Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thomas Lowe Taylor -- HOMAGES Book III



Holds along the way, to speak, along
among, and number seen, to yield,

and thorough, to shape, and met, to
some even line, and color, calculate,

the moon, even, and termed away, as a
destiny, spoke to these shallow ears,

his wooden horse, lesson-to, from a
word, flattened out, a noun, and

held-to, spoke at, on the line’s air
and sending-around : you are, &

the air’s own name, as-if, and
won, too the line’s life out, out,

and then held among-along,
the red air bending away,

and then particular, ours, here,
and set out into the air, the

one naming spent out or away,

and told to shim the rib spent
along red tool skip a beat

thorough line like light as turned
and held through yield light

and met mark away to slip


yield along through orange as met
a term turned out and held, energy

is a name, too, and runs away,
you are : and line’s light life

like, thrust a pleasure sun, as joy
and long lines in and in, a

rescued term, his, year, rest, a
way a way, thronged altogether

and harped a moon among, to the
down tempers thronged are tell,

skip meat mean, more neatly, on
the way out or up, told, there

is some song sending, or overt
to move then and there as

is as is, symmetry, the name
of color, to turn out the line

is bent away to tell ‘hold,’
and rest rescue among a

day and time looped to skip
rushed at tell, then skip to,

loom, along the sense, held, a
color, maroon, perhaps yes.

82 I

the rest subsides, like some son, loss
and blue, rising, too, to hear a

name in these alignments, terminal
and gong, the wind’s adventure is

on the lake, really, and I’m around
the corner, lateral, going along

among red corners, lifted toward
some specific sending, the moon’s

own revolutions made into these
relations, but throughout the same,

though one year makes many &
less calligraphy, even, measure the line,

and caries clouds, suddenly, to
the sun’s limit. At the verge, this

is, of the lake, and of the rest.
But if yr welcome, then stay

and rest, it is someplace, then, &
love’s name, your own, rests near

-by, and held, among blue shadows,
where we were, last night, then,

at home. And anyplace the same,
of course, you are : & to me sent.

82.2 II

three, says
and joins along
here, also turns
the orange term

lines a tale, said or spoke, the same.
Hold, a mark, and through, blue,

the hills turn away patch to patch,
yellow gives onto green & water, a

seeing to wood, they are made into
the same saying, here you are : and

said, too, and made a way, through,
these terms, carnival & song, the

pads float upon the water drops
down to ring itself, but made, a

way to or through the heart’s say
-ing here to speak, made among

along, but loafed, a noodle to you,
and song, among dense lines, mark

among song, to say here, or here
and then spoke, his boyish haircut,

but playing it like a man, is his
woman his? But mine is, & here.


wave upon wave, the heart’s anchor
and around, gives, the line, to hold.

He goes around. And thanks, thanks.
Loose to hold, and freed, at last,

from the residues of life, & cleaned
out, to fly out, this is the sending

out, my own, & what goes with me
is remembered, to lie along the way

among these densities, where we
have held ourselves at-bay,

well, then, it’s off, entirely, and

along among these knowings, I
am : and to you sent, set out,

as I am, a voice among the
feathers which have cast loose

around our heads, blown out, a
line from somewhere, at this same

registry & song, along-among, &
at love’s time cast, strewn, or

forged, fired out, thrust, throng,
going through, at, peaked, ridged.



Lines. Here, among my own beginnings,
and blue heat runs an edge away,

where some doing intervenes at will of
love, revolved, we are, vibrating, of.

And in some thinking, too, the head
resounding, radiating the body’s time,

and foremost, the children of love,
to e their own memories, and not

imposed, here, a life at some other
will, but shown, along, among,

self. And met, love’s eye theirs
from time taken out, drilled

out, emptied, that is, and made
certain in their own being, that

they are, and loved, and made
young, they are our loves and

making, always to be these seeds
they are, and made internal

by their seeing, held along the
long way along : and here, they

are, and hear, to come on
in, to play them to our hearts.


makes the way & holds. These are
the claims we make, mark & term.

And spun, along among, and here,
this is our way, and made, here,

to say yield, along, and made to
our terms, love’s name recalls,

we are : and throughout the same
way making us to become this top

line, sentence, placed among the
lines, and stopped, throughout,

and marks the time, open, &
set, if we are strong, then go,

and where the way empties, we
are; : and opened to these send

-ings, marked along the way, here,
to set & stroll, to be these airs

pretending, for a ride, even, or
less, but not afraid, ever, and

made the way one sees, to line
along the way, as one is set,

to & to, but revolved, a row, &
then stops, to lose the time, here.


Goes, the way, is here along a
place or met to us as we are.

Then spun, among along, they are.
And to us sent, wiped clean, to

have the way made plain, but
turns to hold among the air,

mark. And set these terms to
be their songs, mood & move,

to tell there are some acts and
times made simple, cleared, the

term holds its line, too, even &
precise, and what is familiar

is also known, eagle & son, seed
& child, they are the moods.

But skip to hold, then lines
away, to move. You are, and

to me sent, as some singing out,
welcome, and won, the way,

but going, the time, terms aloft,
and hold to yield, but lease

or keep, not to say, but yes &
the openings are made, here.


moves, to hold, time to mark, here,
fluted out, or particles, ahold.

line’s dusk spin, is cool shops.
but spin to hear, here is the way:

gone form shine, loops your eye, love.
And shores : : shapes at.

Leaves these pairs of shapes alone,
then holds to use to, use is at.

Below, to air, then love’s newness,
arrives, throughout, not the same,

to see his question, turned along the
time, marked aside the loop, has

the way met, aloof or lofty, crept
the mood, along-among, the turn

has the way, held at a distance,
you are : and from the earth

seen-sky, or looped along words,
they are : and formed at juncture.

Speed, or arrive. To move breath,
or the way of, marks, again, is,

or the long time, not so even,
but arrived, surely, here, are.


turns to hold, & meets the mark,
away through flutes or doubt,

but makes the term : set, and
go, throughout the same as

time as this turning through, your
name & song, as sent to hold, a

term is set as mark & mark, the
line is formed among, along, as.

Then tell, to be or sing, a way,
then moved, along the long way.

Formed among these densities, to
some registrations forced to tell,

there are some distances, vocable
and renewed, to hold the time,

this and this, marked the term,
line : you are, and lunged among

the children, thrust to her eye,
to say these days and clouds

are even and so : lined to mark,
termed to set, said & spoke, a

tune a term, his voice, his own,
then claimed, a way, my own.


turns, marks. The way, & makes a
line, any place, begins to go, on.

And holds & goes, full. Dense,
or move. The leap to hold, here.

along , among. Rest & send, to:
you are, and in these terms,

among, held, firm we are, term
of our beginning, or being-as.

Edge made, between the run
and pass, held, astir or weld.

Spelled. In time, to send or mark,
the way : is spoke, then, & even,

even so, and the same, here, as.
They are they. Along, too, & sent,

set, mark to term, the mood, as
some airs resemble, & spoke, too.

Leafed. The cool pull, aside or on
has the line, mate, motor, gone.

To slip, or stay on the line, leap,
some stirring, the airs, & hold.

Spoke. You are : along , among, the
way is set, eased, to some time.


Lines to term, asway, astir between
the orange air resembling this

term as light to detail through
the line’s life along, among, a

time to say love’s line among:
term and mark, thus to spoke

the long song tells, to leaf
or going, along the palms, to

ease off the pool, line to dense
mood, but light lifts to see,

and holds to here, as long
and mood, orange again, &

seen in the wood, is light
to tell, a line is made, then

set to hold also between
but laid-to & driven out, a

new time unfolds, to leave the
time beside the way. To.

And then speaks to tell, a
mood or speech, even, &

said, seen. The mark & spot,
lights the post or held. Of.


moves. Holds the terms, closed, or
outer, they are. And made, wave.

Said around, or blue, inside these
marks, along-among, and thrust

to center and mate, of some destiny
or words moved out to speak, a.

alongside the picture, swimming, of:
they are they : you are. And met.

And revolving, these marks, instruct.
and simple terms, “you” or “eye” &

their component associations : laugh.
So some equalizing : red or blue, or

Donkeys crumpled on the pavement, a
Syringe-intent and leaps away,

The center moved from definition
Toward the darkness, lights &

erupts skyward to no picture
but the scheme intended, a

mirror & “too essayistic” holds
this down, & admits, too, to

lessons or triumphs. Ah, yield
the day open her eyes might move.


marks, to move, into among and
silent, colored by these sendings:

between the same, as the day en
-folds toward measure, cloud or

cloud : also the same flat water
and charged throughout, along.

But see, and hold among the
distances of time, we are, to

our allocations of mark & term,
to ease on in to these parts

and pleasures, made so to the
proper meaning of what we

are to some seeing-out, the
long line to, & to, and then

here, detached, colored, formed
to the exact specific of the

mood, and sent, then stopt,
then held throughout the

same and sent around again,
to hold & mark, term &

gong, made to these days
by our children, more & done.


makes the line, holds to turn, out
where we are these acts & terms.

The way. To see through time and
be the things we are, one turning

made simple to color and the moun
-tain, clear, to the edge, throughout

the same : among, along. Then set
to mark and spin, registry & song

and heard, the hard edge yields,
where these acts are made, the

line the same as, the same as, and
moved, across, to speak, then, spoke,

then, even & even so, over the night
or the sun, even, spun across to

say this, and then met, you are:
and then over to tell, we make

these airs resemble, and then hold
to their sending, where we are to

see & turn, mark & song, among
all ways the same motive, along

to the angle & song, the same
word, spoke to see the air, & go.


and marks, to move, around, to turn
and hold, then move, again, a

line to turn & hold, along, among
and holds, to turn around this.

Moves throughout, fluted, overt
distinct, particle & claim, at.

You are, and moved throughout
the same way sending these airs

resemble through doubt to leap
out-leap and smooth to hear.

Then turns, around, turned, as.
Light’s single sense, as seen.

As. Elapsed, or. Blue mountains to
fringe out the rest, and rests.

But slip away, & in, spoke and then
These lines, but held, but looped,

And skips to hold, turn, rest, stop.
The rough red line extends, a

post, a loop, a catalog, effect &
claim, turned around the line,

rest. The openings are made, clear,
are lighted, the sky, held, often.


flash, to send, hold, a place, is.
Set to hold, a mark to ease

the way to move the line around
around. And become this term, as:

you are. The moon’s mood moved,
and slight, the only pears are done.

And then clipped, afar, to loop the
dune astir claimed intent the room,

as termed to lease, forms to shim,
splint or claim, one in the loom a

pool doubled & letters, full to slip
affirmed and pooled, to verb-in, a

loose flap, spent throughout the
same density of leanings, wooden.

The door is made, then clipped, an
Opening, full and sensible, wool.

But watch this lowering, feel around,
and where there are no others, to leave,

they have held off, skimmed back a
single motive, removed, or developed.

No glue, air peals in, the trees
resolve, a house, a day, and raining.


spins, leaps, holds. The way, is.
And set, mark to term, along-among.

But blue noises claim fiercely, the
way is cleared, by moving, and gone.

You are : the moon’s night clear, a
tune, a time’s own resembling,

and spun away, yielded & sun, two
lines grown among, to shore through

-out the same face, but known, as.
Spent, wave, form, color, line, goes.

Line goes spent wave, and clears,
to hold around around, but known.

Alert, to time’s point & term, a
new line drawn out to out, here,

and this, is : afar sending along,
the way, or shore, spun, total.

And dried also the line, to become,
Thorough, interior, but clear, as

These new lines ease on in, and
Hold along the edge, an act.

You are : you. And noon eclipses
doubt, the middle, won, coursed.


lines to turn, here, dips to hold
among the terms, marked along,

throughout the same way taking.
Then to spin, hold, below, as.

Into morning, then, and even, as
color as these terms admit, a

loose pentangle, cantaloupe, along.
Thorough to behold, morning,

and is the same way sending, to
some new airs trembling, astir.

and looped, also, to ledges, behind.
Then skims, the picture is not bent,

and in front, the lines, behind,
the arteries, around and then cup

to lean, boom & song, the roar,
and waved along the moon, he

spins. Loop to hold / there, blue,
and whom sent, a pool, a green

deck the line, to remove, page, a
full house resolves, and see, a

sun, seed, to loom among the
pools, and fish, fishing, finish.


turns to leave, these marks are set,
and full, too, and even, at the

air, set into time as their names
are made, clean & simple, told,

spoke, begun, at line & space, a
moon away, and hung with a

new love, filled like clouds are, at
verge & tenor, at spool & clime,

at word & word, east or new, a
likening of remembrances, a fur

--thering of eases, but spun off &
held, away or done, invisible &

reduced, the way has been made.
He is on the moon or sentence.

It is all the same, there are no
others, and dream-dreamed to

open out to life’s own time &
held, spoke, spun out at time &

line, earnest & new, you are.
And out the day & children,

won among one, lined out to
see, shelled out, named in.


terms, to spin into line, held, a
loop, a noodle, a partition, as.

palms, to dance alert the win
-dow holds to slip among, along.

Then leap, color to time, a dew
a mark, run throughout, then, turn.

The day, a post, then moved, blue,
or manner, or climates, love’s.

You are : another moon decides, at
the back & split, oven, of, the.

Motor to spin, or term aloft, as.
Then, to cover, to, cover, among,

the rooms to clear, to the tunnel.
But squared off, looped around,

and particular economy, door, to
the overt, marked with such a

term. To decide passing among the
doorways painted white, moved

toward morning, a sound sleep,
but energy, rising, from its

repetition, or closed, irony of
love’s being clear, here, listened.


loops a term at “information,” &
love leaps in : thorough & profound,

but aligned, these days & visions, of
child, fire, dog, or cloud-wood,

and all the same feeling, of some
designation of things, an outlaid

and familiar arranging of detail
day into light, and seed=-seen, the

plants drying at the wall, board to
eye or green claims, to term,

along, among, he read the drawing,
or saw, then, what it really is.

And the moon’s half-ness sings true:
you are, and to me sent, dream

spun or outer, but thing and song
at one scale of dimension, and

known, but seed-seen, & who
you are, , we see together, as

one turning is the same through-
out, or color, even, and can

speak for himself, then, and
no temerity gains the act, out.


fires out to change in, leaps to
loop around, and hold the way

in to see these names as said,
and held, line to line, among

works, time to seal & skim off.

Lived. You are. They cool in, and

hold, being there to say they are,
and mark these terms, hold.

Pool to chase, color has they day,
puffed around, then loosed,

The road. Then, open; over the
leaf, fall to term, wood’s wind

un-winding around the sun, and
cool to hear the seeing of it,

named as my own shored out
to tell here and this, alone

among along : and then swept,
a loaf, mood to square and

around, looped to pool, them.
We are. And shared this making

of trails & time. She sleeps, &
moves us on the way. Home.


or moves and makes. Hold, here, as.
The way is set, open, to these acts.

or single alone among, along, blue.
And held to mark, terminal &

Gong, the moon sets, too, & holds
The way, clear, through its

Changes, and clasped, removed, done.
And the way, too, is clear, for

Some beginning. Time & time, they
are not so much ignorant as timid,

and the flesh retreats forward,
song, time, act, how we crawl

forward. Archilochos, and done. A
new day pushed out, to the red

air resembled to the eyes of
dust, picture-drawn, or out, at.

And holds clear, a day would
be new, too, and named, outer.

To be a claim, made, at self
and other, drawn to noises cast.

You are, and here, to last a
mark, a way, and done, formed.


cleared, a term. Swept through,
this journey, and starts here,

to ford the stream or swim away, a
name beheld, his own airs sent.

But crept a view, then claimed,
along, along among, and blue.

You are : which says to be, awake.
And no hesitation to your own

acts, make them perfect, gesture
and song, where they sail around

the edge, marked toward new
duties, joined, fixed, and no line

slips by, marked, a term, his own.
What is undiminished, then, and

even, the will declares, support
of or often, or simply, enough of

her timing to leave; alongside to
term a day here and this, also

new to send in, throughout, to
tell, all ways here the same

way sending out, her birthday
and gone, the road, eye, eye.


holds, to term a line, in. and
shore, to send, spin, sung, in.

there light : to shadow held, the
moon, mark, song, along the
way, to and to, the firm.

Is to mean these realms are, too.

Lined among to yield, firmed, in.
Bent between the light times.

But shift, said, between, air.
And along to tell, held short.

Plunged between airs, the fog, to
make the way clean, marked.

Single is the move, and alert
to the densities, as the air

goes between, rushed, fervor,
made between them, a spot,

to hold the course, is it moon,
and along around, lakewater,

or poles afloat, along along,
and moved, but sharped, also,

line, told airs to fold, held, a
moon, time tells to form out.


or is time’s tenor made so simple?
You are, I see. And turned, mark

And toll, claimed, is a day this? A
Loop or single combat, slipp’t, pear.

Planned to some deposit, loomed, at
the kernel he glooms, but bites, too.

You are, and untranslated, a rope
depends; or ascent lessens grace,

though the mood to move clears drums,
makes them thorough, same, room.

But swim or drink, it passes
into seeming, declares none of,

and love’s light, alone along, and
sent, among. So seen all singles.

Verbed, then catch, over her name.
Would be that, and cool, to speak,

spoke. And comes around the wall,
turned out, glimpsed. And sudden,

a row, room & song, at the hill,
I had you down beneath me,

still you fled, I came after, won,
& left you there, growing, samed..


loops, spins alert, and roams up,
formed along alone among, lived.

The particular distances, recall,
along sentences, climbing the mark

and term, to spend away to go,
told & spoke, then, through some

time turning blue. The way is met,
or open, cleaned or not, but a

clear claim marked also along,
then skips to heave up among, one

is set to and to. But skipped &
held, a line between, is enough.

And known, specific love’s eye
and tone, the songs are open

and below strung shine, to pop
clear and hold to move among

and loop clear to line at tone
or time love’s bearing-out, as.

And learns to light along looms,
carried, ease to tell, and to

it, you are : and more to say.
Rest the line, hold, a mark.


skips, even, to turn, and across
the way, moves in to tell,

here, and this, we are, and
made these days sung to see,

also the same way saying to
come to see, splint and shine,

clasp and glue, moved through
the way to come onto the mark

and time, clean & spun, but
crowing, simple, become and

made, the image or its shallow
faces, and climate across, won

or outer and made into what
we clash out hash in to

some stuttering of distinction,
and made again, distinct,

these blue moves, mode &
claim, mark & term, alone,

along, among, then wrapt
or spilled, energy’s name,

to hold in & stick, crept, out,
the day, labored, won, of.


made, this day, sun of light’s shine
and moved around the sky, up

the air’s open and formed alive
to see some point & line out of

or over the mark, lined outer from
light’s beginning, here and made

firm : you are these moves &
times, to see the line, mark

and term, through the air
settling out from the place

and name of love’s beginning,
thing to thing, and here, to

seem along among, alone, a
way is set upon the course,

to hold, a piece, & spoke, of
light’s flesh, made to hold

and spoke, blue to seem, and
here among here, from the way,

begun, & moved, a part & song,
from the eases, open, and

then termed, here & form, a
way, a long way out, & hold.


and marks, the way, line, turn &
turn, along the long way along,

and out, there, and looped among
these rows & times, spaced out,

then, to loop to sell, hard among
the edges of time, spired, vaulted

to some particular : bent around
the ears, his head’s bent away:

played away, to origins, yr own
in the layers of yr sign; it

carries the way clear to its turn
-ing, loop to loop, but out & out.

If yr way is yr own, it bears
No comment, then, but is seen,

& not no teaching, but exampled
energy, harrumph, loop-loop, the

image is fallen, & left geometry:
ballast & sign, tactics of move-

ment, or here to here, & love’s name
singing : you are. Rest. Arrive,

and find yr name yr own. Out-
leaped and final. Flash & climb.


seen, then, throughout the same way
out to shapes final newness, and

not remembered, blue noses to the
right, and interrupted in its coming,

to push nowhere push’t, altogether
arrived at the sand or sea-edge,

eagle’d over the moon’s own rising,
and covered over with light, leafed

along the way, along, among : you
are, and hard along the edge, a

feather or loop, the same world holds,
spoke, or left alone, telephone.

Grasped, nodule, general of : right.
Moment’s gain, or energy out,

is the matter, of no lag sea to
scene, the same denomination, at.

Body’d eye, or fleshed act, no
simple harmony, but words &

some designation of means, push to
push her on to birth, holding,

spoke, to the new place come, a
cone, line, answering tide, tide, &


Moves, marks. Mood to term, exact.
The day, opens over run still,

and cleans, to hold, or spoke, sum
and claim, along this specific

air & leap, the nose noises out,
and stop : you are, to see &

tell, these eases not new left to
saying east or met, a blue

water or passengers are moved
left and left, to tell out or to:

lined among rows of saying, &
watched, or looped, but rest

rest the long time, and know
her eye sings, dances, time &

life’s lingering light, moves to
tell, or holds : the list. Any-

way at all yours same own name
pulsed or striven, loam & song:

the rest sounds. And rests away,
to the eastern moon, & nothing

persists. Ripe, noon, grown &
told, another loop, to persist.


actual, to occur, along a term,
height to term over and through,

spaced, to color light even & cool
from distance marked even &

seen, to here : you are, and moved
the same way into seeming, at.

Over to time, or inner lines, there
the mark and term, looped,

often or particular, landed, the
night, of the way to here, her

eyes & lines moved to hold, a
word, spoke or critical, his

eyes & lines removed around
the way to hear, inside the

rhythms and delined, opened
love’s name recalls, and moves

her time throughout, energy,
or lost, but then gone, the

night moves away, day, sun,
color’s time again & holds,

spoke, sent or parsed : the
boom & line, continuing.


clear enough, and termed, the
way is moved, among turnings.

Remove to clasp, turn & hold, a
loop, part & claim, you are mark

& song, the mood of time’s own song,
but heard, and over, spoke or won,

but the same way always so, to
speak to see, and sailing among

these densities of act & term, the
time yields away to tell the moon’s

own being, the days are marked out,
sailed out, seen, thorough, aligned,

another mark subsides, and tired,
the ceremonies are observed, & followed,

to the limit and continue, verb to
speech, or chose, the line : alone.

And met, held, termed, outer, the
climate & tone, or opened out from

the craft, here, other, one, the night,
from sleep, around, or backwards

to thrust, or push : home, song
person : and holds away, lights.


clue to ear, remove, sung through
hear the waved mood spot among.

You are, along-along, but made to
others the thing you are. The rope.

Light, away from the causes, to loose or
hope the time turns out, left, ease.

And joined, the time of, here to see
And lease, or make time’s borrowing

to these patterns, bay & home, or the
tree from, water from, and air’s

beginning to single words; rope’s
mark, knot & line, they are they,

and stretched, mood to move, a blue
time looms out, noise to send, color,

and heave throughout the same way
sending : align, term & mark, doubled

from word to tune, and sent among
to hear, but splint, tong, gleam,

and how they part away, roof
to loop, & sent, to live here, a

world begins & acts, there & sent, a
tune, a mood, loafed, starred, on.


lights away as to tell also the
same, to move, and hear the

time slip through, mark the line a
long time went away, some ease

to tell heavy, air as sends, to be
these names also to the mark

as to tell, went all along, and
swept the term, from to time

leaped from time’s single act of
the mood, alone, along, among:

you are, the rest rests. All the
morning handles to some term,

shine to go, the gong is rest as
to tell, went, among, the open

terminal sheds the way, to tell.
Then, the mark to slip away

From these lights, mark & term,
then rest, to some distances,

then, and made, then, of overt
catches, moon & box, rail &

song, the lady drops, a love
lights, yr woman makes it out.


The way is clear. The wild bird
sets, to stir & skim, wet to tell,

and made among the air’s mood,
you are, & time turns, to & to, as:

then among, or voice to voice, spoke
like some resembling, the way.

And then stopt, assert, mark &
claim, the flesh, has the time

or tone told woolenly, catch.
Then turn to move, mark to

tell, the serving of plates, as,
danced-out, held thorough and

particular, from some sending to
mark the way told, and stood

of, fool, and doubled around, too,
with a shadow falling around, to

rest, rests-out, then splint & climb
that’s the sound, sent around,

from fits smoothed along the road
to melt, murk, mark, his name

went, lights home here some
cool room and termed, full, told.


Marks. Turns the way is made.
But we are, and sung along

the way is made to us, to see,
as some term has richness, to

tell along and sent, or here,
then told, to leave these days

but holds to tell, skip, say.
And line among term told, as

the day ensures some saying,
and lines along the way, to

become the term & mark, I am,
and set against the line, one

and one, lived along the term,
told, spoke among, the moon

and told, here. But stay, &
love my love, you are, all

along, among these terms, and
sent, to tell, spoke, heard,

the moon and set, sent, to
share, term & line, move, to

tell, hear & sing, air, mark
set, spell & move, today, today.


Leaves, holds, turn to turn, &
here, all ways these same

times; angle or sign, and then
leapt. A zoo. To many to

hold. You are : along the way,
held, here, to some beginning

of the way. Marks to term,
her eye opened from the

clue or angle, penetrated, or
loop, a leap, a line, and

spent, also left from form
moved around, around, alone.

But among the present, a
line, dismissed, to hear, the

turning, even and renewed, a
gain, but then moved, or

skipt, fool to shim, pool-
out, the motives are pulled.

Hear, them, simpler & sent.
But you are, too, like that.

And love’s new eyes remind,
carried out, a claim or turn


Term, he shaves, or beaches.
And what is local, even to

their densities, would be no line
no other, to wave, or fed.

You, too, are somewhat overt,
where the imagined and its

complement vary. Outer to tell,
space moved, a line, an object,

catch & turn, or some line moved.
Spell to send, a motor home.

Somewhere, new, the same as.
Marked, term to loss, firm.

Then local or beneath or tree.
Word-spoke, a monster’s

ears grown and let, formal &
termed, but new another

day makes or spells, a line,
touch to ease, you name an

edge, or marked, a movie is,
heeling in, sparkling, novice.

The rest continues steady
And your face remains the same


main & sail, and into the rest
simply colored, or complete.

Marked along here, to another
Simple single sentence, said.

Loop to sign, then mark to
Move, alone along among.

And not very interesting : a
sentence. You are : and a

long arrow away between the
stocks around, boxed open

and sent to here, all ways
made into split term & set.

Post. And hard edged, to
here and a color down.

Red or set, box among its
shade cleared toward a

morning angle, of white or
lighted, and begun, with

care, at start & heat, a
simple clarity, decided out

and clamped, or opened, a
leg out, and then hold.


Day or move. The time. Answered
from some ascendance. Blue, and

natural, thorough but familiar,
this matter and term, faint

as the evening, happy to respond,
and afterwards, some heat, to

clear it up, or in : you are, and
from this needling or other, the

clasps are foreign, smoothed, de
-liberate. Cars are answered

out; the Bruno named by them
was no peeling formula of acts.

The way was long along, and
Small terms carry total, aside.

Blow the rest, but hold, the new
idea is careful, here we are,

and left alone, a room, or
two, perhaps to share, the time

is no other meaning but trembled
from some recall of lapses, and

set or sent, among, then, and
reminded of the rest, clear.


the line, or turn, manifest to
these particles, claimed toward

the time of the line, throughout
around to hold through the

pool & claim. Mark. The turn
holds, along the way, and said.

Then pool to shed, or clasp,
at, juncture, limed, & formed.

Fish to send. But loose, then
split, sharp, clue or flap.

Leaped or whispered, clean to
sharp, then split around,

again the same and moved up
along the way, among among:

you are, and turned, throughout
the line and stopt, word, are.

But tense too, and spent, a
move along love’s mood & time,

and seem the spot, eye, eye,
and then held alone, you

made the heart & sing, here,
blue & moved, word, arrived.


shine to mark, a way along, to
hold and spoke, affirmed.

Then, turned, you are, align &
spin, sent throughout the time.

Shoot, curl, loop, mood to
tune, or spent, moved along.

Held away, and, drawn in,
sell or tomb, rescue candle,

ally, eye to eye, and hears.
or hold. The marriage, lesson.

And love’s name begins, tear.
The way or sung, turned.

The ropes are lines, spun
and roof, doubled, hurry.

Loop and song and arrow.
The temple, remembered, then.

Or held. Mark & line, along,
among, the way is new,

clued by time, marked to turn,
skipped or timed, between

the day and history, but thinks,
then goes, red to tell, yes, eye.


Leafed, away, am. There &
sent, set, one at one, the

rest subsides, and turned out,
then, the rest, rests, goes on.

But held away, and set-to,
the time of the heart’s render

-ing; mood move timed out set,
the moon. And well upon the

sea : mark & term, among, among.
And held throughout the same,

black and blue, his hair array &
turned, along, alone, among :

love’s duties remind, rewind to

skip and turn, and looped, also

there and set, nosed up, her
hair also in the way, or open.

Time to touch, again, and moved
along the side, sighted, the line

which moon, and sung, the time
is also right, or right : eye.

You are, and set, love’s name.


we are, the same, night surrounds
and claims to tell, hold, hold,

and carries us along the way, to
charge & song, out-lasting us, even

and profound, noise to song, water
and water, besides the small, &

line along among the way, this to
line and spend away to hold,

mood. Mark. Hold the line to
some distinctness, split or term.

And then, holds to some distance,
from light’s away these parks

of stone & clouds are wrapt to
their distance along the time of

or spilt throughout, line & term,
but loops away, food, the

line, holds, again we are, & come
around, night’s way again, to

be complete, or held, or meant,
then, to settle down, to spoke

the charge, or wheeled systems,
around, and water, we are, as.


And spill, or finish, these hours, of.
The moon’s sail of clamor, ends.

But light fills the span. Hold, sway.
The pears are filled, also, ran, to.

And love’s clear name has your
time, too, and even it is, spun out

from every claim & term, and
the rule, alone-along-among, it

evaporates, steamily, ocean edge of
waved sound and stems to the

term & sound, approached, heard,
spoke. Gong. Flash & recall,

eagle’s tunes are solid, new,
result of outwon time reversed,

& the whole color, blue & blue,
they meet through the air

& hold away, light’s time out :
you are, and said again

the same, and one in one the
rest, all ways, resting aside &

firm, or joyous, solid, throughout
my name, eye to eye & gone.


The line ends & holds, throughout and
simple, these excursions of time.

And dove, then, to the time & sent,
but held and new, waited, turned.

The day is started, home & term, a
Day is new and met. But time.

And the mood, you are, stopt, a
long way and gone, we have.

Along among, and rolling, the waves
Have come onto the wall, held &

skipt, but new or mooned, a
red a door, but goes, to

her eye, lip. The force of love’s
timing does not go unnoticed.

Push the heart through. This
sameness is its color & name.

But move a short lapse of days,
skimmed among the weeds, a

craft or sailing of ships and
then the moon, clipped to

the tail, yr face, ship-in, the
door is opened, sailed, toucht.