Yr eyes, the same air folds you back
inside the songs we are, and smooth
to see the shores afloat the same again
as lights, and drift across the lanes
at love her toss & gleam, the room
wd peal across the floating heart, yr
lips loose leap, simpler times arrive, and
home this score, her eyes are rooms, I'd
call the doorway open open, the very same
impression painted house : begins the center
of the work, begins this song throughout
a name and call recalled again we mark
this light from chaos drawn this light
is love, and maps us sharper flown
in simple single acts, again the stories
bloom to score specific names, eagled.
You are, then, drawn along the sky,
to time recall'd, a face along,
among yr others call'd the ship at
juncture flown her eyes are sum
the charge alert, wd love the spin
within; as eyes, as light, as
goes between the signs for love, a
flying sign again between her
legs, a spot, and tensed released
the light exposures poet thorough
lines are also eyes and shoals the
oars are wrapped yr sails are
wool to score the seas in blue
days moved throughout repeats
the opening of love is another light
beginning in the day you are.
Term affirmed, water crossing, into.
I am within the same day settles;
sincerity, entered, the simpler signs resist.
but holding to, oar applied, his season
for rotation's schemes after light, in
Event the rest rests. Love-arrived, a
gerund. Would cling to air received, err
float, forward flaps her nines, at.
If it goes forward, driven, named, the
days we are wd float, perfect seeing
calls the waves aground, my licenses
received, a bathroom plan & scheme
for pleasure's song reviewed tonight.
shines her lips are melons sung.
and eye along yr back, is show
for light to enter in behind.
Makes align a line, hearing. Would
clear these sharper eases, formed at
the world's cross & pole, view review is
scene & strong : dawn, hard, dream-on.
she holds along and sends it down
to mark apace yr flying, meets him
said together blue to scheme her back
and opened light this eagle-flower, a
name & sign you are, unlocked again
is love's wave at simpler heat, cloud
dragon-sky, eye at leaping-in to wait
the inner workings made revealed, and
made example, said unconscious, even;
the world's power made like this,
particle joined in throng's mass
controlled examples, love's, passion.
Grace-fire, term turn & spin, her
finger in, for love, & light's fire
flames outer sung the rest, rests,
flown from sign these poles return
the simpler waves are new, a world
collapsed is hardly refuge, children.
yr noises late at night recall the dream.
milk my hand, this telephone, yr sighs
arrive. Love's permanence, names the
day at fires twice together comes,
on yr back & folded open, sprays the
top off, yr head to push me in &
sigh at sign & song, as sung, this
butterfly hot-rocks, yr rolling in my
heart, the same eyes brown together in
behind yr tubes are lighted from within.
Would clear, yr heart's favor sending.
doorways soon resume, to seasons airs
this calm returns, or weapons drawn to
flower, shorn about; some climb to see
them in the room, yr feet against my
shoulders, fingers flash, and driving
in around yr pleasures, gasp to tight
release resumes the flying bird is
woven out from light to calm the same
signs are love's own time the spaces
drawn at thigh my tongue is song
enough for words, perhaps, again.
would claim, for you, love's names
my own children, arm-heart, eye-
strong and willing life to tangle out
within these rooms the signs arrive.
Yr faces forced like light as further
stood the roof the same: an artist
and his model says the pictures of
yr pleasure please me both to take
them in between our songs to make
the dream I had become a simpler
act than you'd imagine, down along
our days. And understand, what's
private grows between our hands &
makes the work more plentiful, as
open in between yr legs, a pretty
face resembles going along, I
thought I'd tell you this, that what
you’d reamed before, the same for
me, we'd find a way to make it
true in single frames, this face together.
The weather gleams a calm fortune, a
pool reversed the day is light again
yr voices cross us out of here but moved
a loop along yr highway mounted
twice again would move these loads
among yr hazing eyes are brown
the back door opened outer song a
foot or two along the road is
met throughout the movies in hr hand
this loop & fashion flying out against
or unit, joined together, feeding waits
to jump again the winnowing fen, his
own journey, or are you outer flung,
scammed. Shore my shell & dream,
yr favors flattered smarter shapes
announce yr love and throng, align.
The light. Clear along yr signs, a
firmer welcome, a pattern, bedded
thorough sung as flatters song along
Yr highway's lines are centered in
the moon's delivered presences to
the scores, love. Loop alight her
movies playing sharply, left the rest
was sad, a moment drawn aside:
marked door drift solemn slow and
lean aside or drawn throughout, here:
strong to hold, the sentences swaying
made again these colors, flue or
charm, a wooden day and pruning
lakes are said the same and
home is shore and palm, you'd be
an eagle flying, danced a dream.
Would call yr signs, review. These
are the colder lines, but gallops.
into seasons drawn astir you
are along the waves of light, onto
armies drawing artifacts throughout.
Hold, the bed is broken, eyes apart
and sending outer met her flesh
at sentinel and gong the lines.
Hearts afloat and turning seems to
roam the horses peal these hoes
to foal into term, love the mark and
ship to term again, as left and
tongue, would shoal to further dues
the lap of waves, the sliding hue
to the west her arches bending light
love's arts revive the mind yr eyes.
Align & sign, the body's hands are
favors drawn along beside the rest.
He signals out, and holds aside
the mass is drawn, and light
between her others, spent, sheen, a
folded shore of oranges peeled; yr
tangents fucked could say, "again,"
and let her start over into seeing
how there's more to like the second
time around; love claims the forms
attention takes in sending out the
dreams from words are drawn at
rooms white light yr doors this
world withdrawn, and hold the
tiger said "success" and lets the
sun for day the lights align.
A half shell with a pearl in it.
Hard along the tense she runs aloud
and marks this cloud, erupt & scene, a
folded moon in air retrieved the throngs
are also hollow. Love's whispering
light afloat aflame her signs are weaving
perfect into moving lines between the
days among yr pleasure's pressures on
the waves and seeing how the random
lines persist in following down the
arm and sign you are these doorways
leaning outer moods recall her faces
flowering where the loops collide at
markers made a little sad, perhaps, to
soar afloat the harps are wove.
Along, align, yr ships are sailing.
Lines admit, the rest in signs as
told between the day's roses resting;
outer sung, you are. The moon & pressure
into seasons moved, along this time
around, in some beginning light to love
the heart becalmed and thorough as
forces faces forward, floats arrived the
balancing mounds, or flesh fresh floating.
cross across t he blue lines distancing from
here and there, the movies beckon
into lines withdrawn the world's
poles striving thus & then the rest
her eyes across the day, and moved,
too complex, endures duration, move
and score yr harps are wove in thorough
roofs begins and sails throughout again.
Yr heart, alive to songs reminds at
houses flung the tables flat again.
You are, and shell & dream the same;
as energy & wisdom irreversibly alternate,
the doorway opens into seasons said to
be like floating mountains, undersea
experiments, love's household lighted from
within as peals around this laughter
wets her down and comes again with
hands yr eyes as mine and meet
you in the middle, joy as fullness met
in action, painting down the day as
leaps to hear yr faces flown against
the light, and meets the lady calm
against these pillows spread yr sighs
to call us down the day together.
A song. Blue yr faces forward cries
this sad moon new dreams across to
leave behind and go adrift what passed
true her seed was left and name &
eye as spins my heart not forgets
but leans to hold her back and say,
again, you are, the new moon plunging
in as has to seem the same games
played across love stronger says the airs
flapped against the tides, a ship arrives.
Would you roll the ceiling, heart, a
stone would press yr eyes again and
love marks yr houses one and one, a
light between my hands, sharp shores
clean to someone else and still
alone, a simpler drive, ahead, approach.
As light, yr eyes, love in the open
heart is signed again, the same is
hard arrived a smoother joint would
fly along his meetings one and then
the loop recalls, you are, as has these
moons along and new, to fold them
down between the scores reversed in tense,
withal. Goes reversed to smoother
hues as loop recall-rewind, his
friends arrived, the woman in the
house, and in the open, love, a
name becomes a word, perhaps the
same air uttered cosmic plants you are
these rooms & airs received, a spell:
arm & sign, love remembr'd how
she is a woman met again, as light
Comes. Yr eyes are lines arrived.
enfold, bison-tin-eel, her body.
the rooms are also songs at night
yr pleasures come across again
you are as drawn across t he air
subsides success is thrown in
-side to sail the moon again
in sense regained the bird is
flown throughout her realms are
lighted by these acts & signs
to hold to love in shores the
ship afloat and marking-out
her long lines weaving in to
spell them on and hard the
loops do not resist and pushes
on along her open door is open.
The song, as follows helped her
laughter wins as looser plants are
said, the same, yr favors cast to
seem within, yr faces drawn aside
would clear these signs against yr
windows clean or painted out, his
eases caught the same time marks
at houses moment airs retrieve the
blue airs drawn again some music
clear & signs, her famous acting
voices through the mind's lights love the
movie calling down some movement
sky and pole the magic lines are
friends to score the fallow eases
on the lines and drawing, out the
loom and charm, you are, as has.
As goes across yr eyes are folded
out between the days the same
is token's arm alive the room is
opened outer spun the marks are
woven thorough sung her open shots
they arm alarm upright, and
feeling around inside : the music.
would clear claw cluster shore
the boat is wooden, carries ill
fever further, lets go around as
love-light calms sense rose heart
the same door open longing or
her favors strewn loose lips lean
too tight behind the terms again
would carry air across the island's
thigh, and snag the light again.
The lines again receive to peals
aloft the moon as prints the
same and into season caught a
loose fur to shelter where she
lays it back and forth to light
and smoother rolls the walls a
treat, perhaps, with others in the
same sphere help the pressure
forward holds to what pursues
at roses said, again, parent
and loom her tastes are flatter
through the term and causing
split scores release revealed into
settings drawn affirmed, yr past.
groan and spur, her eases wrapt;
and she shows this eye some love.
Rewind the same retreat again you
are inside, would clear calls and
hose them back, to thorough lines in
sails across as holds against these
waves of light intense love's grains are
drawn afar yr houses spin the walls
are also sense and drone his eaves
of pulse and dream as clear to hold
blue drawings held from ear to ear a
grin and shadow clearing postures
clean and simple over done some lights
will stay to heavier scales smooth
the purpose high enough as says
the fires drain some pools obstruct
inner worth but comes together a
simpler place to rest & work.
The faces pressed again, yr motive
on along the hedgerows into seeing
score release the silver airs are light
the angles drawn together sailing
love's. Wanders lines ahold in sense
the warmer lands are foreign countries,
the wild bird hears solemn arches thrown
toward life's increase made green &
then, again : a man wd glow inside
events his other gone from spurs at
term, aglow throughout some music,
oar. The heart's particular scan
collect firmer wands, is too easy :
love floats, and new lines drawing
song her eyes, the reasons grow and
stem, to worlds along the way.
As holds beyond yr favors, drawn
aside some signs are made again,
the day, as leaves love to those they
are the same light bending in around
her face is said, the light, from
here the waves are folded in to sea
to line them back these others dream
the life would clear these houses
down & seasons laid the rest is set
and clamor in these warps we sing
among the lay of hands to thirsty airs
a duct wd charge yr hands inside
the line you give is harder on the
top you shore this fault and
dream aside the news is welcomed
into sea and song the same arrived.
Yr tides rebound, balanced back around,
and smoother lips recall yr winding
arms and others, open legs review the
charges sown inside yr life, where
love resumes the light beneath the
sky, water-in-the-earth, I'd tap you:
drink yr pleasure's body folded back
within a stamina forgiving harder on
the bed's light bounces driving in to
hold; the grain of light, as has, a
shelter in behind would shoot yr
tubes alive to sailing shores to
heave & toss yr crafts is bucked
& told, wd clap these doorways
open charm & sign, another calm
beginning. Drives her in & in to gasps.
Yr lines are eyes between the
days are also said, a score
and shell, you are this open sail
as lights between her eyes a
spot and charm, as touched her
said again, is love's own sperm
the loop recalls yr favors in
some spring as feeds them at
the core and spill; would these
airs retrieve them into seasons
masks them down and moving to
and spins, her ears are held
affirms them laid again as yes
the hiss of movement forward
arms the eye and long along yr
heart is new again and feeding.
The rest, deliver into song, a joy.
wd call among yr airs reviewed
to seeming one on one, and on the
line, some distance shore and sky
asleep release, or sail within yr eye
is strong & one the favors floating
onto mark this pool recede, at light
yr names and enter in behind
a solid shot & lays her forward
on the grass for love to hold us
down &b let these flags begin, at
solitary pleasures joined is thrust
to homes a straw man winds her
up and sentenced. On the road, a
spar or juncture smooth within yr
hair is eyes released to sand & wind.
Light, the room her pleasure white
nouns remain yr heart's eye, a
loop unstrung outer folded folds of
flesh yr arm is sense and realm.
or drink yr lips this juice &sail
the air is love's own time affirm,
love, the roof her pressures wide.
phospor-limn & spun : light : light.
now go on down, and dream aloud
what moves you up & down, the
guess & gleam, against my thirst, yr
thrust is drinking in, elixir, papered
soon again, the fall is weather one
& light, her harps are wove, wd
seem seen, an hour is met the day
the same shell won & too among
Into seeming season begun, as has, a
loop and sung her eyes are set ahead
and winning. Out, as has again, the bird
is new at seeing where the heart becalms
the term & mood is light as pools between
what stays the same is met the rest to
say alert between what rests the moon
is nearly full the road astir and let to
scan his shops are met & free to stay
and let them room & call the book is
laid away prophet & spin would cling
forward into light where love resumes
what pulls the rest away in letters
laid across the roof or mist would
clear to seem and goes along in
rooms to call a name & shell, atune.
Eye. See yr postures willing.
in behind these fingers run, up & over
yours or mine or both, the moon is
out & then a rush is new, to seem a
pool or roof the room is made the same
as white or something said astir a
song : yr flower opened, pulled aside and
see, you say, is this & thus, & so.
and something entered in yr body, ah,
eyes wide legs apart, I see yr
postures willing love my hand wd
make me come the second time to
spray yr tubes with light & passes
passion done & calm, a rope is
laid the same sperm call power out
this vision of the queen's own body.
The mood the time as hold to
signs within as love arrived the
water and the light the same to
meet above the surface flowing
in between yr legs the day is
held arrived to skip around in
orange light the houses sprung to
life is hard along yr bed and
showing in to seem within as has
her in the moon & song is going
down the other side to meet his
friend these streets are hid be
-fore the song arranged these
forms are light enough for
love, and then again for love.
you are these signs released.
As spoke, these lines are said the same
her voice across the waves of light
which call aloud love's names you
are to sail between the clouds in
treasure scans the mark & song for
time to be the lay of sperm yr
pleasures shot without today would
be another room inhabited by some
thing said along the way is small or
held affirm the looser flaps are
hard along yr spine was bent too
far in morning's bed the day
begun and called us on along
the rest rests, and holds the
other lives at bay we charge our
days and nights the same & comes.
The door, and open, the other side is
quiet, and coming through, a sign.
and love. And light. The same day
every time the same air retrieves to
what is there, the fence or wall or
canyon jumped, as-has, so-let.
well, and leave together, song and
outer-out resumed, the woods &
stream wd say some simpler lines
revive the dream and stillness drawn
however straight across the trails this
center strong along the way out.
wd call yr names, alert to love's
names, you are the same road shore
and throng, life's waves are spun
from loops recalled this form the same.
Wd see, across to time's airs are
spoke as has between the acts
will & throng they pass as light a
form within some roses gather
love this morning in between the
movies strewn for laughs this
sign between and then across in
both directions. Or lines the same
sharp sails roll beyond or center.
loop recall, her smoother lines
and roll along before as speaks a
hill or valley lighted. Sees, his eye
and eagle swooped the day of
roof & wall to red lines gathered
outer spun the roof and calm to
roses pealing new to seem as
goes the marks are sent again.
Yr eyes, as loop recall, these lives
are folded back beyond the air,
and seems alight to love, like signs
we drift recall the same moves to
harder spokes are turned to tell, a
smooth and sure retrieves this
school the moon and sign to heads
of moon the same you are the
roof will go ahead or stay behind
for lays this moon and sign you
hold between, as hands or pattern :
sharp shores review, leases culled
beyond or words; they drove or met,
and easier doors opened leaning in
some airs between, then, and loose to
flaps her gums and sly to seas alert.
Yr eyes as lines, exploded in the
dark, and held to driving in along
the rest as caught, or sailed beyond
these movies wrapt throughout the same.
light between yr hands is painting
love to shoal these loops inside;
or spur to shine some loafs are sd
hello and smoother drawers to seem
wd be the same in tense or seen,
these lines to draw along and
stay into morning set or let, to
mark & song her eyes are wet a
day to simpler forms as drawn to
signs the sibilant smoothness
slips her hands aside and drive
her legs are wings, we flew.
Rests inside signs and seen, away as
poles afar yr moons alert in seas
are spoke like reason spun between the
light you are to love's rooms again
is mood & throng yr heavier lines
wd peak at smoother rules a class
is said abstract long among yr times
release recall outer sung the moon
is laid in sun the power drawn to
forces folded in some molds are form
enough to mark remains the same
to hold her open spun around these
marks recall a former line to cloud
the works & days for telling out
a wall collapsed, or drawn together
how we shore these faults flown.
As calls across, t he foam is cities
drawn aside, her loops resound to
calls again, the motive-strain and set.
you'd be begin, this hour formed and
blown throughout, a song the day and
light yr earth or folding boat as told
this moon begin and hold against yr tides
a smoother line for love's own colony.
belong and friend, a pairing scent is
thrown again and fooling down along
the room is signed, for love and tenor
strong yr heart would grow to see
at sea the fish have claimed the
world as catches in the flow to
curtains light the world's call and
find these movies come together.
Affirmed resound, at simpler sounds
recall to signs reversed, her looser lips
are also flower-sung seed-gargle, a
folded flow is roomed resounding air
a piece of light for love's term : hold to
what is small between yr sighs a line
perhaps to other shores arrived in light's
time's quickness "it's daughters" say
fortune turns or managed arrows out.
shell this further loop to air resound
some form lingers thorough soon to
pool this fern and outer cling from
stronger yells : stay within yr time,
and have a friend, a newer spoke
as wheels turn forward set to senses
spooned withal, her faces forward.
And calls, along, beside, as wait to
seem within, would be to call and
hold at bay's retreat yr eyes do
mark my love is lighted from within
and clear to seem the same, as has, to
clear the waves we marked along yr
times are seas on top the day is let
to moods the same air trembling on
across yr body said as holds you are
and moved to clearer strokes, as up
wd be this hearing settled down for
love, and dive within yr marks at
clearer charges met the day yr oars
are simply chipped or folded back to
slip along the waves & seasons in to
mood the bays are slipped within
Yr names, as-has, along & set :
and clean, wd call at pieces moved
among these shores recall, a flowing
moon & song this air resumed, to
forces flavored out the tiger's spots
unchanged are changing sudden to
this life presumed, he waits for love
and light the same terms resound
throughout the cycle made complete
reflection's name no curse, arise to
what you are already waiting move and
move against the tides or seas to
mean, a name and song, perhaps the
same moon says "revolve," and has
the name of life drawn along yr
thigh for open tenses opened out.
Yr eyes, and bending over, in to
in this lady's love is light inside
my hands, and driving up the
coast, another jewel is floating in
yr clothes, opened out to touch
a flower hard along yr edges,
a ship is sailing in the waves.
as wove alert, her arms and
legs wd let me in, as eyes to
light from foam in tense re
-lease & charm to pole yr charges
laid in finger slipped afar to
see yr eyes across my own, for
passion's name to love yr ready
on beyond today, and driving
home, a flesh, a mark again.
And holds between lines yr eyes
as post below and scores again
the small airs blow yr eyes wd cool
some gaps are cooked-out along
smoother distances drawn throughout
what hears to seem within the
same and glide beneath as-has,
to cooler laps wd sharper shines
for love this light again and in
a season drawn to sleep or skim
as pools arrive and lines are thrown
the day the table shot alert he
meets opponents in the field or
stays withdrawn, the tactics are
here and this, where firmer choices
seem the same before, and call
What passes clean or cooler seems
like light's beginning calm to love
is stirred apart yr sighs are claim
and charge wd pool these fools
afar to hold them clear to something
less spasmodic, cloud to hard, a
fort wd spell the marks, affirm!
as has to shoal perfume, he
wheezes down the charts, we see,
and has some silly music chatters
less but friendly on the box, I'd
say yr name against the tides,
and sit for easier rooms, alert
you are, and set aside for tales
to leaf alert some doors are eased
apart and others simply open, thus.
As lines are times the same, away
You are on top and bring me off
yr up and down as sees me come to
shoot up inside yr body; seeds are
charms for light to make at love to
smoother terms wd clear the room
for telling outer out as sung to make
a wave and charm as has, yr
eye and mark wd cling affirms the
roof is claim & mood wd sail the
black ship on across the waves as
light again is spoke to fold her
back again in finger in yr heart
for love to make you come to
life and give a yell or groan in
pleasure's gasps, a mark again.
Wd seem, within the same air trembles,
as outer spun, magnificence the center
set & sent : you would and clear to be,
as has this line for time and tune unite,
the clear signs wail or beckon outer out,
or cut to scenes you are along and
met the children house and garden in
guard-in, guardian for scent or
sense to ward or other, toward a
shy fence and matter neither spoke,
her harps are wove alert & song : a
foal a moon along in sentence cast
yr faces flown to light this air and
pleasure said along as love and hear
again arrive this country outer made
you are, and then again, return, shore.
Wd clear, as said, the same begins
all to shore yr sighs and into
season set the roof is called a
whale apart and climbs on in, to
hold her back & down, the shore is
calm regained for tune or smell, a
folded pause in tense or shell to feel
some smoother falling down and
set against yr pleasures, roasts her
doorway pooled against beginning,
but joy retains its pressure forward
names the lake no duty drawing
forward newer claims for drawing
out the same from light, as love.
or wd you call along these shallows,
name and sign again, the tide.
As lines across the waves forlorn,
wd seem within the same words
spoke for tune & smooth, a flight
and mark, to simpler seasons
cast affirm some light is said
you are with love's own fancy
drawn along but made direct, the
seasons simply shoal and spume,
another mark is drawn against
her thighs are set like lips to
heal m slowly drawn the sky and
low perfume you carry slower out
and lead me strong toward the loom
and set the houses short perhaps
a newer miracle subsides, or visits
late perhaps the cars are drawn aside.
Wd see them hanging underneath
yr shirt, and sing yr eyes are
said, "along" beneath yr skin, some
shadows mold the body's followers,
shale & sky perfume in outer thrusts
and lying down. Or hear some time
together after song is laid to rest
a door a day is made the same
and food for light, a love reminds
the body's arcs as back or forth,
another dance is made, or rolled along
the same day made along and
spoke : I'd jump you down the day,
strange lady, and hear yr peppers
sing another pie is drawn together
sails this wove of light yr legs.
You would and seem the same,
as goes across to sail between
her eyes, another mark to shore
recall a loop against the move
and toss along what calls to hear
align and spin yr ropes are caught.
or hear the same time beckoned
on t he waves you heal my ass
and score reversed his name or
sentiment : loop resound another
name is spent, or hears before the
lights we have that love is
mood and spine, yr waves alight
or run, and now we speak to
seem another room is painted
white, or turned to light again.
As goes between, yr head is toss
to gleam some heat inside to
hold aside and finger in yr flesh
and bump behind in something
said you are to go along and
wait within, as feeds this light
as love in seasons called to hear
some straight sots in & out,
would clear the forces drawn
together owl and dream, and
say the rest rests alert to charms
you sail along and say again,
three horses calling, spoke & show
is scenes remember how is scores
a mouth or shine in hands to say
would move or stay the same again.
Wd seem where called the same, a
pole across the stars is still, prolific.
some-sun, seen as force, yr eye
no cobra-hood, but the body
one, and stays the same within yr
faces, mouth & tongue, yr hand tight;
and gargle when I come a seed shot
special said you are, and come in
light yr kitchen chair for love, and
go again across the bed, and bent
over, in behind, and pulled yr hips
again and shot sheep sharply, a
foal-charge sprung outside in & in
again, the body of the lady, shore
for seed-thrust song and eye
of the heart's dreams afloat.
The air the same, and small to
hear yr new name strong as
light becomes the time between
yr eyes and holding in the day
wd clear across these lines, and love,
another calm hand arrives this air
folded down and calling through
these houses drawn to what sails
becalmed yr happier faces, out
the shops are also welcome
drawn aside an ease for strong
streets gathered loop resound a
foreign lapse and straight to call
as rooms are found alert in houses
termed the same and marked by
light a new a name to draw affirm
Includes, wind to water, her eyes,
or pulls this drift and strong, a
gentle heart would clear the air of
indistinctness not by clamor, but
hoses halter strains yr heart but
stay the same, you are, and sails
throughout the day her warm or
gentle waves of light the bath
is love, yr names are hands to
seem a wave and way to say
what hears the same time sailing
inner skins revolve the same &
clear to time yr beckoning eyes wd
make another house a home for
children in between and goes along
to have our days arrive & coincide.
As eyes between yr hands, another
term arrives : fold and pass, these
roofs aware and sending, thorough
lines profuse, as into seasons sailing
rough perhaps but new again, light
within the lines and calling as : as.
love. Wd smooth some curls distinct
the perfume, shawl, resume, and
eases thought too loose are near
these oars preclude, for simpler
moons resist, at following too soon
or nearer now than not : afloat,
you leap throughout, the maiden sd,
from foam and clearer signs, on
these stairways chatter knots against
the floor. Ease & skip to fly ahead.
Her solitudes attract, and passion, too,
at heart the song and one, affirm &
pole, yr houses spaced along the way
from eye to eye the same is set.
and met the woods some touch wd
score release and drive in:side to
lose yr heat and mark the bird its
settling-tree, or flash some season
drawn aside to hold her down & ride
up tight the top and leave a quart
or two was coming out for hours : lease.
and sing a strong leg, she calls to
quiet silence, words not broken in
a faltered rear of light beyond
love's grace and pleasure wanders
him who sees and passes in to rest.
Seen, as. Wd clear there spoke, yr
hosts afloat in salient doubts a
fool resumes, but love. And light yr
eyes are vista sheen forlorn in
tense release and flow aside her
harps are wove affirmed, a fern.
now sharp, he sees them changing in
their being seen, or houses grow
the same as this, and this. Or rest.
their movies share and clamor-in.
a rose is a calling, forth his chatter
floating forward dreams yr face &
brothers chiming in, good, aloud, the
queen's own body singing down a
rest or will as love's heart anchors
through and simple, claimed, again, seen.
As pass, on across, the lights are
marked, throughout new the same
as has, to seem within the air a
travel scans to loop around again
no hair is split or turned around
in simple distances the road is taken
shines the way along yr harps to
mark again these rooms preclude
some heavier dooms but love wd
clear them out again her eyes are
brown & shining : cool today some air
inside the window's sun is called
the door is opened out & single time
the one or pleasure drafts among
her arms around or lips the same
and cook my brains for love.
Wd clear around, and hold affirmed
what passes in as cooler eyes
are hard to seem within, or hold
the moon alert alarm yr full &
passing in these peaks are warmer
spoke to shallower forges worded
out to marks the room or pleasure
scored a simple shade and letter
yes or movie, how they cool around
as spoke they claim within but
sames are pressed to forward dues
the movies cleared around as force
or motive shores this leaning for
-tress grown to spells or leisure
love's lights burning in within &
armed for telling out the same.
The same as turns to light, yr eyes, as
goes across to newer terms, love, as.
would clear to shinier loam, review to
spare sinks her roof is loop recall a
change, to shoal aloft you are, as has
to smoother lines relief wd spare her
lessens rolling down against the moon
and leaning through hearing in some
airs released to works at day the mark
wd slow to houses cabin or light
the movies calling down against the
earth now or motive, you are, again.
or laid throughout the same, in tense
as spells a name and hiding down
at blue light this morning easing in to
drape yr face with love's pleasure.
As flowing down yr wave, and sentence,
as out she weaves some pattern seen
in light where rests at love begun a
tower and charm behold released
at seasons drawn like motives sharp
in pleasure's dream you are the same
wd clear around the place as hard
on top you live intense or follow,
down yr waves of light the surfer
glides between yr hands again
and leaves these cities on behind
another push is drawn affirm
and presses on throughout these
movies long against the pictures
love begins to be the same air
bending loose around yr hips.
Clatters down as rain, it is. The
corner market, leaning, as eyes,
her forms are sense ashore & fathom
into season light from love's airs
recall, a newer vision, between her
thighs, a spot is charm & song,
and human flavors growing, elixir.
wd shell affirm, and into seeing
rise arise he seems & loops aloft
and eagle, a morning shorter sharps
this pool is light, yr calling-in;
and say, you are, as light and
seeing how you are together mark &
song as flowing charm & season
falling through yr hair : wd call along
and love, yr names are also pleasure.
As pass & scene, yr favors flown
this movie seems to wait at
shoals are seed, released, inert;
the matter shaped by light, and
love's measure spoke as perfect eyes
are scans alert yr markers show
the air is moving out or holding
firm to what is new and longing.
out the motive seems to ;hold her
down or spread apart, you'd slip
yr hands around the moon, or lean
across the ditch to speak another
line quite simply. North or later, eat
the sun is said magnificent, and
tears the hard and lonely life apart
or pool these others eastern eye.
Wd clear, as said, the wheels are
spoke, as clatter seems the same,
yr houses rooming down the hall,
or folded scene within, as eye.
at shore, yr music spilling in the
doorway lights the outer pale of
spent shore reversed, a table in
the air, as love bending claims
the ark no other won to seasons
folded shy her ears are wept
aloud, but flying forward, eagle
suns the ground alert some shape
for telling signs yr lantern slides
afar to hold or spin some seas
for air the clouds and passion, at
these roses flung, as lines begin.
As eyes and lines, you are for light
love's name along and sending in
to hold affirm some special times as
sharp some spaces shine inside yr
faces formed among still flying air
wd peal some bells are folded
outer shale is posted light as ears
or pushed along, a life is fine
enough but levels out these doors
wd call to clearer days as work:
yr loops are sense and pole to draw
another climate hands wd hang
like breasts, or faces cast affords
the newer shape as opens legs
and stands within, a loop along
yr pleasures shore & song again.
As met, a slower road is formed
idea said inert, the heart's waves
found, lighted side by side and in
the days, love, a single song, or
this perhaps and seeded futures,
a loop to call yr heart yr own
and nourished, children, work and
mood revive, to ;hold through time
at scales or fortress, the tremors held
like music like, inner flame or
thorough line, the body's favors
are no other outer flung to hear
these names again and motive strung,
arrive! The way is set and calls
along yr heart is mine in tense
but separate : love calls among.
As moon & song, the same review
is ocean's names alert between as
set you'd peal afloat and cooler lines
astir inside and calling out, again,
a charge or sign that sells for light,
and light is told, for love, and in
the waves, a face remains as clear as
light itself and named for shells
yr song might come to see the air
air and says again, to hold affirm
and pleasures named, yr loops are
steel or foam a light or name
like saying, down the river shoal
or raft a name within, as eagle
room and white, a name anew
is called, yr heart or former eyes.
As light, between dreams seen to be,
as has, so let these roses bloom
along yr waves are spoke for love
his words unheeded checked alert
wd weave and call yr names again,
or when? Yr harps are wove, as
sheep are let, the movies welcome in
this sleep or woke, a pool a car a
seat behind and driving in to women.
a folded flow and meaning; in to
be this weakened wall and life as
light again, or right enough, enough.
his message, clear to ends alert the
motive sprung between and seeing where
they wait and say again, you are, to
sail the seasons down the year, away.
Wd seem, arrived, at light, the egg
is hollow, germ & sign, alert to
pools becalmed and final, day to
light at love's beginning time and
moon begin again, yr eyes at shape
and line, to turn the heart's depending
out to friends we are the same & call
the work is made for telling who
we are, and made inside, at mark
and throng these others side collide
or grow ahead and rhythm gone
from life but follow, in her dreams
we call to love again, and meet at
loops remind these fragile columns,
the movies drawn afar and seeming,
one and then again, the temple rung.
Wd say, where said, a newer meeting
corresponds to light, and comes to
pass and claim, yr eyes are signs
to make a day perhaps for love a
long and sentence, pressed retreat
ahead and standing forward calls
as time wd spell away or sure
to seas the mermaid wet and
passion; names at energy yr horse
and rider moved again a lady
on her waves delight for love to
smoother lines afar some sense
permits arise yr doors are also
woven song to hear against a
moon or press, the dragon waits
or drives to pressures drawn.
My shell & sign, I turn aside I
hurt too much and call these
streets along against these walls
are walls again, the sun is roofed
between my heart is dragged around
small rooms my head beating
blood around my body's fervors
gleamed perhaps some light is
left to learn; but love leaves me
falling into seasons made today
is never over, a way to speak wd
say I do not know but wait
to give, or hesitate myself afraid
of pleasure, wanting names for
houses yet unbuilt I do not
know the way or ask yr eyes
As times are also lines, she slipped
afar, askew. The newer motives
plain or trusted seem within the same
air distanced trees are seen horizon
plain wd be the roof or simple. Out to
hold where looser claps are found,
a joist and palm is rusted outer sung
her light-love spun away or dancers.
look and call against yr tides are
said the open door is also opened
outer flung her movies claimed beyond
no doubt but pleasure called a name
is new perhaps too soon or younger days
wd seek me out and let these fashions
clear the wall & sign yr favors new to
seem we are along the wave & mark.
As term, yr breasts are resting on
yr arms attached yr body's weaves
of light are eyes are taller than I
thought and dreams a stroke from
down to up. Wd seem within, and
toucht in tense regained, the body's
favor's fervor spoke, a famous front
recall & sign, this tine of soap is
center cosmic ring; she dreams me, too,
and signs electric handles inner in,
and time resumes this space is
also drawn along and fine to
folded flowing down yr thighs
against the wall and shot short
recall to dream drawn simpler sd
this love is lighted from above.
At time's turns pact & charm yr
faces flowing down beside the air.
as love, as light becalmed arrives
these floating chambers pleasure seen
and moved beyond the song, recall,
I waited down yr eyes, I wept
and dreamed aloud these seasons
cast afar perhaps and knowing
love cost my life, or light against
my hands you are along these waves,
throat and strong, and thronging bell
and line between the roses growing
seen beside as favor flown away:
I meet my time between yr legs,
and left alone I am the same,
as cause & song are reamed alert.
833 The Last Rose of Summer
As houses moved and changed, a quiet
wall persists his spots are also new
from folded forms flown her body
left me by the season charges looped
around the sky : shallow scenes adrift
where love is calm and I am left alone
again, but light is sharper set among
yr faces seen from underneath, quiet.
wd say, perhaps, the same is new enough,
or lands against yr moons are now to
score a day or sharper lines revolve &
call for silence due to easier moons in
light, a name is set where love makes a
man alone, or is a day arrived in songs to
make the lady smile, and meet these seas
alert and moving through these feelings....
Wd clear, around these lights, at
love begins, aroused this Boom is
music's blood season drawn a rain
is long between yr sighs & waiting.
and spoke, yr names afloat, is
feeling better now perhaps than lately
the position's clear growth is man
his work is love no boogie draws
me back against the dream, she weeps.
I call my harder lines throughout,
or peel my skin in sheets, no other
draws my lines my cooler loops
are photos, camera tripod by bed,
and lets these fashions lunge
and call yr shell & song again,
and set my life in order.
As pools, yr eyes alert, again,
my ankles happy, there, and
light between yr fences facing for
these long and patient afternoons.
the roof wd clear, for love's dues
the movies marked for outer songs
her movies changed from left to right
the motives clear enough, I am
the day and sentence left among the
air and children, happier faces laid
to rest and marked along our waves
the bed and pleasure sent like
roses dusting out the end of summer
sent the same as has between
the marks and moods we make
together brings the dream to life.
Yr names, again, and shoulders in
some light perhaps is sent along
in showers down from love begun
at outer houses flung aglow & sung,
a face is forward folded out begun
and sharper lines her breasts are
thrust against my heart, and flies
short showers thrust between
her legs, a spot wd smile again
and fly again, yr noises brief to leap
a burst is offered down some movies
grow among yr favors now & new
wd glow some bodies green & yellow
now or motive. Smooth to loom a
night or day the same to love a
body fresh to tunes we make.
Enflamed, her hearts are wove of
light as love's penetration grows.
or, how you smooth & rain, aloft
to some thing closer drawn at
fire, clear or strung between yr
loops, some light is newer held
than firmer looms as drawn before
yr faces forward scales to light
another drawing-down of life as
goes before the lawn and sentence.
name to scores reviewed, I asked
you for my wife and you sd
never, how then not retreat? But
comes the day and touch forgets
that down along the way, we
do believe the rest as love's
And call yr favors forward, seems
her pleasure is my own the same.
moved as holds, and holds again,
wd smooth yr lines, my woman.
these movies glowing times are set
from light as loops along, love.
from form afar yr eyes are stirring
loop & charm around yr person, an
eagle signed and sailed, a name is
said, again, and holds to what you
are along my waves and songs a lady
mated in this touch & tongue we
find the marks are simpler said than
light between yr fingers, anytime
at all, and love my ways yr own
we'll go across the sea together.
As waves of light permit, rescind,
completion of love's game established.
yr names rely, eagle, shore wd say
regain along as has a part, apart,
yr knees or heels, spread a bed
and touch my eye in pleasure's
smile & song, my model charges
hard against the work & feeling
good a long time drawn against
yr sigh and song I love yr brown
fingers calling sign & sign again.
said. A song, Chicago smiles wd
fold her down in photographs, a
word is spoke, encounter, has a
dream the same as life and put to
-gether for some beauty, vibe & tong.
Wd say, yr eyes, as loops an ear is
hole or hand, afar yr model show
and song a face in parts for telling
over yr hands form and sign as pulse
or charm : the year turns mask alarum,
ion sense recalls the doorway chatters
radio songs the party calling home
in shorter songs her waves of light
you are to me, or shifted down another
wave is shore to seem within a lark
and houses flying into more than love,
would clear the ground again in leaps
across the palm or fringes drawn
together visible realm recalls yr
forces flying down the day and shell
a song a sign aligned again to talk.
Wd clear, attend yr salmon shines
between yr favorite, on yr faces
flowing down the days are drawn
aside in following something close
or fine, in sense regained wd call
across, around yr lines are weaving
through & through as outer calls or
name perhaps to seem, you are,
at lines and drawn across, my bed,
and then again, or spoke, is said, a
call is song between yr thighs, a spot.
I dream a shell & time, is time,
wd clear across yr master's weaving eye
& shore. You slept against me, driving
danced my fate & charm, a silver hand yr
self as toucht behind & in, you came a flesh
Calls this warp has sharper shores
he joins them without aims, another
light is straight for love : the movies
call us down the walls & seeming,
there or says, you would, to seem.
follows, how she stays beside me,
or made throughout, hears a newer
weaving shot the mark is named
a life begins its middle shaped,
they wander in & hold at work or
measure, the world's eases shaped
in curling waves of beauty; hers is
lime perhaps, I love the day as in
wd move the lines across and new,
then, said, at love the men & women
driving down throughout the earth....
As calls between the calls are light
to shore within the bird is loop
recall her smiles are fervor shown
like light like lips are folded in
her shine some love becalm to
sail the seas together, warms the
lines between her eyes, and said,
you are the same day sailing, in
to hold affirm the movies shredded
down to salad days, or forces
sharper signs revolve to more than
that, as far as goes along aside
in tense recalls her names are set
to lay across these tables settled
down between yr peaks & valleys.
more to seem the same again, sees.
At names the air retrieves, release, a
mark is singing down yr eyes to
cooler charges hard between yr eyes,
a spot or mark would leave the
doorways cool and senses, lines for family
center lines her days are loops
at center's mark yr eyes the same
or leaving in these roofs are set
between the day and holding on to
time or life, in love you are the
easier day to seem yr faces flown
in hearts the doorway folded harms
her in these ropes rotation., light,
yr eyes, the shell is opened, feeling
good and saying yes, yet, goes in
and sails yr long and eases, in.
As holds between yr lines, in sense
the same air turning light along these
waves to shoal perfume, the movies sd
like hard beginnings, loaf these leads at
simpler eases wrapt, afar yr moods enthuse
to steady progress laid between yr hands
or sailing out these rooms begin to hear a
song, as love's due, and progress on these
horses strapped-in or yielded, her arms are
waving thorough sd profound or waiting moons
are weaving down yr days are also moving
through the air & pealing : ;skips her heat
for forces folded dream to chime as light
in love's marks charm these loops to
leaf her arms along the waves of light
to shore within yr airways floating love.
At turn, these waves of light to
shore her eyes as spoke yr flavor
sings my names & holds beginning
at the air recall some loops of
air wd sail a name away and cool
yr lips with pleasure marks the
lines away to trails or smoother
scores are laid along yr fancy, or
moves to stay within some distance
proper made to be these moods
and actions, love the rest is resting
out as goes the roof is calm in
tense or movie, lamp or move, yr
faces forward into seas the man
is held affirm his pleasure says to
stay along the rest, rests, again.
At times between as has, yr eyes,
and sending through the light, is
seed & scene, behind as looped inside
wd clear across to seem the same,
yr favors forward say, along, and set
top term these lines and love. Wd say
then, and stay along to hold affirm
these salient spools as folded in
yr heart is mood &claim as spoke,
and raveled in the day as wander,
on these loops to score within the
room is met the same in lines to
hold across the man's waves modest
balanced, then, perhaps the new moon
settling down throughout to say, a
day a new another, coffee, spinning.
Wd sail again, yr favors calling forward
scans the light for shale perfume
her eyes apart yr legs the same,
and diving in, ahead again, a
foal or charge and laid behind
my thumb inside, or over lines
for live airs resume, at love's gain
yr faces drawn together long
and saying thus or so, her flying
drawn below yr famous brand
in tense recalls these rooms
are roof & claim, the roses
lay the foam along yr sense
the loop and chain, or over here
the skies his doorway purple in
the song no other gains the day.
This pool of light we all inhabit, love's
her sighs, or plane & center, at favor
shore recall to acts, perhaps, yr forms
are light to touch, or over in these
faces made the marks are shorter spans
and held alert to forces quiet heart
a stillness eagle mark and sign, again
these houses pooled or staffed inside
as has, to let, and shore along-among
wd sail yr seas erect inside yr
movies laid by hand and finger in
yr heart is eye enough, or wet.
and sailing down yr days, a seed or
shot is made to shapes or held
a mouth again and smiling down and
down again arise or smoke yr lines.