You are, then, deep within me now
and when we are together, forever.
Yellowbud, butterfly, body-heart and
coming right, along among, the
queen's own body, open and rushed,
licked and kissed, and at yr one &
center, loop regains recall touch &
spin yr lighted eyes, poem of
day anew we'll make a place
& stay, and say, go, to be
alone together, driving the road
and soon, harp and horn, song
and claim throughout tomorrow
or, then, fourteen days away,
I sing yr name, orange cloth
around my head, empty chain
around my neck, yr shaved place
smooth and young, priest and
priestess of each other, houses of a
sacred pleasure, our own, that
is, and mounted, your throat-song
eye heart; eagle flies home at last.
And on along, heart, toward what is
there already, and new-bone, shaved
alert away and clean, too, pressed to-
gether, gathered like children, or
your energy, and life's bright purposes
termed swift and sudden, along
your smiles at faces cracked & stoned,
lighted from within : butterfly body-heart,
eagle mount, mouth sung and proper, a
weapon from the gods, at love begun
and held, you are, purpose of my life
and building in these landscapes molded
by what we are together, forever, one
heart aligned, aloft along among, &
moved to, body, in our long hard
trail; purified, we are, by our quest,
and won, too, by love's sincerity
within our making of the way. Light,
eye, her house & mine, horse & rider,
vibrating in alternate dominions,
and the unforseen, then, our strength.
as love has won us, so we are.
Crossed away, & no future uncertain,
but begun, anyway, and thrust to
call your name daily. Twelve days
perhaps, and hell is over, steady plod
of event's unfolding, moved along hard
trails alone, I thought my live impermanent,
separated; storage of life among the
pygmies. Shortened sensations, wait-
ing patiently, dreaming out the colors
of the queen's own body. Neglect,
perhaps, where a life goes astray,
on the part of the person underway;
you are, heart, my eye & song &
body, my opening in the earth,
frail warrior; today the world is
silent and I am alone. No
voice opens my mood. Tight pressure
in the mountains, perhaps, she'll
be there, and bone my pleasures
eye to eye, seen & tongued.
where, heart, do we converge, eye
and sons and eagle : I'm thirsty.
And hears home, arrived at a
new name, heart, I dreamed
you clean this morning, bone in
hand and handily. Ocean of
body-heart, spasmed light bounces.
I've got my cup back, too, &
hear yr nerves singing me in &
in. see these days decline to
order and our way opened before
us, like you are. My friends are
settled and I am borne aside
your mouth is opening out & out
to catch these seeds. Goodbye
friends; the mountain & my woman
hold me in to her soft flesh again,
but here, forever, along the road,
a song again, at twelve days
perhaps, and then we'll be at
work and play together, among
our distances made single
and spoke, too, as one and
seen, yr bodied perfect whole.
Loop regained recall to see & hold
yr eye has opened, term & song
along the road, these pieces to mark
our way opened to touch yrself
my eye & song, the bone, entering,
withdrawing, and rests, rests,
head to head, at union & tongue.
love, I hear yr name my song
is the butterfly you are. Spin at
roof recall to show the line &
fold her back, poled in, riding
the horse inside her legs
and seed spill, laps to slow
forms of pleasure wrapped in
like forgetting, but held affirmed
at joint and hung out, foal.
slow-slowly at half points to
sleep the day and wake away,
we are moving, foot and foot,
but entangled, encountered,
the world's fox, slow & gentle,
showing her the loom's recall.
Loop rewind recall, this road is open,
heart, yr name again, or planned
around the day's magics, music
from the center of today, the
butterfly dance, swimming on top
of you, asleep, entered, hums.
and the road sways already new
again to term away & held alert
to call or smooth lines through
-out and spins to say, yellow bud
again, & met, Eagle's mate,
going by the rest to rest inside
yr eyes, soon, forever, won
aside the day's purposes, too,
to hold alert along aloft among
yr blue bottom is my string
and barked aloud, ah, boogie
lets, at lunch, between yr
eyes, a spot lying around &
showing it to me for finger
play and opening & closing
on my ears, sucked again, &
Our affairs, then, at house & way of
some renewal, we are permanent.
and so, relief, intent of the heart,
to peel away what is below the rest.
held. And the opening out of something
clear and perpetual flash, light-in.
spring through hearing, flash again
at love's edge, agreed, to speak.
and there, urgently, perhaps, to go
directly about our affairs, too, as
a room and plunge, get down
babe, and get direct yourself.
mingled between father & son, the
concubine & slave arrive to visit;
she is active and hungry, still, &
feeds by what is there, leading
after something, yr energies, are
what it seems, too, pooling her
terms for action all along the
line. Around & in behind, it
is pleasure's time, agreed, this
easy distance, traveled, along.
Arrived, too, at the edge of
plans, and formed, easily, of
these dreams we are, heart on.
As : lubricate, name, act, I'll see.
Horse, queen, ride own, bodied
by devotion, and out-sung, to
yr doorway gone along at eagles
spun head rushed into into, warm.
and leaf jumped, at wife, or tight
behind and in, a room subsides
and disappears, where loose airs
relief and turn the heart, love's
remember'd a lime & kiln straw
to pools leased to out and fly.
dreamed and made, slowly, at
these ropes sentenced joyously
scale of the body's magnificence
plunged into devotion, then, and
the road, a long way from here
to there, shaved, a bone, yr back
pressed out and flat, my own
seed & long along our life, begun.
I see you here, this room of
windows, clean and proper,
and out the day, at play yr
bone inside, and smiling, heart,
plunged in deep, yr hand, too, holds
you open open, licked & sucked.
devotion, butterfly into what is right,
and made, a way that works,
too, done often, arrived, blue, smelled
from love's bodies mingled at the
mouth & waist, formed alive alert
and coupled firm & slippery, a
heart on top, mouth down & down,
tongue in-side yr coming again.
the last time around, babe, it don't
come easy, but stays to say it all,
you'll be these dreams & have devotion
in yr name, our child waits one
term only cycle of replenishment, base
of days together, finally, where we
mat these trails of dream & act, at
pleasure spun, eagle, his mate, along.
Alert recall yr call is home, sure
to send away and pool, climb.
there is someone to meet, and then
hold the way open, as a heart
to pool & sentence yr openings
are also sent along the way.
and managed, throughout, relieved
and positioned similarly, you'll
be there alone & stripped clean
for this beginning : persons of value,
hidden away, reassemble at safety
when proper or undisguised at flight.
eagle moves alone & summons his
scattered pieces into a house for
winter's pleasure, days of touch
declare another building, stone,
log: and pictured, heart, yr body,
playing it out, as : scene, juice,
floating out, worked in: we'll have
some air between us both in our
final positioning of forces fielding
completion in our energies, fucked.
Asway & leaved, affirmed & into;
now you are, and ready, but
such fragile distances, or, ruled
now only by patience, an unfold
-ing of yourself, heart, practiced
by the candle's light lighting
of yourself from inside, your
depths my pleasures seen.
strong along the line, we are
sent this way and made one
song among our motives, thrust
song and term throughout the
time we are risked by life's
adventures, and seen to be
the things of some renewal of
the light we have made already,
love's marks throughout some
proper balancing of our passions,
expressed, loosed upon each other,
pressed on and in : looped recall.
summer's tense reliefs at work,
and the house resumes its life.
Inched along our marriage parts
yourself to come between our
days to sing and heare the
long pulses sending us up to
see along our term together.
And the way is partly opened out.
and meet a new loom recall to
say yr name again, last day, here.
road song : we are still man &
woman, estranged by gestures from
our past. The road carries us into
summer without particulars, and
this arrival of time in our life
together will make us one along.
Moved, butterfly, to hold you to me
still and still again, yr waves
parted and clear, we'll play to
-gether in a week, that's time
for our believing, wrapp't, thorough,
and in our day, another life
erupts from between yr eyes,
a spot, regained, opened, cool.
Love's words at their proper distance
spoke, your ear would call them
out and outer we have this peace
To enter, friend, where a wave has
curled us into life together, and where
we sleep, body, day begins anew
our dream of waking up together, soon;
I feel us healed inside our love,
arrived through words at our own
term. It's quiet, now, this energy
of you. I am your arrow, slung.
words are the hearts deeds,
I love you, body, and devotion
is our mood, horse and rider
depart where love enters us
visibly, in transformation, at
yr bridge, you are. Birth of
love's body today, begun, then,
a mouth of days before us to
lie together, relaxed in a new
ecstasy of quiet, I have left
my ropes behind, you are my fire.
My dream: the eagle and his
mate criss-cross across the
canyon. He has called her down
to hunt, and they cry back &
forth as they soar among the trees,
riding the wind together. I sit
on the hill behind his house
last summer, the eagle turns
above my head, across the top
of the hill, around the tree-top,
peering. So we are, body, swimming
through each other in the perfect
beauty of our love, together, and
I see you now, clean, in our
final white room, this perfect
marriage and mating of spirits
and bodies we have learned to be.
and wearing love's harness, we
are mutual in our grace and moved
to hold ourselves to love's perfect
grasp. We have made this jump
together, heart, and landed in the light.
295 Boise Bus Station / The End of the Road
A prayer for us, body : let us make
amends here, let me not be overly humble;
but a sincere apology for 3 years of
hard times, from my hard-running
fear; let us start our life today
where we have landed, both of us,
neither knowing as much as we thought,
but this love we share is as great
as the dream and it is real & strong
between us. Bring me off the road,
heart, let us bind ourselves into
this love, count our dollars into
being together. Let us make a language
to help each other in our fears,
let us husband & wive together now,
tonight in our contract for life.
but me, heart, wife, I am deeply
sorry, I have hurt you, let me
make it true, now, that I'll build
our house and raise our children
and be as much a man for you
as you have always been my woman.
House, lighted, passing along yr
eyes are new and bright, cracks
in the ceiling to let in the light
and here, at last, revolved at.
you are, then, and I am, too, a
loop among along, together, to
mark, move, hold : and what is.
right, then, persists, wind, air.
morning's beginning, road, heart
away and sent to hear through
-out yr time & sentences, our own.
backed out, touched, fathomed.
the children come & go & stay the
way is opened by our love and
temper of night begun, green, green.
and roofed along, to hold, hear,
mark & moon : away, looped between
yr eyes a spot, pear, I am
a man revived from dreaming by
your love. Now we are among
our distances, heart. Moved toward
light, and lighted into moving.
And made out along yr eyes
to hold my time along &
move to speak yr name, eyes.
agent of : light seen at the
edge and motive, looped, among
yr hearts and terms, and all
along the day to blue begun yr
mouth on mine and more to
see than song and fur, feather,
the ears are drummed, spoke.
but held down, spread apart
loomed in and marked, are.
the day : you'll be my friend.
the rest goes by and out to
meet the other friends, scooped
alert recall yr face & flesh
the overt rows relief to pool yr
love has won the day & out to
say "I love you" in again the
rooms are clean and the heart
is softened, lighted, clipped to
open up yr body, make some.
Which makes life's withdrawals
perfect, the withdrawal into life,
made round around these signs:
water, your body, eyes, day the day.
And cleaned out of habits, we are quiet,
friend, in the shower of light, & gets
off into warm pressure on yr belly, seeds,
sprouted from yr soft flesh, trees,
the mountain uprised grain on grain
these pools, fountains, joyous patience,
then, at ease to play around within
our love : helped, we are in this
adventure folded out among along
these solitudes fled away last night,
and body rounded butterfly bumped
up asleep under the dreaming red
blanket. The elephant swings his trunk
like this. Houses, worked out &
made to pleasure, some last chasing
around, babe, & then Eagle's next
at mountain's edge, trailers, friends,
children, work, love's new life arrived.
Turn return recall to set & tell,
here, the pool & clime, yr eyes,
another sun & tell to stay alert :
moved toward remiss & claim.
there are these moods made clear
and firm, and held along the way,
butterfly, you are, then, in our
scene and line, distinctions have
been made but surely the town
awaits its proof, so slowly moved
this mountain grain on grain, at
hearts away & grown, clear, the
eyes revolve to plans & sentences.
home, then, and the repetition of the
lines on the door of the house and
this emptied circle of our lives, turned
and met, within some entirety & light
these houses pooled & flung as: out
to outer, we've kicked it loose for
love's perfect entry, so slow and
new, arrived & named, yr spots &
senses, cloud of pastures, foal.
Heart-song. And in some cleansing
of our bodies, mating of energies
and fantasms, arrived together through
our play; prayerful optimism, love's
bodied forth, the crazed brother recedes.
the scheme of identities makes us
brother and sister, at the bridge &
over, birthed into seeing not by
bodies only, but into love's emptiness,
and new shoes, perhaps, joining us
at trail & way. An altogether spiritual
match of love energies, ceremonial
play of acts across dreams, equations
of style and watched throughout
in pleasure's eye of scene-songs.
and here we have both left all
our children behind : as : life's will
intends us, maiden & man, to join
them in our hearts together, body,
recovering them all where they
live within us, and as we join them
to our love, others, all, visible, among.
This life as light as lighted
from within as words are acts,
and held, too, firm, yr hand
is warm, I see, and leaped
out, these ways are seen to
sleep away to send between
yr legs, my heart, on the line
and met, then, and seen to
be these lines permit and tell
us who we are, as some
distancing permits the way to
hold, child of, family of
the heart & met : gathering
in these airs permit and
looped : thrust, gong, remiss
as, lateral left latex flange.
butterfly, yr ears are blue, yr
bottom rubbed & stroked,
wet flames gather and rest.
arrive. And clearing, term,
the book says, as we are,
love's new people, & here.
And arrived, heart, at yr door
-way opened out to speak these
solitary adventures of ourselves,
then, and my son stays here,
again, with me, and you, eye,
the opened sentence of some
revival : images beckon, and an
unfolding of the way contains
us in some direction of the light.
arrived, arised, complete, to
some sudden sentences, abrupt!
but skip or turn, and root her
down to stay along the line,
wrapt and spent, yr eye
is opened out & wet, slipped
in and molded, yr slight
wisps of beauty, even, emptied,
then, and moved throughout
the loop is termed asway to
spread yr legs and give
it tongue and song, yr spot,
of course, and lapped, loved.
And sends, along, to hold, at
verge & stain these waves
permit, and lessen, at the
room's slipped edges, on the
chair to trim and snip, the
eyes are opened through acts
and forests. Or, roughed out, you
are these sentences, song & air
revolved to center & mood, at
danger moved, delivered out to
life's bright light, love's anchors
cast or brought, then, about a
single pasture, or dug in, rock &
line, at motives cast, flung, a
heart aligns & spins yr foams
particular in ear or foal, as
doubt begins its easing : house and
garden omit as stencils do, & leave
the rest rests and hears our
names, again, together or gathered.
and through the door, spent. On.
heart-sung, overlapped, yr eye.
Hold, the heart's words are sent
to seal these walls & woods:
line align the rest, and rest,
you are sent throughout these
trees and sounds of love's own
truth, of often services sent,
and thrust, then, clear & tuned,
to hold these trees upright, &
rooted, firmed, completed, and
acts toward some simpler density,
or removed, then, and plain
to hear some even laughter,
time and time, placid toward
newer remains upcast to
drift no way but here the
moon's laughter played out
the night of sun disturbed at
tables flung the heart of
words to cast & spell the day
to move and make molded
platters, perfumed, yr eye, as
clean to see the time again.
The light year ran to this, &
held the way ahead, right
and then left, but not direct.
and so we hold asway to part,
heart, and firm align yr eye
to spear my tools and limbs.
we might be perfect, and we
might, too, be alone, but held
to these fortunes like something
at the summit, pooled around
the staff in red shirts, alas,
to smile, fork to eye & spill
our heat inside somewhere,
then, and left away to lean
back again at work's promises
top you and who we are in that.
under all, you are. Nouns to speak
their copulation, at act & act,
then, butterfly, drawing in the net
of uncertainties, scaling down the
cosmos of acts, building a simple
love for house & garden, along!
Light's line, life as, yr eyes shine,
and turned in, I am, on this,
love's beginning to be firm affirmed
out & outer, and where we met,
final outlasting of our own tempers,
and turn return I will, & soon, a
further re-ordering of my brain cells,
in in upon in, and turned here
to love's quickening sent alert, then
termed asway, butterfly of this
renewal of the way, matter
transformed into spirit, then, as
love's alchemy makes the world
anew, and set, at the way and
term, return, loop regain recall,
as: man & woman, or who we are
are in this marriage of lives,
will in will of energy's trance &
dance & drum and quiet, spirit,
the Lone Combatant, eagle, even,
rised arised into your eyes, body,
swarmed alive alert & along
Light's line, a life alive, uninterrupted.
foal to charge, energy's line to
acts, heart, you are, and one, there
is no distance [intuition & intellect],
or twins of the same flesh, love's
name alert to hold, spell, along
these vast blue airs & terms, melted
through the distant pronouns of the
way: one and one is another one.
but easier throughout, hollow.
the heart's own light mingled in
the pit, ravine, scorn of trails this
trial of the Cosmic Surfer, swum,
at rough hewn logs sewn to
doubts aired alert always to
hold, distinct out rushed among
other newer disturbances, recognized.
but tell me brother, how was
the height, the mountain, were you
uprooted upthrust in challenge?
love's own name, formed, moved to
hold these airs along & one, at.
Your name, of day spent aloft to
see these winds have moved to
hold alert away and firm, complete,
push at sign and room, the day.
but not relaxed in motion sent
as work these suns & clouds to
hold the time and shift sudden
and make the way cleared out
spelled out to line along, among
yr presences, then, and told to
sleep soft and opened out, yr
ears, too, folded back away to
lean thorough or seen, and back,
to, your shoulders' handles and
I your shovel, deep to shore
your sudden rhythms, mouth
to mouth, and shot, too, on
the softness of yr breast, and
slips your hands away, washed,
seeds of light fill yr eye as
watched, the morning opened out
to play & come again, heart on.
Housed throughout yr notes, canceled
into morning as light to light,
and entering the queen's own body,
do not take it personally, but
take it. And termed, along, heart,
you might persist, air to air, as
another child would last be last
as new another land inhabits
the same princes as: the maiden
and the law: as : the mood of
the whole piece is effected in
singular jumps, as brother &
son receive equally at the
queen's generosity. I am at
the edge, and keeping busy,
all I wanted , out of the way,
perhaps we'll land there yet,
house and garden and last
as let, as let, the term is
for it, eye and tongue the
same time to jerk off, and
fly some seeds around the room.
Named as spent alert to scene &
songe these loops unfold & toil.
serpent & arm, the leader presses
on & spins around the sun again.
loop alert along : organ & eyes, to
fold utter outer back & down, sea.
placed around the terms are set
at pole and stair, yr white dress.
and flown, alert away to recog
-nize her lines are folded into
morning asleep & swept, to roses
thorn & peal, stripped down, last.
and houses are known again as
surfaced noises, rhythm of ease.
your moon away to hear my
name again, lipped out, seed &
tongue, slippery breast, white juice,
last moment together, energies
resumed but tired, tried, my own
handle wet but plying, screw
of night airs, as love's person to
ear her rear alive along, in.
Mountain, y-clips, eye, this
reflected shadow, the way is
drawing out and out, heart, to
some stability of airs removed
post & rail on the line & met.
and home, along the way as
term & mark ride all along the
time, spoke to push among
his temporary dues toward a
flash & claim of rooms and
acts; thrust, poles are housed
or all along yr time, spaced.
wind unwound toward single acts
closed the loom of resistances
forced rhymed alert mood-spill,
white and pooled, imagine, then,
the rest, our acts, pulled off &
seen, as usual is all right
for some, but where trails give
out the body's caution sells
to split yr hands should cover
these fragile distances again.
And in the road of solitary wishes,
the eye confronts its charges:
where we stand examined of our
selves seen to be alert among
these posts & ways yr heart sub
-sides this pool of light, staffed
with red shirts, yr life in order
set against love's goal & shape
a life between her legs and
pulled out first your easy ges
-tures slow term & term grown
foal & charge the day is
moved & set to hold line on
line to move, arrow & clime,
the roadway pooled again
to rough these texts you
statue these clipped roses at
the hairs & spent to roast
another day away, folded, set
to term mouth & mouth, as
dollars set another line, time
gathered at love's new term.
Moon, alarm, full the day line
to term aloft & sudden among
some artichokes improper lasting
through innocence, these men or
fellows of ships alert the waves
are tossed throughout the same
way sending, roller & storm the
ceiling white, too, to fall away
yr eyes but thrust through scene
& time, slow but spaced-out
at last along the way returned
alone out of hell, even, and
let the peasants run their
confidences mysteries and the
donkey's myth resumed to stores
climbed, love is this allocation of
energies, body, even, state & stare:
loop align recall to doubt
released, sung, another trans
-portation underway, drawn
along by simple lines cast singly
love's name, eye-heart, loafed, at.
Line & line, light's position in
the eye, yr flower is open
I'll drop some seeds & see
you push them in, but slow,
body, let me come along, your
own pace is slower, less frequent,
the milky stem. Related spoons
the music opened out, tool, or
danced & spun among yr heart
subsides through moves made
to love alert thought out beside
the airs wrapt & sullen but
yr own wet lips are playful
too, and catch me in the air,
swallowed, another charge of
light is well behaved & certain,
and even; even though intents
differ, the acts are fine, plural,
we should sustain this peaceful
range of rings & flesh. Pot the
sage is sucked & jerked &
says, see! See! Yr finger drives.
Daily renewal, yr sliding hand my
eye yr open flower I'll lay
these seeds upon yr lip & see
yr finger push them in, one by
one, & have this opened eye of
flower & song our hole and tongue
at last some clean fluids to
save these rings of flesh & pole
of light fountains you like to
watch me come, & me the
same, your easy distance along
my spine, the stain & stem of
love's eruptions, yr spasm is
my joy, hears you slide some
soft thing in and out again &
likes yr licks & hums, head
bounding her voice's "ah" & slung
around & over me, tonight,
to get yr arms & lines and
make our hands and eyes
part of our pleasures, open
yr flower and catch some rain.
Freed eagle sings at last,
this approach of light, step
by step : mood to move, moon
out and held firm affirmed
outlasts time, even, by patience
and elocution, rock & roll age
descent to hell's own name, the
pig faced jailer, outspun by his
charges, and told without lame
and marched,, they are true, too
to that upon which they rest, a
long line out,, of brothers and told
this is the day, & air, at last
tonga, sings & dances, "No, I did
not like that" either, and brother,
love's changed heart, & in seclusion,
butterfly, well mate the day away,
at foal & house & charge, &
said, music, comes along the way
again at last to sing our
love is new & met & strong &
sung, heart, your bright new shirt.
Flown free turned out at last,
and lights in, leaves off, has.
yr face, wet, kissed aside, heart.
I'll ride these roads up the
line, hat asway, my head stirs
life within us quickens to the
seed, begins, slowly, raised within
love's bounty is to protect, and
holds, to thrust slowly mouth
to yr eye, legs up, perhaps
to play my own tune & like yr
licks their terms are, then,
as I like yr features flesh and
heart the way to fly is in
the air of love's spirits, too,
and won, one, in yr eye a
spot, delicate, branched, seized
& yielded, increased into
this fellowship. We are aswim,
butterfly, at our ears buzzed,
I've crossed this great water
alone to meet yr love again.
And looped along among yr
roses, and raised, yr breasts,
to firm their points yr eyes
are clear yr face is said.
and shore, too, flame insert,
to pool sleep away affirmed
out at outer lines, and split
out across yr face, butterfly.
I'll see a day away and
bus this room along yr lines.
and cool to please me if
you might, or are you tired.
moved throughout, to see if
it can be done and if it
can well, and if not, done.
These lines at last do con-
struct my presence out and
outer. You are no man, either, &
I am no woman, we've rised arrived
to out & outer then, again, a
cool seclusion, & permanent,
to lie down again, heart, on.
Turned along the line & met,
faces turned away along the
edge and focused out to tell,
the way is clear, each day
crests further out, as held to
term aloft away & spaced,
out along the term & mark
sent singly to hold sway &
looped out, hard onto the top
yr face is split out moved
by careful thought, I am
and heard to scoop yr eye
is noon to peal, another easy
line, my own, yr simple
gestures made alive to loop
asway and straw to hold
a house away, followed out to
these simple paths, as spoke
or held affirmed to pool &
swim, another butterfly
settles out at love's density,
were moved, through, sand.
Progress means the day; we open
out this light begun, as life
and termed, heart, the way,
her eyes have left the earth.
we are turned out to another
place, it seems, and the flesh
is less intense, our baby has
taken something from between
us and left a friendship to be
rebuilt, there is bitterness to
leave behind, disappointment,
these years have diminished us.
now we are both intent, body,
on the house. Perhaps we'll
start this summer, & why not?
here where we are now try-
ing to bring it back into focus,
there is a great energy of
work & pressure in me to
mate us in habits and caring
for each other, helping these
next few days become a life.
Is it our nature to be so opposed
and separate : here at the front
of our achieving, our differences
are underlined, and surely, too
the depth of union can be as
severe as its disturbances. In
small matters, good fortune.
the road has brought me
home this night, there is no
love without you, body, &
as we are, here, perhaps created
out of love, us, we have our
prayers & signs. But opposed,
we must admit, around our
words & pleasures, that the
barrier is there, a mirror &
reflection of acts, mimicry of
tensions, but human. With
this in mind, I go to my job
at the rock wall, guided by
love, feeding myself this slow
recovery of love, body, home.
And arrived, at last, to this still-
ness of house & song, and where
these trails have met, center of, light
this means and tong of, light of, again,
and spent, as joy's danger passed
and you, heart, among my pressures,
moon cast, the light, or song, the
house or rock & log, or gardening.
or still : these waves permit &
strain as outward into acts &
love's new beginning in the air,
or how we are these days begun
again at air & post, yr face is
still alert and one, as these days
have celebrations of our mood,
honor & song, these waves per
-mit. Loop along around among
astir, these days subside to
union, and in the air, yr eyes
are mine, as seen to come across
you did, untouched, yr laugh,
as eyes make love with acts.
Looped among collection, sphere of
total leaps along the heart, way.
you are, and risen upward, life's flood
of light, to light regained, seen
as rope, taut, love's joy floats to
pool these days along the room is
turned out, met, spun, gathered as
green and yellow told out astir &
set, line & line again the door is
met with wooden posts & rails,
rocked outer & then looped again,
the rain, or often, the day, at.
a single grasp is sufficient, felt.
or name & clime, the way alert,
profuse, or sullen, out leaped, a
long line out, her face swarms
alert & called, sick & sleeping a
moon to set, pool, lake, air,
but no spaces between, love's
continuous celebrations permit
these names alive and sent,
hold: day resounds to life, on.
Mined, alert and dug out, welcome,
spread apart, too, from designates,
to follow the way around her house
is fixed upon limits from the air,
but found between these lines along
the lines : formed asway bestir & found.
but here. You have these airs permit,
and foaled out & outer, pressed to.
firm between the day is moved to hold
the time away & met to move & stall
the lines are parted like yr legs, &
strod between, lipped & singled.
but listen: foregone these acts &
thoughts of house & garden, to do
them their honor as realities, we
would make our tempers follow
two hearts intermingled in their
faces how they are. And mark, move
the way into our lives together, to
pool ascent the light from love's
name begun out & outer to last along
among astir between the days & on.
This way & moved, through fire to
the pool, the lake, overcome these
lanes, fathomed, perhaps, in sincerity
or these loops fashioned from reflection.
your capacities, heart, for the open
flame, and then pulsed out beyond,
another room defies the night, and where
we fly so high together, there are
no boundaries, belief centered in acts,
joy claims these territories as real.
It is this mark made upon the
flesh, gently, which binds us
into each other, slipped around our
doubts, love's anchor holds the day,
permits our lessons & subsides fear,
some explorations of new terms is
made, and dreams inhabit other
rooms, we are made of light, &
seen. The plan holds. House and
garden elope the day away, "you
are believed," and listen, then, heart,
you are, & love's time opens the way.
Loop along air. Hold to pools &
spin among disturbances true
to some beginning, and spaced out,
held, the new day has its bumps.
but made but marked my own
way a way is house and garden,
to push the day on & light the
airs of love's new term of, spool.
blue these weeds alert between
my legs an air of tempos
thrust pole & chain, yr flesh floats.
and not sinking, these green flows.
yr name is mine, or am I you?
we are the same, heart, and met,
halfway, to see eye to eye, at
the moon & marked out, at
last lasted on & pushed through
the eye's needle of attributes,
breath and term, my back worked
out, we ran the length of it, and
hoisted out our flag, love's way.
blue balloons and rough fathoms.
Mark this term aloft, lighted, thus.
mixed pleasures afford the charge,
live to love's way, at foal & time,
these rocks are wooden, made low
and spread across. Blue, these airs,
and loop to spool & mind rewind to
light the way as love's name is spell
& time, to move sudden, aroused, a
heaven. And cleared out, too, as one
and two unite in airs new names :
spin and claim, the vocabulary narrows
in these pairs of single thrust, at
the moon's own target, eye to eye
we are, as some lessening of the
rain's sun spends alert along, to
hear, hear and toll, among these
new colors, words to her honor, at
my own territories and made to
loop rewind recall the same day
again but mounted, morning, a
single sentence. You are these
days away to blue booms spent.
Light's time along the day is true
as these secrets unwind among air
the name is simply made, set to
claim & term as spelled, hold
at the edge : you are, as seen, to
loaf elapse at single disturbances,
moved among the air in single
units, love's grain & song removed
at pool to stair, the day, and slip,
this early morning start, fooled
by early charges, laid back and
spread aside, to hold the day to.
Drive these trails too loosely again.
another sentence chimes to destiny
at outer others, electricity snares
into this sunshine of rolled hills,
and pastured, machine, stick a
name on and bag it up, we
have some schemes to follow, and
butterfly is made like charms,
wood gathered, the house away,
and last, at last together, shine.
Song recall small at outer distances
to make the day overt at its airs,
and turned aside, centered, hold,
resting away to step alert, moved
among the terms we set out, day,
claim, light's own destination in
the sky : marked alert or peeled-to.
straw. Leave the day away, but
closed in, and misses nothing, in
this danger of easy movements,
from behind, it says. Or skips to
love's airs resumed partakes at
movement blued onto looser stars,
then, released between her eyes,
the music. Assigned to lesser duties,
and eased between cities, grass
and hill among the sky, she is
this song of days away, the
friend stops and speaks, at some
particular distance presumed to
love from doubt's nerves removed:
the landscape has these motives.
Possessed, perhaps, at the middle,
in some declaration of the way, a
pool a stir a start along the term
& mark, spend alert to hold along
these waves penetrate the solid
after : term to spool & mark along
the day away is clean clear moved.
Along the day these parts are sent.
Yr butterfly shone starred as clear,
the day loops cool to chock, at.
Or, simpler, pool & scene, same as
beginning overt outer love's name
the day away at scores are taut.
we drive along the day to work
out at food & house, clothed
later, perhaps, in the air & met,
a loom aloft as some stripes
or days at score to scene, to
flag yr colors openly open to sign
yr heart, love, fly & hold her
cool to tread this path from
side to side, anchor, heart, love.
Clean cleared along the day as
held to close airs resembled, a
loaf along another, pooled specific.
you are, looped to hold, scene &
term these ropes are met, scaled and
proper, the sign delimits onto air.
but love, but love, as held uprised
a score to bend & shore these loops
recall to see the only outer other
as eye thrust & song named :
it is, this word of, proper distance
as slips in call resume the long
way out is marked, certain, of an
easier duty at seeing, too, for a
distance, legs, up, the food is cooked
and moved, aloft along a loop to
call color down & see this light
is, as made, settles out & down,
your lips, too, stray away to sleep
after love's cool naming whips return,
the sweep & score of love's eases
in the heart and looped around.
The day. And along gray airs blown
to see these times & time, too.
but spread out, love's blue names
are thorough, or held, moved again,
to pool or sheep and leave laughs,
at names overt, skipped, held,
more than doubles are there, there,
and again to say of outer others,
the same or skipped, but pooled,
and eyes, love, bead the day.
Right to term, lofty, the mass of
it, contained, as action & pairs.
Specific. Ride these days along,
& sing yr tempers light to light.
You are. The single song of two
and fathered, too, they are not
behind as nothing, but have my
names their own as people, us.
and love, these airs collide to
life's parlors set to set we are
growing us all in all together,
as met to solid terms, as.
Considered, there are these spaces, at
term & line, the work, worked, along,
where is some spin at line & term,
removed. Air as cool ledges, mark
and mood this ease from forms of
leased motives to begin again at
blue junctures this release and
down the well at jug & chain
the door opens at love's easing
of light alight to pool the stairs
and lose the day to rain leaving
on the road some clear designation
of outer offers opened on the day
or scratched at the heel, you are.
recall, day of, leased the hour of
some beginning again the door
and clearly, to say enough, then
is enough, there is no more than
this. Cloud your eye to see the
rain again and mixed, these
lines at love's name, become a
mood and room of airs begun.
Flesh, this hard edge of light, and
turned to, a man's simple
acquisitions, self, perhaps, alight
& song, there are these trails about.
and in this air, term of, song of the
new day loaf elope, I'd ride
yr lips today this wheat of moons
to pole away the river's lines.
Or thought, as the open door is
open, at juncture and calm, to
lead along the line at energy &
tone, the light leaps out piece
on the way & met again the
long way along and blue to
rooms of air resembled, at yr
body met, to & to, and again
as out or outer other, offer
at sense or scene, over the
mid-line of days, love is this
butterfly, the image of the
spirit's liberation. Along, & in.
You are these moods of light.
335 (fr Dick)
A man in his life is this turn:
to & to, these days seen, song &
line, and where does it go, for
him in this work of days, seen
along the way, noises at night.
no will obtrudes but this mark.
A life could be thrown aside, even
here, these particulars of purity
too intensely drawn in the
truth of animal networks, along
the way something, & not death.
love's way becomes another soli-
tude chosen, and the poem of
brothers and sisters looped aligned
from term to sign, but made
piece by piece into what it is.
well: the patience of the rope
& bucket. Mark yr moon away,
nothing is left aside, but time's
own revolutions moved throughout.
a life is carefully seen as song &
act, and comes to be these airs.
Love's name, eye, heart of days
parted beyond air resumed at
outer distance the one of movement
in diagrams the moon again to
sleep alert and dream the rest.
this pool established, room of blue
flowers resists to eye this light &
term of the air's marks alerted.
eased along the crowd of forms, at
the edge of day's deliberate flow.
You are, and spun the loom of new
scores inside another saying, how
to score the room on equal dues,
flight of birds without song &
loops over the line & line, at love
begun, some single rocks attract
from shore to light these foals are
named as set & stir, to charge
them on & on again the loop alight
to mark a scene as air & moon
the same settling in of terms, a
life along and hears, mountain, top
Well & met, being the body, as out
of further news this moon acts
to blue beginnings in the heart
as power and time permit to
hear : art, act, dust sentenced
as word to deem these posts
away, the landscape, nor some
associations, the stream, as
landed out to house & garden
it is not the mind but the one.
Eat. And washed out, vitamin of
light's term of marks, love is
another day of scenes made firm,
this line among disturbances in
the life of posts & gentle moods,
to leap this light emanated
his own books are hardly wet
but grown like time, too, at
these junctures thrown off, classic,
and the new moons are other words;
day, often, pool, resounding out
and outer, love gasps light toward.
Term of mark to scene told again
the monk of arrows lopes the field.
and sent the letter of minute spells
in some disguise or mask in airs
foretold perhaps line to color in no
breaks between moves eye to charm.
the moon not sleeping turned aside
from meeting halfway some needs
are blue to spoil but grows again
to tell special plans are always in.
A couple of. Associated thought pre
-tends to tend : alert along the
face of night beheld again & said
these airs decide their press &
claim on to spell the day's form.
light in some move of loops &
ferns detail from speech the heart
of love's own name in spools of
thought; the blood becalmed in
haste, but dreams of dreams
become the day, act & will in
separations of the sentence, comma.
Stars, perhaps in some circular space
of acts the rest rests outer as known
from these lines cast or words their place
to move as green and yellow, the rest.
or often these claims have met as
time's processing round around these
blue noises the magnitude of movement
in the heart's lines they are some
distances in the moon and met as
shadow reflected in partial clips.
love's terms are set these days
away the line is light too and
poled aside the river's census of
acts permission undisturbed by
lines the space is set around as
day permits some vision unreplaced
in hearth or fashion by line &
term these rows permit again
to turn & turn again the eye's
glances cast from dream to mood
yr love has legs apart and dive
on in today the sun and spots away
Segments or partitions in some air
declared by rooms of settling out
to the road of morning into these
disturbances or music comes along
the way of color into shape this
loop along the heart to fold back
the passage of events the same to
leave the air aside nor puzzled
out to outer t his inside vision
of the same thing beside other
places left aside some people
or not any different the place
undeveloped like the music drawn
too simply but understood there
in some distraction eased aside
and told as here and this but
more to it the holidays interrupt
another flood of time into a
space of love's names around the
air to see this house as made
the body's roofs & claims, lintel
arched back her teeth & light
This wind these leaves the lake
as falls the line of light's name
beginning at the eye moved throughout
the same way seen to be the
move & charm of life's own term
the fish is cleaned out, and coffee
mode of alarum and recall to
love's beginning again at doubles
are marked charge & coil this
air resounds chattering blood to
hold the way is met alone but
drawn tight we are together at
the beating of the heart as one &
two some light between some
simpler diagrams circle triangle to
dust these reds and oranges into
food perhaps the day away as
outer other the inside meets the
rest and holds true to light the
way and mark, term, live and
permanent and drifts and goes
the end of life as told, thus, here.