Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thomas Lowe Taylor -- HOMAGES Book IV


101 (10:16:74)

Day to : air or edged

Along to spear, some
time line
then to leave
edge-wood, rose-wood
lines are
cool the smooth
and ocean to
some pile or term
and rock on up

Loaded between airs or moved
through churns
often locked aside

then thrust to turn
light’s open
sided claim,
and aired simple
out as turfed
the term is made,
air at and gone to ships, oar,
tune & sign
the guide, perhaps, his

house & term, align, spool,
fortresses of time, spaced out
aloft, but crept, beside

and known, all along the air
or sideways, skipped the root
& cave, her dampened edge

firm as flesh & upright “that.”
but comes between, the air


sun : from, water’d yielded flown,
to hear the limn & spoor, flour.

Or fled
to shear, film and scan, to
the earth and hammer, tones
to set, or shear terms leaped.

Designates. The room or leaf
: opposed pairs resolve
the way, her stomach, and air.

Or out, and told, the loom’s spin,
thorough tonight, held to term, as,

the light has spun on through my heart
and troubled sentences to the time

and leaped throughout to hear, also:
the room is offers.
Looped among harps
to sell or yield her name,
blood’s, eye.
and cried, intern, spoof,
tone of, deed
and pool,
cool to film, hear,
the foam subsided out and stair.

To ease or wrapt often the foal and
skin, flipped focal toads.

You are the way : to shores cast
east. No more visits,
settled in to this obscurity.
The sameness of events


From familiar wraps, toward senses, sent,
thorough toward,
lines out along the air,
and are among terms set to tell.

Formal, oceanic moans among time to tell, as.
between the air, wrapt, the moon, hears,

the light’s eye sum toward arms from to dream:
the car which was offered from

friend leaves, helps, her
gunshots were eased out, bicycle, 70 miles

but covered the path was made away and
said, “go” and alone, but to the place, only

the third remembering was kept, as strength
or force
wired upright, iron-rust, spooled-out.
The horse might gallop
and specific sung to tell ear,
or set against set, to thrust through.

detail or recall. Horse, hold, and a
dream to shoot & see along the way,

how you are to see or tell, fold,
and color, to designate
The room is white with black stripes,
to hear to:
spin & hold, orange is mark &
motive, from the moon’s awkwardness, even,
and met-moved.
His coffee, spilled, but kindness crept to
help him, friend, along. Home.

Wear or fold, to move & name. Line.


punned, the mote. Hears to say, aloof, particles
clustered at the left, see!! Or is it noon?

Purple, as love’s name surprises, to hear yr name
again, where the street moves between the years

and holds, then, to some single lightning, around
the line, from where you are, speech upon speech.

The air : or going : name : another density
yields term and plume, forts are gone.

Climate of the airs, song of days & works
unwound, loom of her fragile clustering, the

wreck & pool of ease swept emptily through
dawn’s eye, and easy, easy, lay her down.

Then stoop, yourself, into your dreaming. &
rescue some simplicity from saying, yes.

Blue to rise arise color & time. Spot. The
rough terminal subsides. Celebration, &

on. Loaf a blue root poorly, but rest
inside yr saying, yes, it is, & sung.

Below. Hold, the openings in the moon
are too few, and file out woodenly,

held in place by yr eyes, foolishly befit,
flung outward, the figure of grace,

crosswise : he slips woodenly aside, and
holds to the knots along the rope, among

sentences cast adrift, or worded-out,
drilled out on loco weed, and going.


wrote today. Eased the loop & saw it come
around, to meet in the winter, musked &

sent, the air’s own weaving loud a-loud & met,
to send the others away, at last, & yield.

So much for resting. Inside the day, to hold,
there are some turns turned to see, yet.

Fold alongside, or wept, but made throughout
into this term & sentence, you are, & moved.

Spins, waits, or wheeled to smooth places and
sent, along, formed. Or would you say, moon

among wrenches to spend away color to hold
sign beside wave or toss’t throughout, to

be the time of seeing, yourself, and stop, there,
the roof and time, mode & play of these

acres or tongs, gleamed along, in all ways
new, or told, then wrapt, aside, spoke.

Or held. The day decides & looms among
new sentences, he roams along to say

here, or stop, then pinched, blown out,
surrounded them claimed, center & tune,

a quiet voice remembers, to hold fatefully
where no diagram bends in to yield, then

see, there, where color rests into movement,
you paid, close & final, & into dreaming

left, pushed, roped, out to the scene
and loop, opened & eyed, a clear poem.


Play to hold the mark, and spins throughout
along the line, held, sway to leap & stop.

But leaps along, and firm, the light: stoop.

Frost : alongside leans
then turns to foam oceanic
the day color from loose
Tides of speaking-out, & lessens
or crawls to stay formed
a road, ticking off and roasts, flown
aside the shore of faces cast to see, the
moon is halved or stopped
then term to color a shelf of crumbs,
the roof-cast, upward and moved.

Loop as crawl. The openings of noon
are met at lunch and croak, creep.

Erect, a walk away, & heard, hard

the rope bending alongside to stir

then cool or ponds to scrape aside
and flow toward reasons skimmed

the tide or soap to cool up the light
is made then met her eye to fool

around inside the air of saying

there to hold : ice & clouds
the moon descends to speech, you
are: throated or spoke,
partitioned to loop
and blue to scene
then ponds, mark stop


formed : ally & song, sung to here,
these moods performed to tell,

then held among : spoke, rung to
sea-scene or spun along to hold.

Locked aside, turn to, hold to, leap leaf.
There to say only
black, or move
line the hold along

one, the line, told to shore, self & shape
along the line & wet, pare to skin, &

leads the way, or follow. Lark, mate
a green hat sways to weed. Nailed:

turn, three reds going, or followed, heap
of, link of, the air’s removal, paced

out among time’s voices, aloft the poem,
skimmed toward movies seen again.

Your face turned or head down, eye.
scooped roof claim
skipped aside chrome bulls foam

their elbows cracked, sea score & tone.

Her hips will or flee, the openings,
to slow churning crept, tongue of.

Hair-skipped, woven often through out, mark
of air’s original moving, loom

blue behaviors claim & snatch, from the
tone arrived, but woolen, screamed, a
growing, of love’s name, between, as.


fords along streamed through to spar,
or flips time away to start, recall.

Or list to scene along a term, overt,
as held between shrunken opposed,

folded aside at spun scents between,
or eye, spot, love to hold & sing,

your floats & grasses where to send
the day’s decisions out and out, then.

here arrived, and spun
where to fold
flow At-spin along
seals line. Roams

life’s long airs to head in & spot,
or thrust beside the ear, home.

Boom to crack or spill, there, entity
of foam resided at New York,

thus : loam at fold, or calculus, to
reign away, four, song to tell.

Rift, claw, rope and center, going
to hold, roof, loop, the day enjoins

to look after or penetrate, clasped,
the energies of passage, and his

fragile sensations roped throughout
to sell or blow the loop of parts,

there : rose or peal, the orange is
wept out and fooled, another
is benign, rotating and dark, it.


entire, or young. These floats toward
noon after turning leaves & foams.

But nouns & dense lessons are
not red, particular & nomenclature,

thrust, tomorrow wandering
looped to the resting
and roped tightly often
the saddle
heard his eye

and grown tall, toward the moon
shot & sent, elapsed, sent

sentenced, then, a word faces
out to hearing from the woods.

You are: the sun’s own clamps
as the remainder weakens

fitful & sincere, her car goes
to still the heart, & firm.

Do nothing. Another rope descends,
and where light comes-to,

rests-in, the door is left ajar,
and seen asides, hoped, at.

But peacefully, turned, look!
aside these remains are

wet, storm of the heart’s names,
and understood

roof to roof, birds


pace unwinds out, formed also along air.
But sea cleaned and turmoil, list

of indigent reserves, reservations along
all. Marking

parked away out is sent here
here sent is out away parked

simple & set the rose door open at
yr eye is smooth-cut & down, lie

to shore-line, spun to shape, red
as if and moon, are the loped moves.

Your sings and brushed hair surfaces.
Bush and slip into meaning, spend

overt calculus of hedgerows : looked back
but sometimes unwound out as pool

and shade hear color, prepared of
sentences settled loaf or grains

is not associated but hear & skips
to sand to the line red out as

green stalks cool onto the desert
living down along and marked.

Wash them. or stream & root, a
page away to photograph no

new idea and seeming attention
where the marks resolve at

stand & pool, grow, or nursed.


long, termed or mark, held to form
the time, or spent away, held, thus.

Fold red the long term moves, or wet.
But up, at float & song to heave

or swoop, then lift & solve, the way
of manners, schemed out or told, as

the way of words, met or folded, out
from these beginnings at the eases

of, lines of, fruit or color, his address.

You are these motives, then left away
told along the air’s own moving, at

sway & claim, held throughout the
air of morning moving also kept.

Alert the day’s claim as cool eases.
thus to sell or hold. Mark & term

or line & song at senses cast, back
to some destination, met willingly

from some wooden cast the line
looped around, but held modestly

where a saying, thus! To hold, &
then term & long, sounded out,

a whale! Roast. Dove. Loop & skip.
These cool postures are unfamiliar.

Roof clips or set, verb and move.
The day has openings, too, like sound.


marks, to term hold, there the moon’s beginning
rests out from seldom straights to boom

along unwelcome but persists, to friendliness.
Or hold among the lines, at sway & yield, to

fire or the way, set upon some limits, at rest
and rescuing to these elongations, spar &

monk, to hold on through but make the
term, spent or light, he goes to howl,

in a stomach noise, restless but benign,
in ‘advice to oneself’ to hear others

along the way turned, they are, to the
yoke or fathom, and word at word

would spoke or chime, then, as color
defines the pressure to view view, a

term or melancholy unpredicted joy of
line of, lights to spell among, as.

But roped and lightened, to float
away, to yell or spoke, wheeled

around, and law, share to peal,
or home, at food slept round

the half circle, in retreat, ah!

Then skip to new treasures, or out
-leapt the cross of light shores,

and shoring, a whale, beached
out and clipped, resonance. Of.


There to say, aloft, but spun, into the

way said, often and held, dove, the
hand says thus or pin, sold, fool.

Along and grown too
heart’s eye and scatter-in
your moves,
between, wet, as.

And hard upon the line, thrust, at, and
set to these particulars, blood’s open

song arised, the light between yr eye.

And raised, to tell, hold, hold, along:

after the moon’s distant emptying.
The raft settled out, but turned,

through a herd piled,
on top and in, the places, kept,

out from some distant rumbles, a
light of resolution, and specific.

Then, look back for ease and jump.

The roof decides to hold, yr head,
rotating along disks, or sent, to

meet at these junctures of passing.

and yielded, out, name, flown, to
some anchor of nouns, particle &

claim, claimed, undecided but thought.


The slim air told & spelled, or spun out
from some declining acts formed on.

Loomed also along, here to thrust. Pin.
then lean to shape or fling, astir.

Omen as, lined to shore of, pin of, at
handles leaning or put to send, often.

There : and sung among roosts like fur,
or cleaned and grown immense or total.

Your spears or floors : eases like red,
or flown from foster like pinnacles.

Lifted and music, counter to & fathom,
the favorite to clowns from removal,

or cleaned margins at nouns or fishing
entering scattered and benign ropes

are measure to signals or forms to
these restitutions of cause, light’s ear.

the floor heaved aside, squared out,
barned to the lift, or eye, eye, at.

Filed, lined, straw & pool, the loaf is
spent, folded to these rough colors,

penetrated at heard form tools the
red gear limned as the sea’s foam:

but color, subside, color symmetry to
bridge, gloved, roosted out, bloomed.

These pinned ears, or thrust to slide
the door was left & marked, loop.


Loose and term, the way;, but cleared,
also a turn, to and to, the three lines

swept, to have and black backed, also:
a bird would sweep back and forth.

The sky or claim to moods marked, then
set-to, among pleasantries, held to say,

aloft, the line, scope of sets claims, the
proof waits from events cast off, and

flown, thrust to terms, the eye, play &
sung, then, set to work at the heart’s

clamor & dream of moving, and waited,
out, time’s day declines but hovers

between dense senses, where time, too,
revolves to some salient rows & props.

And heard, heavily in the woods,
Where we kept our time, remember,

the wood & fire-song, cooked food
unwrapped by ceremony & song,

days’ energy made simple but kept
to rise arise the spine’s line up.

You are, and then decides, or held,
out, mark, term, sweep, tomorrow.

Blow. Skip to noodle’s roof & blue,
but thrown out, along to see, a

shape a shore a box and blow, out,
the air’s own blowing, a boom a skip.


Acts, then, to still, or speak to
the air and thorough, moved to

lean through events to seeing, &
how she is there to her being.

And smooth, the way time goes
along the way, where we are

also the same saying to, yes, and
eyes are also new, at houses

flung, or spent, motive & claim,
or a story : wrought, spent, below

my heart, then, initiation into life
at its simple beginnings, you are.

But wait, and hold, to endure long
in these reasons of forgetting

where we are, where we are, and
sent along the line, to see, this

angle & time of seeing, love’s eye
is also new, to hold among some

sentences : restraint, the name of
favor, and following, the time

of this beginning, of acts or favors
dismissed to some allowances

of the root, the call, air, color,
these nets of sense, claimed,

even, profuse, woolen, benign,
surrounded, timed, act & song, thus.


loosed, also among the still air, revolved.
The heart’s linings, overt,
roped : to some line.

Or the calculations, silent, for the leap.
your own becoming of sentences, heard.

And some danger permits the sights, they
revolved also toward, how he hears

toward the air resounded, to tear away
but stiffened, heated, some, closets.

Blue air resembles nothing, or skips
to mountainous tremors, from residues

to claim, then, and handled to the
room of some lessened stance, in favor,

to his eyebrows, eagle & song, to beam
on out to their receptions, particle.

Your knowing. But slipp’t to shore
the bird, below or blow, thirteen,

sanded out, plough & moon, her
fragile senses are wrapped, also, to:

begin these allocations of t he moon, her
pasture of relinquishing & sent, to.

is there some particular claim, frozen
to its shadowing, play and screen,

your face terminating from rust regains
to clip the air & woolen, amused, the

answering of some burlap eases, form, astir.


loops around, teeth to teeth, a smile,
swayed throughout some inclines

or steep ravines for the eye charge:
form & sentence among the hopes,

are and spun, along the sense of,
place of, peal, clime, stroll, foot,

then grow. Folded away, the shore to
these particles seen, one is another

one to itself, begin, perhaps, in this
air & single time, space & line to

their long gestures, or speak! Over the
line, or said, again, the line is met

among the turning, a gesture stops
and then begins, or told, a moon is

looped again & curled, at heat to
shore the bird is swept away, at

light, or driven, with a stick, part
& song, your close air resembles

blue or met, then, inside the air, of
some single sentences, hold,

the arrows are crept throughout
the motive, there, of single acts, out

to her stance, distinguished, then,
as some simple ordering of the

light, event to time; space, the heart’s
flight, into the plane & mood of this.


The room. Your own line cools the time
for these beginnings, that is, & held

among these pasts or refused energy
climbing the walls, from some relapse.

or spun. Out the room is clear but
calm in its lightning and posts.

over, a line extent for loosening, of
the room & peal, to roast wings

on a term of, line of, ease, split
out form is likened, or held, toward.

there : and cool from rooms cleaned
up to air, sung toward mounting

a flown hair to clip the pins in
this foregone outer rested spin:

a roof a day, tumbled smooth, no
rescues performed but drawn down

toward simplicity. The plumb & line,
their hoses, clean, clean, sung to

ear the rest, skipped, aloft, below
and claimed the same rotating drawer,

then left along the way, waited, &h
held in, pushed up, energy & moon, a

Sight, a view, a room collapsed, heart.
day as blown fog to clamor outer,

and cooled by restive birds, elongation
of roaming pins, roof, world, grown.


toned-out, lined among your own time.
Or what resembles sentences is then.

Motive, termed, voiced among the day
to told, heard, then, and sent to

their own voicings, where doubt re
-tains its own favor, & discrete,

surpasses shadows to its goal, or
lining the time with air, and

spoke, here, like some removal, of
time, too, heard, to spin out as

we are : and loosed toward light
or acts, or corralled, then, by

our sentiments, felt like old argu
-ments, or revolved, left to right,

where it would hold invisibly
and set-to, roped out, lined-in,

where the rooms carry time &
term to some conclusions; the

motor roams along the trail &
carries us close behind, & swept

aside, the day is new to see,
here & here, there are no others

and where we meet, a door, a
way : a loose flame carried up.


Your name is, friend, November. Sun,
And what you hear is time,

sent between the days to measure
song and light, between the

song, a line into these destina-
tions of the heart, uncovered, to

move inside your moving and
hold, a day begins again the

same arising to flesh the body,
and touch to see these new

beginnings are not strange; the
way begins in markings from

the signing of leaves. And what
is this, then, another line to hold?

In the same way all ways moving
so & so, you are the one to

one and known, as met & sung,

But hold & mark, terms are
set, we are, as one to one,

begun & stopt, at a short sign-
ing-after, where the heart stops,

and short , to move, line along, &
met, though, shorn, short, to

hear these words are willingly, &
there, your eye, to touch, &
So & so. To sing


Form is form, the mood of clamor, stung, and
unwound from the center, outward

into events cast, the passage into morning
and the mood of life’s own light, here.

alert the day is to arrive, final, at this
verge & shore outcome from begun

starts and fit in to some declension of
term of, mark upon the senses, at.

And hung to spin, yr feet awry, closed,
and heard, the heart’s own time, boomed

the body is this gesture, where we clear
the water, spin, clean, to hold on.

And there, her name is willing or declared
but spoke, sentinel and gong, one

simple string unstrung, song of this
new beginning, and day decides, clear.

Your face, reminds, the heat and sign
the mood away or clasps, foreign star.

The calculated line. Seen: away to :
over these removals & penetrations, a

clustering of types, remained, then, to
verbs or others. But won, the way

is filmed over, spurt of charges loamed,
& seed, cast in, yr plant eyes, fiber

of no descriptions, and on, moot or pealed.
A word is love, & known, heard, heard.


day to air, yielded fresh, to term away,
your heart resigns, and new to hold, a

line, a spot, fold & claim, to hear these
resonances, known or bounded by the line’s

time & swept ahead to no beginning, but
thrust clean, to move throughout the same

way moving, here, love’s eye shortens say-
ing & blows wooden & precise, your own

motive: crown & song, any word uttered, a
loop, lingering to hold or sentenced, shift.

A face, then, your own, where acts reflect
reflection, and perfect these drones to

their own summaries. Loomed out, held to
spoke. Shrine & tomb, the heart’s term:

and cleared away, a woods, tactic of the
thing seen, where it sleeps & turns, leapt

out to hold time suddenly, pushed, left, the
color blue, fold, air, sense of the due

behavior, but name, long & lunging, groped
a heat away, said. Mark these terms

willingly and in no time respite some easy
wave to hold or send, surfaced, then, &

spent away, or yielding of new waves
at some verge or climate, spent or spot,

and tune, to sheep shed sullen, of
other often over, another after, & sent.


at sink & wear, told along, and there,
folded around again, at stir &

swim, yield of motor to claim,
stick to these patterns & swim

the pool, lights to send these peals
the moon at song & film, thus.

The cold day moves sun to string
these loops of taste & sense,

a stomach. Then told or spoke,
the new letters or their pack

-ages are formed around some haste
of other often ovens, after sense

the way of words are new these
loops regained again to show

some fragile calculations at
stir & sloops the waved

blue mood, screened out, push
to stop, pooled : slippt, at

link & straw, paired pooled &
shown, third or foam, the

light gray palings from inked
moons out, lime, straw, grow,

adverse & singular, joy’s pleasure
is love’s name new to the thronged

alliances, taut, resonant, begun,
foamed in & straight, blown.


Loosed around to turn out away the faces
are not new and never the same way

intending out to lean ahead and stop.
Or over these walls foregone and told

to head away, out the room’s glow of blue
positions, up or termed, hold, ahead, as.

Form to say, here, and spoke the looms
of scattered retinues, ocean of the mood

to scan seeming the way is set & held.

Or other often, at senses shrewd to see
there are some places set to hold the

time is some beginning to be sent away.
your places calmed the window fogged

at slow paces cast away the seed or
spilt to home the child is roomed, clippt.

Some ear begun, as swum or loafed
throughout, mood, elevation, term,

the way of these beginnings, orange.
Room, the day of taking-out, a

flown bird lodges here or sets the
tone of bound edges, blue & loomed;

Crest or fume, the loose moons kips
around & clears the places out,

crowns the peer of these scatterings,
a room away & kept close to
hold & grow, again, your heart.


the eyes, then, bring us round, and
where we are is no beginning, but

thrown out, where we are, at some
occasion for beginning. And who

we are is also new; these elocutions
are not sudden but rehearsed, it

is our lives we have before us, to
some solitudes thrust or cast, and

often: these hearts are also new: this
air becomes our own, and where

this sentencing unwinds, there we
have also arrived, folded &

spun, sent to some meeting with
-out penetration, only some causes

withering with destination and word.
And where we are also followed,

There we are made into this arriving;
at some hedges thrust, song and

name, at some resolution burst, in
some particular thriving, and lost

to it, emptied of ourselves in
the world of this beginning,

and cleared to these new beginnings
by being made : alert, particular

and known. Where we are is home.
this world is clearly sudden, clear.


Line away, and spend among these
presences alert to this : settle in & hold,

the way is cleared, and in position comes the
resting, weaving claim : spin to hold and

stop; your hair between and long. Then
turn, or flows these clean & parts, to shear.

your name face is to hold away, a tense
this is and reversed to rhythm bound

away to stop, then, claimed, then, as
a destiny obtrudes out, at stir & pin,

or fooled away, to hear these rows
are new to hold among claims for

time & held, forget, push into the
air as color or time, but mood to

claim your air wrapt allowed to
clear to spin or sleep around the

lines are new to yield your name
is hard into the air or centered

throughout the same way sent;
to be there the moon is sent &

cleared away as some declines
are met or waived through color

as some dense hurrying looses the
dead lines to their own time.

love’s name regains to hold away
the opposition is in the term, & spent.


And term a line, inside and spoke, the
same way sending out, you are the same

too, and sent along this close strategy
of light, clear in its disturbances, to tell

these numbers, also heard, where we meet
in these darkened shadows, and heard.

Which line suspends the same light depended
in some particular destination of the

air, and loomed out away to hold this
simple night seen outspent to lean

& speak, you are, and met then, turned
out to hold the line between meetings,

but left aside and in some time removed
to these particulars of the ear’s moods.

Room. Sway the yield astir, & term, calm,
the open fragments subside : out to term,

these articles of means, and what is
waiting but this specific proof of eyes,

then, and cleared away outside to hold
the line to light’s beginning in the heart,

and love’s eye surrounded, then, and
claimed also among these residues of

the ocean, dredged, sucked, drilled,
undarked & spun, outer, plain & sung,

A name, then; your own permission, &
follow, it is made the same as this.


sentenced. Along-among, some occasion
to disturb out at the line, undisturbed.

Whereas, then, a line is made, termed
throughout these airs remiss to send.

And lined among the senses, at these
stirs to loom there as spent, whole.

The flood, moved or mood, as air revolves
to motives, as air becomes these sentences.

The line, as time becomes the post to
hold sway or airing along the time.

Whom skipped away or held, loafed at
noodles bent awry and held, aloof. To.

Becomes these nights and pools, or air
at some beginning, or roomed as night.

Your eye as love begun, and roofed, the
score as term & line, the thrust to pool.

And grown, then, as pond & pounded,
drilled-out on time, the articles sound.

And posture of, score of, mood to rooms
are bent these scales removed there.

Scored between feeling this means at
slippt a fool to skim between scores.

As calculation or begun, fathoms are
blue begun to term away astir, as.

And mood, cashed, flung, split, grown
and looped away, the fragile sentencing.


Loops at term & song: these wills subside,
the fruit opened at touch, hourned out, sea.

Life’s openings permit; thrown along, the rush
begins in light’s review, posture & tale,

another overt pool, and sent the same way, out
the time or odor of, line of, room away

and white, this food, become the reign of
light beginnings where foal & charge begin.

And rough, some hedge, at scheme &
sentence, hissed throughout from pinnacle

or doubt, then, again to send a loaf of
and benign, a door is formed of time

& slipped through these sensings of love’s

own name, eye & throng revolved
at some pealing-to, then, astir & tong

of redeemed beliefs or notes from wear
-ing tones the sloops are roughed at

a score derided, eye-heart & form,
meant to drive a room away to blue

loafed, astir sealed porches, or moon
-moon movement the simple spasms

obtrude, and rhimed among the worth
of a name, eagle’s earth removed &

piled up the hills are greening time of
the year heard or pusht for a
lapse at scoring, seal, seal, a pong.


or heard, dodge, lineal & claim, at
turn this repeal to dust, fathom.

Some eye would clatter, but spent,
then, as outer doubt lessens, spare.

Or, turned to love’s pleasure & song, again
to thrust her line along, spent up

from fragile sentencing, where these
boxes or rows are also new, to

loom become at told and rhymed, who
becomes there, or three and seen,

under his hat, the, or thin, your
here to listen along the voiced

or tailed the blue eye between
her term, the cowboy riding at

the throat of it, burned intense, in
tents to clutch my hard upon

the day, laid back, & watching
a fresh flesh recalls some

simple destination, or heard, a
throat is opened, too & lips are

ready, what-ever works, and
does, at least, work, then, as

what spills down her throat is
also hot, and made the same as

words, or words seeded into her
tongue; sucked, tongue & tooth.


Your eye beside, or overturned, the way
is also held alert from some simpler

destinations, and resolved us, in form to
doubt’s own pleasures, or new & sent.

The heart’s holding is, perhaps, singular.

Plumbed, the image of conjoint ears,
and plunged at center, the hard held

in songs and reigns, from foment at
the verge, and green: a black light,

or sun’s portion as something made
to know yr name is also ease,

and begun, between spaces told, at

sense to hear, or rain becomes,
these airs below, or spun, out,

the form obtrudes, as held among
the ropes to some slight gulch

slippt & folded into the remote
shadows, as where they loom-in,

the moon becomes sum and pool
of the systematic loaf, drawn

from specific instances to the sur
-face seen & spoke, or lipped &

snug, the frangible present, and
has the tight ropes lined into

the corner, blue, post, away, there.


Loop to life, or light’s own time, begun at
time’s own turn : and out to hold among

sentences along adrift, as held or spoke, at
song & time to skip or leap color’s own

thread or turned out along among alone;
or thrust thread cap at stir & sense,

at-thrust or won, and flung out , scored
at these particles of sameness, straw &

flaw. The loop declares its particulars:
and strong to rain this eagle’s soup,

stained like flown beasts or night’s
true beginning, these birds reversed to

flight & seen among their distancing
and profound, out spun or leaped over,

and overcome this family of tempers, re
-volved around the center, heroic &

faced: loop to song his day of birth,
loomed to warm sentences again,

the ropes are not bent away, but held.
Roam around the edge, day of night’s

color is black again, a hole in your sky
face, fathered by this seeing heart as

loop to light begins again, among some
slips shore & blind the roof’s collapse

is figure & tomb, his heart’s desire for
love’s own name your own to rise arise


or light at bright begun, as out upon wd
revolve some lesson, or descriptions of

name & act, where we bend line upon &
hold, then, there where we rest, as spoke,

or wheeled around among these sentences
& lined out to hard affairs, & how she

wheezes, at the verge of the climate, color
color, color, and then out another day

is heard to spin these wheels around
the day is met closely to some hear

-ing of these meandered spools & reels,
or where we sank away to time,

the mouth agape, or loved, & heard
again, then, that there are no

others, sent along the dream, where
we dive in & hold, rushed, streamed

& bedded, and from this vision
revived, or by & through its

new beginnings. But read. Yr
eye follows out: bright sight

quickens the mind, breathed,
we are, exploded to verbs,

bird ripped, sky tossed, hold in
the air, he zips a zipper on &

floods these lights again, yr name
is, time of, root & mean, aloft.


Roomed beyond out to spend among soft air:
a loop regained for pastures and polled home.

Or skipped as sung, her name & face, long shale
to furrow reef & claim, climate’s tome or hurry.

Rimed among, or also along the highway, a
line, a dot, a roomy pear, name & song,

A way beheld or spoke, and hard along, thus.
straw, folded, portrayal of like-ness & onto the

floor, spins these tense and furrow, but along
the shift, at spending air in air, her time.

Yr noose & clamor, or petrify, then, outer
disclaimers, or popular poetry, arrived at

common designates unwound away & held, to
miss the line & turn away at centering tides

swept ahead from form outleaped his nose
bending away from forces or long logs wrapt.

Names of rooms, eyes are told, then, & hurtled.
roof of cold loops, the way and burnt, a

scoop reminds, and strewn away to fold a
loose tatter flown aside rails & passing:

love’s grace in the tongue, a seed is
driven down the lanes, roped at side

& turn, & heaved away, loop of, day of,
and aired-out, scooped-off: energy’s

calm name and held: remove. These are
simpler calms, recalled & noticed, rift.


out-spun & steady, the fortunate sunshine,
and along the day’s shines, wherever whistles.

A name persists, work to outer other, double
of acts perceives and runs along an edge, line

of time’s beginning, whereas & proper, but hedged
around, along, day a day and finished.

Thus or met, the musical phrase, or parsed
with hesitant wheats, the wrapped coastline

of ideas, and red-orange permits familiarity
to belong, but won like jersey or families.

But where there is no sentencing, propound a
cagey loom of blue lines intercepted, exile.

and green sticks, uprise and claim, your eye
belongs, again, into revolutions of the circle.

And clean, then, or argued, where time
resists allowance, permission love’s simple due.

roamed, the horse-dust & plea; a foam
or distanced oracle, yr own voice, & right,

but clean improvement unceased or blue, and
whose tail to surface out but clasped among

hair & pillow, her face & name clearing &
turned, align become these ropes & rocks

your noose betides & loops to hold, this:
and love’s names ire, slowed to tufts,

leased out & worded, scooped & pebbled,
then, light’s word imprisms love’s eye, in.


marked a term as game along this cloud
is moved from line to grace, & holds.

There & met: a roof unspun as term &
time the dwarf to spool these upper

stories, as long among these hedgerows
are colored & willing as seen or thrust.

then some distinction, or loomed center,
a patriarch, and held wooden, a

name or woman and terms met as
one or song, but tensed-out, &

driven away or terminal, en masse
the day decides its color, yield of

indigent behaviors, lines remembered
from the middle, or dark, the book

found lodged or wedged, lying, actually
at the corner, on velvet, & met, will

& temper, the double set of noises
close to : within the ear some roses.

Your foam, the eye’s tokens to sight.
or seen through, heart of the loafed

boot : loop scoop & bite yield, they
are, a temporary rest of light, as

the day or perfect surfaces, bright
and new, yield of light particulars.

hammered, seen, looped, spun, named,
a day is met, love’s eye opened.


across slight distances, I have heard a
slight chill resumed, then, toward part &

claim, the mode of alarum’s recall distinct,
verbed, then, as outer & other, loom among

red distances, or told realm to doubt, the phase
borne in to some distinctness, loafed, noodle

and air, her hair spun out, to roads
rewind & slooped, or tensed backwards

to no particular estate or hope’s wooden
chain, eloped, sloped, caught on these

disasters of the way, or low & proper
as his airs are, revolved among along,

your heart along & beating, figure of
collapsed intents. You are, I see, &

roped off, loomed-in to some calculation
or in no hesitation won but singularity’s

resistances, clothed with fathoms or
patterns, sea=-swept & lame, the

eye of these beginnings wept around,,
or heard, too, simple chimes unwound

to the ears place & mark, she is, &
dreamed away toward this recall &

loot, heart’s anchor of welds, a spot
to touch his voice alert, motives

air to send, rough, away, thirsty wedge
of these loops regained, outer: outer.


and rim around, loops resolve to orange
limits, or poled-out, a sky evinced from

hesitant jumping, this out-leaped pressure no
thorn but life’s pool & blue room won.

Or would a cause revive? I mean, push to hop,
stop or even, there, is no longing after, but

energy’s ropes revived, wound up from song
in the morning, or light, & how he swims

upwards, and total, too, or unwound sky
at ochre rims & their nomenclature, of.

roost a rule: pain swims outer, lapses.
the throat has clean rooms, or posts,

& recall automatic fervor, but lessen, &
doubt that they are finished, along a

cool reduction, word out pressed in these
claims, form to time, and donates

aligned or fathomed, wind to heart, of
a temper won, out the heart, too,

of other offers woven out to the planet
at sense & spill, yr hands, reposed,

and her time, too, weakened often
to clasp after, but timed-out, miss

to tell & hold, right & left overpass,
helps to tell a letter & some pictures

where they warp after, children, come
to light, mother of, father of, both.


slipped, peal to term, yr heart moves, too,
mode of, alarum of, recall & gong, &

goes throughout the same or held, firm, of
allowance & song remind rewind of

other offers, ordered after, & snug; these
reefs, or grounded; loafed or, timed.

Pasture regains: another blue loop mounts
maintained, this cool double recall or the

moment cleared to spin & out; mountain
of : young term allowed spirit call

to roof of, recall split, cleared to
marked out, lines mood & claim.

Alert. The tools are cleared out, to
clear tones leaped, moves, eye to

love’s time, & heard; water movies
talking out, and limned. Term of. A

cool mood leaps out, or turned, pit
to clear murk. Eye held, marks to a

leaping. Forts are crept, or out marked
today, then, clamped on &then green.

Your eye behld, or often, & works out
too, & told another claim, or often, out,

a tone, a term, another yield beckoned out,
floats through there eyes, heart termed

out , or floats, bang, alarm, flushed up
a third, out, floats, term, tell, even, in.


change this mark, so : a loom among, &
held to, moved in & spoke, the fragile

yield becomes, then, over times & lines of
doubt, scattered out & held, alert, also,

tokens of air & passage : the doors submit
too, outer or other, often argued, egged at

the possible titles, scale of time’s remission,
then, or postured after color’s argument,

blue or green, then, heaved onto the sky,
where there are no others, and even so,

and even so : a name becomes, or house
and eye, the transmission of, loaded

through alarms of doubt, and anchored
out, or told to spend, hard among these

edges are forlorn, or tempered out from
wells withdrawn, wind & air are these

revolutions of time, loops regained by
turn & turn, to throw & claim, or

yield to turkey, gloom, sun’s won &
beckon, there, as some term of, built.

A loom becomes, word of, air at, tone
among these raw distances, or

eyes beheld at nothingness, their own
fervor a claim & yield of life’s

own name, love’s eye surrounds, &
ropes motors out along the sky.


Termed, along these marks or ways : as.
Light’s line among proper densities,

but looped, awry green partitions, to
resound between days & graces, through

the airs woven between days & days,
then, elongated before, at, at : thus.

your own frames met melancholy, form
to derail often or other, thrust to

some foment & clarity, of their bestowal
to fur & limit the overt causes arise,

then clamor to term or finish at
lumped claims toward their own

arrival. Elapse & sing to thrust and
plough, or along the roped airs,

the blue grains are hollowed out &
flown at sky-scene & particles

toward flowers or followers, where
are we driven? A name subsides

throughout yr history, or booked
to licenses between hearings, of

their reminders drawn among a
horse or term, ridden out to country

sides and newer starts, between
their asides and spoken through

a resinous density out-clamoring
the heart, even as love’s time draws.


alive along among : hard upon the edges,
or ripe toward light’s demeanors of purple

and red cohabit out after outward signing,
along throughout these harps or tines, yr face

becomes this sign, or overt toward excusing, &
out from light’s line in, & then in, from

his lineaments and placing : the eye’s rest
-less permutation; his flight begins at see

-ing; this thirst renowned; her blows are
wept. Motives rough toward climate, or a

line defended term & mark, heard, as
spoke, named as uttered, or disbelief:

caution permits caution, but out leaped
fire untouched as thrust up, lip or eye,

the child or tokened life to alight
beyond these airs from power permits;

loosed, leaped. A gust below, or rises
to new hastening another quest for

long treasures, relates, as boxed, blown, a
clear beginning lurched or plead, her

trips away and back, but centered, or
stopped, and rotations remiss flown out

or authored, the figures of his graces,
but I am told, here, season of a

loose flight, winged or soar, love’s
open time, arose & scanned, today.


The branch followed, page by page, through
the gutter of this note-book, lifted day by

day: & placed, there, overleafed, you may
say : & tune, to time’s own image, & fresh

or frenched-out, like, out-like, even, the
little fox, me, gets wet, oh yes, I know

that, as-such, but later, told, or spoke to
blue hedges, the one who now appears

to be the leader of the sacrifices at feast
days : ebb and ebb, this light of terms

made manifesto the ancient rhythms suffice
to erase doubt from meditation, and

trance to line, prance or trace, some humility
might inhabit me, please, and ease this

intensity of pauses where I am still a seeker
&, of course, fantasize my self as that

which is sought. Love’s name subsides to
honesty, this thanksgiving day, and haloes

what is welcome, at last, my own voice
discovered in my acts, at last, this

simple arriving of words to me, no
longer alone, at last, like Dave’s

epitaph, mine for him, “he played hard but
he didn’t know the rules” or mine

for me, “along.” Jody in the kitchen
and Alex’s shoe glued together, ‘GRIP”


Termed, onto these flat platforms, and
reached out, as remembered, there, the

formation of these values, or lines over
my own decisions, and seen, arranged,

for deliberate sensing, like these send

-ings along the line, and heard, as sent
to these dominions for relaxation, over

the edge, lined out along the way, a
stop or ledge, there, formed between

the moons, fulled or plant. Paired out.
But rest, and fall away, rooted in

and heard, spoke among feasts, astir
to specific beginnings, where we are

and held, then, to logs & posts at
their verge in the air, moved to

spoke at rushed outer & tell, ovens
looped awry & held, first, spun,

sentenced, blue to mooned fragrance
of overt loops & bent as spins,

color to tell, heavily the pool is
opened & a line is termed “regret,”

but left from feeling, tent & pole.
roost, ally, pinnacle of doubt to

loaf below & strike, light alternates
throughout, love’s way sung, outer, and.


And then, hearing, out, these rooms.
roofed among pleasances, a hard jar.

but eye, yr heart betokened here,
heard alert, rowed astir & held,

a familiar errand, through reliefed.
or are you held, away, butter a

sliced meeting, there is more, even,
at light & turn, where the action

Holds, or tight, spot, spent, on:
sunshine is, and term of, resolute.

Nearly, and mounted, green-leafed,
but seen through, screened, noise.

They would be that, but this-here.
and along the sides, swept clean,

scraped down, piled, wooded out
the scale from this loom’s other

reaping, yr nose permits, orange
to dust, but clipped astir &

firm, formed-to & flown out, a
seal, a wedge, a slipped pear,

and smoothed-out, more, here, a
loom among distances is more

profound, and heard like posture,
to repeat indefinitely, though

character enfolds outer, made
to love’s term by sentences.


Line’s life a child is, as spoke, the
“conjunction of two wills” or birthed

and in the harmony of pleasures, there
is another realm, or face to face, is

this darkening of life’s own time, sung
among these quickenings, or at tables

flung, in no way bespoke, heard hard
& thrust throughout to ease or clipped.

Then hedge a row unexplained but cast
adrift, and floating unhurriedly past

beginning, even, and made into some
thing un-profound, or disturbed, &

made into this proper wholeness by
imagination, flown aside astir or

kept, swept, cleaned at image &
term, loomed throughout the hard

line clears & spins, her opening
or mined at detail, spun, thrust

hold : there from other blue airs.
But a leap a leaf or lid, come on.

Simply, or spent, cool among outer doubts,

cleft & song hears to cool edges at

the verge of light, love’s own name
and on again the highway overcome, &

smoothed, lighted, loafed, among.


Resumed notice permits or inhabits
toward sentenced layers although.

Mooned in or slight rescues of green,
and, then, there are also mysteries.

Words tell, though, throughout this same
resembling outer of other motives, at

tables’ restitution & overt motives are
storied out from languid permissions.

heroic, a stance, child-heart, and
wrapt beyond sensation to claims

of red tunes remiss, overt bastion
of inner blows, as are to hold, on.

but name yr heart so, and so, to
sleep, touched, a mood aligned

and continent or a plain removed at
clear examples doubted out as a

motive gains intensity & not pained
either, berthed or birthed out,

a loop along a line aligned as such,
dismissed and fathomed, her eye,

swell or foam, uprised at hedges &
documents withdrawn, a cool mountain

and strait lines across, some are
broken, & light resumes some favor out

along the way, or positive, to view &
clasp, love’s child is born at last.


Loss of an unknown life. Or dark
& still, quiet pressures from underneath

the heart’s still penetration at life’s rough
edge : known at last these particles of

night’s beginning, settled out like out-like;
a man’s own time is new, & told, to see.

But hear, term of light, mark &
term of the planting-in, where you

held to the side & crept in, but
lost, to time spun out & cleared.

did life & tong, or pulled through
these sensations of some benign

elocution, pear, flute, sperm, on
the line or circuit, creamed, pawn,

the loops or fathoms, mark, mark.
but solemn, water plumed into

night’s rain spot, lighted behind,
a thorough and precise caution

from remiss or patter, ear of the
heart’s own sealing, crusted and

green, a long & proper term is
met & claimed, of cool & single

mood, heaved out a spin away
to ropes or castles claimed &

loomed, clothed, emptied, then, &
carried out to tell, here, here.


Marked, moved : air resembled out along,
but spun to light, these loops are

stiff, beckoned; align the rope taut,
hear or tell, speak, tell, you are.

Green to speak, often rest, claw, a
sentenced fragment straw clean,

looped her eyes are also new, as:
and looked over, a shell, a

day, perhaps, to rescue life, &
moved time’s-term or slipped

aside, cast off, seen to hold, astir
through limits are profound, as

ropes decline through heavy lines
and marked, the day removes

to tense sojourns, roofed over
& expected to meet again

the dream of lives touched where
are we sleeping, some colors

are not named from white or
black, horsed over, calmed out

to residues of imagery, but no
other to feed them closely,

or no air roped out, you might
believe there are claims met, his

eyes are crossed, over, jumped &
grown up & out, a stalk recovers.


What spoke among acts or aces, it
lingered in us, spoke its forces, rhythm

of edge, of, song’s perfect clarity, or
listen. Or was a post or claim, your

own misgivings, and hair, or sleep, a
rest becomes this temper of airs.

Then hold, spoke, edged out from the
plans, hardly stopping anywhere, or loose

& fitful, but throughout, we are also

another reunion, around or bent, to
rush out through linear deposits;

your fast beliefs at home to cook
or rush out again this green spoor,

roofed. Slip, then hold, in that way,
or often, sinking to thought begun,

iced over and met, loop & clamor,
his renewed clauses, particles of

and danced, spectacular, seasons
from such release, you held a

light, a line : love’s rough edges,
and tapped-out, climbed, then,

as fragile distances reoccur to ease.
Bedded-out, harmed, green-rust,

Then spring to size & growth, it is
These removals of sensation, musked.


Child : heart. Eased or cloudy, and firm,
too, to tell out, hasp and drone, clubbed.

there, love’s eye permits to presence, at
some distinction thrust or passed, a

gray and lengthened motive, pursuit at
lessened tempos, marked-out along

the new : term, persist, flux of proper
nouns unwound against the roof, and

power’s remission to acts, but person.
interruption, roses growing out, or a

lawn toward her eases, Particular
deaths are transformed, but never

named, again, might be left astir
to continents or started out, loop

& term, and rift of, claw of, word:
heard as terminal or floats, at

movies named, seemed against the wood,
or ever : motive astir throughout a

lessened particle, charged up, noses
at rugs and clarity, or forgot the

way out, clothing, even, and left.
Might stir. Additive, rushed out, a

Description, and where events persist,
the world, notations of loves begin

-ning, laughs through the stars , playing
again and roped among his eyes, done.


And on the door of my house, the same
inscription, the door I nailed together

marked out, it was at juncture & calm,
a door was made, set, hinged, circled.

Often to turn, strengthened, along the way
and cold, a heart’s mode, alarum, call:

a roof, too, climbed, mailed, set to set,
or over, alone, the color red red, a

new tone or rescue, calling to gray
news, the pages sent out or moved.

Your own mood, then, friends gathered
into one beginning, and sun or blue,

the new eaves are set, too, and won
out as contribution or net, screened

& sung leafed over the moon, a
storm subsides to doubt, hears, then

moves throughout the same sending
and met willingly among stony claims.

Thirst. Wooden claims, the rest rests,
and over all, one mood persists,

where we set out against this move
-ment, the fragile notations at eve

-ning, and flown away to grow, a
net resides, recall of duties flown

to exclusion, at least, & costumed,
dreamed, perfectly at rest, then.


Mood & term, aligned betimes all ways,
sunk arise, sentinel & song, the new

line folds or spins, then, turned to spell
some mark of light’s line & term,

then, enfolded toward terms away to
become or other : held, herd, the peak.

Loafed, awry, below a moon away
& then moved. But sprayed into

the air & mouthed, sucked, her eye
before & said, then, and raised

again to hear some handle, is to
speak or fold, blue among the

senses, and pulsed among airs
they are, as won & plumb, after

these names, or made, light &
song, marked, the room, is,

told to spin, over these rings
or made, then, as some rose

sentencing, from, often or over,
eased out & sold, the roof.

Blue-orange and told, the day,
or roughed-out, spun along &

mode of, alarum of, the crept
& folded pleasures, marking at

these new airs, love’s clarity
for gathering seed to song, as.


This regulation of distances, where ease
submits the poem to some newer scrutiny,

though not evasive, lessened toward its
actual resonances, included in these acts.

permission, thorough, lined, a word at:
yr cautions might admit, then,

so some penetration, act & song.
I will not talk about this, now.

At some well traveled distances.
the rooftops gleam woodenly,

or wet lines claim attention, at
musk & song, the fragile rooms

permit, lesion & air, or fathoms
of actual presence, and followed

toward your unhearing insistence
as one among specific words, to

pray out, line of : and sought,
he meant, where distinction is

hardly effacing, though pressed
through acts to see & blue

distances removed, or outer covers
and specific removals toward

what is uncovered, these put-on.
rhythm of, line of, the one moon

evading, life’s removals, to dust,
and loves continents at sea.


Spare, line. Mark & turn, thrust away
or way these, moved to & to, thus.

And listing, slide a move a mark away.
peel & turn, loaf a moon a meal is

and filled, these clouds have settled
through the air and spent, then, at

term & call. Call to turn, another
southern loop descends, drawn in

from some settling to where the air
resides, then, and terms the light

to spell or chime, booked out and
pictured, at a word, less, or

claimed, rocked throughout and
hard among single sentences,

clipped-out, roughed in, or filled.
Hold or clap. Where the air resides,

into these cool chatterings of the eye,
made a mark another, and then

fooled, aside as spoke, through the
light behaviors at stance & call.

coppered on to turning, roof a
moon to spin, love’s beginning

to be told, spoke, uttering of the
heart’s way, and held, storm

and moon, the wind wept, his
new ears wrinkling, then, & left.


Light’s life, the line, and moves, in
this eventual speaking, and termed,

anew, that persistence and favor are
met, throughout the same, away, ;and

turned, then along the line and told
at heart & song, then, love’s beginning,

or where we are, juncture & tone, the
rough airs sending-out, termed to

hold & speak, through the name of,
day of, times turning at light begun.

Thorough, a blue beginning : mark, the
term & sign, booked, then, registered

even in some failure of the eye to see,
yet there is something seen, even, in

what is felt, known, anew & spun,
to thrust forward in conclusions

made to hold, line & time, these are
the new terms, and met, then, at

rough joints of glue & wood, or a
simple day unwound from some

easy calculations of air & term :
there. the snows forbid, entry

of, seed sprouts to arrive at
lid and pool, remove, tell float.

begin & fold, speech to utter and
then regard, look, see, air to air.


Light these loops regained, you
passed through, ;medium of neglect,

spun by these travelings-through. Again,
hold, the day moves, loops toward recall

& term, where we are, then, along the
time of these particular lights, hard

among distances. Loop & mark, his
simple face with eyes aside, but

glanced-out, whaled, perfect. A new
removal entails some fragile

rhythms : yr light keeping the way,
and thorough specification is

also arrived. Out of what we are,
in some rejection of the blue

noises, again, simple, statute
& claim, we move throughout a

day of, night of growth and light,
love doubled out along the moon.

But hold, you are the same way, alert.
Mold. Loop of day regained, then, &

some recollection simple & termed
away, met, loaf of particular ice.

show, then, where some angular
shapes recall doubt’s redoubt,

or love’s eases cast alert & simple.
Wharf, doom, love’s new airs, are.


Light’s time arrives, thorough, mute, a
roughed hue of singular terms, précised,

the eloquent gestures forbid terminal song:
but if she leaves or stays, no matter, there

are others, and what one seeks, to mate, I’m
presence, not drama, and what subsides

then, is not sympathy but pressure, and
the emptiness of love’s name is beginning,

no nouns interfere, but yield, then, and a
fragile eloquence submits us toward

our others, business, or who we are in
some community of acts, seeker & song:

relief to thorough terms. Drift & spell.
you would relax and open your

legs to yourself, then, & plunge on in,
reef & claw, the rough airs decide,

and pool these open restrictions to some
continents. Cool-out, then, & leap to

the other shore, that what is spoke
is also thought, & long enough to

be sufficient, you know the rest,
attired, then, from simple claim

met, spun, woolen, a fringe of doubts,
and sullen, skipped, wrapped from

evening’s sensations, keep me well or
leave, and alone, the rest rests


Loop resigned, or told, heart upon the line,
and where there is nothing, then, substance

permits, omits, occludes, but heaves
through to hold, term & line, to light

alight these songs : spun, won, out to
these alert sentences who we are,

skipped a beat & beaten : held & slipped
up to leave the air aside & filled,

yr hand, seeded & sent, dream to
dream, then, but felt, slid, sent

from trip to scene, awry at storm
& toss, looped out & showered,

how the eye permits, pleasure &
song throughout the same isolation,

even among these airs; loop to mood,
and held, a rod to leaf away &

throw, thrust, strung out, leaped at
these hollow rooms we inhabit,

& rhythm doubled hand over hand,
jerked, rubbed, gloved by the eye’s

telling, but if she’s willing, perhaps,
too, she is empty, made so by

this gentleness of withdrawal, tenor &
claim, as one is made to be these

moments of life, might there be, too,
a play & room, air of, night of, love.