her outer out resembles light
by shines her love is rescued down

this honor marks the time my own is
seen to fold it out the waves

are love's own due, & scatters out
the mine & call bestow at form

the calls she weaves me down my
body left alone for pleasure, &

children roll along the side " eye
sharp my furthers, wish for fucks

and hear this music scam the
floor at eases slim to dream

the spot for light's own means :
or love as wild coasted drops a

harness from the name, and in
my heart a drive of even this

in shorter loop, called upon to be a
master in these darker shores resolved.


The day yr upturned bottom, tongue in
sign yr eye to call the waves

a part no longer than the air is
drawn at looser calls the moon

yr voices smoother in the air than
laps dissolve through turn & outer

lines her warmer ears to car or tell:
or are you here again, in darker

moods to call me in and light yr
open legs with pleasure's growing

voice, as lets me sleep this dream
of cities wandered only makes her

wave these pulses drawn aside wd
sail her down the table long along

belief would clear the air marked
by friends yr movies laid by rest

to seem the work is love's inside
yr pockets made the same in

harness drawn to movies made in
-side yr hands are trails across

the day at lessons mark & song
in tune they rest across yr lay

to open hearts are minded out he
weeps to wait they fall into some

order later now than not you are
and drives these roads again.


The rest is pasture passion spreads the
day around before the sun's arrival.

innocent sentences go no where, astir in
frames delight the pool is open here again.

but shows yr eyes are moved among a
Simpler straw, for samples scored by

moon's delight devoured in pulses scored to
heal without like fortunes sending back

these sails below yr noses kept like movies
laid to rest between her eyes un-met.

or calls across, town, the oars are woven
tight her coils of muscle waiting in

my dreams affirms the flesh as hard
on mornings fill the empty loads to

shoot the spines rapids up the head
to send her cunt like fountains from

the flesh, and drink the juices, fountain
& youth, but skip today and make

yr outside finer now than not, and
where the outside loses sway, collapse

from cones as let them wrap the air
you'd chill the turning down & leap

asleep to ford the stream and catch
yr pleasure by the hand, greased.

loose yr mind and call to love, a
light is formal laid to rest, & said.


At storm, the harm is wove unsound, you
charm and pole across the waters,

a smoother stone is lapped-out in
shallow oars he spins the seas alert

or love-light skims yr heart again
the eases split her skin is brown a

finger in for love, you eye these
poses splintered sense of realms

to thorough doorways leaning for
yr gathering husk to scene would

clear these gasps a hundred poems
later meets the girl for fresh

flesh buttered out in waves
some seasons clean and proper is

as private pulses scam the shoal to
roads and seas in pleasure said.

or love is distance seen from light
within; you call my name to pull

them out the news is sudden, come
and spray the room yr scent

would open out behind and push
the inner light to acts and hands

the photographs await for seeing
partner slips her diamonds in the

queen's own body sharp & new, I'll
say yr names are leaping through.


Release delivered, cloud rain seed, girl
to meet & follows back the bed-house.

at work the arm is play, she jerks me off
again this morning I'll get my gas & speak.

the two are always mixed like that, subtly,
favor seems to seem alert, yr cunt:

put the scarf in, and the rock, & come on
it, bright flowers fill yr hair again, a

smooth dimension, erot, spoke, specific
bodies working out in space, around

around, angles peal her eyes to scan
the roof & white these spools of light,

I'd love you day to-day, and slip my
meat hr hand again, yr chest is

shining, floats to seem my senses sad
but growing hard, and flat yr face

to watch this pleasure going down the
waves are poised between the terms

are welcome made to seal the dream
again and flatter out yr hands are

large enough to open up behind, and
enter in yr big enough to give it

back and forth, and next to now, I'd
say yr name to small and open doors

the body's tale and mark, you meat
the roof and calm, at airs begun.


As goes beyond the edge the door to
seem within astounds the body's favor.

you are, as sent, as one, as sum & form
the body's eye she toucht & smell

to foam the seasons wet the maiden
fuller throat & tongue, I'll slide it in

and wait forever, and oranges resting
inner in within these sleeves are sudden

round announced like seeing one and
then again you move the seas aside.

and pave these waves alert you are,
the roses cast aside for telling what

is thrown around is round & flat &
sails the heart is one dimension

flung within these mounds & seasons
called aside by light the fevers call

and night as love resides the same
dimension cast about; and seeds arrive

in thrusts of light, won by tempers
sail'd throughout yr hands are worn

by love's dimensions, called to air yr
teams & reasons; as set, they are

renewed or thrown away to leaf &
storm the sun is sky & rain to tear

the ridges brown among her face to
spring the queen's own body. . . .


At the head, some order, fox in garden,
booked-out, his adverbs spell repeat.

you are, at morning joint recall & coffee
sends them down the ways as poked

this morning means it is, and called
alert, aloft, within yr hopes are

wove : And loop her waist is clean
to nipple green and dance around,

and day today is dentinal & gong,
a visit to another planet says, "retreat"

or voices clattered outer out resound &
palm, the right hand wins, known

to all, or throws yr faces force a
way to move around at jump ;the

line for heaven; work as calls the
days are full the nights alone, and

sons delight the heart, the body's
temporary habits life to light from

love begun at outer houses wrung
her suit and body carved among

experiences blue ink shifts the mood
reflects another heart is one and

patient once for gathers friends and
make this life resound with joy the

wanderer's lines are called aloud and
moved the soul's reflection comes around.


And stirs where fired the shoal is
turned as wove, or would you call

across sensation, groan & song, for love
the special meetings seem the same &

light the air between yr legs yr hand
simpler scenes you are, and gone the

roof is laid by arts we shore this fault
with newer transit scored the heart's

fantasies leap throughout the movie scored
for tunes or other eases wept his

newer rooms are painted white, a
leaf a rope another sails her bottom

drawn across the forms of life as
practiced back and forth in bed the

floor the woods the car & seated on
a cushion, finger in as cast yr

eyes are mine & claim, for telling
one and then again you are these

loops recall from other days the
same time set or sentence, on the

mark as set between her eyes a
spot becomes whatever goes across

as seed and spray; these lessons
mark the waves and surf us down

the days from left to write you'd
be another rose or let them go.


You are, then, turned around the life
of centers, scored like passion, in

yr hand a flower opened outer out
as strung in lights renew or pass.

begins to feel like something done,
the acts of light are moved to love,

and how she cools these reams &
slows my hand myself you could

touch your self again, and lease the
rooms for driving down these waves

are blue & green again, a dangerous
enterprise presses forward; how

you are, then, turned around the life
you chose, and let her lie back

in the sun you make or stroke
yr hands with light again, to

shelter life and come bright shapes
for senses drawn aside would

make these manners plain to doubt
over sharper doors, a younger

girl is opened into pleasing by
the mood already there to give

what offers more in play the
body's acts are simpler thought

than seen along the road in
woods no clothes & seeming.


You are, as has, begun and folded out
her wraps are wove, the less is pen to

scene within the beams are spread from
poor as worked would leave the rest

you had these passes leaped outer sad
no lessons call the air companion and

son would mean these rooms are made of
light and carries love's demeanor is

moved within, or moon and time the
darker terms have spoke to hearing

you would belong and skips the rest
as sent for leaps the simpler forces

lead around the eyelids in thirsty airs
as lets them drive along to post before

some shores are also left among the
rooms as has forms by haste to

score her open legs are said by tongue
the forest seems the same as leads the

roses cast alert forward seasons roast
or slips them off to head out they

pool & season roaring up the lines are
made again no road to leave her

waiting again, and tango outer parts
yr eye is left by lines they force

these loops to stay at love to shore
this light is seen throughout the air.


Yr life yr own, and smoother even
scene than not, another pool is widened

out from shore the lines across the fire
is thundered soon the movies lean again

she meets these waves, you are alone
the simpler diagrams are let again

and has the day resound at love these
airs are light the skies to move a

distance in the heart to hold them
in again you would remove the flight

of birds throughout this sameness eased
by life's work they hold along and

say you said, she leans the roof to
house & children over in the time

we are as met perhaps they send us
through our selves to meet perhaps

or carry down and loose to move
would sharp or lean, and skip to

score across and in, these fragments
shore and song you are again to

hold among yr strangers over in the
light you are as has : so let. The moon

and sentence, love's. Or easy even down
and moving, flown, given in to light

where love becomes the scene for telling
one and one is also said the same.


And let them say, stay, cleaned, the
fish are said to be, warm, then, & even.

but shapes are shallow sharper seen,
her warm body stretched across my

hands have said themselves, you are :
as let these posts away alert, and

simple said, they rest roof & chatter
simple and repeat her open chest of

fleshy buttons opened by her hands the
legs apart, scene and said, then come

and stay, clouds of white vapor, a
light between yr eyes, a spot, or

love along the trails and scenes; as hope.
would clear these rooms of pleasure

the morning's presence made by time
the same you are across the tab les

moved again in scores to meet perhaps
another lady in her seasons given

out to me to be a friend & laid
between the terms for light, the burst

is said arrive alone, and meet these trees
as spoke they claim some solitary

time within yr spaces known would
make the record spent, away, as :

love is hard between yr sighs, and
light the pressure lid upon yr hands.


Yr open scores reversed, the great peace
of letters driven off across the waves &

senses, lighted out to love her body's fervor.
or are you are these lines & sentences to

the skies adrift & center, how you say
to me to be the same as eases out in

shoals between yr eyes, a spot is laid
as in the loops we sail to seem & said:

and in the seas no open, heard her say,
yr tongue is fingered out before the storm,

and light before my hands you wave &
where below yr arms my seams,

erect between yr lips, on hand this
might belong affirmed, & should the

trigger lapse behind the shoals review
alarm recall he shoves it in & splits

the roses lay them down and call again
the movies mark again the music song

and pole her eases in the morning
love is said to come in pieces called

to colors green & yellow have her ears
between yr hands the folded flesh is

warm her trigger up and clean the faces
eye and long would come again the

one & center sure perfume her musk
these rooms are ready made the same.


Comes behind again the roads are taken.
or flowing outer seed within as light,

the water on the mountain turns self
at simple attention in my bed the

basement next door's magic would clear
the air again perhaps it rained her

fleshy bottom and some pancake breasts
are floating in my mind, as pianos.

a day is clear enough, I guess, and
smooth her lips would call across

for pleasure's sense and pool, would
light arrive you are, a love's pull

the charge and calm, as sleeps like
time and called the same, some legs

are running back & spread the moon is
presence in the day some light

her movies run, and shore these faults
like mountains; organize the day-like

life-like, light in love's presence
and make another name declare you

are the same to come across the day
as shoals yr surfer heart in clasps

the California flock is wooden airs
reviewed in lesser marks as shoots

and moves the person charm & soul
the roof is calling, camp and farm.


Her lines and favor steam aside for this
and sings some roof to climb yr heart

is one and moving air to pool the light
that pours between yr legs is also

love in some sensations made the same
with both hands calls her back and

lays her down in dinner scenes would
make you stay alone or call these movies

done and finished would these lines decide
you are and set to tell the forces

lay the bodies on the trail for tongue
and chime resounds her open door is

also open, sentenced in some scenes
or rests in pleasure's trains the loops

resound inside some cautious terms
unite between yr legs again I'd ride

some distance pulled apart perhaps
this horse & rider are not new but

laid by time between the days to meet
the scores reversed in simpler terms

we hold apart the lessons mask and
drum you are among my signs as

someone raining in the days below yr
arms you rise in climates seasoned

in yr hands a bullet drops away,
and love is entered in like fresh flesh.


Signs grown daily wider, woman groan
below, as pleasure drives her into dream

where erection strains her winding stream
within this come & squirt she yields

this passion thrown aside to will withdrawn.
or lies this palisade unbroken shines

her dream of constant pleasure smiles
tantra world the strains are sun at

polar seasons shored reviewed the name
the drums are weaving waving scenes

the light from out these loops recall
love's perfect drama unrelieved constant

too this un-becoming woven outer heads
her breasts drawn tightly overhead

the open door is named : you are, and sung
like Eagle's cries sharper seen but held

her butterflies are shining, left alert in
movies watched the same room laid her

ass is flesh the pods are seeded love the
name she gives to pleasures eased at

bed the body cools to tongue & sign,
Yr claims attend these foolish airs to

house and garden, foxes everywhere to
draw the heart aside one straight line

is a man's life and some the same his
life unfolded mask & drum, the friend.


Or goes before her lines the same are
also drawn the figures share the light,

and hard into the time the work and
moving in the same we're along as

pulled aside the time is set between her
eyes, a spot decides the light as calls

the movies love's as seen her body oils
but leaves to move the tree into sharper

lines the root as earth and increased into
work, perhaps I'll meet you in the days

as long the triangles spun in shallow
drops and fewer friends they wait

to trot the scale of track and field, a
singular lesson aches this fringe to

love regained the motives send between
yr hands and passion in the air as

love, perhaps, the reasons call aside
or pass the distance room and term

forever shifts them back, I'll wait no
danger here, but seems too easy, not

the form of life but acts within a sphere
are market place to be a light inside

her forces are the same and human flown
by cheerful dreams a naked time is also

drawn in names the plowed field comes
a button licked the fingers pulled aside.


The rest is roses signed along. You are a
song or something less familiar hoses

out her body shaped by fire yr hands
are also voluntary. Or harder noses call

the fire spelled by lines obstruct the
maiden at her marrying into seasons

called along the way like forests on
the earth yr sons are minded out the

roof is resting into arms her body sad
but left alone, for the years at pass

the glow particular then, to cooler dreams
or none, yr spaces organized in sense

they part apart as slowly dying love
affairs seem longer than what passes

in the morning voluntary shores no
fault perhaps she wings these threads

the river called alone the earth the same
in tense or sullen attributes persist

like shadows drawn the faces split
or meeting down the line is dropped.

yr forces cleaned by ropes in sign
you are these lights within, as loop

to movie calmed would mark along
toward light in love's beginning now

the rest is roses signed along, and
settles into what we laid between us.


As world or world, I'd ride her
pleasure; she's big enough, and drink

this fountain from her center's youth
and see this finger make her come

and join this coming with my own
butterfly lays the seeds and push them

in to set aside the names for things,
but lean across yr breasts are large

and now's yr husband leaving, inner
in the life that makes some light

afar at love's pushing muscles gropes to
sing in sweaty acts positions upside

down and drawing lines around you.
fiercely dreams the giant, ears asleep

we rides his waves of laughter, and
would she seem beneath you, its on

the bed she draws her legs apart &
seams you into wetter places pusht

affirmed & legs are drawn within the
acts performed like license marked

by fantasy sloped aside or coiled in yr
hands another poem shapes the day

or loafs along to sell them down the chimes
and forts they left behind, & there's

the eye, and meant, you would, across
and streaming down the folded skies.


As sky, the mare afloat, her eye is wet
for charges in the season lined between.

or reached, this slow gallop into pleasure, &
let the summer groan her witness, large

enough her breasts are heavier, but turned
behind to climb aboard this business at

the lawn & measured forward, laid by hand
afar to seem you are these rooms beyond

or seas to ream her outer poles review,
for scans the leaving shore is spelled

a cautious transit leans no error hears
the sign and lets the roses bear along

this air this : you would claim this act,
yr own is meaning into salient beams

the portion called relief and hands again
they'd set you clean and simple here

survived, but down her bottom shreds a
form of single thrones, receipt: the mare

relieved in coming home by quarts, I'll
drink this portion made my own, and

sing another charm between her legs, a
spot, they lean through dusty songs

for strangers turned ahold for words &
passions flung outer out below the bird

rests in softer light where love resides
this loam and fission called again you are.


The air permits, and then again, you
are the same as time, and leaves the

open shirts for breasts exposed, and up
and underneath the floor, a feel, astir.

the room would peal across meeting
with someone already known to be a

fox in garden hung about with pleasure's
action, a rocket in the center, light is

carried out in love's acts: or would the
rooms be bare to life if carried on

for tame and sallow friends? The door
or passion's horn in tight rows, I

see her dreaming vibrates the book &
call. States the one, to come long &

vision in the pleasing cocks the light
as tongue in places marked for love

and on around the world, at eighty paces
layer scheme to shelf & shale these

rooms of white beginning outer signs
or makes no others calm unite the fool

as leans across between her legs, a
spot for touching hand & thigh, you

see I have my songs, and sing her
daily duty energized in fantasies where

my will will call her in to be & see
exists where comes to life before me.


The waves are signed. At post, she rubs
for dinner underneath yr pants, twitch

and gleam terrestrial beam & shot, for
seed life spread, yr breasts are full

for pleasure's grasp & song; along between
for open door & cock of glass, lighted

into play at love's touch. The flowers
smell the room for single hands,

but hear and come again, sum & pool of
light becalmed at home the nest & bird;

increase : Gentle. Mate's union fucked
and gather grass arise and sing her name.

the days to seem within arrive alone
but open shots review, the future comes,

& has her perfect in my dream & sign, a
wave across the air to call her down

the days alert to meeting one-in-one, as
old friends catch their age inertia, there

is nothing not, as on the time no
movies said the lady's thought it's

fun to ask, & peer shots call, the
balls explode her mouth is moving in

and out to ream the short stroke's fathom
strung between her legs, an arrow

shot for light and love, and fuck
again some strong song given out.


You are, then. The pastured in the light
at line we hold to time as life and

school these lines again in air review & calm
to love as comes across yr eyes are clear

to some as not below the stars to see in
term unite along the waves of light at

joint & palm the arms are wove together
in the cooler lapses out among them

spent to linger out along these days of
where we hold among our friends.

and send them down to love the name
we give to pleasure, strong along these

marks and signs and into summer sets
where caught or warm, and thorough work

the lines are daily drawn for favor cast
as into seasons dream and song unite

at eases named or said, announce or say,
would call and shore to thorough loops

warmer known than dreamed yr arrow
into naming kept the day after regular

as clock clock the news is traveled fast
to forward claims you'd say another

line is narrow faster spaces filled are not
alert but necessary doves can say the

way to love is need & song where called
again the characters figure scenes.


Yr names are clear enough, the work
completes exchanges wandered here

begun & settles in the day's rushes
in the air and sung to hold the

light beneath yr eyes as goes beyond
or fastens tongue & sign for this

to be another thing of love's air to seam
and settle down for lunch the lines

are also favors in the simpler signs we
leave among some foreign movies a

a mark is danced or laid between
her eyes a spot and rubbed again

would be the sign again revolves to
truer evolutions sea and pool unite

the verge of color thought perhaps to
call the motive strong or drawn to

lease and claw, the roof, act. You would
begin, then, as shores these eases

one and then the day : lap collapse,
at the outside, strains, or leaps a

simpler sail to reams of light you are.
these cleaner terms are folded in the

waves you make around me, & meetings
have the force of life regained, and

sharp enthusiasm sings the blood to hear
within some pleasures rise like flesh.


Down between the days we find another
term as has these forces closed beyond

a line along the days we call each other
in to meeting down and sharp across the

light is said to be these forms of life like
love is moved to say alert as posts these

songs to say complete conclude the poem
has some sign of leaving well enough alone

as seems the lady's leaving sue and charm to
crazier times recalled, love's agonies leave

the body somewhat short as drawn along in
sense perhaps you'd seal the door & leave me

in the sun's beginning now to paint & space.
but sharper lines are heated now & then,

and tired of the state of things, relief
is settled by the marks across yr eyes, &

who we said hello is poem sign the loop
aloft release & said alone along among,

the city beckons outer song & pool the rest
would clear the air yr movies spent

or leans among her odors cheek & toe, you
smooth the days among these days to

seem the same and left alone would be
another name for seasons cold among

abundance, the light is broken through as
has another time & unit sold before you are.


They call aloud for measure, and
the things of time are cleared away.

as has between the signs alert, and
sharper news is made the same to

go along and sail them into seasons
drawn retreat to join with others

cooler terms are said to wait. Or
would you come and stay beneath

the dance as waved or sung. Love
is this light luminous, as shore

and fault to meanings thrown in
senses gained the risk of pleasure

is some distance from the self, a
drawing left between yr eyes,

or jerked alone the pastures grown,
as often made for seas to green

aloud the red airs call, or leave
them into in as lets them say

a name begins to roam below her
arms, these songs of touch & tremble.

but light becalms the eye to disks
as throws bestow the circle later

now than not. Pool yr eyes to
love, they seem to have the

sign & call, and light is cautious
streaming seed and life astound.


I am, these walls are favors, beckon
time within yr faces, haul the shore

like what is laid across the bed at light
love's finger in yr body calm to see

what flows as nectar slip among the days
unmet, but splintered cool and easy

out before we say to home and fox-alert
would low these calls again you are

the same as has between these signs
alone and "hidden well," for safety

follows least resists of the world caught
the darker view subsists, no claim is

charged again for fortune's while blessed
or words against the sun's obedience is

moved as outer told without, no harm in
seeming what you are, the day of light

in the world's calm other, who passed
like licks against her tongue's places

in and out beneath the light which floats
above the bed in dreams you are the

same. Or into roses crept, the line's own
flavor short or spraying in within as

has these oars renew from form drawn
as charges laid, the lady calls along

her own dreams and I thrown them
simpler here than flown along these eases.


A lake enflames at passing. The light
is waved her eyes are shore & song, the

room perhaps inert bestowed release and
hands the body's warrior large affirm or

finds her down the line is warm to sea
these floats alive the road entangled not

by love perhaps is found beneath the sky.
you are, and said among yr favors sleeps

her hands have opened up the flow within
yr heart as some begun like movies skipped

at forward claims for life a fragile colony
sum & portion leaves the rest and stays

but goes the way to say resist the forts are
broken easy love is made surrender in

the force of movement strong and here as
untranspired roof and claim the floor

is opened out but slowly now her pleasures
grown with blue & green, but in the dangers

slips between her legs his face or hands
the body tunes and spreads its columns

flat. The day begins, no dream but seas
and spokes afloat by nouns recall

or flowers patterned out the moon is clear
or shallow; faced by love, and drawn

the light in tense or southern, released and
grown to pleasure's stance, yr face renews.


Yr home is music throne-like, senses are
this food in bronzed glazes lip to sink.

clattered outer spun, alert the movie sings,
her waist is gathered into season's smoke,

of looser shifts without; in pinnacle gleams
light's loves, her eye is opened dancing,

licks these favors greening-in, and shatters
illusory passions leaving rest and shower.

yr eyes the same as both or either, one,
but clips between and sprays the dirt

for cleaner posts below her hands, it
buttons now again in senses named

before yr bases cast would say, again,
as eases drawn along the day, you are

these natives drawn toward eastern loves
but the body's acts are new and sent

by line by line, and into something seeds
the moves to make them one by one and

right to score his easier dues & skim
the pot some duty leaving some occasion

known in thrust thrown to sail her
down the waters glowing master's gate

and bomb, alert a life along, would
come to meet but soar aloud these

songs are music in the day, to score the
loose wraps drawn accordingly, so.


The same is left unfolded in its pressure.
fortune seems alert behind the mask of

presences, yr smooth seas are foaming-in.
but holds the way afloat, you are and

made the same in movement, left alone again,
and transferred smiling in the light, no

airs recall the dance, but holds between
the days for love perhaps, but leads her

down the ways like life like love and hears
the room begin some easier life, but

called to sentences drawn aside would clear
the day to sail along the dream and breast

her tides in moon or presence single words
would go along and hold to silent moves

and caution foxes in the dark, the mass
is lighted from within the mountain is

a simpler growth than said at first and
stay the loops recall what laid between

her gasps and now no other's silence beams
away would know yr name or

presence undefined alone and now the
silence calls along to be a speech of

something said again the rest is what
was also there before but now is

what is there, you are and spoke. The
days are also new to be the same.


Mid speed called arrive. But sharp, the
cool day crisp new is come alive a

sense the light has warmed the score
and love turns to as simpler fires

say the proper life to some is nothing
left aside yr heart would say to

meeting some and other the roof and tale
of heavier words and friends the loop.

or Diction, sd he, yr problem, novel.
the place is beckoned outer spun of

rafts afloat with pulses new or sent.
but wood in fire the meat is cooked

her buns are warm throughout grosser
names the love we shore in spinning

memorial plants or lounging forward
harps to dust and clean days

tremble now to smoother lights in
the raw or left untutored but

among these others new perhaps but
told the same is clean & clinging.

caldron's fate renews the thought,
and life's calm doctrines clear the

air between yr sighs and songs, I'd
clean you out for heavier shots.

loop recall, her doors are opened
outer spun reflection calls again.


These lines perhaps are also names.
yr life afloat within as passes on

for senses left alert; scores review reversed,
yr platters flung between her legs, a tongue!

some places wrung before the storm; at one
along aloft at last, among my others, will

and song restore from notes or waves of
light : love. You are, at face and force

the seas are broken into light, a song arrived
complete, shaled into seasons as peak & throng

would say, repeat yr form her body's pleasure
seen, at afternoon delight : or would this

shore renew, becalmed at life's center's rests.
and row across the river new now spun,

screw through, night comes quick, spray
or drop, fathom-sharp, her eyes alight

would say, this. The rest, fleeced in, is
heart thrust, to meet! And then, again,

you are, and no mistake, the line passes
eagle & sons, songs, alert begun afar

this room is also cleared away in sense
bereft the day no longer rain but

heat, the heart's anchor, compressed
to light the salient drums are one

and said to this, today, the same
and love her down the day tonight.


Day's ends call down along the waves.
you would begin between her sighs, the

terms are full, her breasts against her shirt.
calls unite, the small matters lay aside

her shoal's perfume, my sock. Stay around
I'll swamp the highland's treasure, spoke

to night, to moon, fuller split spilt flowed.
like a shot between yr lips are sighs per

-formed, or danced to throne by throne, you
sail around my mind's composing, flexed

bell & song, to spell the cries of leaning mortar.
boys bail balling. Individual lines are

also names & cues, the rest would say
the mood is cleared away, fortunes are

exposed parts the eye's face forces light
to be the sign of love's beginning groan

& song the same meat quivers lay & stay
again her robes are shivered off again

and coils in. lights opposed her woolen fingers
sail the muscle's ream and plain hands

pulling left and right you are the same to
me to be along and said aloft to love, a

new air sounds between my hands, the fire
twirls throughout her harps are wove to

me to be these words my heart's pull &
shine at moon alert again we dance.