Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thomas Lowe Taylor -- HOMAGES Book V



Looped out, held back, firmed.
You might arrive yourself, & hold,

the blue airs unravel & stir, pulsed
up, your eyes are new, too, to

hold on & slip away ;& down, to
image these states, eye to eye, &

willing to permit these pleasures
of, terms of, lines of and remove.

Push, then, term to line & held.
a room permits, then, yields, as

color & term reminds outer of the
roofed pass, claim, effect & mood,

growth to line, her cool eye has
some energy. Sloop to cool, arise

the term, roof anew, remind you
have some acts to lease, farewell,

come in & stay, remove & hold; the
single elevations permit or raise,

then clear to yield, sailed, sheeped,
marked the rail & shape, at

sharped, graphed at shore-of
peel to room, love’s toppled.


Roped-out, pooled, the specific desig-
nates remove or peel, then term,

loop to sell, sail, elope to sentences.
scatter throughout & mark, often

among the room & skip, sell & firm, the
score of, line of, anterior profound, the

leap to skip, heart, aloof or told,
then mark to sell, sail, love’s eye

begun, termed, then, at score & set,
the shades belong or turn, prose,

red shapes red their rooms and sail
again their dogs or ropes also

begun there & there, looped, astir
her red heart bloomed but then

alone the day & ript-out, salt,
roam of light’s duties, lost at

song & term held aloof or wrapt
astir & sent, then, light’s blue

self and calm : we hold along the
way, roomed out & slippt, as

a worn and termed room becomes
again becomes, sail, sail, sail.


Day to arrive, leafed at the foot, seen,
journal of time’s remembrance, or old.

Your sleep might fit, but hold, to, to
open parts unwound, again, & blue

airs wept. We saw the eagle, even here,
heard his shrill & even tone, winged

out & called. Not today, though, but
sloops & centers, the sun’s mood of, her :

and see, too, how they hold, art of
line & grace, the trees speak, birds

of the earth’s feathering, yoked, pushed
around, then, the heart’s anchoring

in place or half among the distances,
pillowed into resonance, spoke to what

is firm & distant, seed begun, room
of the air’s beginning, light spent at

open doors, yr mouth receives, too, at
song & line, no manacle to doubt, a

simple resonance unwound, force to
air simplicity, fold enfold, air to life, a

breath away, and set; hawk or pin, the
roof is plain & empty, send the day, along.


Time’s name subsides to light, turns
to hold & send along, to be

these rooms & modes alarm &
call, speak, day becomes the

term & life of light’s beginning
along the long way out, and

held-to, term & song, then, & held,
roofed, spun, alarm & call, the

rough beginnings plunged & pusht.
your heart is also opening, &

looped throughout the same way
sending, then, & termed, to

push to hold, then name a
day is sent, turn & mark,

yield of, name of, sending
out to tell, then, here and

here, you are the same, and
spoke, then, throughout, or

told, then, into these rooms
to make, mark, spot & tone

to hear these lights are spoke
again, love’s name arrives.


Quantity, measure of light’s time;
loop, a day, arrived, to throw

& term, there, these ropes align
and turn, leaped through and

to below belong, as tell or told
in marks, shine and yield where

we move in terms alight from
some marks, there, as held to

move, lark and door, attend
enfold as fork and red a

rope is sent, spar or room, a
form, come to short bestowal,

whipped out and spun, the open
day is lit, or after, forms

of, term : heart the line, after
or told, then, and single sen-

tencing, or senses, then, where a
roof or time, light’s love

is raft & turn, blue occasioned:
lift as leap, the mouth begun,

climb or skip, but hold as spoke
from sense, rhyme of, grown.


Roof to line, mouthed, a seed.
Eye & song, we are along

the line & loomed-out, hard
to these airs & terms, then,

and looped light, form to hold,

or spoke, as song and light’s
life, here, then, and moved.

floating, single, sent or perched,
a pool & sigh : the air resides

& cools, and in the ceremonies, a
preparation into life’s light

becoming, or there to there, as
spoke, the room decides, as

some beginning, hard upon the
line, driven down, the earth

of names, she hears, told, the
rough claims met, soaring

out, split up the center, as
some rooms are made &

set, the air of, term of, these
new times looped at seas:

your food, heart, blood & time.


Mark, time & line; the eye’s flame is
burst, but turned, too, to tell,

other and out, from some one
begun, as spoke, and told, then

at sign & line, air of the term and
gong, as line, then spun, these

orange marks, blue and gray they
are, and moved to this centering

of act and word where we spell
out from time or name, the

day’s own speech in things seen,
there, where some fragile eloquence

of life’s beginnings rings us out
from the air, or won, heard

at the heart’s blood split, then,
to make singleness a name

& not a state, a will and no
new act but seed and term,

will or spun, your liking in some
sentencing, held and rough’t

to blue and green, around,
eagle, spoon & loom, thus.


Carried between, paged, alert, the
rows are caught, interior this prise:

eye-scene, missed, cloud, affirm,
to lead the slow edge kept alert,

too, marked out inside align to hold,
but below, sloop of indigent wafer.

And moon along the rest, rests, subside
and call, among benign lumescence,

dived in and fell, a term asleep
or thrust throughout, a home, would.

Walls, light, stooped & caught,
at term and gong, your slips are

there, too, at mood & song is not
alone or only caught, to slips held

or spoke, poem at skid granito, too,
grainy, seeds covered with red

juice, mouthed, agape, long-scoring
pomegranate name of skills beguile.

Verb: tight to spear your cool lips
where some scrutiny (apparent) laps

longer lids of other often oozes name
of day’s light looped away often.


Slips, a leaf a mark, attuned: leap.
Beside what is easy, assumed to

hold, or there, and stormed along, a
room or home, painted yellow walls,

and going: thirst astir and sent
to leave or mark, hold, terms to

stay and yield, this opening of the
way, line or mark, seen. Eventual

and simple, built into what is there
and sent, sentence, the room

and song, heaved out or sent, at
storm & stir, to eases left, or

modeled out along the time, room
and place, the single particle

of blue noises and some turning
out of time, held affirmed the

easy distances are unfound, but
leafed profound, storm, green

and green, but next to each other
as one by one they simplify, or

disappear, as I go by, some
stiffening of the spirit, love’s game


Made, a mode, mark : bell and
line, turned along to hold to

time’s beginning. This move is
made & spoke, but hear, the

heart’s line is met, weak, to
spin and hold, then, alert

to speak, will & term, made,
the way of, term of, line

and song, life’s beginning as
are told, then, heaved up to

meet these posts & horses, alone
even, and in the dark, to

be the man of wool, made
what he is in words begun

& heed, the heart’s way is
made to meet and hold,

to be these lines preceding,
all among its distances,

his thicket, burnt, as light’s
year is thought, then, at

climb & tomb, the way is true,
but held, firmed, floated out.


Day and time, made through
-out the same and turning, re

-turned again and spoke, it says
, thoughtfully. Light’s bells

are also new and met thus
and willingly, death’s turn

return of the year, and met
at the blood’s turning into

life, though turned against
its will, even, into sleep, or

some forgetting, then, of dream
and song. You are, then,

termed anew this day betimes
and thought into life by yr

own being to be the same way,
word and mood, turned along

the line and spoke, underway
or seen to be these things

of life’s own choosing: long
along the way, from light

to time as mood & claim, this
sun of days and nights.


Loops line aligned, or term of
spoke at set and yield, through

the air and sending between the
eyes, a spot, made along the

line to hear again some specific
sending-out where it lies-to

these simple notices: marked to
term throughout the same, and

sent : hold and speak, along to
hear, song and eye promote,

arrive, renewed among some air
and left, or inert to hearing,

and listen wherein along and
turned, then, to tell between,

and spoke, erect to send as
begun to time and set, at

stir and song, looped between,
sagged out and tense, heart

to ear, looped throughout and
heard, the groups and senses

or spilt, blood of the year turns
and turns, singing us out again.


two lives saved last night by
the fire: we drew the stars of

our fear away, and held to life’s
bright glow in our heart, and in

this way won over death’s close
entry, and the life we gained is also

new, and cherished, seed of, love’s
new beginning to be alone, and

where the fire helped us into this
truth & song, hope at the edges

of our naming, the life and seed
within the fire, how we are

two in one, this fear traversed,
and weak, too, from grieving,

needing food, the heart’s blood
restored by caring, and holding

in my arms my own life and
death, cold, on the ground, and

jumped, and won among our
lines, in some simple joy at the

specific power of specific places
love’s name unwound again.


It is met, this child of the spirit,
of the heart’s dying flown out

and into its bright hemisphere,
there on the mountain where

she lives, circumscribed and fired
at the center, and who we

are is known in this double-
dying we have made and

met : the hag rushed by and
you came back. Dark birds

flew away. Your second slide
was personal, you were tired.

You have given me my death,
not your own. And this

becoming of light to which we
are returned is life itself,

Made of food and bright
things for the eyes. We

are all eye and sung, &
seen as what we are,

and this specific song for
a specific child : the next fire is joy.


Marked, away, and long this
specific loop returned, restored.

The time, so, or light and green,
but named, the ease of pasture,

and thrust along, or held, term
of insistence, sharp, aligned, home.

Your own naming persists, and
caution’s birthday celebrates a

new renewal. Sun or image of, &
met or made, term, alarm, mark.

Your own term went away, returned,
buried at the hill. Trees circled.

And food, here, returns the will to
its own firing. And burned, a

term of life, and full, or filled
sentences are left away, given

to utterance by the will to speech,
seeing, then, how we are moved,

alarum & call, mood of, time of,
recall to doubt, but holding

firm and jumped, alive & well,
flown, aside, loop to tell, hold.


Moved, along the light’s turning, to
serve and sing, or, arisen out,

held to term away & hold, fly a
moon away and marked : hold, then

mark, your feet are sharp, woolen,
and pointed out, a face of gentle-

ness, or life, named out, small bird.
Another turning makes us out to

this life we are, orange red firing
in the heart’s time, or moved. To

be these days we are also, fly
and spin, a slow sending of

time in time, counted along the
line in these beginnings, or skips

away, no sleep, or regained, and
well, tied up, roomed out, these

singular rasps are also new, &
sheeped a line, or spent away,

to hold, time, lined beyond this
turning, where the face forces

well, and met, the same, or out
to some beginning, to fly and spin.


this year turned out, tape to
loop to turn around, and out

to tell, dog and sail, and termed away
“red-orange island-husked formalities,”

and met, tape to loop, and out, or
outer, automatic, and too much

resigned, or, Christ taken away
to mass masked, or clumped to

spin away, or met anew, and made,
totem and song, or followed, then,

and made away, and to, too, total
and foreign, but made anew, this

seeing we are begun, and made.
So it comes and out, like

pleasure’s emptying of seed upon yr
hand, and in my own beginning,

the same, and let your tears
begin, a prelude, at least, where

contracts, at least are not made
or renewed, but begun, then,

among these transfers of light,
where ‘they have nothing in mind.’


And one, begun, termed full, alive and
won, or opened, bird’s song and

seed, sung down and made alert,
uprised, moot or blue, blown-out, a

move to tell and speak, name, known,
then, to speak alert along; borne

to see in ashes won this dream
is crossed, the fire made properly,

but long down long & holde out,
or thorough, the time of its occur

-ring, halved or spun, its sequencing
and line, or where they wait for

imaging, roamed & flown, sound
along this specific edge, shown

throughout the same styled, overt:
music marked a drum is strung

& tuned, played by a child.
Turn, and having chosen, go

& having gone through, turn
return arise the history of

the seed messaged your hand
& tongue, sung, alert, begun.


Mark, the day arrives, and soon,
claimed between some distancing,

termed along the line : alert. Hold
from these fragile colors, seen, a

registration of blue and green
leaves, or sentencing life to verbs.

Room. The lines permit, turn, the
reef subsides, and dust relieves

to life; or lighted, surround, permit,
held and sworn, worked-out and

sung, from establishing. Warped to
sailing, and formed, image, a

claim and thrust, but signed,
ahead, flown, the motives are

regained, but clipped, moved,
and term. Line along and

hold, there, time’s line lined &
spun, the leaves are made

green to edge and set, then,
as line and term, mark, set,

to blow these specific distances
out, at ocean’s call & moon.


The term, line, elapsed to turn, and
hung throughout along, held & moved.

time of, line of, and moved along,
held, or left among the distances.

skim to leap, leaf, room & time,
recall to dust, side & line, way.

the moon. Or skips, but hold,
and call the time away, on.

Term, of, and ease, but leans
along and saw, mask, into

a particular dream, and rest
here, assumed or drawn, out

from distinction pressed, critical
to suppose and hang around the

edge. But carry through & say,
told or spoke, centered at a

new turning, or where we are.
And move, mood to line, spoke,

eased among, or heard, then, as
a lengthening of will, roofed.

Along the lone line. Way : edge.
spooned hard, or into, eagle, spoke.


Well enough, and turned, through
the air and met, you are, and

here, but along the way, held.
The moon, sent, set, blue air.

Worthed, out, bird or small time,
rests, & heart, spun, out the

place, after & set : here, the
air moves, pealed or mark.

Forms, often the line to mark,
and sent to life by these

lights unwound, resist, calm
is moved these airs willing :

but scored along & waits to
hear some strong color, word,

or expects to room among the
others, shaded, the marks are

grown along and hastening a
loom or loop, association of

sounds, scale and motive along
my own singing, but heart,

a foam, sanded out & claimed,
or long along the way, out.


The line, moved, to hear & speak.
Shift to set and marks, hold.

The light bends, then, willingly
through shape and time, spent

toward motive, recall, regain, a
time alert to hold and grow:

but heart, the day’s anchor, is
hurt, or singed, or wood, or

green itself, and left away,
at ease and juncture, or claimed.

Mood elevation of dusk, sought
at least, a place to sit, and

seen, prey of the eye, loaf.
Lines are caught, lines are

met, the willing act portends,
but speak, air, to claim

attention, or warp along
the day begins, and met.

Hold, day, and grow among us:
loom the row with wool or

flux, and color yr eyes blue
or met or held, held, affirm.


But moved toward what is light,
or new, regained from quietude

or words, even, even & precise,
the other lines pretending or

lessened, or driven back to doubt:
anchor & tune, new rooms permit.

Often or other, and then return.
Outer or other, the new way

is laid open, only or new or
moved, bird and name, random

or motive, turned, swarmed,
opened, lighted. Left along,

mood & time, where they have
grown along silence, unpoetic.

But these days hold & speak:
they are they, unremitting and

imprecise : rain might clear the
air. Another slow descent to

meaning. Another rough texture
into pleasantries, and then

remiss or passion. Nouns.
These growing claims to light.


Edge to peak, or seen asleep, the
moon & triangle, hard & heard.

Looped among the airs away, a
pool streamed beside the way,

then spoke, or met : revised, met,
the fragile lines elongate, then

turn to send ascend the time is
long along, but skipped-out.

Mountain. But scale, to see the
size & hear, loop to line, term

of. Mark. Then hold to line & light,
or shaded, roped, met, among

some active distancing, voiced
or small or even smaller.

the blue noises creep throughout,
and move among the solitudes,

seem to be the things they are
and meet the air willingly, to

become some sentencing anew
and turned or slipped, but

gained regained the power of
moving, them, along the line.


Moved, at term, full & silent,
but thrust to life’s beginnings.

Line, to fall free & set, mark
of the air’s renewal & washed.

Heart, term of the light’s behaviors.
Noon, a box of airs and webs, at.

Loomed among these terms to
some rejoinder among-along,

and hard at color & time, the
new lines permit some destination,

then, and termed away, away,
to hold & sing, then, there are

some times remiss, but slow,
and hold, too much foregained,

and wait, the lines are new
and met, then, along the way.

Speak, then, at juncture & calm,
where we have passed through

these close terms & helped, or
spoke, ear & song, at the

world’s outer edge, new moved,
then, and held along time.


Mood among time to line the air.
You are, and turned-to, here,

a mark or light to come between
then, and hold throughout the same.

But tell, as spoke, to hear & send
the line along the way is said,

there, and turned again the same
in some time, met & spent, in.

the light, then, of some beginning
to be the same way sending-in.

hold, then speak, to say the time
is set & turning, then, in

some sentencing or term, a
moon or setting, around the

line outlined or told, to hear
the steps between these spaces

or elongations one in one, a
new post away or skipped,

then, in the air & trembling,
heart or eye the same, and

seen, along the line, term
and mark, claimed, set, done.


Spin and hold these lines are met.
Face or tell or seen between.

The new moon elongates, told,
there are some others along the way,

and held, sometimes, too close to
be the things they are, & turn.

Line. Mark. Term : hold and sing,
then, above her moving in & in,

but then, explosions from the night,
begun, at juncture and calm,

or where we are among these lives,
and touched, to quietude, fathom

and claim, or outer, recall
& claim, the fragile distances

are new & sung, outer & met,
resonance of the close time.

Heart marked along the terms
a sun is cleaned and set,

out along the rooms & scenes
from their own motives, held

or spoke, there are those wings
and shoals, blued-out & new.


Term & fortune, where they lie out
across the line, heard & seen, in

some beginning, anew, term and mark,
where they long along begin, then, here.

Turn return: the day is told, hold:
these loops regained, pole & tone,

the fragile distances yield, south,
a way to see the sun, begun,

at term & shine. Room and spun
the roof, and out along the way

as some line along the ridge &
heart. Firm or spent, then, asway,

from these lines as wrapt, scheme
of use to some fire, thought to

the rising of the heart or spoke,
to lease and sentence, roof &

shore, sanded, spun, eagle’s turn
return, and loop among the

openings, shore & gong, wave.
Or are you set, sent, said,

the rest regained, from where
you were and are, here.


And down the line, but met going
on, then, to some meeting, wherein

the time omits to pressure, holds, gives
and grieves, even, and met without

continuing the way, heart mounted
over or slung around, in no end

the same way sent the same way
out begun or flown through what

is spoke, even, sent or sentenced,
and life’s line out to hold & tell,

there, among the terms met
mark & fall, but arising, there,

from energy spent or spoke in
this light beginning to become

the same way sent & said, to
turn along the line and meet

the way is set or spoke this
opening of the heart and held

throughout the name and mark
as told or slipped aside, turn

& hold your own time moving
in & in, the line is met, along.


And down again, along the line
And listening, too, to what is

there to hear, thumping, as spoke
& wheel, heart-spoke and turn,

wheel & way, or loom & tine, to
forked purposes, or divided times,

the even spin of the eye’s light,
and around the turn, here, we

moved throughout these elongations
to the pace of life’s renewal,

in speech & sign, there, how the
way is set beside the line

and met, her heart heaved
& mine, too, mined or met,

there are these deliveries &
sighings, and run out, the

open door is open, and
all ways so & so: spin the

chart or chant the way a
way is turned along & long

to meet the eye, coming back
the same, met, seen, spoke.


Termed, aloft. The air spins, to
seem the same and yet be one:

there is some distinction to pass
across, then, and seem to see,

even. But heart the woods’ words
are named; image, tree, song

and drum, though not to alternate
but leave the way clear through

-out, and hold to time’s saying
thus and so, or paired to turning

in this brittle brilliance, then, &
sew the patches on, and yield,

throughout, told, the way is flown,
to eagle’s seeds, cast up

into her eye, the child begun
& left alone to grow outer

and out, then, at some new
juncture cast aloft & strewn

out, or told. Said, the new airs
tremble & shore, hold & spin, a

cast of terms, marked or moved,
and sleep, these dreams arise


Direction, pause, turn and hold,
there are these terms, met aloft.

Back-spin, out to tell the way
is set and made, or heard,

then, among the line’s permissions,
then, where we are here & here,

as some distinction evades &
closes in upon the way, of

line and term, spoke, the wheels
are molded, roomed, aloft, or

gained, then, at these rises of
tone or armed & teethed, a

rough alert alone, or skilled
and taut, for elongation

and musk, do you hear the
names we give to change?

But traveled out or told, at
sense and stir, at pool &

drum, and misses the term, a
full drawer, a slipped ear,

his days are full, eagled &
spun, flown, arrived & time.


Loomed peal, the sun’s own time,
or : rise, light and scene, to

spell the day out & outer, at
juncture & point, a room

to spin or turn : the air subsides
to move the way, or set, or

settle out the seeing, from
shades lingered and spent, to

leap among these terms, mark
and mood to the edges of time

where there are these remembrances
embraced through the song

of, line of, doubt’s behaviors,
recalled, beaked. The nose

is, color of, scaled into a
free term, these blue beginnings

are met or held, spoke among
the remainders, bird to sail,

folded in upon in, awaits.
Flush the roomy folder, hold

along the air among a way
to ease & term, along, held.


Moved to mark, spin, hold to term,
aloft, then made to move, ahead,

the way. But told or spoke,
at sense and realm, there are

life’s behaviors into seeing, and
thrust, at time beside these

airs removed or sent, but held
& lifted out sentenced into

these positions as they slide
around harmlessly, then, and

mood to mark, term to ship,
as rope & sling, not the

new airs receding but cap-
suled out, then wrapt, as

some light begins, seed & sung,
then, or there are some rooms

receding into white, the doors
on wheels, as we are, then,

windowed out, and cleared,
the mark, or termed, then,

up, air, at name & stance,
a birth a day is made to see.


Marked, line along. Hold, these
fragile airs are turned, termed

aloft and sudden, light’s turn
and song, or slow to hold &

tell, or spoke, the line & song:
thus, and hold, the way is

set, or spun. And out, then, among
these airs resembled toward

morning or moving, then, and held,
hard, the time of this telling,

then, there and met, or swung,
sudden to see and leap,

a new pull or shape and stance,
the open ocean sailing in

and sung, into this beginning
to be these airs removed

along the way and held, there,
firm affirm to see and tell,

then, or turned at pulled out,
from some forms regained,

or felled, leapt, flight, a
bird a term a way beheld.


And moves, mark along the time, to
light, or sentenced, there, at set

and stance, manned-out or lighted
through the step and pull of these

benign rooms and airs, or whited
at the shore, seen & named, out,

at these names of some beginning
to be the same, and then slipp’t.

at the line, and moved among, or
held. Store and song. Line-out.

:At the lift aloft of blue balloons,
the art subsides out, to hold or

scrape the rough terms met-out.
Relieve & spin, are you held or

heard, there are distinctions to
be met and named, or one

among the distances, prolonged
and then grown, the ridge is

furled, skipped through and then
left or loomed, then, at the

sewing roofed, a mouth, days:
eagle to sky, or light, spun.


Moved more among the time’s marks,
termed to tell, hold & spin along.

The light settles around yr head,
or turns to & holds, then, there

where we are set, or sentenced,
along the line & met, then,

at stance & pole, star to film,
and finished, a work a day

and set, start to edge at
these moods poled-in & swept,

out or outer, and dark, but
spent, spirit of the day, & held

there are no movies or alarums
into keeping spent the new

airs removed to seeing, and
held hard along the edge.

More to say, then, there, and
posted out into leaning, a

room or fence termed “door,”
and then filled out & spill,

the flaw peels thorough, &
birth, a day, eagle, to see.


Light’s line arrives, and told, to
say the heart’s time, or one, as

a telling, and spun, time-out of
these released, then, at a sense

& song, there, often and other, the
new tune or song, and which

is after, then, along the way of
these beginnings to be the same,

or pattern or name, even, the
fragile colors subside into morn

-ing, where these released nouns
(us, as) reside, clamor & gong,

participially pronounced, green
red, the name of orange, told,

the route and moon, move and
clear, air out and warm sen

-tences: collapse & room the day
your eagle senses eye to see

love’s open fragrance, at world
or plea, the stance required,

but good, then, being love’s
name, to fly this course of looms.


Line to term, save away, as
spoke or told, then, there,

at set and juncture, as mood
or loop, and told, among

these patterns, as some air
begins to say, a way is made

and moved, line, air, are to
tell and made, loop, hear,

the mode of and alarm, might
become a manner or set

of speaking, eye to loom &
heart of these peals of day,

and looped among, heart
eye & song, then, and made,

mark to term, then, aloft
and sudden, or term to

mark, air, are, wooden &
begun, the thoughts are not

simply there, an interplay of
song and time, and jumped

out, leaped out, the new
moon springs to life’s light.


Love is a madness from which some
Die into new becoming, where the

Center of the body’s behaviors breathe
The eye into its knowing of the

Heart. In some, it is the middle of
Life’s beginning, and in others never

Arrives, even after death’s silences
Mourn their quickness, but in being

One to love do we make that journey
Neither becoming the other, but merely

Dying into life and holding on to
These terms : mark, light, as spoke

To tell these airs removed along
Along, among the proprieties of
The air’s beginning to be new

And thus beheld to know the moon
in its triangulations, spoke, held,

affirm-firmed, out layered and
benign, lighted, framed, filmed,

even, and profuse, there, & spun,
air to loft aloft, and termed

anew, one, met, spun, sung
whole, arrived, met & turned.

201 (lapse 1.26-2.5.75)

Time’s sense : aloft, the room, of
some distinctness, or perfect shapes.

Your ropes, there, a single loop, heaved
out, roofed-in another score,

at the range of some disturbance,
day declares, feeling my way, a

cool collapse is blackened thorough,
near to, spin to, formal pools are

marked aloft and sentenced
out these moods marked astir

or fed among airs regained to
split heavy or penetration as a

fold & tool. Moves among the distant
formalities, and harps to seal the

rough particulars as they below
to some angular moods, and

score below the heaved moon and
skips and then returns again

to romp along after the thinking
vocabulary and leaps to tense

to tense airs are new they are
left to come to sleep again.


And recall, fresh terms align to
these instructions, your acts wd

make the woman into some acts
and lines worth seeing. Score a

term again, to yield and open &
let me see your signs of life,

and spray these doors with light,
pleased and risen, bending over

to catch some seeds, and mouthed,
rised, the eyes are opened in

these tones of sensation, but are
turned then into the air’s pass

and claw, your own delicate
hands open the flaps of the

doorway and stroke the air &
pole, seed to stalk and rise

uprised your teeth are seeds
and songs inside the picture

of your laughter holding open
and carrying on, a mark

a line another way to hold
and come, into the sun, at.


And holds the way open to her
acting and giving these images

their sharpness by inclusion in
the forms of wit : among the

terms, a spool, and turned, then,
to being what we are, into and

set, throughout the mark, hold, I
would see you at this work

you do for my pleasure, and copy
it into space, for seeing what

is there, and left among these
pools of light we are like

some sensations of air, roomed
around and spent again, pool

to air and room to set again
and let, another roof declines.

Your legs, the, open and
greased, touched, spasmed

up the way you bounce and
laugh, give it some time

then, and learn to give it
gracefully, cunt and squat.


A squat, she loops, dignified
by electricity & turned down,

to vibrate this open end, out,
where some spasms coagulate,

and used, whole, some entry
into the queen’s own body

obdurate & profound, a
spasm, then, a pleasure

grown from this begun
at set & stir, you would

do this knowing, & touch
your cunt and give my
eye your pressure, heart

or heat, or thought, then,
reflected onto some open

-ing, and heard, you wait,
they might, for life’s

openings, fuck & suck, eye
to egg, the line’s renewal

or where the heart’s line begins
to be the same time of love’s

beginning here, heard, of other
oven offer, after, then, spot.


Reef, a spell, then, and leaped along
to foam, the end’s ending, at

the room & call : you might begin
or ready these plain songs to

leave the way my own, opposed, at
ends open. I tell you this, and

have my own will to gain, at this
pleasure marked, a jerk of hands.

Or come, then, bounce your hips
and sing my song, I’ll see your

grave opened & fucked, there & thus,
a line made from your complicity.

Or call. One last word, then, yes
or no, & bridged, believed, groaned.

I’ll beat your ass off, enter stick
And thrust, seed your mouth

And grease your slots, have you
Dance over me, dressed, routine,

Named for the squat you are, a
Noodle of sleep, open your lets

And lie back, listen to my verse
And rub your spots, finger, tongue.


Referred, a schedule of acts, a
mark, touch & spell, your eyes

would have their blank reception
into will & song, to rise arise

from some line become, a way,
termed to shoal or foam, benign.

And term, thus I’ll tell you with
to come; splash, down the waves

of years, no loss. Or mask and drum,
the loop holds to shear & spin.

But listen, the blood sings, too, &
Words come into your heart, scored.

Read me full, the opening of your
body’s eye. Home, vibrating and

complete, cycled resigned aloof
but seen out, and well, dipped

and filled, you are these times.
And broken in to the tracings

of your hands. Guide the day
along and come again, raised,

bounced off the floor, eagle’s
squat : proper & tie, the door.


Reefed, roofed. Slight moons forbid,
her heart weakens, it is good

to see defeat & hollow our yr eyes.
Three more or less to spell alight

And spoon, bent around yr face
These ways permit & lessen, too.

The proper disposal of hair, or fired,
heat, claim & gong, particle and

loom, the line sways out, to hold.
And there, then, blue noises elope,

a car portends possession, escapes
and roams, folds to total rises,

and emits emits and globes
along the room spin and hold,

the way permits, fathom & song,
pairs of words are also true

and where we run out, then we
are out, and where we are, we

are. Unhoped or bidden, lay it out
and leave, this new meeting

might be forever, and name
a name a gain, your own, spent.


Spun, to light, revive or spin, your
heart aloft & sudden, quickened

by these beginnings, lost among the sen
-tences of light, or heaved, heart, word

the way is clear, you know, toward a
rebuilding of the spirit where you

might become pure, less abstract, these
are not my nouns but lessons in

the language we have practiced, some
indistinctions removed to please the

song of even your inanimate lying
used by whomever observed some

small shape beetling along the road,
or fixed, the lungs of symmetry

where we fashioned noose & grave, &
even there, at winter’s pleasure, but

just to make certain, that when you
flee it is to same your life, to

keep some dreams of blood revived
and pertinent, though there are

no others in this unseemly seeming
but the repetitions of cause & name.


Looped among these shapes, a
fold or copied out like some

maintenance of airs blown to
color, blue, perhaps, or red &

orange mixed to light and from
light regained eye and eye a

mark from these reminders
then moved from here to here

and held along the day as
we are these rooms & chairs

we made, mode, alarum &
recall & where we turned from

day to day again watered &
loomed, a foam of rasps grown

from noun to scheme & there
seen as fill & straw sloped

smoked, cellular, strong, poem.
And in this air of pencils, a

day decides, feathered, table,
love’s name arrives, cause &

pool, leaved like animal green,
another jumping point, out.


Termed aloft away, your mouth
is on the shaft, alert, spoke, on.

And listen, held along these distant
songs, a loop among these posts

and hearts. And spin, told as some
air benign as rope or tone, to

heat the air & woolen throng as
some time removes to scene

and throng. Are you cold? Heave
out & come, thrice perhaps as

practice tells these rooms they
are along as space becomes

or leaves, then arrives, enters
spray & song from gray horses

painted strung roofed, a door.
Hold. Your own practice could

make you mine, eased about
and slipped out for rest

and somewhere then is anywhere.
but known along these friends,

you would, or did, and then
bounced out, or up, listen.


A stone, spent from form lodged
among the airs we are, thus

moved along the airs resounding, to
some terms moved among her terms

to see & hold, thrust, part and name,
you are also thrust apart this

and pounded out, leaped toward, &
“deluded by false enthusiasm,”

which means the music is cleared of
its energies, reduced and flat, tuned

off or modeled by this becoming
to be the same, roof & plane, then

bailed out, islanded, iced over
to mean or manner & set up

like a thought or like execution
and held, fleshed, tongue and

mood bounced out, or split
for pleasure’s messages, you

have your eyes shut, or new,
they are scheduled perhaps a

release of days & lights and
lighted too and moved, moved.


Your heart, perhaps declines to
action but meets there the song

of the bells, and knows even when
time has made its stay permanent.

Well, you might have called, and I
was perhaps absent even to

myself, but here at home empty &
secure feeding myself with

resting. But here it is also the
light time of the year, and

there is no snow & out the window
is only out the window. Fragrance

of the new, harbored benign &
sought this wave retreating

not gone down, I am & sung
thereby where permission grants

its stay. Willing & profuse, a
line along among; disturbed

throughout the same way sung,
alone too and remiss in

that honoring the queen’s
own body, light in light, thus.


Firmed but pushed along the
way of & term of the same,

or seen, sleep and recall of
rest and song but rise uprised

this flight of aims or sworn, a
line permits to follow, bodied.

Score and lime, would you last
These oars & twine to scoop:

There then allowed and set
To roam throughout & hold

The same leap to send among
or reef the call out & outer

a figure turns to say & says
then roll these ovens out

to spell and claim you are
among these foals charged

but spread to these turns
and loomed a spin, call:

there are distinctions cast to
love’s will, day of these new

colors, feet, the store, a move
and goes, then, into the day.


On top in back or over again.
you heard or did the same too

that held behind or from, we
are the same and made light

from the inside does not pretend
to be the source reflected but

origins of power are rocked &
spun and eagle drives it in

you gasp and hold then where
a mark is made from some

yelling for a name, eyes and
teeth are also closed but up

and lift to mark remark the
whole thing is made around

movement to push on through
a wall or ring; you would

come again I think and let
me enter up your ass as

I am led & seed your rough
tubes with light, a door is

made, roughed, muscled, &
opened, light, a crack, enter.


Crossed, hence intense, hints &
looks briefly to the right & left,

or scans the field, attends to
what is there, & not described.

Loom to pear, affirm to these
marks thrust, name to name

we are, crossed over along the
long line out & turned to see

the rest & rests in within a
grace, propriety & song, and

in another month, then, splits
the act again, to ream her

plenties in spring’s own name
and no loose ends anywhere;

or seen the way is cleaned
out, particled, and moved to

hold ahold the ship, this
“unloaded boat” of which

it speaks, leaps out & holds
again, where life is real, &

“emotion counts more then ceremony,”
love’s life light life like love’s light.


Line to loop turn return my
heart’s way and hard upon

your trail, tailed out, &
opened into what you are,

told, to tell, at score & tone,
to loop arised surrounds &

term: a way, held or roped
among these lines, your own

shape, shored out & celebration,
to hold you up & drive it

down. The way, scheme. But
see, it loops into saying, you

are and met, term & song,
sung at holding, there, as

we lean between to slip
& turn, or yield, then, by

your hand or mine, left, I’ll
meet these diamonds by the

way, love’s light lingers out
& tells, spoke, at one & sung

time, driven out before the
day, your friend unpossessed.


Moved along this morning’s dream,
you are rubbed alert, spun.

and it is pleasure’s time to see
your joy unfold, open, release.

Come, then, and come again, we
are the same, here, given to

our purposes, relieved, marked
sent toward these meetings

by this will & line, moved to
hold time & time, but spent

to hold, at favor strung & peel,
loom among your ferns, a

herald, martial or long, &
in your own keeping, a lapse,

a furrow dug along & roomed,
there, to hold, line and time,

I dive you down, swim & sing
your own : name & name

again starred after a
gold one opened out to

see light alight cool raft
spun, passed alert the road.


At the crossing of the year you
would be welcome, greased &

fucked, laid out : and I am
glad you are absent & wish

you to remain. So. And have this
house be broken, but yet remain

then, friend, and lay it out too
in these solitudes of the sun.

and in there in, there-in, the same
way, met & marked, this term

begun at fold & song marked, then,
song toward some new beginning,

made and moved and marked to
these rattles known begun at

stir and sprinkle, the radio says,
and hold, behold, we are remem

-bered, along-along-among, my
title, perhaps, and replayed at

some subtle sentencing. I mean
flap your ears baby, I can dig

it, play with your mouth & I’ll
drive on in the back. Stuck.


Strung around, along-along-among,
day today, & strung out, hung out, &

her missing muscle, missive, missal, sub
-missive, this dream of rope & time

fetish & term, or a knot, made fast,
to tell, then, along, too & told.

there, spun & moved, mark & time, a
tune rewound. ;listen, beaten off,

you might admit to pressure, pool
and rhyme, molded : you are.

And distant absent, “neither yielded
nor firm…” affirmed neither than

met, along, then stroked together, at
the ass peeled away pushed in

and another letter flies away
from me, & flee, then, some cunt.

Get it in, then, vibrate & sleep.
I have the rope coiled on the door,

and it is yours, cunt, unwrapped &
slept. Split, then, seed, & open

out, outer, the figure of outward,
& bound, then, thong & tongue.